China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 608 It’s really an idol drama

Chapter 608 It’s really an idol drama

My Online Dating Boyfriend is a Superstar is scheduled to be broadcast on January 1, the first day of the Lunar New Year, on, Yanjing TV and Jiangsu TV.

Overseas, it will also be broadcast simultaneously on YouTube and TV stations in 21 countries and regions.

The reason for choosing the Spring Festival period is to stagger the broadcast time with the celebration of the New Year. On the other hand, due to special reasons, theaters are temporarily closed. The Spring Festival period is gone. Everyone stays at home and has nothing to do. Watching TV series is also a good idea. s Choice.

Due to special reasons, Zhang Nanyi basically adopted an online promotion method for the online dating superstar broadcast.

On the evening of January 1rd, the third day of the New Year's Day holiday, Zhang Nanyi conducted a live broadcast promotion event at home with Nazha, Liu Xinyou and Meng Ziyi.

This live broadcast was conducted on Daju Online.

There was no host for the live broadcast, so Zhang Nanyi hosted it himself. At 7: p.m., the live broadcast officially started.

Zhang Nanyi appeared in the live broadcast room and said hello to everyone: "Hello, friends, can you hear me? This is my live broadcast room. It is my first time to live broadcast, and I am not very experienced yet. Do you have any questions?" Remind me in the barrage."

Because of the previous warm-up and traffic, coupled with the popularity of Zhang Nanyi, Nazha and others, the number of people online in the live broadcast room reached tens of millions when it started, and it is still rising.

The barrages are also dense.

"Damn it, why is Mr. Zhang so close to his face? He's so handsome!"

"I can hear you, the live broadcast is normal."

"Anchor please turn off your beauty filter and restore your true self."

"That's right, turn off the beauty."

After seeing the barrage, Zhang Nanyi smiled and said: "I have both beauty and filters turned off. If you don't believe me, I will show you what it looks like with beauty and filters turned on. This is a filter, this is a beauty." .”

"Damn, that's so weird! Don't turn it on, turn it off quickly, you'll be more handsome if you don't turn on the beauty function!"

"I heard before that a really good-looking person would turn into a monster if he turned on the beauty function, and he would be unattractive. It turns out it's true."

"Mr. Zhang's looks are much more handsome than those Internet celebrities who are full of beauties without turning on the beauty filter."

"As expected of the global grass!"

"Well, what else? Good looks are what celebrities rely on to make a living. Can you become a star if you don't look good?"

"Yes, I can list many!"


After Zhang Nanyi said hello, Naza, Liu Xinyou and Meng Ziyi also showed up to say hello.

The live broadcast room became even more lively.

"Today's live broadcast is really a feast for our Yangou!"

"I want to report this. This live broadcast room will shine. Why are the four of us so white!"

"I envy Mr. Zhang. He is handsome and surrounded by beautiful women."

"Yes, the eyes that Naza and Liu Xinyou looked at Mr. Zhang were so affectionate and full of love."

"There's something wrong with Meng Ziyi's eyes. You can't hide your love for someone."


Once Zhang Nan saw that everything was normal, he said straight to the point: "Today's live broadcast is mainly to promote our TV series. My online boyfriend is a superstar.

There is no process for the live broadcast. I just chat with everyone and answer everyone’s questions.

If viewers have any questions about the drama "Online Dating Superstar", you can ask them in the question area of ​​the live broadcast room, and we will answer them in detail. "

As soon as Zhang Nanyi said this, the barrage became even more lively, and everyone was asking questions.

He looked at the most popular questions in the question area and said, "Many people are asking, is the show Online Dating Superstar an idol drama?

If we insist on talking about the genre, Online Dating Superstar has elements of an idol drama and can be classified as an idol drama.

In fact, the development of idol dramas has only been around twenty years, and the earliest audiences they faced were young people who have a beautiful yearning for love.

Therefore, the elements of idol dramas are usually to cast handsome men and beautiful women, with love as the main line, and use various bloody plot routines to stimulate the audience's emotions, thus becoming a hit.

It's just that with the development of the times, the audience has become more informed, and the previous bloody routines no longer work, so more and more variations of idol dramas have developed.

Compared to idol dramas, I prefer to call online dating superstars urban dramas.

The soul of urban drama is to be close to life and based on real artistic processing.

It's just that many urban idol dramas are not good at this point. Some are afraid to film, and some are not good at filming. Therefore, urban idol dramas are getting more and more ugly, and then everyone rushes to film ancient puppet dramas.

Because many ancient puppet plays are imaginary and basically ignore the logic of reality. If you want to find fault, I will say that this is the setting. "

Zhang Nan was used to being a professor, so he talked a lot as soon as he opened his mouth, and the barrage also made jokes.

"That's it. Professor Zhang appears and starts teaching!"

"Stop talking, stop talking, I'm going to fall asleep."

"I finally took a vacation and watched the live broadcast for fun. I didn't expect to attend the class."

Zhang Nanyi also noticed the joke in the barrage. He smiled happily and said: "Students, the physical education teacher is on leave today. This class has Chinese class."

Seeing that the barrage became more lively, Zhang Nanyi continued his lecture: "Actually, in our country, many people in the TV drama field look down on idol dramas, and many people in the music industry look down on saliva songs, but you let them create hit idol dramas and globally popular saliva songs. Songs, they can’t compose them.

Classic works are of course important, as they represent mankind's pursuit of art, but popular works are also important, as they are the main force of cultural export.

Especially idol dramas. The audience of idol dramas is young people. Young people's emotions and ideas are not fixed, and they are the most susceptible to infection. "

After saying this, Zhang Nanyi pretended to be dignified and said: "Okay students, get out of class is over!"

"get out of class is over!" "Come on, go to the cafeteria to grab a meal!" "I'll go to the basketball court to take a seat first, brothers, come quickly!"

The audience in the live broadcast room also followed suit, and everyone was very happy.

Zhang Nanyi continued to read the question area, "My Online Dating Boyfriend is a Superstar. Is this drama about sugar or hair?" "The average age of the three leading actors in the drama about Online Dating Boyfriend is 34 years old. Will it be made into a middle-aged drama?" The feeling of being in love.”

"Will I release a new album?"

"How do you usually take care of it? I don't care. Naza is more professional. Let her explain."

"Someone asked when Qing Yu Nian 2 will be filmed. Let Meng Ziyi answer this question."

"Why don't you let Liu Xinyou sing the song "Live Hard"? Haha, why don't you let Liu Xinyou sing a song for everyone?"


Under Zhang Nanyi's control, although the live broadcast was just for chatting, the atmosphere was very good. There were more and more people in the live broadcast room, and the number of people online at the same time exceeded 3000 million.

"Hello Mr. Zhang, I am a loyal fan of yours. I am suffering from an incurable disease and I just want to hear you sing a song before I leave. It would be best if it is the former you."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, my roommate's time is running out. His only wish is to hear you sing a song, preferably the old you."

"Hello Mr. Zhang, my roommate is dead. His last wish before he died was to hear you sing a song, preferably from the past."

When the topic of singing came up, the barrage began to flood the screen crazily, with everyone encouraging Zhang Nanyi to sing.

Zhang Nanyi did not refuse. He smiled and said: "Then let me sing a song for everyone. After singing this song, today's live broadcast will be over."

As soon as Zhang Nanyi finished speaking, Nazar stood up quickly, went to the next room to get a guitar, and handed it to Zhang Nanyi's hand.

"Haha, Naza was so fun. She was acting like me and couldn't wait to hand over the guitar."

"Nazha is with Zhang Nanyi, haven't you heard enough of his singing?"

"When Zhang Nanyi sings, you will never tire of listening to it. Just look at Naza's performance."

"That night, rush, rush!"


Zhang Nanyi took the guitar, adjusted it slightly, and began to strum the strings, "Thum~thum, thum~thum..." A melodious rhythm came, which made people feel excited all over.

The barrage in the live broadcast room immediately decreased by half, and everyone was concentrating on listening to the song.

At the request of the barrage, Zhang Nanyi sang the song "My Past You", but he played Xu Wei's concert version. The intro was very long, but it was very nice.

"I once dreamed of traveling to the end of the world with my sword and seeing the prosperity of the world. The young heart was always a little frivolous. Now you are at home all over the world... Dilililidilililidenda... I woke up drunk last night... Let us drink this glass of wine, a good man's heart Like the sea, it has experienced all kinds of ups and downs in life, this smile is warm and innocent~~~"

Zhang Nanyi's master-level singing skills and playing skills performed the song "Once You" perfectly, and the audience in the live broadcast room was fascinated.

Listening to the scene, the three Nazha women felt even more intensely, and they all had intoxicated expressions.

After singing this song, Zhang Nanyi said: “That’s it for today’s live broadcast. I’ll talk to you again next time I have the opportunity.

During the Spring Festival, everyone, please remember to watch my online dating superstar is your boyfriend.

I would like to wish you all a happy New Year in advance and wish you all a happy New Year and good luck in the Year of the Rat! Bye-Bye! "

Nazha, Liu Xinyou and Meng Ziyi all said goodbye, and Zhang Nanyi cut off the live broadcast.

The screen in the live broadcast room has gone black, but the number of people is still rising, and the number of barrages is even denser.

"You were worthy of being the endorsement song of Huaguo Petrochemical. After listening to it, I wanted to resign!"

"It's so exciting. I don't want to go to class tomorrow. I'll take a leave first and go on a self-driving trip."

"Mr. Zhang's version is an adapted one. It's different from the previous arrangement, but it has more feeling."

"It's true that the music has been re-arranged. When will Mr. Zhang hold a concert? It's really in his lifetime."


Zhang Nanyi's live broadcast to promote online dating superstars was very effective. Not only was the live broadcast very popular, but the subsequent discussions on the topic were also very lively.

However, the hottest topic was still taken away by the last song he sang, "The Past You", mainly because Zhang Nanyi has not sang in public for too long.

The last performance at the Magnolia Awards Gala was just playing the piano.

Therefore, the popularity of his singing this time is very high, and he sang an adapted version of My Past You, which naturally aroused great attention and discussion.

Clips of Zhang Nanyi's live singing were edited into videos and have been highly viewed on and YouTube.

Although everyone is discussing the past you, the theme of this live broadcast will also be mentioned to some extent, and the drama "Internet Superstar" will be known to more people.

On January 1, Nanyi Culture released the second trailer for the drama "Online Dating Superstar".

This version of the trailer uses Yun Weiwei, played by Nazha, as the main perspective. The accompanying song is "The world is so big and I still meet you." It edits various scenes of Yun Weiwei and Zhang Tianlin meeting, getting to know each other and falling in love, which is very sweet.

After the trailer came out, the term "It's really an idol drama" immediately topped the list of hot searches on Weibo.

"This time the taste is right. My online dating superstar is really an idol drama. I like to watch sweet love!"

"What do you want in an idol drama? The appearance of the male and female protagonists is the most important. Mr. Zhang's modern clothes are like a male god! Yun Weiwei in Nazha is also sexy and hot. I'm really looking forward to this drama!"

"It really takes a real couple to get along. Zhang Nanyi and Nazha look so good together!"

"Mr. Zhang is really good at shooting. His shots are so high-quality. Just watching the trailer, the romance is almost overflowing from the screen."

"Online Dating Superstar: Who says I'm not an idol drama? I am an idol drama!"

"Haha, Mr. Zhang said that idol dramas are difficult to film. I hope Online Dating Superstar can become a benchmark for our country's idol dramas."

In the next period of time, several platforms controlled by Zhang Nanyi worked simultaneously to promote the drama "Online Dating Superstar", so much so that the topic of "Online Dating Superstar" became even more popular than the Spring Festival Gala.

Everyone is looking forward to the broadcast of this drama.

 606/607 are banned. The original article was posted in Book Friends Skirt. If you are interested, you can add skirt in the introduction.



(End of this chapter)

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