China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 69 The focus of publicity

Chapter 69 The focus of publicity

Zhang Nan finished recording Jiangnan's song, took the master tape, and called Zhang Ji Zong, preparing to play it in front of him.

Let’s talk about the quality of the songs. At least Zhang Nanyi’s singing skills are very good. Who made Zhang Jizong look down on Zhang Nanyi’s singing skills during the Spring Festival?

So Zhang Nanyizhen is not a stingy man, he just has a better memory.

The phone rang twice and was connected.

"Uncle, where are you? In Yangshi? Can I go there too? Okay. Then you make tea first. I'll be there later."

Zhang Jizong made tea with Chen Yingcai, the director of the production department, at Yangshi, and had to record an interview program at around three o'clock in the afternoon. The theme was related to fairy swords.

To say that Yangshi is really awesome, after signing the contract on the 15th, various publicity resources were arranged.

In just about ten days, the news that the game Legend of Sword and Fairy will be remade into a TV series has become a hot topic on the Internet.

Yangshi is also good at playing. Even though several important roles have been decided, in their promotional reports, they still deliberately take stock of which actors are suitable to play Li Xiaoyao and which ones are suitable for Zhao Ling'er, deliberately stirring up the topic.

Driven by Yangshi, there was also a hot voting post on the Tianya Forum, "Choose the actor who best fits the character of Sword in your mind."

Among them, the ones with the highest vote share for Li Xiaoyao were Lu Yi, Zhou Yumin and Jiao Enjun, while the one with the highest vote share for Zhao Ling'er was He Meidian. As for Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei, netizens didn't think much of it.

Neither The Golden Family nor The Eight Parts of Tianlong have been aired yet. Most of Liu Yifei's fame at this time comes from the early promotion of Tianlong. She is somewhat famous, but not high.

The same is true for Zhang Nanyi. He is more famous than Liu Yifei at this time, but it is all controversial, he is black and red, and his reputation is not good.

After the casting of Fairy Sword is announced, Zhang Nanyi's popularity will probably continue to ferment.

At around 1:40 p.m., Zhang Nanyi took a taxi to the Yangshi Building.

Looking up, the Yangshi Building at this time is a standard high-rise building, and the construction of the big pants of later generations has not yet begun.

As soon as Zhang Nan walked to the door, he was stopped by the guard and asked about his purpose. Zhang Nan said he was looking for Chen Yingcai, and the guard called to verify.

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard, Zhang Nanyi looked around casually, not wanting to see seven people walking towards him.

Zhang Nanyi maintained his usual good tradition of looking at beauties first.

One of the women walked at the front, looking very happy with a smile on her face.

This woman is very beautiful. She seems to know her own advantages and deliberately tied her hair up to highlight her appearance.

Her facial features are very delicate and just right, especially her nose, which is straight and small, very superior; her small face is somewhere between an oval face and a round face, which makes her cute and cool and noble at the same time.

The fly in the ointment is that it is a bit short, and the visual height is less than 1 meters.

Zhang Nan recognized her at a glance. She was Dong Jie, the famous representative of White Lotus. At this time, she was at the peak of her appearance and she was indeed beautiful.

However, seeing the slim Liu Yifei behind Dong Jie, Zhang Nanyi immediately understood Dong Jie's little thoughts. He must have walked in front on purpose, otherwise he would stand with Liu Yifei.

He's a bit suppressed in terms of height.

For example, Cheng Kun, who was walking with Liu Yifei at this time, was a man who looked a little shorter than Liu Yifei, which was really hard to stand up to.

No wonder he didn't like Liu Yifei very much during the filming of Jinfenshijia.

But there is nothing to say about the appearance of the factory flower, it is indeed very handsome.

Zhang Nanyi took the initiative to say hello: "Qianxi! Director Li, are you coming to participate in the show?"

Liu Yifei was originally not very energetic. She was relatively young and her relationship with Cheng Kun was relatively tense. Originally, she was not included in this YangTV program.

However, Yangshi was looking forward to the upcoming Legend of Sword and Fairy, and considering that Liu Yifei was the heroine of Sword and Fairy, they arranged her to be included in the show, hoping to help her gain more exposure.

Hearing Zhang Nanyi's voice, Liu Yifei had a look of surprise on her face, her baby-fat little face blossomed into a smile, her teeth shining brightly in the sun.

Zhang Nanyi immediately said: "Stop it, if you keep laughing, your eyes will disappear!"

Even after being insulted by Zhang Nanyi, Liu Yifei was still smiling. When she met Zhang Nanyi, she seemed to have a backbone and said confidently: "We are here to record the artistic life today to promote the Jinfen Family.

Did you come to Yangshi for the fairy sword? "Liu Yifei is still not used to not having her mother by her side when participating in promotional activities these days. Although she has an assistant, she still has to get used to it.

Zhang Nanyi nodded and said, "Yes! Let's go in together."

The guard has verified the information. The Jinfenshijia crew was guided by Yangshi staff, and everyone walked into the Yangshi building together.

During the walk, Li Dawei introduced Cheng Kun and Dong Jie to Zhang Nanyi, and everyone exchanged polite greetings.

Dong Jie's attitude was relatively close, while Cheng Kun was a little distant. Zhang Nanyi didn't care. After sending Liu Yifei to the studio, he took the elevator to the production department on the 12th floor.

Walking into Chen Yingcai's office, Zhang Jizong was drinking tea with Chen Yingcai and Sun Ruixue.

Seeing Zhang Nanyi come in, Chen Yingcai greeted him to sit down with a smile. His attitude seemed to be no different from the first time he had dinner, but there was a sense of intimacy between his words and actions.

Sun Ruixue said: "Mr. Zhang, you are here at the right time. We are discussing the preliminary publicity work for the TV series Fairy Sword."

Zhang Nanyi sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "You can mention anything that requires our cooperation in publicity.

I think there is quite a lot of discussion about the adaptation of Fairy Sword right now, thanks to Director Chen and Producer Sun for their help. "

Sun Ruixue looked a little serious, and she analyzed seriously: "We have done some publicity tests in the past few days, and although it has gained some popularity, the effect is not very good.

Most of the people who follow and discuss the TV series Fairy Sword are fans of the game.

This part of the audience itself is the mass base of the game, and the promotion is of little significance. Our promotion effect has not achieved a breakthrough. "

Zhang Nanyi understood immediately, "Are you saying that our publicity did not break the circle?"

Sun Ruixue paused for a moment: "Breaking the circle? This word is used well and the description is accurate. Yes, our promotion is still within the circle of game fans and has not broken the circle.

People who have never played the game will not pay much attention to this show. "

Sun Ruixue took a sip of tea and continued: "Next, we will start publicity from two aspects.

The first one is the meaning of the show "Ba Gao Xian Jian".

For the first TV series adapted from a game, we will emphasize the groundbreaking and leading nature. This part will focus on teacher Zhang Jizong, who will tell the story of the production and preliminary preparations.

The second thing is to start with the actors. We want to announce the actors as soon as possible, and then concentrate resources to increase the exposure of you, Liu Yifei, Jing Tian and others.

With symbolic meaning and realistic actors, they go hand in hand to achieve the effect of breaking the circle. "

Sun Ruixue is really a talent, and she has a lot of beautiful words. This kind of publicity strategy perfectly realized Chen Yingcai's idea.

To raise the meaning, the first TV series adapted from a game was the reform achievement that Chen Yingcai wanted from the beginning, and then increased the exposure of actors, including Jing Tian, ​​and he began to help related households to promote it.

Kill two birds with one stone, perfect!

Zhang Nanyi did not reject Yangshi's strategy because he was also a beneficiary, so he began to make suggestions.

"These two promotional directions are very good. I think we can go deeper. For example, the significance of Fairy Sword is not only the game adaptation. We can propose the concept of fairy tale dramas and benchmark martial arts dramas. This will be truly groundbreaking.

In terms of actor promotion, some of my controversial points can be magnified, but I don't care much about them. "

When they heard the concept of fairy tale drama, Chen Yingcai and Sun Ruixue's eyes lit up. This is a major category of TV dramas that can be created, and there is a lot to do.

Chen Yingcai waved his hand and said proudly: "I don't think you need to use controversial propaganda methods. Mr. Zhang, your reputation is also very important.

We at Yangshi have the resources, so we can just let you put on more programs.

Isn't there a Jinfenshijia crew recording a special performance on Art Life today?
The theme song of this drama, An Xiang, was sung by you, Mr. Zhang, right?

If you are free, you can also participate in the show later and sing the secret fragrance live.

This is also a good opportunity to show your face. "

(End of this chapter)

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