China Entertainment’s Born Protagonist

Chapter 7 Sleeping can beautify your body

Chapter 7 Sleeping can beautify your body
At 10 o'clock in the evening, the crew finished work and the actors began to remove their makeup. Li Dashan went to the leading actors again to inform them of the content and time of tomorrow's filming.

After all the notices were given, Li Dashan said: "Don't think that I am duplicating the work. These actors are filming with high intensity every day, and their heads will be dizzy.

Although the time has been finalized with them before, it is best to confirm it again every night.

It’s also a reminder for the actors. "

In 2002, most actors, especially those from Mainland China, did not have any assistants.

If Li Dashan didn't remind them, some actors would really forget what time they were filming tomorrow and what they were going to film.

At the end of the day's work, Zhang Nanyi followed Li Dashan and moved into the collective apartment rented by the crew in Hengdian.

This is a self-built private house with relatively simple conditions, specially designed for the lower-level crew members to live in.

The leading actors usually stay in hotels, and as for minor supporting actors, no one cares about their accommodation.

When he returned to his residence, it was already past 11 o'clock in the evening. Zhang Nan threw his backpack on the hard bed, turned on the worn-out fan, and then asked Li Dashan.

"You worked so hard today, how much do you get paid?"

Li Dashan took a rare breath and said, "Forget it, 800 yuan a month is not as good as some promising extras."

In 2002, the average salary of Yanjing employees was about 1700 yuan. A monthly salary of 800 yuan was indeed too low.

Moreover, Li Dashan works long hours and wakes up early and stays late.

The crew dares to offer such outrageous wages because there are generally two situations. One is that the position is very promising. Although the salary is small, the future prospects are good.

The other type is that the position has little power and relatively generous salary. The crew also assumes that you can get some salary and salary, so the salary is set very low.

Through Zhang Nanyi's observation, Li Dashan's position as a producer has considerable power. Not only can he have access to the major actors, he can even influence the shooting order of the scenes.

If he stretches his hands wider, he can completely decide which extras to use, and he is the one everyone in the group fawns over.

Li Dashan's position has a lot of human resources power. If you are willing to make a little profit, it is completely easy to make tens of thousands of dollars after filming a movie.

Therefore, the crew only offered a salary of 800 yuan a month. However, Li Dashan was too honest and never thought about making extra money.

Leading to a very poor life.

After taking a shower in the evening, Zhang Nanyi and Li Dashan didn't chat much. It was really late and very tired.

Although it was a hard bed that creaked when turning over, Zhang Nanyi fell asleep.

At 4 o'clock in the morning the next day, Zhang Nanyi was woken up by Li Dashan. The two washed up casually and walked to the set.

It was 4:40 when we arrived at the crew. The crew was already packed with people. Preparations for filming had been completed and filming was about to begin.

Looking at the sleepy Zhang Nanyi, Li Dashan explained: "The weather is hot now, and the prime times for shooting are morning, evening and night. The crew will take an extra two hours of rest at noon."

Zhang Nanyi nodded. He and Li Dashan arrived relatively late. Like Gao Yuanyuan, she had a scene this morning. She arrived around 4 o'clock because she had to put on makeup first.

Zhang Nanyi shook his head and said: "The filming sequence of the crew is not very reasonable. For example, Gao Yuanyuan had a scene early this morning, so there should be less scenes last night.

Let her rest early. "

Li Dashan spent a day with Zhang Nanyi and became familiar with his temperament. He asked with a smile: "What? You feel sorry for the beautiful woman and want to cherish her?"

The two stood outside the dressing room, and their conversation was overheard by Gao Yuanyuan, who had just finished putting on makeup and was about to go out.

She frowned and glanced toward the door.

I saw the tall and handsome Zhang Nanyi.

Zhang Nanyi was shaking his head: "Why do you feel sorry for the beauty? Don't talk nonsense. I am doing this for the good of the crew. Look at Gao Yuanyuan last night. She is beautiful and natural, in great condition, and the result of the shooting is very good.

This morning, the bags under my eyes were swollen and my face was soaked, obviously because I didn’t get enough sleep.Even if I put on makeup, the effect of the photo will definitely not be as good as last night. "

Gao Yuanyuan stood still at the door, her mind filled with Zhang Nanyi's words.

"The bags under my eyes are swollen and my face is blistered..."

She knew that she had not rested well and was in a bad state, but she was young and had a good foundation, so she didn't care too much, and now she was commented on by a handsome guy.

Gao Yuanyuan couldn't help but return to the mirror and took a closer look at her eye bags and face. It was indeed a bit swollen...

My mood suddenly lost its beauty...

Li Dashan waited outside for a long time. Seeing that Gao Yuanyuan never showed up, the filming was about to start, so he walked in.

"Teacher Gao, the filming is ready, the director is urging us."

Gao Yuanyuan saw Zhang Nanyi next to Li Dashan and glared at him fiercely.

Zhang Nanyi was confused, and when Gao Yuanyuan left the room, he said to Li Dashan: "Look, this is the effect of lack of sleep, and the temper will become worse.

Women, sleeping is the most natural beauty! "

Li Dashan didn't understand the profound meaning of Zhang Nan's words, so he disagreed: "If you sleep for too long, your face will be swollen."

Zhang Nanyi patted Li Dashan on the shoulder, Tie Chunan.

There are many ways to sleep. You can sleep alone or with two people. Which one has the best beauty effect?

Li Dashan will understand one day.

Gao Yuanyuan's filming today was not going well. There were various failures, and director Lai Shuiqing's roar resounded throughout the entire crew.

"Gao Yuanyuan, don't dodge your eyes!"

"Gao Yuanyuan, look up, look up, why are you hunching over your chest?"

"Confidence, I want you to look confident. What's wrong with you today? You seem to be afraid of the camera?"

Gao Yuanyuan cursed Zhang Nanyi in her heart. During the filming, Zhang Nanyi's words kept recurring in her heart. She always felt that she was ugly today and she was indeed not confident.

But he kept apologizing to the director: "I'm sorry, director, I had insomnia last night and didn't get a good rest. If we do it again, we will definitely not have any problems again."

Fortunately, Gao Yuanyuan's acting skills were only at the level of a flower vase. The director did not have high requirements for her, and she was able to pass after a few clicks.

After the morning scene was finished, Gao Yuanyuan heard that annoying sound again on her way back to the lounge.

"Brother Shan, am I right? The filming sequence must take into account the rest time of the actors. Look, Gao Yuanyuan didn't get a good rest last night, and the filming has been stuck today.

Her acting skills are not good, but she is responsible for the beauty in the drama.

As a result, I didn’t sleep well, and I couldn’t look beautiful. So would the shooting effect be good? "

Li Dashan really listened to Zhang Nanyi's opinion and recorded this key point in his notebook. He will discuss the schedule with the director in the future and try to make it as reasonable as possible.

Unexpectedly, Gao Yuanyuan suddenly stood in front of the two of them angrily.

She took a deep breath, suppressed the urge to curse in her heart, and asked Zhang Nanyi word by word: "Am I really ugly today?"

Zhang Nan reacted instantly, and Gao Yuanyuan heard what he said that morning.

Faced with Gao Yuanyuan's questioning, he not only did not panic, but explained slowly: "Based on my personal subjective aesthetics, out of 100 points, you were considered a 95-point beauty last night.

Today, it would be 90 points. "

 Brothers, please beg for reading and all kinds of votes!
(End of this chapter)

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