Chapter 92
In his previous life, Tang Ren was filming the scene where Zhao Ling'er was taking a bath. Not only was the water in the pond so turbid that it was hard to imagine anyone bathing in such water, but the pond was also decorated with fake lotus leaves and lotus flowers, and the production was a bit rough.

Logically speaking, is a lotus pond a place for bathing?Not to mention the pain of being scratched by lotus leaves and rhizomes, most lotus ponds are ponds with accumulated silt.

The reason why Zhao Ling'er's bathing scene has become a classic is entirely due to Liu Yifei's appearance.

When Zhang Nan was filming Fairy Sword, he certainly wanted to do his best. The production team discussed the setting for the bathing scene many times and finally decided to focus on natural scenery.

The crew found a bay at Cangqiao Reservoir near Xiangshan.

This reservoir is surrounded by lush mountains and forests on both sides. The water is green and clear, and the scenery is superb.

Because there are no wind and waves in Huiwan, from a distance, it looks like a green gem embedded in a corner of the reservoir.

The crew went into the water to test the depth of the bay. The deepest part is about 3 meters, and some parts are about 1 meter deep, which is very suitable for shooting.

This bay has the best lighting around 4pm. The sun shines through the trees and sprinkles on the water, giving the turquoise water a golden halo.

It has quite a dream-like beauty.

The crew came here in advance, made all preparations, and started filming immediately when the lighting was suitable.

When filming the bathing scene, just like in the Tianlong Babu crew, Liu Yifei only exposed her shoulders and was wrapped in a white cloth belt.

Considering that she was still young, Yu Min chose to clear the scene during the filming and all people not involved in the filming left.

Zhang Nanyi personally coordinated all aspects to ensure that the scene was played in one go.

Although the weather has gradually become hotter in May, this reservoir is a high mountain reservoir and the water is very cold. Moreover, there is only a little more than 5 hours of sunlight a day in the back bay, so the water temperature is even lower.

Zhang Nanyi didn't want Liu Yifei to get cold, so of course he wanted to shoot as quickly as possible.

When the time came to 04:30, the lighting was more suitable, and Yu Min gave the order to start shooting.

Liu Yifei had to go into the water first, and then wait in the water for a while until the sand she stirred up sank again before she could start filming.

The girl shivered after entering the water. Zhang Nanyi asked her to slowly adapt. She didn't seem to hear him and squatted down. The entire upper body was immersed in the water, with only her head exposed.

She smiled at Zhang Nanyi. In the sun, the teeth were shining brightly, but Zhang Nanyi felt that it was very beautiful, with a kind of youthful and brilliant beauty, wanton and unscrupulous.

When the water calmed down and became clear again, Yu Min made a gesture and the stylist opened the slate and started shooting.

Liu Yifei raised her head slightly, her snow-white arms stretched out from the water, and water droplets ran across her arms. A poem flashed in Zhang Nanyi's mind: "The hot spring water washes away the fat."

Liu Yifei turned her head slightly, and the camera captured a profile of her face. Under the light of the setting sun, her profile was very three-dimensional, with a halo of light, as if her whole body was glowing.

Yu Min was very excited after seeing it. He felt that this scene was definitely a classic shot in his director career. On a whim, he asked Liu Yifei to shoot several more angles and scenes in the water.

It was Zhang Nanyi's reminder that he ended Liu Yifei's solo shooting and entered into the interactive shooting between Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei.

In post-production, Liu Yifei's solo scenes will be mixed and edited together with the interactive shooting. With the addition of special effects and music, the scene will be perfect.

Zhang Nanyi's performance was spot on, so the interaction with Liu Yifei went smoothly.

Even though everything went smoothly, Liu Yifei still soaked in the water for more than half an hour. When she came ashore, her fingers were blistered and her face was a little pale.

Liu Xiaoli quickly wiped her daughter's hair and changed her clothes, and gave her ginger coke that she had made in advance to ward off the cold.

After filming the bathing scene, the subsequent scenes were relatively easy, and Liu Yifei enjoyed it.She first chanted a spell and beat Li Xiaoyao around, and then filmed various romantic scenes with Zhang Nanyi.

Especially on May 5th, Liu Yifei was very energetic when she woke up early in the morning. The smile on her face never stopped. She was also very energetic when she practiced singing with Jing Tian and Shu Sing in the morning.

The whole person is in a very excited state.

Jing Tian didn't understand the reason. After the training, she asked Shu Chang: "Chang Chang, why is Sissy so happy? It feels like she won the lottery."

Shu Chang said with a smile: "Qian Qian's state has also appeared on the set of Tianlong Babu. That day we were filming the scene where Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan were in love.

Think about what scenes Sissi will be filming today? "

Jing Tian was a little dumbfounded and didn't understand. She said in confusion: "This morning we are going to shoot the scene where Zhao Ling'er and Li Xiaoyao are hiding in the closet. If everything goes well, we will shoot the scene where Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Ling'er get married in the evening.

What does this have to do with Duan Yu and Wang Yuyan? "

Shu Chang choked for a moment and realized that he couldn't go around when talking to Jing Tian, ​​so he explained very straightforwardly: "It's all about shooting couple scenes with Brother Nan Yi, you understand."

Jing Tian understood, and she looked at Liu Yifei with envy.At this moment, Jing Tian found her first goal as an actor, to shoot a couple scene with Zhang Nanyi!

She also wanted to experience Liu Yifei's current happiness.

Liu Yifei's happiness is contagious. As Zhang Nanyi, who plays opposite her, he is also very happy, especially when he and Zhao Ling'er are locked in a cabinet. The two are ignorant and understand each other. When teasing each other, Zhang Nanyi's acting is so good. , completely incorporated.

Or in Hu Ge's words, Liu Yifei is so beautiful that it is easy for him to fall into the role.

When Liu Yifei's lips touched Zhang Nanyi's face, Zhang Nanyi, who had been through many battles, felt a green and beautiful feeling like first love.

This very immersive feeling continued into the shooting of the wedding scene at night.

Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei completely performed the ignorant beauty and happiness of the newlywed couple. The filming of this scene went very smoothly. It was originally planned to be filmed in two to three days, but it was completed in one day.

After the filming, when there was still some free time, Liu Yifei made a fool of herself and asked her mother Liu Xiaoli to sit in her grandma's seat to preside over the wedding for herself and Zhang Nanyi.

Liu Yifei really has something, and she is secretly confirming something.

The grandma in the TV series has become the mother in reality. Doesn’t this translate the relationship in the TV series directly into reality?
It can only be said that Mr. Liu has an idea.

Liu Xiaoli accepted Liu Yifei's antics with a complicated heart, and actually sat on the imperial chair, waiting for Zhang Nanyi and Liu Yifei to serve tea.

Zhang Nanyi did not refuse Liu Yifei's antics, but he was even more awesome. He turned directly to Shu Chang and Jing Tian and said: "Chang Chang, Tiantian, it's just a joke anyway. It's quite interesting. Come and join in."

Shu Chang understood what Zhang Nanyi meant. She rolled her eyes at Zhang Nanyi and did not refuse.

Jing Tian didn't understand, but she had long been envious. After hearing Zhang Nanyi's words, she followed Shu Chang's lead.

Liu Yifei glared at Zhang Nanyi angrily, but seeing the two good sisters looking happy, she didn't care.

It’s funny anyway.

So, Zhang Nanyi, with three very sweet girls, pretended to serve tea to Sister Xiaoli.

This scene was captured by a camera. Later, Zhang Nanyi found the footage and saved it permanently.

(End of this chapter)

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