Chapter 85 Rescue
Originally, after leaving Portugal, everyone was going directly to Egypt, but who knew that just as the team was about to enter Egypt along the edge of the Sahara and along the southern coastline of the Mediterranean, they received an urgent mission before they even reached the Mediterranean!

"Did the instructor really say that? He wants us to go to the Sahara to rescue? What's the difference between that and asking us to die!!!!"

"WOC, do you want us to go to the Sahara Desert? It is a forbidden land two levels higher than the Amazon Demon Kingdom. Whoever wants to go can go!!"

If we had to rank the most dangerous places in the world, then the Sahara Desert would definitely be in the top three!

Many monster lands are treasure places in the minds of many hunters. Even if they are dangerous, desolate, or remote, they will try to explore there, because only dangerous monster lands can have extremely precious treasures. treasure
But the Sahara is obviously not within this category. It is completely a forbidden area for humans, and can even be said to be a forbidden area for living creatures.

Among the human marks, the outer circle of the Sahara alone is completely dark red, and the density of demons is comparable to some deep sea areas. There are groups, tribes, and even demon empires that seem to have several.

And if you walk a little further into the Sahara, it will be completely purple. Purple means that the density of monsters is more than three times that of deep red. Terrible picture!
The more monsters there are, the more scarce resources are. Not to mention that human beings, who are extremely hated by monsters, will be immediately besieged and killed if they step into it. Even the war between monster tribes is hard to stop!

Generally speaking, there are many terrible rumors in many extremely dangerous places.But rumors generally have to be told by people who are still alive, and even if they want to brag, there must be evidence.

But when people talk about the Sahara Desert, all the rumors seem to disappear. So far, few old hunters dare to describe the story of the Sahara. This is a death zone, except for the purple-density demon zone in the inner circle. The deepest part is sinking into the most appalling black!
And the last time it was black - it was Sha Yuan! ! !

But in the Sahara, there is such a black zone, a place that is completely unknown to mankind, and that no mage has ever stepped into...

No one knows what the situation is inside, but the more unknown it is, the more fearful people are. The outer surface is already like this, and the innermost situation is probably beyond the scope of human imagination.

"The instructor said that you can choose whether to go for rescue or not, but those who give up going will lose the qualification to receive state resources next time." Nan Jue said.

"Whoever wants to go will risk his life for this little resource..." Zu Jiming said first.

"I'm not going either"

"I also……"


"We are only looking for the traces of the missing group of people in the outer circle. We don't need to completely enter the Sahara. And the resources this time are very rich," Nan Jue explained specifically.

"I want to go, I'm short of money." Mo Fan stated his position very directly.Although the bounty from the Drowning Curse alone and Zhao's money alone are almost enough to buy a soul seed with a domain, he has too many types! !
"Xianyu, looking at you like this, you don't want to go, right? You don't lack resources," Zhao Manyan said.

"Everyone is short of resources. Do you think you have too much money? →_→. Moreover, I want to take the opportunity to understand the mysterious world of Sahara," Xianyu said.

"Then let's all go our separate ways here. If you want to go to the Sahara, you can lead your own team. As for the money, we won't snatch it from you. Anyway, people are dead, and no matter how much money you have, it will be of no use." Guan Yu said.

Ever since Mo Fan followed Mu Ningxue and left the national team, Guan Yu seemed to have started a process of breaking up with each other. Now Guan Yu is like a fish that has been killed by RT-Mart for ten years. His heart has been separated from his demon. It's as cold as anything.For him, the Venice World University Competition is the top priority.

"It's still the same, Nanjue, you take the people you want to go, and I will be responsible for watching the other people who don't go." Ai Jiangtu said.

Contradictions within the team have existed for a long time, and it is not the first time that the troops are divided into two teams. When encountering such a free choice, the two teams basically go to each side.

As the captain, Ai Jiangtu naturally needs to be optimistic about these people, and usually chooses to go with Guan Yu's team.

Finally, Xianyu, Jiang Shaoxu, Jiang Yu, Zhao Manyan, Mu Ningxue, Nan Jue, and Mo Fan decided to go to the Sahara, while the others would be led by Ai Jiangtu to find other ways and tasks.


"Following you, I seriously doubt that I will die young (Д`)!!!" Zhao Manyan complained. Although he didn't really want to take risks, he still followed.

"Didn't I tell you to take a walk outside? (Dan)" Mo Fan said.

"Brother, let me call you brother. The Sahara is not an ordinary place. Even if it is on the outskirts, if you really encounter a monarch, you will have to consider yourself unlucky," Zhao Manyan said.

"It's impossible for those desert monarchs to run to the outer circle after eating enough. It's impossible. Don't worry," Mo Fan said.

"But, what is the mysterious world you are talking about??" Mo Fan continued.

"You don't even know what the Mystery Realm is and you dare to get into it!!! Jiang Yu, tell me!!" Zhao Manyan said.

"The most terrifying thing about the Sahara is not only the monsters there that are more than one level stronger than the outside world, but also the fact that there is a very weird mythical world in the Sahara Desert."

"Anyone who steps into the true realm of the Sahara will basically lose their way. Not only will they be unable to get out of this desert realm, but they may also go deeper and deeper without knowing it."

"The desert is actually more difficult to identify the direction than the jungle. It is surrounded by sand and dunes. The scorching sun in the sky cannot give people any direction guidance. Any footmarks made in the desert will be easily lost. Cover it up with sand brought by a gust of wind!”

"In a short period of time, if someone from the outside can help establish the direction, or provide some direction guidance and rescue, there is still hope to come out of the desert world. After a long time, basically there is no need to think about leaving the Sahara in this life. ." Jiang Yu said

"So evil??"

"Yes, it's so evil."


After entering the desert, the endless golden sand stretches from the front to the end of the sky. If you stand on a relatively high sand dune and look down, you will have a panoramic view of this magnificent golden picture. In addition to feeling the insignificance of human beings, What’s more, I am impressed by the uncanny craftsmanship of nature!

In fact, this is not the real boundary of the Sahara, but the outer desert circle, which is relatively close to the Mediterranean Sea.

Everyone climbed over one sand dune after another and went to the place pointed by the African International Association of Magic.

"The last time the missing group of people sent out contact was roughly here. It should be about three kilometers away from the Lost Desert. According to the instructor, they encountered a very strong sandstorm. In order to find suitable The bunker in the desert was only stepped into the Lost World. At that time, the dust storm was heading south. I think they should have taken refuge in the south. Now I hope they didn't step too deep into the Sahara... "Nan Jue said.

"Then we???"

"We have to form a long line to go forward, and the distance between each person should not exceed one kilometer, so that we can ensure that even people who have entered the desert fandom can come out." Nan Jue said.

The long dragon formation is actually very simple. If everyone gathers one kilometer together, the seven of them here can probably form a six kilometer long long dragon formation. The person at the tail of the dragon stands outside the desert world, and the other five people enter in sequence. Keep this distance and enter the desert mystery, and then a magic signal needs to be released every 5 minutes so that everyone can see clearly.The final sequence is basically:

Xianyu - the deepest
Mo Fan
Mu Ningxue

Jiang Shaoxu

Zhao Manyan

Nanjue——Beyond the Mysterious Realm


In fact, there is a more obvious boundary in the desert fandom, that is, the golden sand slowly reveals a red color. Once the desert in front of you starts to turn a little red, it means that this is the desert fandom.

According to the simplest and clearest method Nan Jue said, Nan Jue stayed outside the fandom as a dragon tail benchmark, and the others entered the desert fandom one after another.

But I have to say that this desert world is indeed quite weird. If you look back 100 meters away, you will find that your original goal is in a different place.

Xianyu looked back and saw a vertical bolt of lightning falling from the sky, then adjusted his position and continued moving forward.

The yellow color of the desert, the continuous sand of the desert, the rolling hills of the desert, these are constantly repeated, passing through one after another, when the surrounding scenery is always like this, endless, this and escape When you enter a darkness where you can't see anything, there is no difference. You will be completely disoriented, and you won't even know whether you are going in a circle or walking in a straight line.

The most frightening thing is that the communication device here will basically be interfered. When the team members are about 500 meters apart, the communication device will start to not work. If the team members do not discuss how to signal in advance, they may never be able to find it again. To the other side.

After reaching a similar position, Xianyu's mental power was highly activated and spread around in a circle.

Unfortunately, there was nothing else except sand. He adjusted his position and continued searching like this. Finally, Xianyu saw something under a small sand dune.

Use mind control to dig this out from the sand. It is a light green tent.

It seemed that there had been a sandstorm before and these things were buried under the sand. The tent was somewhat torn apart. There were also some water bags and dried food that hunters often used when going out scattered around. I think someone had stayed here not long ago. .

Of course, it is also possible that these things were swept over by the powerful sandstorm. In fact, the camps of those people are actually a long distance away from here.

I hope those students from the national team have not gone far.

Use the tent to make a large flag on the spot, and then use a solid stone that exudes a special smell to be placed directly under the flag.

This thing has no other use except making people and monsters feel a little sleepy, but it is impossible for such a thing to appear in the Sahara.

After several explorations in Xianyu, they found nothing except the previous tent. Perhaps those people could not hold on until the last moment.

Looking at the direction of the thunder and lightning again, Xianyu walked over.

"Let's go, we found a tent, but no one," Xianyu said.

"This mysterious world is really evil," Mo Fan said.

"Let's go" Xianyu said

"How's it going? Have you found anything out?" Mo Fan said.

"I have some ideas," Xianyu said

After that, several people returned one by one. Mu Ningxue's mark was a bamboo hat like a strong wind, while Jiang Shaoxu and Zhao Manyan were light magic signals, and Jiang Yu, like Mo Fan, was a vertical thunder light.

After arriving at Zhao Manyan's point, after waiting for a while, Nan Jue's signal should have turned on, but Nan Jue, who was outside the confusing world, did not respond at all.

"It's been such a long time, why hasn't Nanjue's signal come yet?!" Zhao Manyan said.

"How about we hurry up and see if Nan Jue is in any danger???" Jiang Shaoxu said.

"No" Xianyu rejected it directly.

"This location is only a little over one kilometer into the desert world at most. Even without Nanjue's signal, we should be able to get out of this desert world by feeling," Zhao Manyan said.

"Old Zhao, you have been here all this time. You try to take a walk first."

"Okay" seemed to have heard the solemnity in Xianyu's words. Zhao Manyan did not hesitate and walked back directly according to the route in his memory. However, before he could go far, he was stopped by Jiang Shaoxu with the voice of his heart.

"What's wrong??" Zhao Manyan looked back.

"When you look ahead, do you see yellow sand or red sand?" Jiang Shaoxu said.

Only then did Zhao Manyan notice that there was no yellow sand in front of him. "Woc!!!" After shouting, he hurried back and broke into a cold sweat.

This is probably the scary thing about the lost world. Even if you move forward, you don't know whether you are going backward. And when you feel that this path is wrong, you want to go back to that more reliable place, but you can never go back. Can't find it, the deviation is getting bigger and bigger...

Unwilling to give up, Zhao Manyan flew into the air this time, trying to find the exit of the mysterious world through the basic principle of standing high and far away, and saw the completely golden sand.

However, what he saw was still red. No matter how far he looked, what he saw was always red sand. Even when Zhao Manyan flew down from the sky, the landing position was greatly different from before. Deviation, there were several people signaling in that direction, he was afraid that they would all be lost.

"Damn it, even the sky is full of confusion. I obviously kept flying vertically, but ended up falling more than 300 meters away." Zhao Manyan cursed frantically.

(End of this chapter)

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