The post-00 principal took over, and students all over the network went crazy

Chapter 243 Chapter 243: People are still outside, welcome to Maoxian

Chapter 243 Chapter 243: People are still outside, welcome to Maoxian
The next moment, the five female students took off their school uniform jackets at an unknown speed and held them in their hands. The moment the music started, the school uniform jackets were thrown behind them.

The coats were thrown away, and the clothes underneath them were uniform white sweatshirts with a slightly loose fit.

Although the sweatshirt has no highlights, it still looks relatively harmonious when paired with the sporty black school uniform pants.

Then, the rhythm of the music came up and they began to jump, twist their bodies and swing their arms.

The rhythm in the first few seconds is an intro, with no dance moves.

When the music lasted for more than ten seconds, a nice rhythm of "da, dang, da, dang" fell into everyone's ears.

Just when the rhythm came, the five students began to take consistent steps, wave their arms back and forth, and then raised their hands to clap twice in time with the music.

Their high ponytails floated with their large movements, and a youthful atmosphere seemed to overflow the screen.

Looking at their neat dance, everyone forgot to praise them and was immersed in admiration.

As the music came to an end, the students quietly exited the center in joy, and everyone came back to their senses.

[Ah ah ah, we students must know what our students’ preferences are!The dance of my great king Yibai! 】

[I asked why this BGM is so familiar and touching. It turned out to be Wang Yibai participating in the opening dance of "This Is Street Dance"!Passed on, this song is called "Pull a Hook and Say I Will Always Love You." 】

[To be honest, that fat girl has a strong sense of rhythm and is the best MVP in the game. 】

[Even if you match a sweatshirt with school uniform pants, you can still dance beautifully. 】

[The artistic talents of top academics are also very high. 】

When each class enters the school sports meeting, there will be a talent show within 3 minutes.

This performance seems to be just to increase the fun of the sports meeting, but in fact it has many unexpected functions and meanings.

On the surface, we look at students’ mental outlook or vitality, to promote students’ physical and mental health, and in depth, we look at whether campus sports culture needs to be adjusted.

Therefore, whenever the school holds an event, performance has become an essential part of the event.

After the dance ended, when the students in Class [-] walked to their seats, a boy's voice came from the stage to continue hosting.

Classes [-], [-] and [-] of Grade [-], including class [-], all performed dance performances.

The only difference is the costumes and dancing.

Therefore, after watching it for more than ten minutes, the audience felt less like a sports meeting and more like a New Year's Day performance.

In the last class of high school, he stood out from the dance ranks with a taekwondo martial arts performance.

Next up is the sophomore class.

After enjoying a few more programs, the director saw that the time had reached eight o'clock and cut the screen back to No. [-] Middle School.

Originally, after the second middle school, they should be given to the first middle school, but the program team knew that the sports meeting events of the first middle school had not yet been decided, and classes would only be held as normal at eight o'clock.

Rather than watching live classes, viewers prefer to watch things outside of class.

Therefore, no one mentioned the issue that the program crew did not follow the rules.


On the playground of No. [-] Middle School, marching music was playing.

Above the rostrum, a red banner with clearly visible large characters read: The 32nd Campus Sports Meeting of No. [-] Middle School of Sichuan Province.

At this time, in addition to the relevant staff in the playground, all the students were waiting in line outside the iron gate of the playground.

At the guest table on the rostrum, the school leaders were already in place.The opening ceremony of their school was a bit different from other schools. The first people to attend were the dozen leaders in the guest seats, allowing them to witness the entire process.

At [-]:[-], Zhang Yunchao nodded to the two students, a boy and a girl, who were hosting the meeting, indicating that it could begin.

The female host first said: "Dear leaders, teachers, dear students, hello everyone!"

Although the students and other teachers were still on standby outside the playground, the sound equipment on the playground was good enough for the thirty classes outside the fence to hear.

She continued: "The spring breeze blows on our innocent faces... We ushered in the 32nd Campus Sports Meeting of No. [-] Middle School."

"All the administrative leaders of the school, all referees and staff attended the opening ceremony today."

"Please welcome them with warm applause!"

Every time I see an event held in No. [-] Middle School, such opening words are always the first one I hear.

If it hadn't been for a live broadcast, the audience would have pressed fast forward impatiently.

Really boring.

What's more, there are only a dozen leaders on the rostrum in the playground now, and the rest are still outside the playground. Welcome Maoxian?

Miraculously, after the host finished speaking, Zhang Yun took the lead in applauding, and the students waiting outside the venue also applauded cooperatively.

However, Zhu Yin and the cameraman were far away from both sides, so they could only see everyone clapping their hands, but could not hear the so-called warm applause.

After a few symbolic drums, the male host said: "First of all, we invite the students from the colorful flag team and the flower team to enter."

The colorful flag team and the flower team are two teams holding colorful flags and flowers, adding a touch of variety to the red and green playground.

There are four gates in the playground, located at the four corners.

There are two back doors on one side of the podium, and the main entrance is on the side facing the podium, which is the side where students wait.

At the two front doors, a row of male students holding colorful flags and a row of female students holding flowers walked in.

The female students entered the room first and walked towards the seats under the podium; the male students followed behind the female students.

They walked towards their respective positions in an orderly manner.

The female students came to the horizontal row where the grass and the track intersected and stood spaced apart; the male students were located in the vertical row and lined up with the same spacing "1", forming a "┗┙" shape.

Needless to say, it looks quite unique from the audience seat.

After entering the facade, students from the student union carried out the national flag, school flag and school emblem, and placed them in the middle of the playground, which looked particularly spectacular.

Next, each class will enter.

The female host said: "Next, is our first class today, Grade [-]."

Under the reminder of the host, the students in Grade [-] and Grade [-], the leader of the class, held their class cards high and entered through the door on the left.

Behind him was the head teacher standing alone in a row.

Behind the class teacher is the entire class team.

Female host: "Look, a group of high-spirited and energetic children are coming towards us."

"It is such a group of 35 people. They are confident... This is the eternal and energetic Class [-]."

(End of this chapter)

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