Reborn as a demon, I became a totem as a full-time mage

Chapter 286 Extraordinarily smooth escort

Chapter 286 Extraordinarily smooth escort (two-in-one)

In Baizhen, a man wearing long clothes of court guards stood on the watchtower of Baizhen, his eyes stared at the mountain hidden in the night in the distance.

"Chief Guard Wu, according to the informant's report, the target has left Baizhen. Do we want to pursue him? A guard asked.

"It's interesting that we can avoid the detection of the barrier and wait here. The trainee judges and reserve judges have already chased us. We can just wait for news here." Wu Pingjing, the captain of the guard, said after thinking for a moment.

"Chief Guard, I heard that the Totem Black Snake is amazingly powerful. Even if all of us here besiege it, we may not be able to keep it, unless Master Zhu Meng takes action himself." The guard whispered.

"Don't worry, the totem black snake in the molting stage is very weak, no different from ordinary monsters. This snake has lived for an unknown number of years. Since it violates the laws of nature, it will definitely be punished by God. In the molting stage, God will It’s a punishment for it.” Wu Pingjing, the captain of the bodyguard, said.

"Then it's easy to say that we only need to deal with the man named Tang Yue and the two men beside him. I just don't know how strong those two men are." the guard said.

"Just two mid-level mages." Wu Pingjing smiled.

"Oh, then any trainee judge can deal with him.

Baishan is mainly made of sun-dried rocks. There are not many plants on the whole mountain, and the jaggedness is continuous, but it forms a natural barrier, isolating the realm of human beings and the realm of monsters.

At the foot of Baishan Mountain is a plain, the plain is covered with tall grass, but there is not a single tree to be seen. The night wind blows through here, and the waves of autumn grass spill down the mountain, which is very spectacular.

Among the turf, a wolf beast with blue starlight on its body galloped across the field at an extremely fast speed. Its speed was as fast as a star beam across the black earth, and it was extremely handsome.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Tangyue said anxiously, looking back at the black shadows behind her.

"It's already the fastest speed." Mo Fan shouted.

Wang Yu was quite surprised when he looked at those dark shadows. He didn't expect that they would be caught up so quickly even though they had avoided the barrier.

"I still underestimated the search ability of the Tribunal. I'm afraid we were targeted as soon as we entered Bai Town. Be careful ahead!!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, something strange suddenly appeared in the tall grass in front of him. Countless vines grew rapidly there. They intertwined into a huge cage, waiting for several people to fall into the trap.

"Hmph~Melting flames-fire-explosion!!!"

On the ground, more vines sprang up, some of them were extremely soft, they turned into ropes to bind Swift Star Wolf's limbs, some turned into steel cables, and slammed towards Swift Star Wolf heavily.

However, in front of Wang Yu's extremely powerful and adhesive flames, these plant vines were annihilated into dust before they could get close.
Swift Star Wolf cleverly dodged to the side, not to avoid these steel rope-like vines, but to avoid Wang Yu's flames. Compared with the burning of the flames, it would rather be beaten by the vines.

There were more and more vines, and every time they were whipped, they would leave a deep mark on the ground. Mo Fan also used fire methods, and the two of them opened the way for the Swift Star Wolf, one on the left and the other on the right.

"Be careful, this is a very powerful plant mage! And once the flames burn, our position will definitely be exposed, and the road ahead will be difficult." Tang Yue stood up and looked at Mo Fan next to him with a wary expression. said.

"Haha~ Don't worry, I have found the location of the plant mage, Tiezi, go and deal with her!!!"

With that said, Wang Yu opened the dimensional door in one direction, and with a dazzling claw mark falling from the sky, the female mage who was hiding in the dense grass and casting plant magic like a fish in water was knocked unconscious.
The enemy was eliminated, and the three of them breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and then the Swift Star Wolf continued to move forward quickly.

Unfortunately, soon, several pairs of wings suddenly appeared less than a kilometer behind them.

No matter how fast the Swift Star Wolf is, it can only run on its legs and cannot compete with people who can fly. This made Mo Fan smile bitterly and couldn't help but said to Teacher Tang Yue: "Isn't this big guy asleep? A wizard with wings." Why didn't it notice? We can't deal with this level."

"Don't worry, they can't be high-level mages. They should be a trainee judge with a winged magic weapon and a summoning mage with a flying summoned beast." Tang Yue said.

After hearing this, Mo Fan didn't feel it was a comfort. A trainee judge owned a magic wing tool. How wealthy must the flying trainee judge be to possess a magic wing tool at this level? of super luxury.

In addition, the summoned beasts that can fly are all priced at more than 5000 million. As a summoning mage, Wang Yu and Mo Fan have already inquired about this kind of thing. The Trial Conference is really a place where evildoers are found. Someone has a flying summoned beast.

"It's a front-feathered sparrow, it seems to be at an advanced stage." Tang Yue stared at the creature under the starry sky reflecting the moonlight.

"Is it the advanced stage of the servant class?" Mo Fan asked.

"What do you say?"


"There is no need to be nervous. If you don't come to the super level, you are just an ant!!!" Just when the two were struggling with how to deal with the powerful enemy behind them, Totem Wang Yu's calm voice reached everyone's mind. With him here, this escort trip would be impossible. There are never any mistakes.

With the silver light flashing in his eyes, the two mages who had just appeared fell straight from the air.

"." Seeing this scene.Tang Yue and Mo Fan couldn't help but were stunned. After a long time, Mo Fan stumbled and asked:
"Old Wang~ What kind of strength is this totem sacred beast like you, that you can speak so loudly?"

"Ha~ You have a loud tone? Let's put it this way, if you try your best, ordinary monarchs are no match for him."



"Are you serious?!!"

"what do you say"

"Then what are we afraid of? Old wolf, run boldly and don't lose your place in front of the seniors!!!"


Hearing that there was a powerful leader of the Combat Monarch in his body, the Swift Star Wolf felt that it had no regrets in this life. It took crazy steps and released an unprecedented running speed.
With the totem Wang Yu escorting them all the way, the rest of the trip was going to be smooth sailing. Dongfang Ming, who owned the Oriental Flame Family, and Liu Yilin, the ice genius, were all knocked unconscious by the power of mind control before they even had time to show their faces.

Without the enemy to waste time, a few people finally brought the Totem Black Snake to a safe destination before the life energy in the Totem Bead was exhausted.

After passing through an unknown number of mountains, a decent-looking giant mountain appeared in front of them. To the Totem Black Snake, ordinary mountains are called rocks. Only this kind of endless huge white mountains can be called mountains. .

There is a huge cave between the mountains. The cave is easy to see. It is located halfway up the giant white mountain. Swift Star Wolf made several consecutive leaps before climbing to the entrance of the cave with difficulty.When Tang Yue arrived here, she took out the bead, and a large piece of mist spewed out.

The fog turned green and black, and it suddenly filled the area where several people were. It didn't take long for the field of vision to disappear, and it was no longer possible to see any objects around them.

In the turbidity, something seemed to be squirming in front of the invisible place.

Suddenly, Wang Yu felt a chill coming from him, and something was obviously squeezing him, pushing him further away.

Because it is in the molting stage, the Totem Black Snake cannot shrink its body as before. It can only complete the molting by maintaining its original shape.

Wang Yu touched it with his hand, and all he touched were cold snake scales. He realized that the big guy's body stretched to his side, and he jumped to a farther corner.

Looking from a distance, the caves are all surrounded by fog, like a sea of ​​fog descending here.

In the sea of ​​fog, from time to time, a huge body billows up, the scales on it are as hard as a shield, and the bright snake threads are like a mural in front of human beings.

After an unknown amount of time, the blue-black mist finally dissipated, and a large and shocking long body was entangled in front of several people.

"Big guy, you should rest here, we should go back." Tangyue stood on the mountain wall, only in this way could it be at the same line of sight as the skyscraper snake.

“Hiss, hiss, hiss~~~” The skyscraper spit out a scarlet red snake letter and seemed to be able to understand everything Tang Yue said.

"By the way, you have to give me some blood." Tangyue said.

The ferris snake slowly bent its head back to the middle of its body, and the snake teeth directly bit its own body, leaving two shocking blood holes.

It took a bite and there was quite a bit of blood in its mouth.

"Not so much." Tang Yue hurriedly waved her hands.

"What do you want its blood for?" Mo Fan asked puzzled.

"The plague is getting more and more serious. There should be a source of disease in its blood. If you take this blood back, you may be able to extract a serum that can solve the disease." Tang Yue said.

Tang Yue was still thinking about the plague after all. Now that Xuan She had arrived at a safe place, she should also think of a solution for the plague.

The venom of the Skyscraper mainly comes from blood. As long as its blood is brought back, if the plague is indeed caused by it, then the solution can be found through this poisonous blood source. If not, it can also prove its innocence. .

"No way, we finally escaped, and now we want to kill back?" Mo Fan said a little dumbfounded.

"Then what can we do? We can't just sit back and ignore the plague. We don't need to fight back. The palace guards are coming soon. Just let them catch us and take us back." Tang Yue said.

"Is there a more rational way? I'm worried that they will avenge themselves." Mo Fan said.

"There is no time. If the plague persists for a minute longer, it may infect one more person. I hope its blood can have an effect." Tangyue said.

"If it works, it proves that it is the source of the plague. Zhu Meng and the others will not let it go." Wang Yu sighed helplessly. Luo Mian's plan was specifically aimed at the Black Snake. Even if the cause of the plague has nothing to do with the Black Snake, it is probably very serious. It's hard to tell.

In the isolation area, there are hospital beds lined up under white tents. The people on the beds are covered with abscesses on their arms and cheeks.

Their faces show severe dark spots, their skin is extremely dry, and they constantly beg for water.

But no matter how much they drank, it could not relieve the pain in their bodies. Instead, it made the inexplicable liquid overflowing from the abscesses more abundant.

Cries of grief echoed throughout the quarantine area, from old people to women, adults to children.

The adults were immersed in the pain, their eyes full of fear of this unknown disease. From time to time, they looked at the healing mages walking around, hoping that they could get their treatment. However, these people who are proficient in medical skills and pharmaceuticals, they Nothing can be done.

The children were innocent anyway, running back and forth between the hospital beds, not knowing what was coming.

Outside the isolation area, several Taishan Beidou of the healing department were sitting around a temporary conference tent tent. What they could do was not to treat them in any way, but to count down the lives of the infected. They had never So helpless now.

"Mr. Lu, if we can find the source of the disease, we can use it to develop resistance medicine.

Since everyone knows that this plague originated from the big snake that once appeared in the downtown area, why not take action immediately. "said the man in white coat and hat.

Just after saying this, the presiding judge Tang Zhong walked into the tent meeting. Mr. Lu glanced at him but said nothing, because Mr. Lu also knew that it was not a demon, but their patron saint.

Councilor Zhu Meng also came in with the presiding judge Tang Zhong. His expression was more solemn than before, and there was some anger in his eyes. It seemed that he had just argued with the presiding judge Tang Zhong.

"Tang Zhong, do you really want to see the whole of Hangzhou littered with corpses?! As long as you continue to sit idly by and ignore it, your wish will come true, and then you will be the sinner of the entire Hangzhou!!!
I don’t want to worry about any hidden danger strategies now, and I will no longer impose anything on you as a member of Parliament. I just want to solve this epidemic incident as soon as possible. "Zhu Meng's posture lowered a bit.

Tang Zhong didn't look relaxed, he also wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible, and his heart was also shaken.

Councilor Zhu Meng was about to speak when a palace guard walked in quickly and whispered something in the councilor's ear.

The expression on Councilor Zhu Meng's face changed immediately, and he asked excitedly, "Have you brought back the totem beads?"

The palace guard said humbly: "My subordinates are not doing their job well, please punish me."

Councilor Zhu Meng's face was filled with anger. He sent out so many trainee judges, but he couldn't even take down three of them. They were all a bunch of losers.

Palace guard Li Jin lowered his head. After Councilor Zhu Meng calmed down a little, he continued: "Tang Yue and Wang Yu Mofan have been brought back. You see how to deal with them."

"Bring them here first." Zhu Meng rubbed his nose and said with a headache. Not long ago, he received a piece of news that was like a bolt from the blue.

The White Demon Eagle tribe in Xiling is rushing towards Hangzhou. A complete monarch-level demon force has invaded.
(End of this chapter)

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