Chapter 10 Qi and Blood Coagulation Technique

The manager of Lingzhi Hall still works near Dongyang Lake. There is no doubt that it is a good job.

According to convention, the clan members who can serve as stewards in the ancestral land are basically the descendants of the main lineage.

Liu Qingyun, a descendant of a distant branch, was able to get this good job, although his many years of personal merit and hard work played a role.

But the main reason was that Liu Yuanchen showed his talent in alchemy.

He is already a disciple of Qingdan Sect. With his alchemy talent, he can definitely get the attention of some middle and high-level people in the sect.

In the past, the family ignored him and simply pushed the alchemist away.

Now it's a bit difficult to get close to someone.

The best choice is to give Liu Qingyun better treatment.

In this way, Liu Yuanchen can have a better impression of the family.

Liu Qingyun has a very deep affection for his family, and he is naturally grateful for the family's respect.

"Thank you, Great Elder. I will do my best to clear up wasteland in Nanshan."

The father and son left Dongyang Peak and returned to the house at the foot of Nanshan Mountain.

The family had a meal, Liu Yuanchen left some Bigu Dan and Golden Silk Rice for his father, and left Dongyang Lake.

Take the family's cargo ship and head to Qinghe Town.

We didn't encounter any trouble this time. We walked against the current and some monks used their magic power to move the cargo ship. It took them most of a day to reach Qinghe Town.

After getting off the boat, he went straight to Dongyang Liu's Pill Shop.

Seeing him coming, Liu Qingfeng had a smile on his face: "Nephew Yuan Chen, you have made great contributions to the family.

When I came to the store this time, were there any elixirs for sale? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "That's not true. I want to buy some medicinal materials needed for alchemy."

Liu Qingfeng patted his chest and assured: "The family has sent word that you will get a [-]% discount on resources related to alchemy in the family store.

Although the family's shop in Qinghe Town is not large in scale, it still has all the elixirs needed to refine common first-order elixirs.

If you want any elixir, just ask. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "Here are twenty portions of the raw materials needed to refine the elixir, and five portions of the qi-nourishing elixir."

Qi-nourishing pill is a first-level middle-grade elixir that can be taken by monks in the Qi-nourishing realm to slightly increase the speed of cultivation.

The standard price of a Qi-nourishing pill is three spiritual stones, and a Qi-nourishing pill is ten spiritual stones.

He refined the Spirit Recovery Pill, and the success rate of the pill had reached [-]%. It was time to try to refine the Qi Nourishing Pill.

As soon as Liu Qingsong got busy, he prepared all the elixirs Liu Yuanchen needed.

“One portion of the spirit-restoring elixir costs three spiritual stones, and one portion of the qi-nourishing elixir costs ten spiritual stones.

Adding up all the elixirs, the total price is 110 spiritual stones.

The family will give you a 88% discount, but you still need [-] spiritual stones. "

After Liu Yuanchen paid the spirit stone, he left the elixir shop with Liu Qingfeng's warm farewell.

He had previously sold the spiritual elixir back and shared the falsely reported losses with Liu Qingsong. Plus two rewards, there were a total of 150 seven spiritual stones.

After buying the elixir, there are still 69 yuan left.

He did not plan to return directly to Yujin Mountain, but instead wandered around the edge of Qingxi Town.

This time I returned to the family and gained a lot, but it also exposed two major weaknesses.

One is that the Qi and blood are strong and there is no reasonable explanation.

The easiest way is to find a low-level body-refining secret technique and practice it.

The secret technique of body refining is just a cover, the quality is not important.

The second is that there is no powerful attack method.

When he attacked Chen Changming in the swamp, he hit him in the face with all his strength.

The result was just one of his back molars, which had no impact on his combat ability.

If you have a powerful attack spell, or a magic weapon with strong attack power.

At that time, it was very possible to kill it directly, or at least to severely damage it.

However, Liu Yuanchen never purchased the magic weapon.

Mainly because most of the first-order wood attribute offensive magic weapons are not as powerful as the Green Silk Vine.

Magical weapons with other attributes can also be activated with wood attribute spiritual power.

Just like the alchemy furnace used before, it has nothing to do with the wood attribute, but he can also activate it.

What works on the magic weapon is the weapon refining inscription, and the inscription itself has no attributes. It is just a tool that consumes mana and performs specific functions.

No matter what kind of magic power is used to activate it, the inscription can be effective.

Because of the characteristics of the inscription itself, it consumes mana with different attributes, and the functions exerted by the inscription are different in strength.

If you use wood-attributed magic power to activate magic weapons with other attributes, the power exerted will be greatly weakened.

Wind and thunder are also within the category of wood attributes, and their killing power is also extremely strong.

Using wood-attributed mana to activate wind-and-thunder-attributed magic weapons, the power will not be weakened much.

It's just that wind and thunder magic weapons are extremely rare, and they almost never appear in a small place like Qinghe Town.


On the edge of Qinghe Town, there are many casual cultivators setting up street stalls.

Most of these people have made some gains outside, or are afraid that stores will lower prices, or because the sources of things are not clean, so they choose to set up street stalls.

There are many kinds of things for sale, such as elixirs, magic weapons, magic talismans, elixir seeds, and the bones and scales of monsters and beasts.

Even the techniques and spells are not uncommon.

There are a lot of things and the prices are cheap, but the quality varies.

There are those who pick up the leaks, and there are those who are deceived.

It's just that there are very few who miss it, and there are many who are deceived.

Liu Yuanchen passed by a street stall with more than 20 jade slips and several books sewn from animal skins.

The stall owner shouted: "The inheritance of the ancient monks is sold cheaply. This is the inheritance from the ancient monks' cave in Black Wolf Valley."

Liu Yuanchen immediately stopped when he heard about the ancient monk cave in Black Wolf Valley.

Chen Changming mentioned this before taking a cargo ship back to Dongyang Lake.

If it is really passed down by ancient monks, I would naturally want to take a look.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen stop, the stall owner became more energetic: "This fellow Taoist from Qingdan Sect wants to buy exercises and secret techniques.

These skills and secrets all come from the ancient monk caves in Black Wolf Valley, and are no less inherited from major forces. "

Liu Yuanchen often purchases goods in Qinghe Town, and he knows exactly what the virtues of the casual cultivators here are.

"If these were all inheritances from the ancient monk's cave, would you set up a stall here?

To be able to obtain so many inheritances, one must have already become a monk in the Qi Sea Realm.

With a complete inheritance from ancient monks and Qi Sea Realm cultivation, it is not difficult to establish a sect. "

The stall owner was a little embarrassed: "Although not all of these inheritances come from the ancient monks' caves, there are still some real things."

After that, he picked up a somewhat worn animal skin book: "I dare to swear to God, this book definitely came from the ancient monk's cave.

This is a rare body-building secret technique, which is different from the current body-building secret techniques.

You can take a look at the general outline of this secret technique, it is absolutely extraordinary. "

Liu Yuanchen picked up the animal skin book and flipped through the first two pages.

This secret technique is called "Qi and Blood Condensation Technique", and it contains the secret technique of improving Qi and blood.

It’s just that in the process of cultivation, a large amount of spiritual objects need to be consumed.

If you don't have enough resources and practice forcefully, your foundation will be damaged at best, and your life will be at risk at worst.

In addition, it can also consume the power of Qi and blood to condense a power called Gang Qi.

Gang Qi can be used both for offense and defense, and for tempering muscles and bones.

According to the general outline, there are also some spells that can be cast directly with Gang Qi, which are extremely powerful.Although he had never heard of the term Gang Qi, the description in the animal skin book was very concrete and could not be made up by a casual cultivator.

“This inheritance is a bit interesting, but without the matching spells, the Gang Qi is too useless.

Moreover, increasing the power of Qi and blood requires consuming a lot of resources.

No wonder this inheritance from the ancient monk's cave couldn't be sold. "

The stall owner also looked helpless: "If this has matching spells, it can be used as the foundation of a medium-sized force. How can I sell it?"

"Although this body refining secret technique consumes a lot of money, my fellow Taoist is a high disciple of Qingdan Sect, and his energy and blood are also very strong, so he is suitable for practicing this secret technique.

It is passed down by ancient monks. As long as 100 spiritual stones are spent, you will definitely not suffer any loss. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled and said, "I think fellow Taoist is going crazy thinking about the spiritual stone."

Throwing the animal skin book on the stall, he turned around and left.

Seeing that he was about to leave, the stall owner jumped out from behind the stall and grabbed Liu Yuanchen's sleeve.

"Fellow Taoist, don't leave. The price is still negotiable. How about 70 yuan of spiritual stones?"

Liu Yuanchen still wanted to leave, and the stall owner took the initiative to lower the price again: "Fifty, only 50 yuan of spirit stones."

Looking at the stall owner's posture, Liu Yuanchen gained confidence in bargaining.

Liu Yuanchen paused and said, "If you really want to sell it, just give me 20 yuan of spiritual stones.

If you don't want to, don't block my way. "

The stall owner gritted his teeth: "If you really want it, fellow Taoist, then 30 Yuan Lingshi.

I also received this animal skin book from someone else, and I lost 20 yuan of spiritual stones.

We casual cultivators are no match for you sect cultivators.

Once you lose your capital, you will not be able to continue your business. "

30 Yuan Lingshi was already far lower than Liu Yuanchen's psychological expectations.

If the stall owner really killed five or sixty yuan of spiritual stones, he would have to buy it.

After all, this secret technique suits me very well.

He thought for a long time before slowly nodding: "Okay, 30 yuan is 30 yuan.

But I have to look at the content at the back first. If the back is seriously damaged, wouldn’t I be at a loss?

As long as this secret technique can be practiced to the late stage of Qi nourishment, I will give you 30 yuan of spiritual stones. "

Seeing him relent, the stall owner also felt relieved: "I left a seal on this animal skin book, and you can only read the contents of the first five animal skin papers at will.

Even this part of the content is enough to cultivate to the later stage of Qi cultivation. "

Liu Yuanchen read through the first five pages and found that there was no problem.

Take out 30 yuan of spiritual stones and give them to the stall owner.

After he unlocked the seal, Liu Yuanchen left Fangshi with the animal skin book and returned to Yujin Mountain.

This secret technique can not only solve the problem of excessive qi and blood, but the condensed qi can also increase offensive and defensive power.

As long as you practice this secret technique, the two problems you face will be solved.

The problem has been solved, and naturally he does not continue to stay in Qinghe Town.

After returning to Yujin Mountain, he entered the cave directly.

After activating the defensive formation, he took out the animal skin book and read it carefully from beginning to end.

This secret technique is indeed not simple, and can be practiced up to the late stage of Qi Sea Realm.

The Gang Qi mentioned in it is obviously different from the existing path of cultivating immortality in Chihuangyuan.

Although mana was also mentioned, he was dismissive of mana.

According to the description in the book, mana is only used to nourish the physical body.

In terms of the power of casting spells, it is incomparable to Gang Qi.

Liu Yuanchen became more and more certain that this secret technique should have a long history.

If what is said in the book is true, then in the era when Gang Qi was popular, mana should be suppressed.

Thousands of years ago in the Red Wasteland, the cultivation system was almost the same as it is now. This secret technique was created at least thousands of years ago.

It seems that the owner of the ancient monk cave in Black Wolf Valley got this secret skill from somewhere else.

After all, the ancient monk's cave also produced the Blood Jade Pill, and the shelf life of the pill is generally no more than 500 years.

The whole secret technique can be divided into three parts. The first part is the method of improving Qi and blood.

The second part is to use Qi and blood to condense Gang Qi, and the third part is to use Gang Qi to temper the muscles and bones.

The content is quite complete, but after practicing the Shenmu Shentian Technique, Liu Yuanchen became a little more discerning and felt that this secret technique was a bit rough.

It is estimated that this secret technique was not a masterful inheritance in the era of ancient monks.

Liu Yuanchen didn't care whether he was clever or not, as long as he could use it.

It's just that for this secret technique to condense Gang Qi, the Qi and blood need to be strong enough.

If the Qi and blood are not strong enough and the Condensed Gang Qi is consumed too much, it is likely to damage the internal organs.

The first part of the content is to increase Qi and blood, which is to lay the foundation.

The content of improving qi and blood is called guidance technique.

This Guidance Technique is just some special movements, plus some means of moving the power of Qi and blood, and it doesn't seem to be difficult.

It only took him more than twenty breaths to make the movements in the Daoyin Technique, and he was so exhausted that he was sweating profusely.

Every movement looks simple, but in reality, it is as awkward as it is to perform.

After persisting for a cup of tea, Liu Yuanchen felt that the power of qi and blood in his body had increased a little.

After finishing the exercise, I just felt relaxed all over my body, and even my magic power moved much more smoothly.

I'm just a little hungry. It seems that while this Daoyin technique enhances Qi and blood, it consumes a lot of money.

Take a Bigu Pill and your hunger will disappear instantly.

All you need to do is take some bigu pills and you can enhance your qi and blood through the guidance technique. This business is a good deal.

There is also some golden silk rice planted in the prototype of the blessed land, and it grows very fast. It can be used to refine the Bigu Pill at any time. There is really no shortage of this thing.

Even if it is only this guidance technique, 30 yuan of spirit stones are worth it.

The second part of the Qi and Blood Gang Qi Condensation Technique is to condense Gang Qi.

This process is extremely difficult and requires first condensing Qi and blood into a Gang Qi seed.

After that, every time the Condensation Secret Technique is run, the Gang Qi seeds will consume Qi and blood and transform into Gang Qi.

It's just that it's extremely difficult to condense Gang Qi seeds. It not only requires a huge amount of Qi and blood, but also needs to be slowly polished to take shape.

If it weren't for strengthening Qi and blood during practice, Liu Yuanchen would not dare to practice this thing.

Of course, there are quick ways.

You can look for materials with Gang Qi, refine a Gang Qi seed, and then refine it into your body.

Similar methods are not uncommon in the world of immortality. For example, there are similar methods to break through the Qi Sea Realm.

Before breaking through, a drop of liquid mana can be refined into the body.

When breaking through, using this liquid mana as an introduction to condense the gaseous mana into a liquid state, the difficulty is greatly reduced.

Of course, the disadvantages are huge.

The magic power of a Qi Sea Realm monk who has made such a breakthrough will always be mixed.

Cultivation in the Qi Sea Realm will be difficult, and it is almost impossible to break through the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Although it is not mentioned in the book, relying on external forces to condense Gang Qi seeds may have similar disadvantages.

Liu Yuanchen would naturally not choose this method. With the prototype of the Blessed Land and the Divine Tree Towering Skill, he only needed to practice step by step to grow to the Lingtai realm.

No matter how good the secret technique is, it cannot be at the expense of the future.

The third part of the secret technique is to temper the muscles and bones. Before the Gang Qi is cultivated, it cannot be used at all, and it is useless now.

(End of this chapter)

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