Chapter 100 Kidney Deficiency Son
When the day for the second challenge arrived, Liu Yuanchen flew straight to the martial arts field.

Sure enough, the place was already crowded with people.

He scanned the crowd and found no trace of Xia Longting.

At this time, someone on the field started to boo: "Where's Xia Longting? Didn't he say he wanted to challenge Senior Brother Liu?
I came all the way back to watch the excitement, but why was there no one there? "

Students in the academy, as long as they are not from the same school, are judged based on their strength.

Whoever is stronger is the senior brother.

Liu Yuanchen has proven his strength, and most students call him senior brother.

"That's right. Is it possible that the dignified Prince Zhennan is a coward?"

"How come the first hero of Zhennanhou gave birth to such a thing?"

The academy system is not under the jurisdiction of the imperial court system, and most of the talented students in the academy are from sects.

These sects are not in the same pot as the imperial court, so naturally they will not be afraid of a Zhennan Marquis.

Not long after, Xia Longting, wearing a light blue brocade robe, appeared on the edge of the crowd.

Beside him, there was a young man wearing a mask, who should be Xia Lingkai.

As soon as Xia Longting arrived at the sidelines, he cursed: "Your grandpa, I went to Zuihua Tower for a few days, and I just came back now, and I hear you grandsons shouting.

My dear grandsons, I haven’t seen you for a few days, do you already miss your grandpa? "

The faces of all the talented students were twitching, but the dignified Prince of Zhennan was full of vulgar words.

This kind of behavior is like that of a ruffian.

The attendants around him wore masks, and everyone understood.

Anyone who follows such a thing will be shameless.

Among all geniuses, there are also those who are careless.

"With your kidney deficiency, you can hardly walk unsteadily. Besides your tough words, your whole body is soft. How can you beat me?"

When he heard this, Xia Longting was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his fur was furious at that time.

"Grandpa You, my kidneys are weak. I'll go back and ask your grandma."

After that, he walked to the stage and jumped onto the stage with some difficulty, breathing heavily.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Yuanchen was worried that he would blow him apart if he blew his breath.

"Senior Brother Xia, are you okay?"

Xia Longting retorted subconsciously: "Who can't do it?"

He patted his chest hard, as if he was going to say some heroic words.

Unexpectedly, I exerted too much force and my whole body coughed violently.

After coughing for more than ten breaths, he said: "Let me take it easy."

Someone immediately booed below: "If it works, it works. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work. What does slow down mean?"

"Young Master with kidney deficiency, I have a recipe for replenishing the kidneys, which is guaranteed to last. Do you want to give it a try?"

Everyone burst into laughter again, and the name of Xia Longting's kidney deficiency was probably going to spread.

Xia Lingkai, who was in the audience, lowered his head and was embarrassed to look at people, but he was a little glad in his heart that he was wearing a mask today.

It's still a magic weapon mask bought by Wanbao Tower, and even my spiritual sense can't see through it.

Xia Longting gritted his teeth and straightened his back: "Liu Yuanchen, let your horse come over."

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless. This guy's kidneys had been emptied, so what fighting power did he have left?

If I hit him with a stick, I would be afraid of knocking this guy to death.

In desperation, he put away the wind and thunder stick.

"Since Senior Brother Xia doesn't use magical weapons, then I won't use them either. Let's just compete with our fists and feet."

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting laughed and said, "Junior Brother Liu is indeed kind-hearted. What are those people in the audience?"

After that, he put on his posture and looked presentable.

It's a pity that his legs are weak and have no roots under his feet, so he is just a flower stand.

"Junior Brother Liu, be careful, I'm about to take action."

Before he finished speaking, he got into a punching stance.

The audience burst into laughter again: "This tickling punch is too light. Even a three-year-old baby is stronger than him."

At this moment, Xia Longting released a blue-white thunderbolt from his fist.

Although Liu Yuanchen relaxed his vigilance a little, he did not underestimate the enemy too much.

With a thought in his mind, an earthy yellow barrier formed instantly.

The thunder struck the earth-yellow barrier and actually dented the barrier.

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly in his heart that this boy was pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger.

Although the power of this thunderbolt is not as powerful as Shi Jian's full-strength attack, it is much stronger than Lin Jianshan's before.

The faces of the laughing crowd below also turned serious.

"This kid is really clever. He actually forced Liu Yuanchen to use a defensive weapon."

"Xia Longting is a first-class high-grade immortal. His strength should not be underestimated. He can at least be ranked among the top ten on the Hidden Dragon Ranking.

I don’t know why, but it didn’t make the list. "

On the stage, Liu Yuanchen sneered: "It seems that Senior Brother Xia is pretty good, so I won't hold back."

After saying that, Gang Qi spread all over the body.

He used his forest escape technique at his feet and attacked Xia Longting.

In the blink of an eye, Xia Longting's entire body turned into a bolt of lightning and he easily hid at the other end of the ring.

The people in the audience quickly discovered the problem: "This Xia Longting is so shameless, he just made a joke and came on stage without suppressing his cultivation.

He is a late-stage Qihai cultivator. How can he bully Senior Brother Liu with his cultivation? "

In the last competition, the students in the audience were unanimously targeting Liu Yuanchen. Now that Xia Longting came on stage, everyone began to support Liu Yuanchen.

It can be seen that Xia Longting's character has reached the point where people hate dogs.

Liu Yuanchen missed his attack and attacked Xia Longting again.

But his lightning escape method was really fast enough. Liu Yuanchen tried his best, but he didn't even hit a single hair.

The two of them chased and escaped, spending more than a hundred breaths of time.

At this time, Xia Longting's face was flushed and he was breathing heavily.

It can be seen that this guy's appearance of kidney deficiency just now was not entirely fake, he was really weak.

If it continues like this, I'm afraid it won't take long for this guy to lie down from exhaustion.

At this moment, Xia Longting's body was filled with thunderous power, as if he was preparing some powerful spell.

Liu Yuanchen tried to interrupt him, but while he was accumulating strength, the speed of Lei Dun was not affected at all.

He put away his contempt and activated the earth book with all his strength, and the defensive barrier became extremely thick.

At the same time, most of the Gang Qi in the body is condensed outside the body.

After more than ten breaths, a dazzling thunder light condensed in front of Xia Longting.

That ball of lightning contained violent energy.

Shi Jian's all-out attack before was probably not that powerful.

At this time, Xia Longting's face turned pale and his steps became frivolous.

Liu Yuanchen saw the right opportunity and stepped forward.

Xia Longting did not accumulate any more strength and sent the energy accumulated in his hands into the air.

At this time, there was a group of white clouds above the martial arts arena.

That mass of energy merged into the white clouds, and the entire cloud instantly turned into a dark cloud.

Among the clouds, lightning flashed, as if it was about to strike down at any moment.

Liu Yuanchen was horrified. The thunder method was used with the help of clouds, and its power could reach several levels.

If there is a thunderstorm, this method will be even more terrifying.At this moment, a cool breeze blew, and the dark clouds swelled in the wind, and soon covered half of the sky.

Xia Longting's move borrowed the power of Heaven. Once it hits, no one can say how powerful it will be.

Although the defensive power of the Book of Earth is extraordinary, Liu Yuanchen didn't know how high the upper limit of the Book of the Earth was.

Facing such a terrifying blow, he didn't have much confidence.

Liu Yuanchen no longer cared about holding back, used his escape technique with all his strength, and followed Xia Longting closely.

Being close would at least allow Xia Longting to throw a rat weapon at him.

In the sky, that dark cloud keeps giving birth to thunder.

I could even see a thunder dragon flying through the clouds, but it never came down.

The aura of the thunder dragon alone made everyone present feel numb.

Even the Condensation Realm monks watching the battle in the audience looked nervous.

Xia Longting was panting: "You...what are you following me for?"

Liu Yuanchen sneered: "If this thunder dragon falls, don't even think about escaping."

One is running for his life, and the other is in hot pursuit.

After spending dozens of breaths, this move still failed to come down.

Xia Longting gritted his teeth, and the thunder dragon fell from the sky and swooped down towards Liu Yuanchen.

While he was distracted, Liu Yuanchen finally got close, grabbed him, and held him above his head.

If the thunder dragon was smashed down, Xia Longting would be the first to carry it.

At this time, Xia Longting was also scared, and actually controlled the thunder dragon and rushed towards the audience.

For a time, many students were frightened and ran around.

Zhou Yang shouted: "Work together to block this blow!"

Before he finished speaking, a dozen Condensation Realm monks joined forces to form a huge shield, intending to withstand the blow.

There was a loud noise, the dragon hit the shield hard, and everyone was blinded by the lightning.

After a few breaths, the lightning slowly dissipated.

The shadow of the shield formed by the cooperation of more than a dozen instructors became dim, but at least it blocked the blow.

The martial arts stage was at a high place and was affected by the residual power of the thunder dragon. However, Liu Yuanchen was protected by a ground book, so the residual power could not break the defense.

Xia Longting also carries a protective treasure on his body. Now that it has been activated, he is safe and sound.

Seeing that the lingering power of the thunder dragon dissipated, Liu Yuanchen carried Xia Longting like a dead dog, walked to the edge of the high platform, and threw him down.

Xia Lingkai quickly caught him and carefully checked whether he was injured.

I was relieved to find that he was just a little weak.

At this time, Xia Longting said in a weak voice: "Take me to Zuihua Tower to rest."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was speechless for a while.

It’s all in vain, and I still have to go to Zuihua Tower.

Although the battle was won, everyone present was frightened into a cold sweat and had no interest in fighting again.

Seeing no one challenged him, Liu Yuanchen left the martial arts arena and returned to his residence to practice.

The next morning, he was running the Longevity Skill, and his aura was suppressed to the level where he had just broken through the Qi Sea Realm.

After finishing the exercise, the breath did not improve at all.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: "The state when not practicing is no different from the state when performing the dead wood longevity skill. The fallen leaf level has finally been completed."

The level of dead wood is similar to the level of fallen leaves, but it is more sophisticated. There is no need to understand the state of dead wood.

He was about to start practicing the dead wood level technique when suddenly someone knocked on the door.

Liu Yuanchen released his spiritual consciousness to investigate and found that it was Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai.

He thought to himself: "What are these two guys doing here?"

Although I don’t understand, I can’t turn people away.

Liu Yuanchen opened the door and welcomed the two people into the main house.

"Senior Brother Xia is here, what's your purpose?"

Xia Longting still looked like he had insufficient kidney energy at this time, and his whole body was listless.

Xia Lingkai said: "Yesterday, my young master used forbidden magic, which almost caused a catastrophe, and also triggered the protective treasure, which alarmed the Marquis.

The Marquis taught the young master a lesson and asked him to come and apologize. "

After that, he took out two gift boxes and placed them on the table.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "The Marquis of Zhennan has so many things to do, why bother worrying about such a trivial matter?

Originally it was just a competition between students, so it was inevitable to use some powerful means. "

Xia Lingkai said quickly: "This is the order of the Marquis. If Junior Brother Liu does not accept this gift, the young master and I will both be punished."

Liu Yuanchen was also helpless: "In that case, I will accept it first.

However, I don’t have anything valuable in my hand, so I can only return the gift later. "

Xia Longting asked tentatively: "Senior Brother Liu, can you make elixirs?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Of course, I was able to join the Bahuang Pavilion because my talent in alchemy was quite good."

Hearing this, Xia Longting's eyes lit up: "Can you help me refine some elixirs?"

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious. The dignified prince of Zhennan was equivalent to the crown prince in the three-thirds of an acre of Zhennan County.

If such a person wants to make alchemy, what kind of alchemist can't be found?
In addition, he must have a lot of money. He can just find an alchemy shop and entrust him to make alchemy. Is there any need to ask for it on his own head?

“The elixir that Senior Brother Xia wants to refine is definitely not an ordinary product.

I can only refine second-level high-grade elixirs now. If you want to refine third-level elixirs, I don't have the ability. "

Xia Longting waved his hands repeatedly: "I can guarantee that the grade of these elixirs will not exceed the second-grade top grade."

After that, he also took out a prescription.

Liu Yuanchen took the pill recipe and saw that it was called the Eight Treasures Kidney-Guarding Pill.

When you look at the medicinal materials, you can see that they are all good for replenishing the kidneys.

Xia Longting's waist is really weak.

"The difficulty of refining this elixir is not high. There should be alchemists in the Hou Mansion. There is no need to blame me for this matter, right?"

Xia Longting looked helpless: "My old man said that anyone who dares to help me refine these pills is going against him.

There is no alchemist in the entire Zhennan County who dares to help me make alchemy.

There are quite a few alchemists in the Academy, but they are either afraid of my father's orders, or they think I am insulting them. "

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help laughing: "If you ask those real alchemists to refine this kind of elixir, they will really feel that you are insulting them."

Xia Longting sighed: "It is difficult to find an alchemist willing to help me make alchemy in Zhennan County.

With your identity, you don't have to be afraid of that damn old man in my family.

As long as you are willing to help me refine elixirs, I will definitely thank you greatly in the future. "

Liu Yuanchen frowned slightly: "Senior Brother Xia, with all due respect, what you need now is not to take this kind of pill.

Although it is not a tiger or wolf medicine, if you go to Zuihua Tower all day long, no pills you take will be of any use.

Cultivating yourself well is better than taking any medicine. "

At this time, Xia Lingkai sighed: "My young master has a special constitution, and this type of elixir has no effect.

Not only that, the secret techniques of suppressing desires have no effect. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. He also had such a magical physique?
"In that case, there is no other way except taking this elixir."

Xia Lingkai sighed: "Perhaps only an alchemist at the level of Alchemy King can make the elixir of some use."

"But an alchemist at the level of Alchemy King is busy refining various high-level elixirs. How can he take action on this matter?"

(End of this chapter)

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