Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 121 Trial in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons

Chapter 121 Trial in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons
Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused: "What is this trial in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons? Why have I never heard of it?"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "Speaking of this blessed land of ten thousand monsters, it is extremely extraordinary."

"This blessed land of ten thousand monsters was not developed by our earthly immortal monks, but a natural cave heaven blessed land.

Moreover, this cave has been formed long before our human race appeared.

In the earliest days, it was still a cave, not a blessed land.

A large number of monsters occupied this place, which gave it the name Ten Thousand Monsters Cave. "

“Later, our human race rose up.

After occupying all the territory near Ten Thousand Demons Cave, Ten Thousand Demons Cave naturally fell into the hands of the human race.

Unfortunately, the foundation of Ten Thousand Monsters Cave was damaged in the war.

The entire cave sky continues to degrade, and the level of the spiritual veins continues to decrease.

The ancestors of the human race used various means to maintain it, but they could only slow down the rate of degradation, but could not completely prevent it.

By now, it is no longer the Cave of Ten Thousand Demons, but the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt regretful.

The value of a natural cave is very high.

Especially for Earth Immortal Dao monks, it is an excellent reference.

"Are there any good things in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land now?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "Of course there are good things, and there are quite a few.

When the ancestors of the human race occupied the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, they did not drive out all the monsters in it.

Instead, many demon clans were left behind as a channel to continue to obtain precious materials.

There are not only low-level demon clans, but also the bloodline of divine beasts. "

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly in his heart that the current Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land was like an animal pen where spiritual beasts were kept in captivity.

He still had something to puzzle about: "As far as I know, high-level monsters have the spiritual enlightenment realm when they are born.

There is a bloodline of divine beasts in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, so their cultivation is definitely not weak.

If us Qi Sea Realm monks go in, aren't we looking for death? "

Zhang Lingxu shook his head: "Since there is this trial, I will never let you suffer too much loss."

“The foundation of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land has been severely damaged. If there is another battle between masters, the entire blessed land may collapse.

Therefore, when the human race occupied this place, they deployed various formations.

These include formations that suppress cultivation. As long as you exert power at the level of the Condensing Yuan Realm, you will be attacked by the formations.

This is true regardless of the human race or the demon race. "

"In the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, the demon clan with the highest cultivation level is at the peak of Naqi, which is equivalent to the peak of the human race's Qi Sea realm."

"Even if a fish slips through the net and breaks through to the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm, it will not dare to use the power of the Spiritual Enlightenment Realm."

"Of course, those monsters with the blood of divine beasts should not be underestimated.

Even if they don't reach the spiritual enlightenment realm, their spiritual intelligence may not be inferior to that of human beings.

In every trial, some human geniuses fall, so don’t take it lightly. "

"Master, don't worry, disciples never like to take risks."

After listening to his master's description, Liu Yuanchen understood the basic situation of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land.

Since this place is called Cave Heaven, there must be a lot of treasures of all kinds.

For example, the Houtian Xuanhuang Stone can be produced in the Cave Heaven Blessed Land.

Other precious spiritual plants are probably indispensable.

If you go into this place, you will definitely gain a lot.

"Master, is there Xuanhuang Stone in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "Of course, there are not only Xuanhuang stones, but also various precious elixirs."

"In addition to training the younger generation of monks, this blessed land of ten thousand demons is also very suitable for the growth of some precious elixirs."

“For example, the medicinal materials of the True Yuan Pill required to break through the Condensing Yuan Realm are very rare.

Even within the academy system, it is extremely popular.

In the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons, there are some places that produce True Essence Pill medicinal materials. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

The monks on the other side of the Red Wasteland had no pills to use when they broke through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

If those monks want to break through, they all rely on hard work.

Although the breakthrough is not life-threatening, it consumes a lot of energy and time.

Only by continuously improving the purity of mana, and finally the quantitative change leads to a qualitative change, can the true essence be condensed.

It will take decades of hard work for a monk with a second-level high-grade immortal species to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Although the Red Wasteland is barren, there is at least a large spiritual vein supplying spiritual energy, which will not hinder the cultivation of Qi Sea Realm and Condensing Yuan Realm monks.

However, the Qi Sea Realm monks in the Red Wasteland can be regarded as top geniuses if they can break through the Condensing Yuan Realm before they are a hundred years old.

As for Zhennan County, those who cannot break through the Condensation Realm before the age of 50 can only be regarded as second-rate goods.

The monks in Chihuang Plain are far inferior to those in Luochuan Country because of the lack of various auxiliary spiritual objects.

Although Liu Yuanchen was confident in his cultivation speed, it would be better to break through as early as possible.

He carries a big secret with him. Only by growing up as soon as possible can he ensure his own safety.

As for attracting some people's attention, there is nothing that can be done now.

My ancestor and master were both extremely high-profile figures. They had made a lot of enemies, and they couldn't hide them even if they wanted to.

In order to break through as soon as possible, we still have to try our best to fight for this True Yuan Dan.

"Master, the elixirs in this Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land are valuable, is it possible that they can be taken away casually?"

Before Zhang Lingxu could say anything, Zhao Hong started to curse.

"The group of people guarding the cave are the worst. No matter who collects the elixir, they will get half of it.

Back then, I grabbed... No, the elixir I collected was enough to refine twenty furnaces of True Essence Pills, but half of it was taken away by them.

Looking back now, I feel itchy with hatred.

I have always been the only one who robs other people's things, but in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons, someone else actually robbed them. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt it was very reasonable.

After all, guarding the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land requires investing resources.

And if you occupy such a precious land, how can you easily give away the elixir to others?
"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely take away more elixirs this time to make those people miserable."

Zhang Lingxu said quickly: "The Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land also has rules, and those immature elixirs cannot be touched.

Anyone who picks elixir seedlings without authorization will be severely punished if discovered. "

“Besides, this blessed land of ten thousand demons is also an industry of the academy system, and we, Bahuang Pavilion, also have a share.

The loss of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is also our loss.

Moreover, the part of the elixir taken away is not free, there will be rewards such as credits and precious spiritual items. "

After that, he also took out an animal skin map: "This is a map of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, which marks the various products in the cave.

This is all the hard work of the ancestors of our Bahuang Pavilion. You must memorize the contents on the map and never leak it. "

Seeing this map, Liu Yuanchen sighed in his heart: It is really good to have a big force as a backer!

Not yet qualified to enter the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, the distribution map of spiritual objects is ready.

Liu Yuanchen took the map, looked at it carefully several times, and wrote down everything on the map.

This map not only shows the location of the spiritual branch, but also marks the locations of various demon clans, as well as dangerous areas.

According to the content marked on the map, there is a fifth-level great spiritual vein in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land.

There are countless small spiritual veins derived from this large spiritual vein.

Although the spiritual vein level is no longer high, the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land was once a cave after all, and the space is still relatively large.The entire blessed land has a radius of two thousand miles.

After reading it, he returned the map.

"Don't worry, Master, I will definitely come back with a bunch of good things."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "Don't take it lightly, there are many talented students who have taken action during this experience.

Students from various schools below the Condensing Yuan Realm will participate.

Although you have good talents, what the human race lacks most is genius. "

“Although there is no life-and-death conflict in the trials of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, the money and silk are very touching.

Students from all over the world have never stopped killing each other in order to compete for spiritual objects. "

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Where is this blessed land of ten thousand monsters?"

Zhao Hong replied: "It is in the north of Moyang Mountain, not far from the capital of Luochuan Kingdom."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little happy.

The Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons is still within the territory of Moyang Mountain, so it must be connected to the spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain, and there are imprints of the spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain on the land book.

I don’t know if my blessed land can still draw spiritual energy from the outside world after entering the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land.


Leave Songquan Residence and return to the small courtyard where you live.

At this time, Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai were both in the small courtyard.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen back, Xia Longting looked excited: "You are finally back!"

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a storage bag: "This is your elixir."

Xia Longting opened the storage bag and took a look, then his face beamed with joy: "Now I'm really excited!"

Seeing his appearance, Xia Lingkai kept groping around his waist: "Where is my mask?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Forget it, covering your face is useless."

However, Xia Longting's current condition is much better than a year ago.

"Junior brother Xia, your energy and blood seem to be much stronger than a year ago. At least you have some yang energy. Could it be that you have changed your temper?"

Before he finished speaking, Xia Longting took out an Eight Treasures Kidney-Strengthening Pill and swallowed it.

Then, he turned around and started to walk out: "You guys chat first, I have something important to go to Zuihua Tower."

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "I take back what I just said."

Xia Longting grabbed him and said, "Sir, the results of this assessment are related to whether you can enter the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

If your assessment is affected by going to Zuihua Tower, you know the consequences yourself. "

After hearing this, Xia Longting calmed down.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Junior brother Xia still has this kind of virtue. How did he recover from his physical condition?"

Xia Lingkai sighed softly: "In this year, the Marquis invited several Qi Dao masters to help the young master inspire the power of the immortal seeds.

Although the problem has not been solved, there has been some improvement. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly.

It seems that my previous suggestions have had some effect.

Xia Longting's body couldn't be cured by ordinary tonics. He had to work hard on immortal seeds.


A few days later, a new round of assessment began again.

Just like last time, Liu Yuanchen and others arrived in front of the practice room early in the morning.

It must be that news of the trial in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land has spread, and more people have come to take part in the assessment than last time.

Moreover, several unfamiliar faces with powerful auras appeared.

Especially when Liu Yuanchen appeared, all the unfamiliar faces looked towards him.

And the eyes are not very kind, but full of aggression.

Liu Yuanchen looked at Xia Lingkai beside him: "Senior Brother Xia, who are those guys with strong auras? They seem to be quite hostile to me."

Xia Lingkai glanced at those people: "They are all old students in the academy, about my age."

Meng Tieshan was puzzled: "Why didn't you see them in the last assessment?"

Xia Lingkai's face showed a look of astonishment: "You have just been admitted to the Academy, so you don't know the unwritten rules in the Academy.

Students only need to perform very well in one assessment without breaking through the realm.

You can no longer take the assessment after that, and the academy will still give you ten credits. "

"Just like us, our results last time were pretty good. If we don't take the assessment this time, we can still get ten credits.

Of course, if you don’t participate in the assessment, there will be no ranking rewards. "

“These people have extraordinary backgrounds and don’t care about the rewards.

They usually stay somewhere to do tasks, and most of the students in the academy may have never seen them. "

"Participating in the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land this time is a once-in-a-century opportunity, so they will naturally not let it go."

While they were chatting, a student wearing khaki robes came over.

He glanced at Liu Yuanchen: "I am Li Heng of the Houtu Sect, and you are Liu Yuanchen, Uncle Zhao's eldest disciple, right?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Exactly."

Li Heng sneered: "Your strength is pretty good. I'm not sure you can break the record of the last assessment.

But in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons, there are not so many rules.

Prepare your disciple token. I will take it with my own hands in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land. "

Liu Yuanchen secretly sighed in his heart, his master and master were really good at digging holes, and they would encounter a bunch of enemies wherever they went.

The record set in the last assessment may not be able to suppress these top students.

It seems that during this assessment, some eye drops must be given to them, otherwise they will not be able to calm them down.

Not long after, Yousiye Bai Zhenling walked in front of everyone again.

“The annual student assessment has begun again, and this assessment is different from previous years.

The Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is about to open, and the top ten in the assessment can participate in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land trial. "

Before he finished speaking, Li Heng asked: "Bai Siye, students who enter the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons must be strong enough.

You may encounter various demon clans during the trial, and they will not fight against others with the same level of cultivation.

Just looking at the same level of combat power has no practical significance. "

Bai Zhenling waved his hand: "I just said that this year's assessment is different from previous years.

This assessment is divided into two parts, the first part is the same as in previous years.

The top ten in each realm can advance to the second round. "

"This second round of assessment will not be conducted in the practice room, but in the Jade Blessed Land.

The Jade Blessed Land was used to imitate the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, and forty students competed in the Blessed Land.

Only the ten students who can persist to the end will be qualified for the trial of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land. "

Hearing this, Li Heng nodded with satisfaction and glanced at Liu Yuanchen provocatively.

After explaining, Bai Zhenling continued: "Students who have just entered the Admission Palace this year will take the assessment first."

More than 100 students, led by teachers, entered the practice room.

Liu Yuanchen asked Xia Lingkai, "What's going on in the Jade Blessed Land?"

Xia Lingkai was very familiar with the Academy and said without hesitation: "There are several small blessed places in our Academy, each with different functions.

Some are used to cultivate special spiritual plants, some are used to keep monster beasts in captivity, and some are used to study certain spells and secret techniques. "

"This Jade Blessed Land is mainly for cultivating spiritual plants. Of course, there are also some monsters in it."

(End of this chapter)

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