Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 130: Give the Monster Clan a little military shock

Chapter 130: Give the Monster Clan a little military shock
According to the Black Ape Half-demon, the Canglong Tribe has been preparing for thousands of years, and it is obviously not just a moment of enthusiasm.

But if he had something to rely on, he really couldn't think of anything the demon clan could rely on.

Just outside the Land of Ten Thousand Demons is Luodu, and with experts on board, it is impossible for the demon clan to make a big splash.

Xia Lingkai asked again: "How strong is the Canglong Tribe?"

The black ape half-demon shook his head: "I don't know about this, but last time the Canglong tribe attacked us, more than 100 masters were dispatched.

The strength of every master is no worse than yours. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt cold in his heart.

The Canglong Tribe can bring out a hundred masters who are no less powerful than Xia Lingkai to attack the Black Ape Tribe.

In the entire tribe, there must be at least three to five hundred masters at the peak of Naqi realm.

All the half-demon in the Naqi Realm combined must be at least a thousand.

Coupled with the power of other vassal tribes, the five to six hundred students from the human race were no match for them.

I thought that entering this blessed land of ten thousand monsters would mean grabbing precious elixirs everywhere.

Unexpectedly, the theme of this trial changed from gathering to PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

The trial lasts for half a year, and it has just begun.

If you want to leave the blessed land alive, you have to persist here for half a year.

At this time, the importance of intelligence is extremely high.

"How many masters do you have in the Black Ape Tribe?"

Black Ape hesitated a little, and Liu Yuanchen sneered: "You didn't say that some people said that there are nine half-demon over there.

I woke them up and asked them the same.

If you don't tell us or deceive us, you will know the consequences yourself. "

The black ape half-demon gritted his teeth: "I said, there are a total of eighty Naqi realm members in the black ape tribe.

The Canglong Tribe transferred forty of them, leaving only ten late-stage and peak masters of the Qi-Nacking Realm.

Our ambush near Yunsong Mountain was also ordered by the Canglong Tribe. "

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai had a sad expression on his face: "From the information I got, the Black Ape Tribe is a relatively weak tribe.

In the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons, there are many stronger tribes.

The Black Ape tribe has already taken away forty Naqi realms, and other powerful tribes will only draw more.

The Canglong Tribe already has at least a thousand demons and half-demon who are at the late stage of Naqi Realm or above.

If you add in the early and middle stages of receiving Qi, it is estimated that there will be 5000 to [-] people. "

"The total number of students participating in the trial this time is only 600, and they are scattered in various locations in the blessed land.

Compared with the Canglong tribe, we are too weak. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't care about the Canglong tribe's army: "How many places are you ambushing? How many people are there in each place?"

The black ape half-demon replied: "Ambush in three places, with ten people in each place."

Liu Yuanchen's face showed a look of astonishment: "In other words, there are only about a dozen Naqi realm half-demon left in your Black Ape tribe.

Moreover, these half-demon are mainly in the early and middle stages of receiving Qi. "

Xia Lingkai was a little confused: "Why are you asking about the Black Ape Tribe?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "With our strength, it is simply impossible to confront the Canglong tribe's army head-on.

But they have deployed too many people, and each tribe must not have much remaining strength.

We don’t care about the Canglong Tribe’s army, we will mop up each tribe. "

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai fell into deep thought.

"We, the human race, have been fighting against the demon race for many years, and we have never done anything like this."

Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly: It seems that the level of military art in the Yuanling world is a bit low.

But this is normal. After all, in a world where people can cultivate immortality, everything is based on strength. Who would focus on the art of war?

In this case, let's give the demon clan a little military shock.

Now that we can't do it head-on, let's engage in guerrilla warfare.

Avoid places heavily guarded by demon clan soldiers, and stab the weak spots specifically.

“Just because you haven’t done it before, doesn’t mean you can’t do it now.

If you think about it, most of the troops controlled by the Canglong Tribe were drawn from various tribes.

Once we attack various small tribes, the half-demon transferred there will be worried that their tribes will be attacked by surprise. "

Xia Lingkai's eyes shone: "Ah! Once this step is reached, the demon army will definitely lose its morale.

The experts who were transferred all wanted to return to defend their own tribe.

Even if the news is blocked, it can only delay time.

It is only a matter of time before the army falls apart. "

Liu Yuanchen put his palms together and praised: "Senior Brother Xia is really smart, he can tell the truth at once.

This move can disintegrate the monster army without using it to fight to death.

In the process of attacking the demon tribe, we can also get a lot of benefits.

Why not do something that kills two birds with one stone? "

Xia Lingkai nodded repeatedly: "This plan is very clever, but with the abilities of the two of us, it may be difficult to threaten many tribes.

In my opinion, we still need to contact more experts. "

Speaking of masters, Liu Yuanchen immediately thought of An Changsheng: "I have met a master before."

He described his previous encounter with An Changsheng to Xia Lingkai.

"Senior Brother Xia, you are well-informed, do you know the origin of An Changsheng?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "You can probably guess that the Anguo clan's archery inheritance is extremely exquisite.

An Changsheng claimed to be from Anguo, and his surname was An. He should be a descendant of the Anguo clan.

The arrow he shot was obviously caught by the half-demon leader and could kill him. This should be the power of the soul-locking bow. "

Liu Yuanchen looked puzzled: "Soul-locking bow? From the name, it seems to have the ability to attack souls."

Xia Lingkai explained: "It is true that the soul-locking bow is specifically aimed at the soul and is extremely difficult to defend against.

The immortal seed of the founding ancestor of Anguo was the soul-locking bow.

Based on this, he created many powerful methods.

Anguo was also the most powerful country in the north at that time, and made great contributions when it resisted the invasion of the monsters in the northern region. "

"It's a pity that after his descendants, there are very few people who inherit the soul-locking bow immortal seed, and Anguo gradually declines.

An Changsheng's methods are so powerful, he must have inherited the soul-locking bow immortal seed. "

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "Unfortunately, my master beat his father, and he was very hostile to me.

It is too difficult to contact him now. "

"Why don't you contact your companions first? The people from our Zhennan Academy have extraordinary abilities.

If the ten of us can get together and cooperate with each other to wipe out some small tribes, it shouldn't be a problem. "

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Then let's do it, I was besieged in the center of the blessed land before.

While running for his life, he found traces of his companions.

Unfortunately, I was only focused on running for my life and had no time to contact him.

Let's search separately. No matter what the result is, we will meet here in three days. "

Liu Yuanchen had no objection: "Let's do it this way."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Lingkai was about to leave.

Liu Yuanchen quickly grabbed him: "There may be Jade Dew Fruit in the cave next to it.

We will deal with these half-demon together, and I can’t just take it all to myself. "

Then, the two entered the cave.

This cave is not big, and there is not even a spiritual pivot in it.

But water kept dripping down from the top of the cave, forming a small pool.

Beside the small pool, there are many traces of spiritual plants growing there.

Unfortunately, these spiritual plants have been dug up, and not even a seedling is left.Liu Yuanchen walked out of the cave angrily and picked up the black ape half-demon: "Where is the elixir in the cave?"

Seeing his angry look, the black ape half-demon was a little scared: "The leader sent people to collect it."

"It's an order from the Canglong tribe. They gave some images of elixirs and asked us to pay tribute to these elixirs."

Liu Yuanchen's eyes almost burst into flames: "If you dare to take food from my mouth, the Canglong tribe has a way to kill you!"

"Senior Brother Xia, without further ado, let's gather other companions as soon as possible to attack each tribe."

Xia Lingkai nodded: "I will contact the others right away, and I will leave these half-demon to you."

After saying that, it turned into a streak of aqua blue light and headed northwest.

Liu Yuanchen's eyes glowed coldly as he stared at the half-demon.

The black ape half-demon quickly begged for mercy: "Sir, please forgive me! I have told everything I know."

Liu Yuanchen pressed for some information about the Black Ape tribe, and then said: "You know too much."

Before he finished speaking, the poisonous thorn vines on the half-demon suddenly tightened.

The half-demon fluttered a few times and then passed out.

Afterwards, he punched and kicked an unconscious black ape half-demon, woke him up, and asked for some information.

After two verifications, the half-demon from before was indeed not lying.

Liu Yuanchen killed all ten half-demon and took the bodies into the blessed land and burned them.

After cleaning up some traces, he left Yunsong Mountain and headed southwest.

With these monsters collecting elixirs in advance, it is no longer possible to find high-value elixirs.

It is better to gather men as soon as possible to attack the demon tribe.

As long as a tribe can be conquered, elixir is absolutely indispensable.

He held the token in his hand and kept staring at the light curtain along the way to see if there were any traces of other companions nearby.

An hour later, he ran more than two hundred miles.

Suddenly, two moving light spots appeared on the token light curtain.

Moreover, these two light spots are still together.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed and quickly sent a message to ask who was over there.

Tens of seconds later, a reply came from the other side. It turned out to be his junior brother Meng Tieshan.

Traveling with him was Tie Junlan.

Moreover, the two of them were besieged by half-demon and were running for their lives.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but chuckle: "The two of them are really destined to escape together."

When your junior brother is bullied, the senior brother has to find his way back.

At this time, he didn't care about hiding his figure.

He used the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique with all his strength and rushed towards Meng Tieshan.

More than half an hour later, Liu Yuanchen landed on a hill and looked toward the southwest.

Sure enough, I saw someone fighting in the distance. According to the position shown on the token, it should be my junior brother over there.

Liu Yuanchen quickly sent a message asking them to come to him.

The two of them ran hard and soon came to Liu Yuanchen's side.

Behind them, there were a dozen half-demon chasing after them.

Liu Yuanchen hid in a big tree, took out the wind-wing bow, opened the bow and nocked an arrow, and aimed at a half-demon with a tiger head and body.

The distance was shortened to fifty feet, he loosened the bow string, and the arrows shot out with thunderous light.

This arrow hit the tiger-headed half-demon between the eyebrows, and a massive amount of thunder power poured into it.

After the half-demon screamed, his head was shattered by the arrow.

The other half-demon were frightened and quickly fell to the ground.

At this moment, a gray arrow flew from the north.

A wolf-headed half-demon stretched out his hand to catch the arrow, and a gray light burst out from the arrow.

The wolf-headed half-demon twitched violently a few times and then died.

The remaining half-demon was frightened: "There is an ambush, retreat quickly."

A group of half-demon quickly ran away. Liu Yuanchen raised his hands towards the north and said, "Thank you, Senior Brother An, for your help."

At this moment, An Changsheng walked out. ,

"The reason for saving them is because we are all human beings, and the hatred between our two families must be settled."

After all, he turned around and left.

Liu Yuanchen quickly dissuaded him: "There is an issue at the moment, and we need to join forces with Senior Brother An..."

An Changsheng continued walking towards the west: "An has always been a loner..."

Through previous contacts, Liu Yuanchen knew that An Changsheng wanted to do something big, and he had the same name.

He immediately interrupted: "If this happens, Senior Brother An will become a great hero in the academy."

Hearing this, An Changsheng took back his steps and flew towards Liu Yuanchen.

“An doesn’t care about being a great hero or something like that.

It’s just that as a human race, you should contribute to the great cause of the human race.

Junior Brother Liu, if you have any big things to do, please tell us in detail. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "This is not the place to talk. Let's talk while walking."

The group of four people continued to go southwest, and Liu Yuanchen told the information he had obtained from the half-demon one by one.

After hearing this, An Changsheng got angry and smashed a small tree next to him.

"A mere remnant of the demon race is so bold, and dares to wantonly kill our students and destroy spiritual plants in the human race's territory.

If we are not severely punished, where is the dignity of our human race?Where is the majesty of the academy? "

"Junior brother Liu will lead the way. I will crush the Canglong tribe and avenge those brothers who were killed."

Liu Yuanchen quickly stopped: "This matter should not be rushed. Senior Brother Xia and I decided to gather the manpower first.

Only when more people are available can we be confident enough to defeat the demon tribe. "

Although An Changsheng is keen on making achievements, he is not a reckless man.

After some thinking, I still felt that Liu Yuanchen's plan was more reliable.

"In that case, let's follow your plan.

We in Anguo also have several schools coming to participate in the trial.

I'll call them together and we'll sweep away the demon tribe together. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said, "The lives of hundreds of students and the future of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land all depend on Senior Brother An.

No matter how many people can be summoned, they will meet at Yunsong Mountain in three days. "

These words scratched the itch of An Changsheng: "Junior Brother Liu, don't worry, I will definitely take on this important responsibility."

After that, he headed due west.

After he left, Liu Yuanchen asked, "Junior brother, you are so lucky to have met Junior Sister Tie."

Hearing this, Tie Junlan was so ashamed that Xia Fei's cheeks were filled with shame.

Meng Tieshan didn't understand what he meant: "It happened by chance. After I entered the blessed land, I was teleported near the center of the blessed land.

Just as he was trying to collect the elixir, he was besieged by a group of half-demon.

Fortunately, I had learned how to run like a wolf before, so I could run faster and was able to escape. "

"On the way, I encountered Junior Sister Tie being besieged by a group of half-demon, and I rescued her."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was really worried about his junior brother.

The center of the blessed land is now a dragon's pond and a tiger's den. It is really not easy for him to escape.

"Have you found any traces of other companions along the way?"

Meng Tieshan shook his head: "I just thought about escaping along the way and didn't care about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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