Chapter 132 Dividing the spoils
Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's eyes lit up.

There are only three fruits on this tree, so there won’t be enough for so many people.

But this is just looting a tribe, so it would be good to gain something.

If you can't get the Gyokuro fruit, it's no big deal.

But this fruit tree must be captured.

Although it is very difficult to grow Yulu fruit, my blessed land is extraordinary and I will definitely be able to make this fruit tree survive.

It will be a long time before these fruit trees bear fruit again, and I may not be able to use them.

However, Gyokuro Fruit can also be considered a strategic material.

Even if you can't use it, you can't live without it.

Tang Ming put the fruit trees into the jade box again and closed the jade box.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "This is not a place to divide things, so we should leave with these treasures as soon as possible.

It’s not too late to find a safe place and divide the treasures. "

No one had any objections, and Tang Ming handed the jade box to Liu Yuanchen.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "You keep it first, and then take it out and distribute it when you get to a safe place."

Tang Ming nodded, took out the storage bag, and began to collect the treasures on the ground.

Neither Meng Tieshan nor Tie Junlan had seen any treasures, and they pretended to be whatever they saw, regardless of their grade.

Liu Yuanchen said quickly: "There are too many things here, especially the weapon refining materials, each one is very heavy.

If we take them all away, we may not be able to run away. "

"Take away the elixirs and materials for refining weapons of level [-] or above, and give up everything else."

No one else had any objections, but Meng Tieshan was a little reluctant.

"Senior brother, these things can be sold for a lot of money."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "We also need to attack other demon tribes. There are many fourth- and fifth-level spiritual objects hidden in those tribes.

You have installed so many spiritual stones, can you still install other things? "

"Take a long-term view. What we want to grab this time is the real treasure. Everything else is useless."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan had no objection and no longer cared about spirit stones and low-level materials.

After all, there were only a small number of fourth- and fifth-level materials, but within a few tens of breaths, these high-level spiritual objects were swept away.

When they got outside, Meng Tieshan shouted with his loud voice: "The Canglong Tribe will kill all the creatures in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons and sacrifice their blood to the demon gods.

All of you, the Black Ape Tribe, will also be massacred.

If the demon gods fight against human masters, the entire Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land will be destroyed..."

After spreading the rumors, everyone left the Black Ape tribe.

Xia Lingkai asked: "Junior Brother Liu, where should we go next?"

Liu Yuanchen recalled the contents on the map, and then said: "Settling in Yunsong Mountain for a long time will also cause trouble."

"More than sixty miles south of here, there is a small lake called Baicao Lake.

The surrounding water network is densely covered with lush vegetation, which is perfect for hiding temporarily.

As long as we follow the stream downstream, we can reach the Baicao Lake. "

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai's eyes lit up: "Where there is water, I can detect the scene in the distance without worrying about the demon clan siege."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone had no objection.

Wu Chenglong directly summoned the dragon snake he raised: "If we walk directly over, we may leave a lot of traces."

"There is a stream here, let Mo Lin take us to Baicao Lake."

Mo Lin jumped into the water, and his body suddenly grew a lot.

Everyone jumped on Mo Lin's back, and Mo Lin swam quickly in the water.

This guy is worthy of being a dragon snake. His swimming speed is extremely fast, no less than Liu Yuanchen's escape through the forest technique.

Feeling Mo Lin's extremely fast swimming speed, Xia Lingkai's face was filled with joy.

"As far as I know, most of the demon and half-demon tribes live along the rivers."

"With this dragon snake here, we can attack the demon tribe along the river.

You can save a lot of energy on the road, and you can come and go without a trace. "


Not long after, Mo Lin carried everyone to a lake, which was Baicao Lake.

The entire lake has a radius of five or six miles, and the surrounding vegetation is lush, forming a large forest.

Baicao Lake is low-lying, with rivers flowing into it from the north, south and west, and the lake water flowing out from the east.

Everyone went ashore in the south of Baicao Lake, where there was a low mountain with extremely gentle mountains.

Everyone came to a low mountain halfway up the mountain, each took out a few storage bags, and poured all the spiritual objects they brought out on the ground.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but think of sharing snacks when he was a child in his previous life.

Li Heng was the first to speak: "As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head, there must be someone who gives orders.

It was Junior Brother Liu's idea that we people get together and attack the Black Ape tribe.

As a result, everyone has seen that we got so many good things.

I think those of us should take Junior Brother Liu as our leader. "

Xia Lingkai also nodded: "I have no objection."

Everyone else looked at An Changsheng. In fact, the small team of 13 people could not be completely united.

First of all, they were divided into two groups, one group was the nine people from Zhennan Academy, and the other group was the Anguo students headed by An Changsheng.

Among the nine people in Zhennan Academy, Liu Yuanchen was in the same group as Xia Lingkai, Meng Tieshan, and Tie Junlan.

The other five people, headed by Li Heng, also collaborated with Liu Yuanchen and others for the first time.

Li Heng has expressed his support for Liu Yuanchen, and the students of Zhennan Academy have reached a consensus.

Next, it naturally depends on An Changsheng's attitude.

An Changsheng chuckled: "Junior Brother Liu has practiced Feng Lei Yin, and his strength is sufficient.

This attack on the Black Ape Tribe has been fruitful, mainly due to Junior Brother Liu, and I don’t have any objections either. "

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Since everyone has no objections, from now on we will take Junior Brother Liu as the leader."

Liu Yuanchen did not refuse: "Since everyone praises me, I will be the leader for the time being.

However, my intelligence is limited, and sometimes I don’t think things through well.

When encountering major issues, let's discuss it together.

If we can't reach an agreement, I'll make a final decision. What do you think? "

Li Heng waved his hand: "Since we are willing to listen to you, you can say whatever you want."

Others agreed.

After confirming the leader, the next step is to divide the loot.

The most important thing for any team is the distribution of benefits.

If this is not done well, the team will not go far.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Since you have elected me as the leader, then I will distribute the spoils."

He opened the box containing the Jade Dew Fruit: "Among the spiritual objects captured this time, the Jade Dew Fruit is the most important to us, so we will divide this one first."

"There are three fruits here. Senior Brother Xia sneaked into the Black Ape tribe to find out information, and also held back the strongest Black Ape half-demon. He deserves the most credit.

Senior Brother An obtained the location of the treasure house from the black ape half-demon, which saved us a lot of effort, which is also a credit.

And Brother Wu, if your snake spirit beast can play a big role in the future, it should be rewarded. "

"I propose that Senior Brother Xia, Senior Brother An and Senior Brother Wu take one each of these three Jade Dew Fruits."

Everyone was stunned, thinking that Liu Yuanchen would give them a Jade Dew Fruit.

After all, he is the leader of the team, so he should share more of the spoils.

Li Heng asked quickly: "Junior brother Liu, I don't have any objection to your division, but what about you?" Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Aren't there also fruit trees here? I just want fruit trees."

If it were outside, the value of the fruit tree would definitely be higher than that of a jade dew fruit.

But in this blessed land of ten thousand monsters, running around with a fruit tree is simply a burden.

Moreover, it will take half a year to leave the blessed land.

After such a long time, the fruit trees are probably finished.

An Changsheng also gave words of advice: "In the current situation, fruit trees are worthless.

My old man has some wealth, so I don’t want Yulu fruit. "

Liu Yuanchen said seriously: "You just said that I am the leader, so you are not following my arrangements?

We just robbed a black ape tribe, and we have already gained so much.

There are still many tribes in the back, and everyone is guaranteed to have a Jade Dew Fruit to get. "

After hearing what he said, everyone no longer objected.

After dividing the Jade Dew Fruits, everyone turned their attention to a pile of weapon refining materials.

Liu Yuanchen said: "There are 21 pieces of fifth-level weapon refining materials here, and more than [-] pieces of fourth-level weapon refining materials."

"I also made a rule. Every time I attack a half-demon tribe, the people involved must be ranked according to their merit.

Jade Dew Fruit is a small and most important spiritual object. Just like just now, the most credit is divided among a few people.

Other spiritual objects will be obtained in order according to their merit ranking. "

"This time the four of us have divided the Jade Dew Fruit and the Fruit Tree, and then the person ranked fifth in merit will start to get the weapon refining materials.

Only one item is taken at a time, and after everyone has taken one spiritual item, the first round of loot distribution is over.

Next, continue to the next round of allocation according to the ranking. "

"In each round, one person will take a spiritual object until all is divided."

Although this method is troublesome, it can ensure that the person with the most merit can get what he wants most.

At the same time, those who have made minor meritorious deeds can also receive some high-grade spiritual objects.

Everyone gets what they need, and even if someone is dissatisfied, the team will not fall apart.

After hearing his distribution plan, no one else had any objections.

Afterwards, everyone began to distribute spiritual objects.

When plundering the Black Ape tribe, Li Heng killed the most half-demon and ranked fifth in merit. He first selected a piece of fifth-level weapon refining material.

Others picked in turn, and in a short time more than 200 pieces of materials were distributed.

Together with the elixirs contained in jade boxes, they were also taken out and distributed together.

Everyone got a lot of benefits, and there was a smile on every face.

Liu Yuanchen continued: "After the distribution, if you want to exchange the spoils with each other, I have no objection.

However, it must be done voluntarily by both parties, and one cannot rely on strength to bully the weak. "

An Changsheng raised his eyebrows and said, "An has always liked to do chivalry and justice. If anyone dares to bully his companions, don't blame my soul-locking bow for not recognizing them."

After distributing the spoils, Xia Lingkai asked: "What should we do next?"

Liu Yuanchen said without thinking: "There are two major things that need to be done now. One is to search for more students and strengthen the team."

"With just a dozen of us, we may be able to rob a few tribes, but we won't be able to do anything big."

“The Canglong tribe requires other tribes to pay tribute to spiritual objects, and their treasure houses have more spiritual objects.

If you want to really make a fortune, you still have to attack the Canglong tribe.

Before that, we must gather enough manpower. "

When the Canglong Tribe was mentioned, others were a little worried.

But An Changsheng was extremely excited: "Junior brother Liu is right, as long as we deal with the Canglong tribe, the turmoil in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land will subside.

Not only can he rob a lot of spiritual objects, but he can also become a hero that attracts worldwide attention when he goes out, and his future is bright. "

Xia Lingkai naturally had no objection. Now that Xia Longting's whereabouts were unknown, he was extremely worried.

By searching for manpower elsewhere, he could naturally take the opportunity to find Xia Longting.

"This major event is indeed a long-term strategy. To enhance the strength of the team, more brothers and sisters need to join in."

"So, what's the second big thing?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Of course we have to find out the details of the Canglong tribe. The small half-demon tribe actually dared to massacre the students who participated in the trial.

When the trial is over, human masters will definitely come in and wipe out the entire Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land.

It’s impossible for the Canglong tribe not to understand this, but they still dare to do this.

I doubt that the Canglong tribe has anything to rely on.

Therefore, we have to capture a master from the Canglong tribe, and then let Senior Brother An search for the soul. "

Li Heng's face showed a solemn look: "Indeed, the Canglong tribe is too courageous.

Without knowing the details of the Canglong tribe, the risk is too great. "

Everyone agreed, and Meng Tieshan asked: "Then where should we catch the half-demon from the Canglong tribe?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It depends on Senior Brother Xia's ability. If we plunder small tribes more, the Canglong Tribe will be alarmed.

In order to calm people's hearts, they also had to send people to investigate.

When the time comes, we can just grab a tongue. "

Everyone's eyes lit up when they heard that they could continue to plunder other small tribes.

An Changsheng was the most restless: "How about we set off right away?"

Liu Yuanchen quickly tried to dissuade him: "We can't afford to lose the manpower we have, and we must not take risks.

When we launched a sneak attack on the Black Ape Tribe, we first found out the information about the Black Ape Tribe before taking action. "

"Now we know nothing about other tribes. If we act rashly, we may get kicked out of the iron plate."

"Senior Brother Xia, the next step is to look at your ability and explore more information about the half-demon tribe.

If there is a chance, we will take the opportunity to catch a few alive. "

Xia Lingkai patted his chest: "Don't worry, leave these matters to me."

After that, he collected the assigned spiritual objects and got into the lake.

His special ability is to detect messages through water.

As for the extent of the exploration, Liu Yuanchen didn't know.

Later, Liu Yuanchen also collected the spiritual objects he had been assigned.

This time, he gained a lot from the distribution of the spoils.

I had planned to cultivate Qibao Gourd seeds before, but I had not spent much time searching for spiritual objects.

At this time, about twenty spiritual objects were allocated, and they were all suitable for cultivating spiritual plants.

Among them, there are not only spiritual objects with five elements attributes, but also yin and yang attributes.

At this time, he was holding a palm-sized golden stone in his hand.

This is the only fifth-level spiritual object he has chosen. Holding it in his hand, it feels warm.

This feeling is like the sun shining on you.

Liu Yuanchen didn't recognize this object, but Xia Lingkai said it was a Yaoyang Stone.

Although the strength is not high, it cannot be used directly to refine magic weapons.

But it contains a large amount of pure Yang attribute energy, which can be used as an auxiliary material and integrated into the magic weapon.

In the next two days, everyone rested near Baicao Lake.

Unfortunately, this place was also raided by the half-demon tribe, and not many valuable elixirs were left.

Two days later, Xia Lingkai, who had been searching for information, suddenly emerged from the lake.

"Brothers, come alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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