Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 134 How did the human race know about blood sacrifice?

Chapter 134 How did the human race know about blood sacrifice?

From Long Yan, it has been difficult to figure out the secrets of the Canglong tribe.

Seeing that everyone was a little depressed, Liu Yuanchen immediately cheered them up.

"Although we haven't figured out the true support of the Canglong Tribe, we at least understand the strength of the Canglong Tribe."

"Now that we know how much the Canglong Tribe weighs, it will be easier to handle."

"This battle has just begun, and the best is yet to come."

"Even if we can't completely win over the Canglong Tribe, as long as we can hold on until the trial ends in half a year, it's still a victory."

An Changsheng is still full of fighting spirit: "If a man is running rampant in the world, there are only thousands of half-demon, but they are just a bunch of chickens and dogs. What's the point?"

Seeing An Changsheng being so confident, everyone else also gained a little confidence.

It is too difficult to completely defeat the behemoth Canglong Tribe.

If you just ensure survival, the difficulty will be much smaller.

Liu Yuanchen asked again: "Senior Brother An, is there any military arrangement of the Canglong tribe in Long Yan's memory?"

An Changsheng nodded: "Yes, the Canglong tribe currently controls more than 5000 Qi-level demons and half-demon.

There are 500 people on the periphery of the four security fortresses in the southeast, northwest and northwest, and there are 2000 people in ambush in the center. "

“The remaining more than 1000 people are all real elites and are stationed near the Canglong tribe.

Even when the trial first began, these thousand elites were never mobilized. "

“In addition, each tribe also set up ambushes near their own territory.

Just like the Black Ape Tribe, even if a large number of people were taken away, they still had to set up ambushes in three places. "

"By the way, Long Yan, as the senior leader of Canglong Tribe, keeps a soul card in the tribe.

Now that he is dead, the news should have been received over there. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. There were really enough traps in the Canglong tribe. Fortunately, there was no safe fortress before.

If this goes, death is inevitable.

At this time, Xia Lingkai asked: "What should we do next?"

Everyone else also looked at Liu Yuanchen, waiting for him to make a decision.

Liu Yuanchen said without hesitation: "I said before that we have two goals.

The first is to find out the strength of the Canglong tribe, and the second is to gather more manpower to strengthen our strength. "

"Now that we know the general strength of the Canglong tribe, the next step is to gather more manpower."

"We killed the senior officials of the Canglong Tribe, and there will definitely be some action next.

This area is no longer safe. We need to stay away from this place as soon as possible. "

"We have been traveling in the east before, but we haven't encountered many living people.

Next, we are going to the north and west of the Ten Thousand Demons Paradise.

If you encounter a demon tribe along the way, grab a handful. "

Upon hearing this, everyone became interested.

At this time, Wu Chenglong asked carefully: "Chief, I want the bodies of these guys.

They all possess dragon blood, which is of great benefit to the growth of Mo Lin. "

"As long as you give me the body, I don't want any other trophies."

At this time, everyone remembered the loot.

Long Yan is here to collect taxes, so he should have a lot of good things with him.

Liu Yuanchen dug out the storage bags on the five half-demon bodies and poured out all the contents.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were shining.

There is really nothing worthless about these people.

There are much more materials for level [-] and [-] weapon refining than the Black Ape Tribe.

Especially Jade Dew Fruit, ten of them were found.

The distribution rules are the same as before. Liu Yuanchen killed Long Yan alone, so naturally he was the first to do it. He picked a Jade Dew Fruit first.

An Changsheng searched for souls and got a lot of information, ranking second in merit.

However, he already had the Gyokuro Fruit, so he didn't take any more.

After the spoils were divided, each of the 13 people had a Jade Dew Fruit in their hands.

A lot of fourth- and fifth-level weapon refining materials were also obtained.

Afterwards, Wu Chenglong took off all the clothes from the five half-demon, and the black snake ink scale swallowed all their bodies.

Mo Lin's intestines and stomach are also big enough. He swallowed five corpses, and there was no trace of any abnormality on his body surface.

Afterwards, everyone jumped on Mo Lin's back again and headed due north along the river.

Mo Lin's physical strength is also extremely strong, and he has been moving forward at high speed in the water.

After running five to six hundred miles in a row, I didn't feel tired at all.

Soon, a small walled city appeared in the distance.

The scale of this city is much smaller than that of the previous Black Ape tribe, so it definitely doesn't have many manpower.

This place is hundreds of miles away from Baicao Lake, and no one will come here in a short time.

Everyone was a little moved, especially An Changsheng: "Such a small city is vulnerable to us.

Leader, let's take this tribe, shall we? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head slightly: "Don't worry, according to the records of my Bahuang Pavilion, this tribe should be the Xuanxi tribe.

Although the Xuanxi tribe does not have many people, it has produced many masters. "

"Before taking action, let's do a good investigation first."

After that, he took Ming Yu out of the blessed land.

Although he was born as a monster, he was also a real monster.

An eagle flying around in the sky is not too conspicuous.

Seeing Ming Yu, An Changsheng was a little curious: "Senior Brother Liu, your eagle seems to be quite extraordinary.

My consciousness can target most masters of the same level from a thousand feet away.

This black shadow is just in the early stage of Naqi realm, and I can't even lock him down. "

Xia Lingkai looked at Ming Yu thoughtfully.

After a long time, he asked: "Could this be a strange monster unique to the Red Wasteland?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Senior Brother Xia is indeed well-informed, and he actually knows about the weird monster."

Xia Lingkai waved his hand: "I have seen it in some classics, and when I thought that the leader came from the Red Wasteland, I remembered the strange monster."

Liu Yuanchen touched Ming Yu's head: "Ming Yu, go see how many people and monsters are around."

After saying that, he threw his arms upward suddenly, and Ming Yu flapped his wings.

Not long after, he flew hundreds of feet into the sky.

After hovering in the air for dozens of breaths, it flew back and landed on Liu Yuanchen.

Ming Yu cried a few times, but unfortunately Liu Yuanchen couldn't understand it at all.

In the end, I figured out its meaning only by recognizing its owner and restraining it, and communicating with it spiritually.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "There are only a dozen Naqi realm half-demon in this city, and the others are old and weak.

Within a hundred miles, no other monster clan was found ambushing. "

Hearing this, An Changsheng became excited at that time: "The opportunity to make contributions has arrived again."

Others also looked excited. Every time they conquered a tribe, they could harvest a batch of precious spiritual objects.

Now that you have a goal, the opportunity to make a fortune is here.

Liu Yuanchen ordered: "Still the old rules, Senior Brother Xia used the stream to sneak into the side of the walled city first.

Senior Brother Wu took Mo Lin and stood guard in the stream.

The others followed me around to the back of the walled city.

Only kill the Naqi realm and ignore the rest. "

Everyone responded in unison and took action individually.

Suddenly, a dull and angry voice sounded: "How dare you invade our Xuanxi tribe?" Liu Yuanchen and others rushed in together.

Soon, all the masters of the Naqi realm in the Xuanxi tribe were killed.

An Changsheng also repeated his old tricks and used soul searching methods on the leaders of the Xuanxi tribe.

After more than a hundred breaths, An Changsheng cleared the memory of leader Xuanxi.

“It’s a pity that the Xuanxi tribe did not collect the true essence elixir.

However, they captured two students, both of whom are still alive. "

Hearing this, everyone was quite excited.

The current plan was to recruit more students to strengthen the team.

Now we have two more people, which is also a good choice.

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "Where are they imprisoned? Let's go and rescue them quickly."

Under the leadership of An Changsheng, everyone came to a dungeon.

Only two students, a boy and a girl, were seen, both tightly tied up and suppressed by formations around them.

Tang Ming stepped forward and took a look at the surrounding formations.

"The formation inheritance of the Xuanxi tribe is really bad."

After that, he took out a small gourd.

Opening the lid, a ray of silver light flew out of the gourd and hit several inscriptions on the formation.

The entire formation in the dungeon was instantly broken, and Tang Ming quickly walked over and rescued the two students.

An Changsheng chuckled: "It's fate that I see you here again."

Liu Yuanchen also used his spiritual consciousness to explore the past, and immediately recognized the two of them.

Previously in Jiuquan Mountain, I encountered two students, a boy and a girl, who were besieged by a group of bear-like half-demon.

Liu Yuanchen and An Changsheng rescued them, and then they left on their own.

Unexpectedly, I met them again in the dungeon of the Xuanxi Department.

The luck of these two people was really bad. Once they were captured alive, and another time they were almost captured alive.

However, meeting Liu Yuanchen twice was a bit of luck.

Both of them were in extremely bad condition, and Liu Yuanchen didn't even recognize them for a moment.

He took out a few pills and said, "This is Qi and Blood Pill, which can help you recover your strength quickly.

After the two took the elixir, their condition improved rapidly. "

The male student looked at everyone, then bowed and saluted: "Liu Yunzhao from Guangyuan Academy. This is Liu Yunying, my roommate. Thank you all senior brothers for saving me."

Guangyuan County is also under the rule of Luochuan State. It is not far from Luochuan and is a truly prosperous place.

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "It turns out they are members of the Liu family in Guangyuan, the leader. They may still be your relatives."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "How is it possible? Although my surname is Liu, I was born in Chihuangyuan. How can I be related to Guangyuan County?"

Liu Yunzhao's eyes lit up when he heard this: "Senior brother, your surname is also Liu? That's right. Guangyuan is the place of origin of the Liu family, and the clan members are spread all over the place.

Although the Liu family has a large clan, they were born in a grassland and there are no great nobles, and no one would deliberately change their surname to follow.

Anyone with the surname Liu should be a descendant of my Liu family in Guangyuan. "

Liu Yuanchen's relationship with his own family was average. Even if he and the Guangyuan Liu family were from the same family, they might not have been separated for many generations.

There is no generational succession, and there is no kinship at all.

"Now is not the time to talk about this. The Canglong tribe of the demon clan has become the overlord of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land.

They have made up their minds to kill all of us students who participated in the trial.

Now you two, brother and sister, have two ways to go. One is to go your own way.

The second is to join us and fight against the demon clan together.

Whatever you gain, you will have your share. "

Liu Yunzhao said without hesitation: "We are willing to follow our elder brother and deal with the demon clan together."

This is also a guy who beats snakes and follows the stick. Xia Lingkai mentioned it casually, and all his brothers were called out.

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "In that case, you must obey the order.

By the way, can you still contact other students in Guangyuan County? "

Liu Yunzhao took out the token, but saw no trace of anyone else.

“When our brother and sister were arrested a day ago, we found traces of other students.

After sending out the distress message, there was no rescue. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "The demon clan is ambushing everywhere, and the students who came in to participate in the trial suffered heavy losses.

By this time, it was already very difficult to find other students.

No matter how strong your companion is, more than one person can always add a little more strength. "

Everyone searched the Xuanxi tribe's treasure house, spread some rumors, and continued on their way.

Along the way, he continuously defeated five or six small tribes and obtained a lot of resources.

At the same time, I also met many students who participated in the trial.

Three days later, Liu Yuanchen and his group had passed through the northern part of the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land and arrived in the west.

The small team that originally had only 13 people has grown to more than 30 people.

Some of them met by chance on the road and were willing to join them.

Others were captured by the demon clan and imprisoned in various tribes.

Of course, there were also many unruly students who were unwilling to obey Liu Yuanchen's orders, so they left.


In the middle of the Ten Thousand Demons Paradise, a valley with a radius of more than [-] miles is densely packed with various buildings.

In a palace-like building, a middle-aged monk sat on the throne.

I saw two blood-red horns on his forehead, and two long fleshy whiskers on the corners of his mouth.

Even the entire forehead was covered with several blood-red dragon scales.

Obviously, this person's dragon blood concentration is extremely high.

There were more than ten middle-aged or elderly monks sitting on the seats on both sides.

What they have in common is that they have blood-red dragon horns.

The monk at the main seat asked: "How is the investigation of Long Yan's murder?"

A middle-aged monk stood up and saluted: "Return to the leader, Long Lian will lead people to check.

Only traces of the fight and the clothes left by Long Yan and others were seen, but no body was found.

Long Lian suspected that their bodies were eaten by monsters. "

“Not far from the place where Long Yan was killed is the Black Ape Tribe.

A group of humans looted the Black Ape tribe and killed all the remaining masters of the Naqi realm.

They also said that our Canglong tribe would make blood sacrifices to the ancient demon gods and fight to the death with the human race.

At that time, all the creatures in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land will be sacrificed in blood. "

The leader's eyes turned blood red and his face was a little distorted.

After breathing for a long time, he asked: "Only we know about the plan of blood sacrifice to the ancestor. How did the human race know about the blood sacrifice?"

The chief old man on the right offered words of advice: “Those of us who know the truth have never left the tribe.

Not even Long Yan knew about this, and the human race had no reason to know.

Could it be that there are experts in that group of people who are proficient in the art of deduction? "

The leader suppressed his anger: "No matter how they knew it, the plan of blood sacrifice to the ancestor cannot be allowed to go wrong."

"The day of blood sacrifice is still more than five months away. We have been preparing for more than 1000 years to sacrifice blood to our ancestors.

Too many people have sacrificed their lives for this.

If the plan fails, we will all be sinners of the Canglong tribe. "

(End of this chapter)

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