Chapter 145 The God who opened the Mansion

At this time, Liu Yuanchen thought of a question.

To return to the Red Wasteland, you need to walk through the Storm Sand Plains, which is very dangerous.

"Master, there is a hanging ghost city over there in Storm Sand Plains."

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "In the past year or so, hanging ghost cities have appeared frequently.

Therefore, when going to the Red Wasteland now, we always bypass the Stormy Sand Plain from the north.

This northern passage passes through the northern border and directly reaches the northwest corner of Red Wasteland. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also felt relieved.

You don’t have to face a hanging ghost town, so it’s not a big deal if you take a long detour.

Meng Tieshan asked: "Will Master also go back with us?"

Zhao Hong shook his head: "I will go to the Red Wasteland, but the opportunity for me to break through the Dharma Realm has appeared.

It is necessary to return to the blessed land to break through, and at the same time, the blessed land must be promoted to the cave heaven.

After I break through, I will head to the Red Wasteland. "

"However, your second uncle is on duty over there. If you need anything, just ask him."

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "Since you all have decided to return to the Red Wasteland, when the reward comes, you will take the ship of the Great Xia Dynasty."

Hearing this, Meng Tieshan was stunned: "What reward?"

Zhao Hong sighed softly: "You are such a simple boy."

"You guys, you guys, ruined the resurrection of the Dragon King of Luochuan in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land.

He also killed his remaining soul, saving the Luochuan River Basin from a catastrophe.

This credit is not small. "

“Especially Yuan Chen, if an idle nobleman has made such a contribution.

You can directly obtain food for tens of thousands of households and enter the ranks of high-ranking nobles. "

"However, we disciples of Bahuang Pavilion are not exempted from the imperial title. How much reward we can get depends on how much face Shenting and Shenchao can give us."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little worried.

"Master, the power of heaven that I obtained from the Dragon King of Luochuan will not be taken away, right?"

Zhang Lingxu shook his head: "That's not true, the Great Xia Dynasty has never been in the habit of collecting spoils of war.

Even if there is a large-scale military expedition, the Great Xia Dynasty still needs fixed resources such as land and minerals.

What can be taken away belongs to those who participate in the war.

The Great Xia Dynasty could not force those extremely important resources to be handed over. The most they could do was buy them with spiritual stones. "

Now Liu Yuanchen was relieved. He really wanted to make good use of the power of heaven to control the wind and rain.

From now on, I will mainly hang out in the Red Wasteland, which is generally short of water.

If you have the ability to control wind and rain, you will definitely gain a lot of incense power.

In this way, the Shinto spiritual realm will be stable.

In addition, he was also worried that using the acquired spiritual treasure beads in the future might cause unnecessary trouble.

Since this rule exists, even if the acquired spiritual treasure is used in the future, no one can say anything.


After staying in Luochuan Academy for half a month, Liu Yuanchen was trying to refine the True Yuan Pill under the supervision of his master.

The three paths will undergo a qualitative change when they break through the Condensing Yuan Realm.

A Qi Taoist monk breaks through the Yuan Condensing Realm, and his magic power undergoes a qualitative change, turning into true essence.

For the Earth Immortal Dao monks, the Gang Qi undergoes a qualitative change and turns into Yuan Gang.

Shinto monks have a qualitative change in the power of their spiritual consciousness and turn it into soul essence.

And this True Essence Pill is the auxiliary elixir used by Qi Dao monks when they break through the Condensation Realm.

As a strategic material, it cannot be underestimated.

In the past few days, he has been refining elixirs here in Songquanju, refining several second-level elixirs, and he can make ten elixirs in one batch.

Zhang Lingxu was quite happy and asked him to refine the third-level elixir.

Liu Yuanchen could only collect a third-level elixir called True Yuan Dan, so Zhang Lingxu asked him to practice with True Yuan Dan.

At this time, the essence of various elixirs in the alchemy furnace has been integrated.

Liu Yuanchen carefully divided all the elixir essence into seven small groups.

Because of the lack of fire control ability before, [-]% of the essence of the elixir was lost.

He carefully channeled the heat of the flames and roasted seven balls of elixir essence.

The essence of the elixir gradually becomes thicker and is about to become a pill.

At this moment, he found that his spiritual consciousness was a bit insufficient.

Fortunately, before breaking through to the Qi Sea Realm, I had been honing the power of my spiritual consciousness for a year, and my willpower was strong enough.

After gritting his teeth and persevering, he finally completed the refining of this furnace of elixir.

When the stove lid was opened, a burning smell accompanied by the aroma of medicine filled the air.

I saw two burnt yellow pills and some ashes in the furnace.

Liu Yuanchen was quite distressed: "It's a pity that the elixir was not refined, not even a single mortal elixir was refined, only two inferior ones."

Zhang Lingxu comforted him: "That's good, you are at the middle stage of Qi Sea Realm, and the True Yuan Pill is a real third-level pill.

Don't worry about some elixirs, I can get them easily.

If the elixir in your hand is not enough, I will give you some more later. "

“It’s very good to be able to make two pills, even if they are defective.

At least in terms of alchemy talent, you are much better than your master. "

"Right now, you are still some distance from a third-level alchemist. When your spiritual consciousness reaches a higher level, you will be almost there."

At this moment, a shout came from outside the gate: "Brother Dan Wang, Huo Yunyi wants to see you."

Zhang Lingxu stood up quickly and walked to the door to greet him.

The three masters and disciples of Zhao Hong also followed behind.

I saw three people standing at the door, including an old man with white hair.

It was Huo Jijiu, the top leader of Luochuan Academy, who had presided over the trial of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land before.

Behind him, there was a middle-aged man wearing a red brocade robe and a beam crown. He should be an official of the Great Xia Dynasty.

There is also a monk wearing golden armor.

Although his body is obviously very strong, it gives people an eerie feeling.

The two sides greeted each other, and Liu Yuanchen realized that the man wearing golden armor was actually a third-level god from the Divine Court.

Everyone entered Songquan Residence, and after offering wine, Huo Yunyi sighed: "Something big happened during the trial in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land.

If it weren't for Yuan Chen's unparalleled wisdom and bravery, and destroyed the remnant soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan, the entire Luodu City would have suffered a catastrophe.

I, Luochuan Academy, am responsible for guarding the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, and I cannot escape the blame. "

Although Zhang Lingxu was full of pride, he still pretended to be humble: "This time we were able to destroy the remnant soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan only with the help of many students.

A small amount of merit, not worth mentioning. "

Huo Yunyi smiled apologetically: "Brother Zhang is too humble. Yuan Chen has made such a great contribution, so he must be rewarded.

News has come from the Daxia Academy that when Yuan Chen's cultivation reaches the Condensing Realm, he can join the Academy of China.

Moreover, he can choose from all the Chinese Studies Palaces, including the Chinese Studies Palace in Daxia Yuandu. "

"After joining the Guoxue Palace, as long as you can improve a common fifth-level elixir recipe and reach the Golden Body Realm or the Soul Condensation Realm, you can directly join the Daxia Academy."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was also a little excited.

For me, joining the National Academy of Sciences is not a big problem.

But it really takes a lot of effort to join the Daxia Academy.

The reward now given by the academy will lower the threshold for admission to the Daxia Academy.

It is difficult for ordinary people to improve pill recipes, but Liu Yuanchen has an anti-toxic constitution, so he can just play with it casually.There are many conditions for joining the Great Xia Academy, but the Academy system only provides conditions for improving the elixir recipe.

Moreover, his master is the king of alchemy, and he is best at improving alchemy recipes.

The meaning of the academy system is that one's master can help by default.

Later, Huo Yunyi also announced Meng Tieshan's reward.

As long as you reach the level of cultivation, you can enter any Chinese Academy of Sciences palace.

However, there is no preferential treatment when it comes to joining the Daxia Academy.

Then, the golden-armored god general held two jade books in his hands.

Liu Yuanchen had also seen this jade book before. When Cheng Jiao was conferred as a mountain god in the Red Wasteland, the divine decree for conferring the god was this kind of jade book.

The golden-armored general no longer had the majestic bearing he had before: "The Great Emperor heard about the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons and personally sent down the golden book and jade book.

Liu Yuanchen was canonized as the Divine Lord of Dongyang, with the power to open a mansion.Canonized Meng Tieshan as the Divine Lord of Dragon River. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused. He had never heard of the position of Divine Lord in Shenting.

He didn't know how to make a decision and looked at the master beside him.

Zhang Lingxu nodded slightly, and Liu Yuanchen took the jade book with confidence.

Meng Tieshan naturally followed suit and accepted the jade book.

The golden-armored god general took out two more storage bags: "These are the documents and seals of the two god kings."

After Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan took over, the Golden Armored God General stepped aside.

Finally, the middle-aged monk wearing a red brocade robe handed a golden silk book to Zhang Lingxu.

"Uncle King Dan, this is King Luochuan's reward to the two nephews."

Then, he also took out two storage bags, and Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan each took them.

After the rewards were given, the three of them said goodbye and left.

Liu Yuanchen opened the golden book and jade book in Shenting, which praised his achievements.

Then he was named the Divine Lord of Dongyang and granted the right to open a mansion.

Opening the storage bag, there was a palm-sized jade book inside.

The jade book records Liu Yuanchen's origin, the positions he held, and the right to open the mansion.

In addition, there is a three-inch square black seal, a black token, and a bright yellow scroll.

Liu Yuanchen was a little puzzled: "I remember that the system of Shenting is from the ninth rank to the first rank, with the divine king at the top, and then the emperors of the four directions and the great emperors.

Shenting gave me the title of Dongyang Divine Lord, but did not explain the rank or specific powers. It only gave me the right to open a mansion.

What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Shenting? "

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "You still know too little about Shenting.

The grades you mentioned belong to Shenting’s own family.

Your title, Dongyang Divine Lord, is usually given to outsiders.

Just like me, I was named the Divine Lord of Songquan by the Divine Court, and your master was named the Divine Lord of Jianwu. "

"The title of Divine Lord is equivalent to being an external vassal of the Divine Court. It has no power in the Divine Court and cannot govern any gods.

At the same time, you do not need to be governed by any god.

Giving you this title means that you have a name to obey the Divine Court.

Just like Daoxiao Mountain was renamed Daxia Academy, it was just a name. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused.

Given this separate title, it doesn't have any power. What is this Shenting kidding about?

Meng Tieshan said quickly: "Is Shenting trying to fool us?"

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "I have always thought so."

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "You can't say that. With the title of Divine Lord, if you open up the Cave Heaven Blessed Land in the future, you can build a small divine court in the blessed land.

Moreover, it can be used to canonize gods.

Without this title, if you want to establish a small divine court in your own blessed land, you will have to start from scratch, which is extremely difficult. "

Liu Yuanchen took out the bright yellow scroll: "Then what is this scroll for?"

Zhang Lingxu replied: "That is the list of gods used to open a mansion. With this thing, you can open a palace of gods."

Liu Yuanchen didn't understand at all, and his face was full of confusion.

Zhang Lingxu patiently answered: "Your name as Dongyang Divine Lord is indeed no big deal.

But the right to open a mansion is something that cannot be obtained even if you ask for it. "

“Having the right to open a mansion means that you can build a temple outside your own blessed place and receive incense.

Moreover, you can canonize gods on your own, and the Divine Court must recognize the god you canonize.

Of course, these gods can only perform their duties within your divine domain and cannot interfere in matters outside your divine domain.

With this thing, you can be regarded as a real prince in the Shinto system.

Of course, you have to fight for your own territory and earn your own incense. "

"After you capture a large area of ​​territory and gain a lot of believers, you will be almost the same as a divine king.

Moreover, the divine king needs to listen to the orders of the divine court, but you, the divine king, do not. "

"If you don't have territory and believers, you, a divine monarch, will not even be as good as a ninth-grade land."

Liu Yuanchen understood that the meaning of this Kaifu Shenjun was like the Kaifu Yitong Sansi in ancient times.

You can establish your own shogunate and appoint subordinate officials.

In the Supremacy Set of Powerful Ministers, Kaifu Yi and the Three Divisions are very real powers.

He, the Kaifu Divine King, is also the Kaifu Yitong Divine King.

Zhang Lingxu continued: "Especially this list of gods, as long as you write a person's name and information on it, and add a breath of soul, you can canonize a god.

After your parents' lifespan is exhausted, you can confer a god status on them and receive incense from all people. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's heart moved slightly.

My mother and eldest brother are both mortals, and my father's talent is extremely low. It will be a matter of time before his lifespan is exhausted.

If you can give them a god status, you can protect them from the pain of reincarnation.

However, the function of this Ten Thousand Gods List seems to be somewhat similar to the legendary Gods List. Could it be another imitation?

He sighed softly: "Unfortunately, my cultivation level is still too low to condense the Shinto clone.

If you accept the canonization yourself, you will be controlled by the Divine Court. "

Zhang Lingxu stroked his beard and said: "That's not necessarily the case. After condensing soul energy, Shinto monks can condense the brand of spiritual consciousness.

And this divine consciousness brand, combined with the power of soul essence and incense, can condense the simplest Shinto clone.

Then inject the energy in the golden book and jade book into the Shinto clone, and you will be the real Dongyang Shenjun.

This Shinto clone would definitely not be able to go out to fight, but it would not be a problem to use it to absorb incense and gather Shinto authority. "

“I am practicing in all three ways, and you can practice in this way too.

With your talent, you should be able to gather Shinto clones within 20 years. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood.

"By the way, is my title as Dongyang Divine Lord because my family's ancestral land is in Dongyang Lake?"

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "That's true, the general title of the God Lord is the same as the name of the Blessed Land.

My cave is Songquan Cave, and the title given to me by Shenting is Songquan Shenjun. "

"You haven't opened up a blessed land yet, so you can only decide your title based on your origin."

“If you don’t have the right to open a mansion, the title doesn’t matter.

You have the power to open a mansion, and you have the title of Dongyang Shenjun.

According to the usual practice, you can directly build Dongyang Shenjun temple within Dongyang Lake Township, and build as many temples as you want. "

(End of this chapter)

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