Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 147 2nd Master’s Uncle’s Meeting Ceremony

Chapter 147 The meeting ceremony of the second uncle

The warship flew all the way north. Another three days passed, and a snow-capped mountain appeared in front of it.

The mountain is not high, but it is still covered with ice and snow.

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "Seeing this kind of snow-capped mountains means entering the northern border."

The further north the warship went, the colder it became.

Half a month after setting off, the front was completely covered with ice and snow.

In the distance, a small castle stood proudly in the wind and snow.

The shape of this castle is similar to the fortress in Zhennan County.

This place is already the northern border, perhaps this is the northern defense system.

The warship flew near the castle, turned around and headed east.

Along the way, every thousand miles or so, there will be a small castle like this.

Looking around, everything is completely white, and there is no other color at all.

Half a day later, an eagle cry suddenly came from due north.

Everyone was frightened and looked around, but saw nothing.

At this time, a majestic voice sounded: "Snow Eagle is coming, prepare for battle."

With an order, several barriers appeared outside the warship again.

Several giant crossbows on the warship were also loaded with crossbow arrows.

Soldiers wearing armor also walked out of the cabin one by one, each holding a magic weapon, ready to take action at any time.

Seeing so many elite soldiers on the warship, Liu Yuanchen and others were relieved.

Xia Longting asked: "Where is Snow Eagle?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "Snow eagle is a common demon bird in the north, which can hide its figure in the snowfield.

It is too difficult to find traces of it. "

"It won't be long before it launches an attack on the warship beneath our feet."

Soon, the entire warship shook violently.

At this time, everyone saw the true face of the attacker.

This is a giant eagle with a wingspan of four to five feet. It is all white with no trace of color.

Above the vast snowfield, it is almost impossible to see with the naked eye.

Moreover, this thing can evade spiritual detection and is indeed difficult to discover.

Several crossbow arrows flew out, and the blood shadow dodged again and again, but in the end he was hit by a crossbow arrow and fell from the air.

The majestic voice ordered: "Snow eagles live in groups, and more snow eagles may come to seek revenge.

The warship speeded up and fled as quickly as possible to escape the snowy field. "

As soon as he finished speaking, the warship suddenly rushed forward.

Xia Longting, the guy who was farting and holding on to the wall, got a big fall.

The speed of the warship continued to increase, and the sound of the wind outside became more and more harsh.

Even with the protection of the formation, the sound of the wind was so loud that it hurt people's brains.

This high speed was maintained for a full two hours before the warship slowly slowed down.

At this time, the warship turned around and headed southeast.

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "It seems that we have bypassed the sandstorm plain.

Now, we should be in the northeast corner of Red Wasteland.

I have read the classics about the Red Wasteland before. This place should be more than [-] miles away from Qingdan County. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood: "So, we are already halfway through the journey."

"What do you mean, our destination this time is Qingdan County?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Yes, the capital of the Chihuang Kingdom is located in the county seat of Qingdan County."

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while and felt that it was more reasonable.

The main source of spiritual energy in the Red Wasteland is the Wuyunling Great Spiritual Vein, and the spiritual power in the entire spiritual vein flows from east to west.

The further west you go, the lower the level of spiritual energy in your spiritual veins.

The easternmost place where the Great Xia Dynasty currently controls stably is Qingdan County.

Chihuang County wanted to establish its capital. Considering the level of spiritual energy, the best choice was Qingdan County.

However, the risk of establishing a capital city in Qingdan County is not small.

After all, Qingdan City is only five hundred miles eastward, and it is already the border area.

There is a wasteland of thousands of miles separated in the middle, and opposite is the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds.

If before, there were only some evil cultivators in Moyunhai, it would naturally not be a big deal.

But now there is an army of half-demon dispatched by the demon clan stationed on the side of the Demonic Cloud Sea. Their strength is not comparable to that of the local evil cultivators in the Red Wasteland before.

If those evil cultivators ignore it and attack Qingdan City, it really won't be that difficult.

As for whether it can break the city, it's hard to say.

A few more days passed, and the warship finally flew out of the snowfield, and a large area of ​​red Gobi appeared in front of them.

Although it was incomparable with the scenery in Nanjun, Luochuan Kingdom, Liu Yuanchen felt particularly friendly.

After all, I have grown up in this red desert since I was a child. No matter how nice the outside is, it can't be as good as my hometown.

Xia Longting looked at the red Gobi below and was a little curious: "Is this the Red Wasteland?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, back then, extraterrestrial beings invaded and fought against the human race.

The battlefield for the decisive battle between the two sides was in the center of the Red Wasteland.

After that battle, the Red Wasteland became like this. "

Xia Lingkai continued: "Before that war, Chihuangyuan was once one of the best holy places for cultivation in the entire Yuanling world.

The grade of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins is even higher than the current great spiritual veins of Daoshan Mountain. "

“After the war, the earth veins were shattered and the spiritual veins were broken into countless pieces.

After tens of thousands of years of recovery, it has reached its current level. "

"If the Chihuang Wilderness is allowed to develop freely, it is estimated that it will be able to catch up with the level of Zhennan County in another tens of thousands of years.

However, now there is the Earth Immortal Way.

As long as more blessed lands can be opened up in the red wasteland, the recovery progress of the earth veins and spiritual veins can be accelerated. "

"If we are willing to invest resources, it is estimated that Chihuangyuan will surpass Zhennan County in a few thousand years."

Hearing this, Xia Longting showed a look of surprise: "It turns out that Red Wasteland has such great potential, why did you never tell me?"

Everyone was too lazy to talk to him. This guy was not interested in anything other than women, so there was no point in telling him.


A few more days passed, and a tall mountain range lay across due south.

Due east, you can also see a large lake.

The surrounding vegetation is lush, with mortal settlements everywhere and a city.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "The big lake ahead should be Ludize, the second largest lake in the Red Wasteland.

The largest tributary of Ludize is the Qingdan River, and Qingdan City is located in the upper reaches of the Qingdan River. "

Sure enough, the warship turned around and headed due south.

At this moment, an old man with kind eyebrows wearing a khaki robe appeared out of thin air on the ground in front of him.

He also had a cane in his hand and looked like an old man from a wealthy family.

I saw him raising the crutch in his hand high, and a stream of khaki energy was injected into the crutch.

Then, I saw the crutch in his hand slamming to the ground.

A piece of soil was generated instantly, and the soil continued to expand.

It didn't stop until the soil expanded to half an acre.

Seeing their curiosity, Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "This old man is the land god, and his main responsibility is to manage fields and crops.

Because they are in direct contact with mortals, they have a lot of chores to take care of. "When a mortal loses something, he will ask the landowner for help."

Regarding the matter of giving birth to a child, one would also go to the land god.

If a child is attracted by evil spirits, he will also seek help from the Lord of the Land.

As time goes by, this Earth God will have a lot of Shinto authority. "

“Therefore, the future of Tudigong is also very bright.

If you get promoted further, you can hold various clerical positions. "

“There are no villages around, let alone fields.

The only thing that the public can manage is the growth of soil in the Gobi Desert. "

Before he finished speaking, he heard muffled thunder and saw a small dark cloud appearing in front of him.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "It's really strange. It only rains near Wuyun Ridge in the Chihuang Plain.

It's still hundreds of miles away from Wuyun Ridge, and it usually doesn't rain. "

At this moment, a dark head popped out of the dark clouds, which looked like a dragon's head.

Xia Lingkai chuckled: "This is the local Dragon God making rain.

It seems that Shenting attaches great importance to Chihuangyuan.

Chihuangyuan has only been affiliated with it for a few years, but it has already conferred the title of Dragon God. "

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan were both very curious. This was the first time they saw the Dragon God rain.

Looking from a distance, I saw a black dragon constantly shuttling through the clouds, and the dark clouds were growing rapidly.

At first, the dark clouds were only twenty or thirty feet in diameter, but soon they covered the sky for miles around.

Not long after, heavy rain poured down.

A large amount of rainwater continues to gather together, forming a flow of water that continues to converge in low-lying areas and eventually flows into a creek.

After dozens of breaths, the clouds cleared and the fog dispersed, and the heavy rain stopped.

The land just cultivated by the Tutu Gong has been moistened by rain and exudes the smell of earth.

In a moment, a few grasses grew out of the soil.

Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised: "The Shinto method is so miraculous."

Xia Lingkai explained: "Among the Shinto methods, there are indeed many methods to promote the growth of vegetation.

However, their methods are mainly useful against ordinary vegetation.

If you want to stimulate the birth of spiritual plants, the effect is very poor, far inferior to the various methods of the spiritual medicine master. "

The warship kept moving forward, and soon a city appeared in front of them, which was Qingdan City.

Looking at the familiar city, Meng Tieshan was a little excited: "That is Qingdan City. I have lived here for several years."

At this time, outside Qingdan City, it seemed to be expanding.

After all, if Qingdan City is to become the capital of Chihuang Hou Kingdom, it will naturally need to be expanded.

The east, west and north sides of Qingdan City are being expanded, and only the south gate can still be accessed normally.

On a flat land in the north of the city, thousands of people were busy, probably building a palace.

On the outside, a low wall has been built, obviously to build a city wall.

After the expansion is completed, the entire city should be fifty miles square.

The warship landed at the south gate of Qingdan City, and a monk wearing golden armor walked out of the cabin.

"Qingdan City has arrived, students disembark."

Liu Yuanchen and others got off the warship, went straight into the city, and came to Qingdan Academy.

After completing all the procedures for admission, Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai went to see Chihuang Hou.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan went to the county governor's mansion to visit their second uncle Ling Yu.

The two of them walked straight into the governor's mansion, and under the guidance of the guards, they soon found the second uncle Ling Yu in a house in the backyard.

He looked to be in his forties, not particularly handsome, but with an air of elegance.

I have never seen this kind of temperament in my master and ancestor.

Wearing a black star-patterned robe, he also held a magic weapon in his hand, which he was fiddling with.

Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan walked in front of him, but he didn't feel it at all.

The two of them bowed and saluted: "Disciple Liu Yuanchen (Meng Tieshan), please see your second uncle."

Hearing this, Ling Yu raised his head.

"It's Yuan Chen and Tieshan. When you were apprentices, I was here to guard Qingdan County on behalf of your master. I haven't seen you yet."

“I wanted to go to Luochuan Country to see you when I had the opportunity in the future.

I didn’t expect you to come so soon. "

Liu Yuanchen said: "Our Bahuang Pavilion is cooperating with Shenting to develop the Red Wasteland, and my junior brother and I will come sooner or later.

Taking advantage of the establishment of the Chihuang Hou Kingdom, if we come here now, we can still take advantage of it. "

Ling Yu nodded repeatedly: "Yes, the important task of developing the Red Wasteland in the future lies with your generation of disciples."

After that, he took out two black animal skins and said: "This is the first time I meet you two. As a master uncle, I must have some greetings.

This is the formation diagram I refined. You should be able to use it when you are walking outside. "

The two took the animal skin and quickly bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Second Master Uncle."

Liu Yuanchen looked at the array diagram carefully. The entire black animal hide was only three feet square, and there were extremely complicated patterns hidden in it.

Just looking at it made him feel dizzy.

Liu Yuanchen had heard of formation diagrams, which were formed by drawing formations on animal skins, silk, or some special paper, which could be carried with you.

This formation diagram is originally a kind of magic weapon. When using it, you only need to inject mana to activate the formation.

Among the many array applications, array diagrams are the most convenient and quickest.

Of course, the flaws are also very obvious.

Array diagrams cannot rely on external spiritual power like array disks. When used, they can only rely on the user's mana to maintain operation.

Although the flaws are not small, it can really save lives at critical moments.

The entire animal skin is also quite extraordinary, and the spiritual power fluctuations in it have reached the level of the third-order high-grade.

Meng Tieshan asked: "Uncle Second Master, what kind of formation is on this animal skin?"

Ling Yu chuckled: "This formation is called the Jiuyao Entrapment Formation, which combines the illusion formation, the entrapment formation, and the killing formation into one.

The original grand formation is an eighth-level formation, and with my current ability, it is difficult to set it up.

This Jiu Yao Trapped Divine Formation was something I learned from the complete version of the great formation. It was simplified a lot and is a third-level high-grade formation. "

"With your current cultivation level, you can only control the third-order formation for twenty or thirty breaths.

No matter how high the grade is, you won't be able to use it. "

"Don't think it's just a third-level formation. If a monk in the Lingtai realm is trapped in the formation, it will take a lot of effort to get out."

“As for the Ning Yuan Realm monks, it is basically impossible to break the formation without special means.

As long as you hold on for a little longer, they may die in the formation. "

"By the way Yuan Chen, I heard that you obtained the Purple Moon Orb from the Purple Moon Sky Fox lineage.

That thing will definitely have miraculous effects when used together with the Jiuyaoshen Divine Formation. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite happy.

With this thing, I won't be helpless when facing Condensation Realm monks in the future.

Although he has a protective treasure left by his master, it is a strategic deterrent and cannot be used casually.

This Jiuyaoshen Divine Formation is just suitable for use.

Besides, I have the Book of Earth and the Blessed Land to continuously feed back mana, and I can activate the formation for a long time.

With their own sect background, the monks on the human side don't dare to bully the small, but the guys on the demon side don't care about this.

In the future, when meeting the masters of the demon clan, this formation map will play a big role.

Liu Yuanchen raised his hands and thanked him again: "Thank you so much, Uncle Second Master."

(End of this chapter)

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