Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 149: The Record of Refining the Gods of All Spirits

Chapter 149: The Record of Refining the Gods of All Spirits

After reading the memory fragments, Liu Yuanchen suddenly discovered that the aura level in the space inside the dragon ball had skyrocketed, approaching the fourth level.

Obviously, after completing the recognition of the master, Longzhu Blessed Land will receive more spiritual energy supplies from the Book of Earth.

However, the spiritual veins in the Dragon Pearl Blessed Land have not yet left their mark on the Book of Earth.

Compared with the aura level of the Dragon Ball Blessed Land, which is where the ginseng fruit tree is located, it is still a bit inferior.

At this time, he could clearly sense the energy flow of the three acquired treasures inside the dragon ball.

The mysterious power continued to flow out into the bloody earth vein mark in the book of the earth, and finally disappeared.

Perhaps, this mysterious power was absorbed by the Book of the Earth.

At the same time, the three acquired treasure forbidden areas are also constantly absorbing the power in the earth veins.

Although the mysterious power continues to flow out, the power in the three acquired treasures has not been lost, but is slowly increasing.

Originally, Liu Yuanchen was a little worried when he saw that the mysterious power in the Dragon Ball was constantly losing.

Although the benefit lies in the book on the ground, it would be a pity if such an acquired spiritual treasure as the Dragon Ball was destroyed.

Now it seems that this worry is completely unnecessary.

The book of the earth and the dragon ball are a mutually beneficial and win-win situation. The exchange of energy should be beneficial to both parties.

If this development continues, this Dragon Ball may one day be restored to its original state, and the Dragon Ball Blessed Land will gradually grow.

As for the Earthly Book, it has absorbed the power of the Houtian Baojin in the Dragon Ball. I wonder if it can be condensed into the Houtian Baojin.

But it's unlikely when you think about it. After all, the Book of Earth was only refined a few years ago.

If the acquired treasure ban is condensed, it will be a real acquired spiritual treasure, surpassing the eighth level magic weapon.

My own cultivation is in the Qi Sea realm, and even with the help of the power of the earth veins, I can't be so fast.

Perhaps, the Book of Earth has absorbed the energy of the acquired treasure ban in the Dragon Ball, and it will be much easier to condense its own ban in the future.

Then, he looked at the bloody dragon mark on the book, but there was still no movement.

This mark may have been formed by the spirit fetus of the Dragon King of Luochuan, but there has never been any movement in the earth book, so I don't know what its purpose is.

The matter of condensing Houtian Baojin from the Book of the Earth cannot be accomplished overnight.

What we need to do now is to improve our cultivation as soon as possible.

Now there is a Kaifu Divine Lord canonized by the Divine Court, who has great potential.

But now that the Shinto avatar cannot be condensed, he cannot officially accept the canonization, and this potential cannot be realized.

In addition, among the relics of the Dragon King of Luochuan, there are several dragon-shaped jade sculptures.

I took out the black dragon-shaped jade carving before. The master said it was the power of heaven, corresponding to the power of the wind and rain.

Several other dragon-shaped jade carvings must also be the authorities of heaven.

However, this thing cannot be refined directly.

If you want to refine it indirectly, you also need to use the Shinto clone.

All things are stuck in the Shinto clone.

There is really no other way besides accelerating the speed of cultivation and breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm as soon as possible.

He took back his consciousness, stabilized his mind, and started to operate the Divine Tree Towering Technique.

Back home, the blessed land can be nourished by the evil energy of the earth's veins, and Liu Yuanchen feels that his cultivation speed has improved a lot.

In the blessed land, the ginseng fruit tree continues to absorb the evil energy of the earth veins, and the whole tree becomes more and more energetic.

Every leaf is enveloped by a fairy light.

The tops of the treetops are also growing slowly after absorbing enough evil energy.

In Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness, every hundred breaths of time, a pure mana will be replenished, which is comparable to 20 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones.

With so much magic power to support him, he was not inferior to absorbing spiritual energy from the outside world.

It is only necessary to further refine these mana, improve its quality, and then integrate it into the Qi sea of ​​Zhongdantian.

At this time, his Qi Hai was already more than thirty feet tall.

In the past, there were constant battles in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land, especially when using Wind and Thunder, which often consumed very little mana.

Fortunately, being in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Monsters, I can still continuously get the spiritual energy from the spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain to replenish my mana in time.

In this extreme environment, his cultivation level improved extremely quickly.

The half-year trial in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land is comparable to two years of training in seclusion.

Unfortunately, that kind of environment does not exist all the time.

The technique continues to operate, streams of mana pour into the middle Dantian, and the sea of ​​​​qi slowly expands.

At this time, the immortal seeds in the sea of ​​consciousness continued to emit green light.

After a while, the light slowly gathered, and finally turned into a scene of Zhenyuan Immortal giving a sermon.

Liu Yuanchen was excited. After several years, he finally had new sermon content.

When he first broke through the Qi Sea Realm, Immortal Zhenyuan taught him the Earth Book Sacrifice Refining Method.

Since the book was formed, it has played a huge role.

Especially in the trial of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land, if it were not for the effect of the Earth Book, I would have died countless times.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen paid full attention and listened carefully to the sermon of Immortal Zhenyuan.

Even though he had heard the content countless times, he still listened carefully.

After all, when Zhenyuan Immortal preached, he seemed to use simple words as much as possible in order to take care of his disciples with low cultivation levels.

But that's not vernacular. If you taste it carefully, every sentence may hide a mystery.

How much you can understand depends entirely on your personal fortune and understanding.

Perhaps when your realm reaches a higher level in the future, you will have more new experiences and even comprehend new things.

Before long, the first four parts of the sermon were over.

Next, is the fifth part of the sermon, which is also the part that will have new content.

The new sermon content this time is related to the soul.

There are thousands of creatures in the world, and their souls are all different.

Especially plants and trees, although they are also alive, they have no soul at all before turning into spirits, only a little spirituality.

No matter what kind of creature he is, he has the opportunity to cultivate the great path.

There are thousands of paths to practice, and their realms are also diverse.

However, there are many avenues and different paths leading to the same destination. All cultivation paths can be summarized in four realms.

They are: refining essence into qi, refining qi into spirit, refining spirit to return to emptiness, refining emptiness to combine with Tao.

Refining Qi into Qi and refining Qi into Spirit are both part of laying the foundation.

Different cultivation systems have different methods.

The physical way refining Qi and blood to generate Gang Qi, and the Qi training way absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth can be regarded as refining Qi.

After that, the quality of Qi will be continuously improved, and finally it will fall on "transformation into the spirit".

As for the method of cultivation, it doesn’t matter which one.

Even the form of the soul can be varied.

As long as the essence, Qi and spirit can be unified, what emerges is the soul.

Even if the Wu clan only cultivates the physical body, as long as they have complete consciousness and can understand the laws, their soul will still exist.

It's just that the soul and the physical body are integrated into one, and they don't appear separately. They still have the ability to realize the Tao.

Liu Yuanchen guessed that the Qi Sea Realm monks were still simply increasing the amount of mana, which should still be considered the level of refining Qi.

When you reach the Condensing Yuan realm, the main thing is to improve your quality. Only then can you be considered to have entered the level of refining qi and becoming a god.

Liu Yuanchen also read many classics in Zhennan Academy before.The Flesh Way of the Yuanling Realm and its successor, the Earth Immortal Way, do not directly cultivate the Yuanshen, but integrate the soul into the physical body, which is a bit like the practice of the Wu Clan.

Other qi training and Shinto training all require cultivating the soul.

Before condensing the soul, there are the condensing realm, the spiritual stage realm and the soul condensing realm, all of which are preparations for condensing the soul.

In his sermons, Immortal Zhenyuan taught the acquired souls the method of condensing their souls.

First of all, three souls and seven souls must be condensed, which is very similar to the soul condensation realm in the Yuanling world.

Most of the acquired souls are born with incomplete three souls and seven souls, and low spiritual intelligence. They need to supplement their souls in order to condense their souls.

The human race is born with a Taoist body, complete with three souls and seven souls.

You only need to condense the life soul and seven souls hidden in the body, and then call back the two souls of heaven and earth outside to condense the soul.

After describing the principles of condensing the soul, Zhenyuan Immortal passed down the next article on the techniques for cultivating the soul.

This method is called "Refining the Gods of All Spirits", and it is also a method created by Zhenyuan Immortal to teach his disciples.

Although it is not the top method in the prehistoric world, it is very suitable for acquired creatures with shallow heels.

Whether you are a human race, a demon race, or a spirit race, you can practice this method.

The sermon also specifically stated that this method complements the Divine Tree Towering Technique and the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

The combination of the three is a complete method of immortality.

Liu Yuanchen wrote down the content of the sermon, and only after the sermon was over did he understand it carefully.

This Ten Thousand Spirits Refining Record is said to be a set of techniques for cultivating souls, but it cannot be practiced directly.

Because in the entire exercise, although there are various tips for soul cultivation, there is no specific method of cultivation.

Of course, it is possible that Immortal Zhenyuan told it, but Liu Yuanchen did not realize it.

The method he realized is more like a general outline of soul cultivation, or a very complete cultivation experience.

It cannot be practiced alone, but it can be combined with any method of spiritual consciousness cultivation.

Make this method of cultivating spiritual consciousness more effective.

Even if the monk's cultivation level has not yet reached the stage of condensing three souls and seven souls, practicing this method can continuously improve the power of spiritual consciousness.

The power of divine consciousness originally comes from the soul. When the power of divine consciousness increases, it actually means that the soul becomes stronger.

The main means of cultivating spiritual consciousness in the Yuanling world is contemplation.

There are many objects that can be visualized through visualization, including mythical beasts, monsters, gods, spiritual plants, and even natural mountains and rivers.

When you visualize something, you need to have a matching visualization method.

Use the idea of ​​​​contemplation to continuously circulate the power of spiritual consciousness.

And imagining the appearance, details, and charm of this thing can slowly increase the power of spiritual consciousness.

If the thing you are visualizing is special, it will also have a special effect.

For example, if you visualize a real dragon and get its charm, you can gain some of the power of the real dragon and frighten monsters.

Liu Yuanchen has also practiced some visualization methods, such as the Cang Yuan Contemplation in Cang Yuan Lin Gong and the Xuan Ying Contemplation.

Although the main purpose of these two concepts is not to enhance spiritual consciousness, but to perceive the charm and practice exercises and spells.

However, in the process of cultivation, it does have the effect of improving spiritual consciousness.

Moreover, among the low-level concepts in the Yuanling world, it is considered very good.

The two can be combined with the Divine Refining Record of All Spirits to exert a stronger effect.

However, Liu Yuanchen did not choose these two visualization pictures, but chose the idea of ​​sacred tree visualization.

This idea of ​​contemplating the sacred tree is part of the divine tree towering skill.

Before practicing the Divine Tree Towering Skill, you need to visualize a certain sacred tree and outline the true shape of the sacred tree in the sea of ​​consciousness.

The more perfect this true shape diagram is, the more powerful the power of the Shenmu Towering Technique will be.

The method used in this process is the concept of sacred trees.

Moreover, the daily use of the idea of ​​​​contemplating the sacred tree can not only enhance the power of divine consciousness, but also further improve the true shape of the sacred tree.

Immortal Zhenyuan said in his sermon that the Record of Refining the Gods of All Spirits, the Divine Tree Towering Technique and the Dead Wood Immortality Technique complement each other.

If you use the Divine Tree Observation Thought and the Divine Refining Record of All Spirits at the same time, the effect will definitely be even higher.

The method of spiritual consciousness cultivation has progressed, and the true shape diagram of the sacred tree has also been perfected.

In the future, if you practice the Shenmu Shengtian Technique, the effect should also be significantly improved.

Thinking of this, he began to use the Shenmu Contemplation Method and the All Souls Refining Shenlu to visualize the shape and charm of the ginseng fruit tree.

At the same time, the true shape of the sacred tree is constantly sketched.

Wisps of spiritual consciousness are constantly injected into the true shape of the sacred tree, constantly improving the details and feeling the charm.

An hour later, his consciousness was completely exhausted.

Subsequently, part of the blue-black liquid in the kidney meridian flowed into the sea of ​​consciousness.

This blue-black liquid is produced by the fusion of various energies in the body when practicing the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

Along with the cultivation, there is also a light red mist that is constantly circulating in the heart.

Before breaking through the Qi Sea Realm, when I was honing my spiritual consciousness, I had used this black liquid to restore the power of my spiritual consciousness.

After the sea of ​​consciousness absorbed the black liquid, his consciousness quickly recovered.

At midnight, Liu Yuanchen exhausted the power of his consciousness three times before falling into a deep sleep.

He woke up just as the sun came up the next day.

I had consumed too much spiritual power at night, but I didn't feel any fatigue at all. Instead, I was in high spirits.

When I was running the Shenmu Shengtian Kung Fu, I felt that my cultivation speed was much faster than before.

The Record of the Divine Refining of All Spirits is indeed complementary to the Divine Tree Towering Technique. When practicing the two together, it is like having divine help.

And this is just the beginning. If you practice for a long time in the future, the effect may be better.

Then he came to the courtyard, facing the rising sun, and practiced the Cang Yuan Guiding Technique.

With just a slight movement, the light red mist in the heart continues to merge into the blood.

The speed of Qi and blood enhancement has been significantly improved.

Liu Yuanchen was delighted. After practicing the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining God Record, he had enhanced the power of the Divine Tree Shengtian Technique and also stimulated the potential of the Dead Wood Immortality Technique.

No wonder Master Zhenyuan said that the three methods complement each other, and together they are a method of longevity.

This will be my main practice in the future. Let’s practice the Bahuang Pavilion’s exercises as body-training exercises.


After staying at home for a few days, he left Dongyang Lake and headed towards Wuyun Ridge due south.

This time, he wanted to leave the imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins on the earth book.

Before he went to Luochuan Country, he discovered that the Earth Line Mark could be left on the Earth Book, and he could also use the Earth Line Mark to extract the evil energy of the Earth Line from a long distance.

Of course, he wanted to leave the imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins on the earth book.

In the Red Wasteland, almost all the resources and population are not far from Wuyun Ridge.

Once the mark of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins is left on the earth book, there is no need to worry about spiritual energy.

Moreover, when supplemented by external spiritual energy, the defensive ability of the Book of the Earth is also extremely high.

When he first arrived at Zhennan Academy, Shi Jian, a late-stage Qi Sea Realm monk, was able to deform the defensive barrier of the Book of Earth.

Later, with the support of the spiritual veins of Moyang Mountain, the defensive barrier of the Earth Book was able to withstand the dragon ball that the Dragon King of Luochuan shot before his death.

The difference in defense power is so huge that they almost don't look like the same magic weapon.

(End of this chapter)

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