Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 158 Jealousy changes Xia Longting beyond recognition

Chapter 158 Jealousy changes Xia Longting beyond recognition
While they were talking, the three of them had already arrived near the gate of the academy.

When he arrived here, Xia Longting did not leave the academy, but looked around.

At this moment, a group of four female students also walked out of the academy.

Xia Longting stared blankly in the direction of the four female students, almost drooling.

Seeing his kindness, Liu Yuanchen asked Xia Lingkai in a low voice: "Is that junior sister among these four people?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "The one wearing the moon-white dress."

Liu Yuanchen looked carefully and saw that the woman was wearing a white veil on her face, and only her eyebrows could be seen.

Perhaps because she possesses the Qingyue spirit body, this woman has an ethereal aura.

It's like the bright moon in the sky, making people feel ashamed.

The women around her were all pretty, but in front of her, they were as bright as fireflies compared to the bright moon.

As for the figure, even Liu Yuanchen, who had read countless movies in his previous life, felt lost for a while after watching it.

Needless to say, Xia Longting on the side was already in a state of disbelief.

After two years of study, Liu Yuanchen still has some understanding of spiritual bodies.

Human monks have many special physiques, some can enhance their fighting skills, and some can increase their cultivation speed.

There are also people with special physiques who are born with certain special abilities.

If it can be cultivated properly, it can become a magical power in the future.

It can be said that the spirit body is a special kind of fairy.

People with spiritual bodies, even if they do not have immortal seeds, can directly absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to practice.

In ancient times, there were some people who had never been involved in cultivation, but were extremely powerful.

Liu Yuanchen didn't know much about Liang Qingyue's Qingyue spirit body.

However, most moon-based spirits can practice with the help of moonlight. On a moonlit night, their cultivation speed is much faster than usual.

Just this, coupled with the natural first-class middle-grade spiritual root, his talent is no worse than Xia Longting's.

In addition, monks with moon spiritual bodies will be much more effective in combat on a moonlit night than usual.

If he could practice the corresponding skills and bring out the potential of Qingyue's spirit body, Liang Qingyue's strength would probably be extremely terrifying.

There are many similar spirits, such as the red sun spirit, which is the god of war under the sun and withers at night.

There is also the thick earth spirit body, which can exert extremely powerful power as long as it steps on the earth.

But once in the air or in the water, the strength is reduced by half.

Although this Liang Qingyue has a good temperament, her eyebrows are also extremely beautiful.

But she is not as enchanting and charming as ordinary beautiful women, and every move she makes appears to be quite capable.

Obviously, this is another person who can rely on his appearance and figure to make a living, but he relies on his ability.

Having said that, if Liang Qingyue was a vase, Lingyue Sect would not send her to Chihuang.

Xia Longting is a prodigal son who relies entirely on his background. It may be difficult to win the favor of such a person.

However, this guy is really thick-skinned.

As soon as he saw Liang Qingyue, he shamelessly approached her.

"Sister Qingyue, I heard that you took over the investigation into the mysterious death of a monk in Yannan City?

It just so happens that I also accepted this task. Why don't we go together and take care of each other? "

Liang Qingyue said seriously: "Mr. Xia, you and I are not relatives, so please respect yourself."

Xia Longting hit a soft nail, and Liu Yuanchen couldn't help laughing.

This guy has always been a romantic person, but he has an extraordinary background.

As long as he is interested, most women will throw themselves into his arms.

He had probably never seen such a rejection before.

Liu Yuanchen thought he would be hit, but he didn't expect this guy to be even more energetic.

After being rejected, the smile on his face became even brighter: "Junior Sister Liang is right, I was being rude."

At this moment, another young man came forward.

He took out a storage bag and handed it to Liang Qingyue: "Junior sister Liang, this is something to protect the soul.

The situation in Yannan City is quite strange, so don't be careless. "

Liang Qingyue nodded slightly: "Thank you, Senior Brother Li, for reminding me."

The young man waved his hands repeatedly: "Some trivial matters are not worth mentioning."

Afterwards, Liang Qingyue and the other four people left, but the young man named Li did not follow them.

He just watched Liang Qingyue's leaving figure from a distance and stood there in a daze.

Also in a daze was Xia Longting.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It seems that your strong competitor has appeared.

Junior Sister Liang has already collected other people’s things, but she didn’t even have a nice word to say to you. "

Xia Longting immediately retorted: "What do you know? I've been wandering among flowers for many years, and no one understands women better than me."

"He was so indifferent to me, but he was actually shy."

Seeing his self-deceptive character, Liu Yuanchen didn't bother to pay attention to him.

However, when Xia Longting looked at the young man named Li in the distance, his eyes were on fire.

He walked straight up and said, "That man named Li, come here!"

The young man surnamed Li was looking at Liang Qingyue's back in confusion. When he shouted, he realized that there was someone nearby.

Seeing that Xia Longting's clothes were extraordinary and his cultivation was not low, he naturally didn't dare to offend him.

He bowed and said, "I have met this senior brother. I wonder if he has any advice?"

Xia Longting asked coldly: "I don't have any advice, I just want to ask you, what is your relationship with Junior Sister Qingyue?"

The student didn't hide anything: "Junior Sister Liang and I came from the same county academy and have known each other many years ago.

This time, Junior Sister Liang is going to Yannan City to perform a mission, so I helped her prepare some protective weapons. "

Xia Longting said arrogantly: "Fart, you and I are still in the same academy.

There are at least thousands of students in Qingdan Academy now. How come I don’t see you giving protective magic weapons to others? "

Seeing his unreasonable look, the young man named Li was also aroused.

"Junior sister Liang is so beautiful that any man will be moved by her beauty.

I admire Junior Sister Liang, what does that have to do with you? "

Xia Longting said angrily: "What is your identity? Do you have the same hobby as me?"

After saying that, he took out a long sword and planned to chop the young man named Li on the spot.

Xia Lingkai was obviously very experienced. Before he made a move, he had already rushed out and grabbed his hand.

"Young master, it's important to get down to business."

Xia Longting didn't give up, so Liu Yuanchen also rushed forward.

"Senior Brother Li, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

The young man surnamed Li saw that Xia Longting had an extraordinary status and had a large number of people, so he did not dare to stay here for a long time.

He bowed his hands to Liu Yuanchen and Xia Lingkai, then said goodbye and left.

Seeing him leaving, Xia Longting's anger also dissipated.

He looked outside the gate of the academy and could no longer see Liang Qingyue and others.

"That boy surnamed Li deserves to be damned. He has wasted so much time on me and Junior Sister Qingyue has gone far away."

"Uncle, bring out the warship quickly and let's catch up."

Xia Lingkai sighed, took out the warship, took off, and headed due east.

Not long after, a flying boat appeared in the eastern sky.

As soon as he saw the warship ahead, Xia Longting immediately shouted: "Uncle, Junior Sister Qingyue is right in front, hurry up and catch up."

Ordinary flying boats are naturally incomparable to warships.

Not long after, the warship caught up with the spaceship in front.Sure enough, Liang Qingyue and three other women were all on this flying boat.

Xia Longting quickly used his spiritual consciousness to say hello: "Junior sister Liang, we meet again.

I forgot to tell you last time, my name is Xia Longting, my father is the Marquis of Zhennan of Luochuan Kingdom, and the Marquis of Chihuang is my uncle. "

Liang Qingyue frowned slightly and had no choice but to politely slow down the speed of the flying boat.

"I have met Mr. Xia. We are going to Yannan City to perform a mission this time. Please ask Mr. Xia not to cause trouble."

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting was unhappy.

"I'm not causing trouble, I'm here to help.

Things in Yannan City are very weird, and even my brother-in-law doesn’t know the clues. "

"In order to help you, I specially invited Senior Brother Liu as a helper.

He was born in Chihuangyuan. He often traveled in Wuyun Ridge and knew the area very well. "

Liu Yuanchen was speechless for a while. Xia Longting didn't care about bragging, but bragging about himself.

Although he often walks around Wuyun Ridge, he has never been to Yannan City.

Liang Qingyue glanced at Liu Yuanchen, raised her hands and asked, "I wonder if this Senior Brother Liu is Liu Yuanchen, the disciple of King Dan?"

Liu Yuanchen returned the gift with his hands raised: "That's right."

At this time, the female students who were on the same boat as Liang Qingyue started chattering.

“It turns out that this is Senior Brother Liu who was killing everyone in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

I have heard of his name even in the western part of the Great Xia Dynasty. "

"I heard that he single-handedly destroyed the ancient demon god's resurrection method and killed the demon god's remaining soul."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

The eastern and western parts of the Great Xia Dynasty were separated by tens of millions of miles, and there were many dangerous places in between.

Unexpectedly, in just a few years, the news has already spread.

I don’t know if it was the Great Xia Divine Dynasty or the Academy’s deliberate propaganda to cover up the problem of heavy losses among students.

It was the enemies of his master who wanted to flatter and kill him.

The three female students Huan Zi'a continued to discuss: "Yes, I also heard that the half-demon in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land are all at his disposal.

Senior Brother Liu commanded the students and thousands of demon clan troops to fight a bloody battle with tens of thousands of Canglong tribe troops.

After ten battles and ten victories, he invaded the Canglong tribe in one fell swoop. "

Another person quickly echoed: "I also heard that Senior Brother Liu has extraordinary strength.

With the wind and thunder stick in his hand, he looks like a god of thunder.

He fought with the Dragon King of Luochuan for [-] rounds, and the fight ended in chaos.

In the end, Luochuan Dragon King was defeated and his soul was beaten away by him with a stick. "

Liu Yuanchen complained in his heart that the Yuanling world also had such big mouths.

Things in the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land are getting more and more evil.

A Qi Sea Realm monk fought against an ancient demon god for [-] rounds. Does anyone believe this?

There are tens of thousands of troops, but there are only a few thousand elite members of the Canglong tribe. They dare to try to resurrect the Luochuan Dragon King.

If there were tens of thousands of troops, they would dare to attack Luodu.

The person who brought the news dared to say it, and these people really dared to believe it.

After listening to their conversation, Liang Qingyue's clear eyes were filled with brilliance.

"My little sister has admired Senior Brother Liu for a long time, but she has never had the chance to meet him.

When I met him today, I realized that Senior Brother Liu was indeed the best among men. "

Liu Yuanchen just responded politely: "It's just that some people exaggerated.

I was able to kill the remnant soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan, and it was only with the help of the methods left by my master and ancestor, which is nothing. "

Xia Longting said quickly: "I was also present at the time, and it was I who took the lead in attacking the Canglong Tribe's defensive formation."

"Senior Brother Liu can come here this time because I personally invited him."

Liang Qingyue was polite to him, but she was talking and laughing with Liu Yuanchen, which made Xia Longting jealous.

Unfortunately, his words were ignored by everyone.

Liang Qingyue and the three female cultivators kept asking Liu Yuanchen questions, and Liu Yuanchen could only answer politely.

Xia Longting's eyes were hot, but he couldn't say anything at all.

He could only say: "It's dangerous over there in Yannan City. Let's go and investigate the situation first. We'll see you in Yannan City."

After that, he urged Xia Lingkai to speed up.

The speed of the warship is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary flying boats.

In just a few dozen breaths, the flying boat of Liang Qingyue and others was left behind.

Jealousy made Xia Longting look beyond recognition: "Senior Brother Liu, I came here to help you, not to snatch Junior Sister Qingyue from me."

Liu Yuanchen looked helpless: "It seems you were the first to brag about me, right? I just replied politely and didn't deliberately try to get close.

If they ignore you, what does that have to do with me? "

Xia Longting thought for a long time and asked Xia Lingkai, "Is that what happened?"

Xia Lingkai nodded slightly: "That's true, Junior Brother Liu didn't take the initiative to talk.

If it weren't for Junior Brother Liu's presence, none of them would pay attention to us. "

Hearing this, Xia Longting was angry and had nowhere to vent: "This is unfair, I have also made a lot of contributions in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons.

Why is Senior Brother Liu's reputation spread so widely, but no one has heard of my reputation? "

"Don't talk to Junior Sister Qingyue again. Don't you have a way to become invisible?
Hide your figure, or at least your face. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "My stealth method is very low-level. I can deceive monsters, but I can't deceive monks of the same level."

Xia Longting used his ultimate move again: "Add a thousand spirit stones a day to at least ensure that Junior Sister Qingyue cannot recognize you."

Liu Yuanchen immediately said with a smile on his face: "As long as the money is enough, these are not problems."

Before he finished speaking, a green vine emerged from his sleeve.

The vines continued to twine, forming a mask on his face.

"I haven't practiced this kind of method before, so I can only do this."

Xia Longting was not satisfied: "Uncle, give your spare mask to Senior Brother Liu."

Xia Lingkai had no choice but to take out a mask from the storage bag and handed it to Liu Yuanchen.

"I bought this for more than 1000 spiritual stones, and I have never worn it once."

Liu Yuanchen pointed at Xia Longting: "It has nothing to do with me asking him to reimburse you."

After saying that, he put the mask on his face.

Xia Longting was still a little dissatisfied: "Change your clothes into those of a casual cultivator."

For the sake of the spirit stone, Liu Yuanchen did not refuse.

He took off the green robe of the academy disciple and put on a gray coarse cloth robe.

Xia Longting used his spiritual consciousness to investigate again: "Your aura needs to be changed as well.

How about you suppress your cultivation and reach the early stage of Qi Sea Realm? "

Liu Yuanchen did as he was told and actively used the Dead Wood Immortality Technique, and his aura continued to decline.

Xia Lingkai was quite surprised: "Your methods are extraordinary, but I can't see through your cultivation at all."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It's just a small trick, but when I do it, the breath will return to its original state."

Xia Longting then nodded with satisfaction: "That's not bad. I asked you to come here to prepare for the worst case scenario.

Unless absolutely necessary, you don’t need to take action. "

Liu Yuanchen was naturally very happy. He could get four thousand spiritual stones a day without having to take action.

The warship was extremely fast, and not long after, a small city appeared in front.

(End of this chapter)

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