Chapter 161 Ghost Ganoderma lucidum

Then, Xia Longting took out the messaging token.

"I have to tell my uncle what's going on here and ask him to spread the news to the Divine Court as soon as possible."

Liu Yuanchen pointed at the sleeping monk again: "How should we deal with this person?

Should I watch him die, or should I use the power of thunder to help him get rid of the worms? "

Han Shouyang looked indifferent: "These are all casual cultivators. No sergeant has been poisoned yet. You can deal with them as you like."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It seems that the person who uses Gu is quite treacherous.

Only targeting casual cultivators would make it less likely to attract the attention of Shinto and the imperial court of Chihuang Hou Kingdom. "

Xia Lingkai agreed: "More than that, it also shows that the person who took action was not prepared for a full-scale conflict with the Chihuang Kingdom.

When they take action at this time, they are also making a huge gamble.

If the bet succeeds, the Chihuang Kingdom will suffer heavy losses.

The time to capture the Demonic Cloud Sea will be delayed by hundreds, or even hundreds of years. "

“Even if it fails, there is no big loss.

The person who did it can completely escape with the mother insect of the soul-eating ghost Gu and no longer approach the Red Wasteland. "

Liu Yuanchen once again injected the power of thunder into the wind and thunder stick: "No matter what, we still have to kill the Gu worms in these sleeping monks.

At least it can save their lives, and it can also allow the female insect to absorb less energy. "

After that, he gently placed the wind and thunder stick on the sleeping monk.

Wave after wave of thunder power was injected into his body. Even though his life soul was damaged and he fell into a coma, the monk was still twitching violently.

Liu Yuanchen withdrew the power of thunder, and the monk stopped twitching.

Not long after, he suddenly opened his eyes and stared around confusedly.

"This is where?"

Han Shouyang replied: "This is Yannan City."

"Where is Yannan City?"

Han Shouyang sighed softly: "It seems that his life and soul were seriously damaged and he lost his memory."

Xia Lingkai shook his head slightly: "Looking at his appearance, he shouldn't have become dementia.

Being infected by the soul-eating ghost Gu, but only losing his memory, he was already lucky. "

Liu Yuanchen used the wind and thunder stick to wake up several other sleeping monks.

The injuries of these human souls may be mild or severe. The most minor ones are just unable to remember some things.

The most serious one is no longer able to take care of himself.

There are spiritual items that can repair the soul, but they are definitely not something casual cultivators can afford.

If the life soul is damaged, one's own potential will be greatly reduced.

Even if you want to improve your cultivation in the future, it will be extremely difficult, and the chance of breaking through will be slim.

Han Shouyang said: "Dear disciples of the Academy, the remaining matters are not something we can solve. We can only wait for the Shenting and the imperial court to send people over.

Why don't we go to the inspection department to rest first. "

Everyone returned to the backyard of the Inspection Department again. Xia Longting quickly took out a few bottles of pills to restore mana and consciousness and gave them to Liang Qingyue.

It's just that he went there with a smile on his face and came back with a frown on his face.

Liu Yuanchen and Xia Lingkai were both meditating and practicing, but Xia Longting was the only one sulking aside.

The result of his attentiveness is of course self-evident.

A quarter of an hour later, a shout came from outside the inspection department door: "Where is the young marquis?"

Han Shouyang hurriedly greeted him and said, "Replying to the messenger, the Young Marquis is resting in the backyard of the Inspection Department."

Soon, a middle-aged monk in black robes rushed to the backyard.

Seeing Xia Longting leaning on a grand master's chair, with a bit of sadness on his face.

He breathed a long sigh of relief: "Fortunately, the young prince is safe and sound."

Liu Yuanchen didn't know this person, so he just stood up, cupped his hands and said, "I've met senior."

The middle-aged monk waved his hand: "Nephew Liu Xian, there is no need to be polite."

Xia Lingkai cupped his hands and said, "Guard Qin, I didn't expect you to come so quickly."

The middle-aged monk sat down on a chair: "I heard that the soul-eating ghost Gu appeared here, and I was scared out of my mind.

If the Young Marquis has a problem, how can I explain it to the Marquis? "

For such a long time, Xia Longting still had no reaction.

Qin Guards was a little worried: "What's wrong with the Young Marquis? Is there something wrong with him?"

Xia Lingkai chuckled lightly: "He is being disliked and is sulking. Don't worry about him."

Qin Huwei obviously knew what kind of character Xia Longting was, so he didn't care about him anymore.

"By the way, what about the soul-eating ghost Gu?"

Xia Lingkai explained the situation just now, and Guard Qin even borrowed Liang Qingyue's Moon Soul Mirror to take a look.

He breathed a long sigh of relief: "When I was young, I was fortunate enough to see the body of Soul-Eating Ghost Gu.

What he saw in the mirror was very similar to the Soul-Eating Ghost Gu, so he must be right. "

"This bunch of idiots from the Demon Clan are really nothing. They always want to play such dirty tricks."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "With the current situation in Chihuang Hou Kingdom, if we go head-to-head, the Monster Clan has no chance of winning.

If we cannot take advantage of the fact that the Chihuang Hou Kingdom is not yet stable, we will defeat the Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

We can only watch helplessly as our human race swallows the entire Red Wasteland in one bite. "

"These current methods are just tricks played when the frontal battlefield cannot be won."

Qin Guards smiled and said: "As expected of a person who can turn things around in the Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons. He is really insightful."

Xia Lingkai asked: "Guard Qin, what did Marquis Chihuang say?"

Soul-eating ghost Gu is so rare that even experts have never heard of it.

Even if Marquis Chihuang receives the news, he may not believe it.

Once there is a scornful attitude, it will inevitably be a waste of time.

Facing the soul-eating ghost Gu, even a day's delay may cause great losses.

Qin Guards smiled and said: "Master Hou knows that you are here, so naturally he feels more at ease.

After all, even if the young prince wants to cause trouble, he doesn't know what the soul-eating ghost Gu is.

After receiving the message, he immediately reported to Shenting through the City God Spiritual Realm. "

“The Marquis sent me here to verify the situation.

After I saw the photo of Soul-Eating Ghost Gu just now, I had already sent a message to the Marquis. "

Hearing this, everyone felt relieved.

As long as Chihuanghou can pay attention to this matter, use the City God Spiritual Realm, and be willing to spend a huge price, the news can be conveyed to Shenting very quickly.

Guard Qin asked: "Young Master, we have completed the investigation task, why not return to Qingdan City first?
After all, there is a soul-eating ghost Gu here, and I can't guarantee that it will be foolproof. "

Xia Longting did not reply, but asked Liu Yuanchen: "Senior Brother Liu, are you going back to Qingdan City now?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "I want to get some ghost Ganoderma spores, so I won't go back for the time being.

I didn't receive any tasks from the Academy, so there's no point in going back.

After the things here are over, I have to go back to the family. "

Xia Longting curled his lips and said, "If Senior Brother Liu doesn't go back, I won't go back either."

Liu Yuanchen was a little strange: "What does my whereabouts have to do with you?"

Xia Longting snorted coldly: "The Moon Soul Mirror in Junior Sister Qingyue's hand preserves the image of the soul-eating ghost Gu. She must stay here.

What if I leave and you take the opportunity to get close to Junior Sister Qingyue?I have to keep an eye on you. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "If we all stay here, I will have to continue counting money, 4000 yuan of spiritual stones a day."

Xia Longting threw two Daxia Dragon Coins casually: "I'll buy you five days." Liu Yuanchen quickly caught the Daxia Dragon Coins: "You can talk about anything if you have money."

Guard Qin looked helpless: "That's all, I'll set up a formation around the inspection department first to prevent the soul-eating ghost Gu from breaking in."

On the other side, Liang Qingyue and three female students also heard the conversations of several people.

One of the female students said: "I can't believe that people like Senior Brother Liu are also people who are greedy for money."

Liang Qingyue frowned slightly and retorted: "Senior Brother Liu comes from a humble background, and he is able to reach where he is today, all thanks to his own efforts.

If he doesn't work hard to earn resources, how can he improve his cultivation?

Bahuang Pavilion also provides free-range training for its disciples, and relies on itself for most of its cultivation resources. "

"He also got a position as the Divine Lord of the Mansion. In the future, he will have to earn resources on his own to open the Divine Mansion.

After cultivating to the Lingtai realm, you have to open up a blessed land, and it is natural to be a little greedy for money. "

Liang Qingyue's words reached Xia Longting's ears, making him grit his teeth in anger.

He stared at Liu Yuanchen for a long time: "Liu Yuanchen, I want to duel with you!"

Liu Yuanchen glanced at him: "Forget it, after I learned the wind and thunder technique, I can control the power of wind and thunder.

Who the spell you cast will ultimately hit is anyone's guess. "

Xia Longting was still dissatisfied: "What kind of ability does it count to rely on magical weapons passed down by elders?"

Liu Yuanchen asked back: "I have also refined a magic weapon myself, can you break my defense?"

Hearing this, Xia Longting slumped down on the Grand Master's chair: "My cultivation speed is faster than yours, and I will definitely be able to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm before you do. I will take care of you when the time comes."


Hearing that the legendary soul-eating ghost Gu had appeared in Yannan City, the atmosphere in the entire Chihuang Kingdom became solemn.

The city gods of each city sent out personnel to patrol around. If they encountered anyone who was unconscious, they would be taken to the city god's spiritual realm and imprisoned.

Ghosts are more sensitive to souls, and ghosts are the fusion of life souls and earth souls, regardless of each other.

The soul-eating ghost Gu mainly eats life souls, and its ability to restrain ghosts is not very strong.

The actions on the Shenting side were also very fast. In less than five days, a team of golden-armored soldiers arrived in Yannan City.

This team of golden-armored soldiers went straight to the Inspection Department, and Han Shouyang hurriedly greeted them with a flattering look on their face.

Although his patrol is not under the jurisdiction of Shenting, he will still return to Shenting's command after his death, so naturally he does not dare to offend the people of Shenting.

The leading golden-armored god general asked: "Where is the soul-eating ghost Gu?"

Han Shouyang said quickly: "If I tell you back to the general, the monks infected by the soul-eating ghost Gu are all next door.

Liang Qingyue, a disciple of Qingdan Academy, left behind the image of the soul-eating ghost Gu. "

The golden-armored god general nodded slightly: "Take me to see the image of the soul-eating ghost Gu first."

A group of golden-armored magic soldiers came to the backyard of the Inspection Department, and when they saw Liu Yuanchen who was practicing the ape guidance technique in the courtyard, they quickly bowed and saluted.

"I will finally meet the Lord Dongyang!"

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "As a divine king, I have no character or power. I don't care about the affairs of the divine court, so there is no need to be polite."

The golden-armored divine general smiled and said: "The Divine Lord Dongyang has the right to open a palace and confer the title of god, and his etiquette is the same as that of the Divine King. I will not dare to neglect him."

After a few words of greeting, the Golden Armored God General called Liang Qingyue again and carefully examined the image in the Moon Soul Mirror.

Then he took out the Shadow Bead for comparison: "Yes, this is the Soul-Eating Ghost Gu."

After that, he took out a token and shouted to the sky: "The wind is coming!"

Before he finished speaking, a strong wind suddenly rose.

The originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, and the entire sky became dark.

Afterwards, a group of divine soldiers each took out large black flower pots and placed them on the ground.

There is a strong aroma of incense in this flowerpot.

There is also soil in the pot, which seems to be the soil of a blessed field, and it is also condensed by the incense.

The golden-armored soldiers each took out a gourd, poured out a stream of black liquid, and watered the flower pots.

There was a sinister aura in this black liquid.

After the black liquid was poured down, it didn't take long for the Futian soil in the flowerpot to start moving.

Black rods emerged from the Futian soil one after another. After a while, the tops of the rods began to expand and gradually grew into kidney-shaped leaves.

On the leaves, there are circles of light cloud patterns.

This appearance is exactly the same as the Ganoderma lucidum in Liu Yuanchen's impression, but the color is different.

There are three or five black leaves growing on a Ganoderma lucidum plant.

The leaves are not only as black as ink, but also surrounded by a circle of black mist.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Is this Ghost Ganoderma?"

The god general cupped his hands and said, "If I return to the Lord Shen, this is indeed Ghost Ganoderma.

Normally, the Divine Court cultivates this thing in a secret realm, using the power of incense to nourish it, but not allowing it to grow.

It will only be released when needed. "

Before he finished speaking, there was a black mist on the leaves of Ghost Ganoderma lucidum, drifting away in the wind.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to explore the past and found that the black mist was composed of tiny particles.

With a casual move, a wisp of black mist came to his hand.

The black mist completely dissipated as soon as it touched the black mist.

The god general reminded: "Sir, the spores of this ghost Ganoderma are most afraid of Yang Qi.

You have so much energy that you will kill them if you touch them. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, his hand wrapped in a layer of green mana.

I grabbed a wisp of black mist again, but this time it didn't dissipate.

Press the black mist to quickly absorb mana, and black threads grow.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed that his magic power was indeed useful for ghost Ganoderma lucidum.

"How to grow this thing?"

The Golden Armored God smiled and said: "This thing cannot be grown in ordinary soil. It is best to use Futian soil, and at worst it has to be Yin soil.

Normally, it should be watered with Yin energy. "

“However, Lord Shen, you must be careful.

This thing has a very strong restraining effect on the soul. We, the gods canonized by the Divine Court, are protected by the laws of Shinto.

Only when you are prepared can you resist this spore.

Ordinary ghost cultivators and newly deceased ghosts would be in bad luck if they encountered this thing.

If there is no preparation, the gods will also suffer a big loss. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Don't worry, I know what's going on."

Then, he put the mycelium of the ghost Ganoderma into the storage bag and injected a lot of mana into it.

At this moment, there was movement in the courtyard next door.

Those corpses that had been dead for a long time suddenly took over again and kept escaping into the house.

It's a pity that a black mist surged over and enveloped those people who were pretending to be corpses.

After a while, the body stopped moving.

Soon, clouds of black mist emerged from the corpse.

The black mist seemed to have gotten into something and disappeared quickly.

The god general sneered: "It's true, the spores of ghost Ganoderma will only appear like this when they encounter the soul-eating ghost Gu."

Xia Longting didn't know why: "Is this the end?"

Xia Lingkai sighed: "Now that the soul-eating ghost Gu has escaped, the person who unleashed the poison should flee for his life."

(End of this chapter)

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