Chapter 163 Spirit Vein Jade Zhi
Jin Jia is also a child at heart, and was extremely excited when he heard Liu Yuanchen's praise.

"Father, this method of mine can not only be used for attacking, it can also grow more diamond beans."

After saying that, he quickly ran to the side of the main body, and the spirit body merged into the main body.

The bean sprout gave off a dazzling golden light, and then the bean sprout quickly bloomed and grew two pods.

In each pod, there are five beans.

A quarter of an hour later, the pod exploded, and ten golden diamond beans collapsed.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual consciousness to explore the ten diamond beans several times inside and out.

Compared with the diamond beans given by Master Qibao, these diamond beans are not inferior at all.

He was overjoyed: "Sure enough, Immortal Zhenyuan's excellent inheritance is enough to make up for my poor Shen Nong technique."

Moreover, these diamond beans can serve as eyes and ears as soon as they grow out.

Liu Yuanchen can switch to the perspective of King Kong Bean with just a thought.

There was excitement in his heart: "It seems that the seeds produced by the wood spirit are born with ears and eyes.

If a spiritual plant with extremely strong reproductive ability is cultivated in the future, it can be transformed into a wood spirit.

Wouldn't it be easy to build an intelligence network using eyes and ears in the future? "

When he thought of spiritual plants with strong reproductive capabilities, he immediately thought of ghost Ganoderma lucidum.

Although this thing is not a plant, it is still in the wood genus, and the Shen Nong Technique is still useful for it.

He had seen the terrifying reproductive capacity of Ghost Ganoderma before.

With just a dozen pots of ghost Ganoderma lucidum, the scattered spores can cover the sky and the sun.

Unfortunately, this thing can only grow in an environment with abundant Yin energy and extremely weak Yang energy.

It is obviously unreliable to use this thing to build a spiritual plant intelligence network.

If you want to establish a spiritual plant intelligence network, you have to choose another spiritual plant.

At this time, Jin Jia came out of the body and looked a little tired.

"Father, this method of quickly growing diamond beans consumes a lot of money on me.

If you just condense the virtual shadow of the diamond bean, the consumption will be much smaller.

However, when my cultivation goes further, it won’t be so difficult.

By then, I will be able to produce more diamond beans at once. "

Before he finished speaking, a ball of green mana appeared out of thin air and merged into Jin Jia's body.

In just a moment, Jin Jia's condition was mostly restored.

Liu Yuanchen's voice sounded again: "Don't grow diamond beans easily in the future, so as not to consume too much and affect your cultivation."

Jin Jia nodded repeatedly: "Father, don't worry, I will practice hard and grow up as soon as possible."

Xiaoyu and Xuanjia stayed aside, quietly watching the Jinjia spirit transform.

Now seeing that he had finished transforming into a spirit and had shown his own strength, he hurriedly ran over.

Xiaoyu looked up at Jin Jia: "Jin Jia, you are so tall, you have almost caught up with your father."

The golden-armored soldier smiled honestly: "Maybe it's because I originally hoped to become a golden-armored bean soldier. Those golden-armored bean soldiers are much stronger than me."

Liu Yuanchen also ordered: "Jinjia, from now on you will help with the work in the blessed land.

If you don't understand anything, just ask Xiaoyu and Xuanjia. "

Jin Jia nodded repeatedly: "Don't worry, father, I will work hard."

With the addition of another wood spirit, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood, and his cultivation speed was even faster.

After staying with his parents at home for two days, Liu Yuanchen left Dongyang Lake and returned to Qingdan Academy again.

After returning to Qingdan Academy, he went straight to his small courtyard.

After swallowing a sea-gathering pill, slowly perform the Shenmu Shentian Kung Fu.

The amount of spiritual power stored in the Sea Judging Pill is not too much, and its main function is to expand the sea of ​​​​qi.

With the operation of the technique, a large amount of mana is injected into the middle Dantian.

The effects of Juhaidan took effect, and there was a slight tingling sensation in the chest.

An hour later, the stinging sensation completely disappeared, and the efficacy of Juhaidan was completely exhausted.

At the same time, the diameter of the air sea also increased.

The elixirs he took were all high-quality elixirs refined by himself, and they were quite powerful.

The result of taking a sea-gathering pill is comparable to that of practicing for ten days or so.

Even if you have been using the Sea Gathering Pill to assist you in your cultivation, it will take at least ten years to reach the peak of the Qi Sea Realm.

When you reach the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, you still need a few more years to settle down, and try to break through the limits in terms of mana, spiritual consciousness, and Qi.

In this way, only by breaking through to the Condensing Yuan Realm can we get more benefits.

But if this is the case, the breakthrough time will continue to be delayed.

It will take at least 50 years for him to break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

Although it is not too late, too many things can happen in the past 20 years.

Even if the Monster Clan doesn't look for trouble, 20 years will be enough for the Chihuang Kingdom to grow.

By then, all the good places will be occupied, and if you want to expand your territory, you may not have anywhere to expand.

At this moment, Xia Longting's weak voice sounded outside the door.

"Is Senior Brother Liu here?"

Liu Yuanchen came outside the gate and saw that Xia Longting was in a very bad condition.

The whole person looked weak, obviously due to insufficient kidney energy.

Even walking was supported by Xia Lingkai.

Liu Yuanchen asked quickly: "What's going on? Didn't you say you won't go to Zuihua Tower?"

Xia Longting waved his hand: "I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted to listen to music.

But those girls were so tempting that I couldn’t help but..."

Liu Yuanchen sighed softly, this guy is really incorrigible and eats shit.

Even if you are so virtuous, you still go to Zuihua Tower.

Seeing the smile on Liu Yuanchen's face, Xia Longting felt that he was mocking him.

"Why are you laughing? I endured it for twelve days before going."

Liu Yuanchen was speechless for a while. He still remembered the last time he said he couldn't survive ten days.

"It's useless for you to come to me. I don't have any such elixir in my hand."

Xia Longting chuckled lightly and took out a storage bag: "I have prepared it for a long time and asked someone to buy the elixir from the north.

The old man wants to guard against me, but there is no way. "

"For refining a furnace of elixirs, I will give you 100 yuan of spiritual stones.

If you get more than six pills, I will give you an extra 100 Yuan Spirit Stone for each pill. "

Liu Yuanchen sighed helplessly, this Xia Longting was really a stupid son of a landlord.

If you are really rich, you can really waste your money.

Liu Yuanchen took the storage bag: "I will help you refine the elixir as soon as possible."

Just as Xia Lingkai was about to help him leave, Xia Longting waved his hand: "My legs are a little weak, so let's rest here first."

The three of them came to the main room of the small courtyard, and Xia Longting collapsed directly on the Taishi chair.

Xia Lingkai didn't bother to talk to him: "Junior Brother Liu, now the preparations are almost complete across the Chihuang Kingdom.

One year later, Emperor Xia will send an envoy to confer the title of Marquis Chihuang.

The founding ceremony of the Chihuang Hou Kingdom will be held in Qingdan City.

When the time comes, experts from all walks of life will gather, and the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce will also take this opportunity to hold a grand auction. "

"There will be various treasures at this auction, so you have to be prepared."

Hearing this, Xia Longting immediately became energetic. "Is there any precious spiritual thing that can completely solve my sore waist and back pain and my general weakness?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "This really doesn't exist."

"Tch!" Xia Longting was not interested, "What kind of treasure is that?"

After saying that, he collapsed on the Taishi chair again.

Liu Yuanchen was a little curious: "The past few years have passed, and the Chihuang Kingdom has not been officially established?"

Xia Lingkai nodded slightly: "Yes, the Great Xia Dynasty has an extremely complicated process to go through when canonizing princes.

The title, status, and power of the princes, as well as all aspects of treatment given by the Great Xia Dynasty, must be discussed in detail. "

"Those people in the divine dynasty can take over any big issue for ten days and a half.

How can we not be too slow when it comes to splitting the earth and creating a feudal lord? "

"In order to prevent delays, before the formal canonization, the person who is being conferred will be asked to go to the fief to handle various affairs.

The reputation of the Chihuang Kingdom has long been spread out, and the arrogance of the Kingdom has been set up. All that is needed is the official canonization decree. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Thankfully, the Great Xia Divine Dynasty divided the feudal lords. Everything has to be decided by the Divine Dynasty. I'm afraid no one from the demon clan can resist."

Then, he thought about the spiritual objects he needed. He could refine the True Essence Pill himself, and he still had some raw materials in hand.

The natal magic weapon and blessed places have been packed, and there are even two blessed places.

What he really needs is those things that increase the number of spiritual veins in the blessed land.

He couldn't afford this type of spiritual object at the moment.

Other than that, it’s stuff related to Shinto.

"I already have the True Essence Pill, and the magic weapon is enough for now.

There is still a long way to go before we can open up the realm of immortality. All I need right now are treasures related to the divine way.

After all, after breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm, I will officially open a mansion. "

Xia Lingkai smiled and said: "There is something that Junior Brother Liu may be very interested in."

Liu Yuanchen asked: "What is it?"

"Lingmai Yuzhi!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen's pupils shrank slightly.

He was very familiar with this thing. When he was studying demon literature in the past two years, he also added some information about precious spiritual objects.

In particular, spiritual objects that can speed up the cultivation speed of Qi Sea Realm monks are what he is looking for.

This Spirit Vein Jade Zhi happens to be a spiritual object that can speed up the cultivation speed of Qi Sea Realm monks.

The name of Lingmai Yuzhi is very similar to that of a certain kind of Ganoderma, but in fact it has nothing to do with Ganoderma, nor is it any Ganoderma.

This object is a genius treasure derived from spiritual veins. It can only be conceived when the spiritual veins flow through some special jade veins.

Where the two meet, the spiritual power in the spiritual veins will continue to penetrate deeply into the jade veins.

After the jade veins absorb a large amount of spiritual energy, they will continue to grow.

In the process of growth, it is easy to derive various spiritual objects, and this spiritual vein Yuzhi is one of them.

It's only because this thing grows from jade veins and its shape is very similar to Ganoderma lucidum that it got this name.

The jade veins and spiritual veins are both deep underground, so it is difficult to find the spiritual veins and jade veins.

Usually only when mining some jade veins, there is a certain chance of mining.

This spiritual jade jade contains extremely pure spiritual power.

If the spiritual power in it can be extracted and refined, it can greatly increase the monk's cultivation speed.

The grades of Lingmai Yuzhi are different, their values ​​are very different, and their uses are also completely different.

If it is a second or third level spiritual pulse jade, it will have no other effect besides speeding up the practice.

The fourth and fifth level spiritual vein jade zhi are the best mineral seedlings.

The so-called mineral seedling is the prototype of a mineral vein.

Just bury it in the Cave Heaven Paradise and provide enough spiritual power.

Given time, this thing will be able to grow a vein of minerals.

As for the higher-grade Spirit Vein Jade Zhi, its value is even higher.

The sixth-level spiritual vein jade is buried near the main spiritual vein in the blessed land.

Given time, you will be able to derive a small spiritual vein on your own.

Moreover, the growth potential of such spiritual veins is quite good.

Xia Lingkai chuckled lightly: "High-level spiritual vein jade zhi will fight for its head as soon as it is dug out, so naturally it is impossible to put it in Chihuang.

This Spirit Vein Jade Zhi is a third-level low-grade product. It has no other effect except increasing the speed of cultivation. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

If it were a fourth-level Spiritual Vein Jade Zhi, it would be impossible to afford it even if all the resources he had available were sold.

Experts will definitely look down on the third-level low-grade Spirit Vein Jade Zhi.

In this way, he still has a chance to fight for it.

If you can get rid of this thing, you won't have to take the Sea Gathering Pill every day to practice.

As long as this spiritual jade jade is the size of a baby's fist, it will allow him to raise his cultivation level to the peak of the Qi Sea Realm within three years.

"Is the news reliable?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Of course it is reliable, this is the news I got from Wan Yutang.

This thing was collected by Wanbao Chamber of Commerce from a ghost cultivator. The ghost cultivator didn't know the goods and sold it as ordinary weapon refining materials. "

"Besides, you also know that the location of the acquisition is the Chenghuang Lingjing in Qinghe County we visited last time."

The ghost cultivator has no physical body, so he crawls back and forth in the cracks of various rocks all day long. It is indeed easy to pick up various spiritual objects buried deep in the ground.

It would be very reasonable if this spiritual jade jade was obtained from a ghost cultivator.

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Do you have any information on the auction price of this thing?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "I do know a little bit. More than ten years ago, the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi was auctioned in Zhennan County.

At that time, I just went to watch the excitement. The Lingmai Yuzhi was a third-level mid-grade product, and I paid a high price of 30 spiritual stones. "

“Although this piece of spiritual vein jade is of a lower grade, it is bigger, so I don’t think the price will be much lower.

If you want to win this thing, you must prepare at least 25 spiritual stones. "

Liu Yuanchen estimated his net worth and found that he didn't usually store spiritual stones. He only had [-] to [-] ready-made spiritual stones in his hand.

In addition, there are twelve Daxia Dragon Coins, which is 12 spirit stones.

Of course, if there is a black market channel, twelve Daxia Dragon Coins can be exchanged for 15 to [-] spiritual stones.

In total, there are already about 20 spirit stones.

To be on the safe side, we still need to prepare more than 30 spirit stones.

It seems that we have to find a way to sell some spiritual objects.

He glanced at Xia Longting and suddenly realized that there was a big fat sheep next to him.

Just kill him with two swords, and you'll have tens of thousands of spiritual stones, right?
"Junior brother Xia, do you need me to help you recently?

The appearance fee does not need to be too high, just 1000 yuan of spirit stones per day. "

Xia Longting shook his head repeatedly: "Don't even think about defrauding me of spiritual stones to bid for the Spiritual Vein Jade Zhi.

You have obtained the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi, and your cultivation level will improve faster.

When your cultivation surpasses mine, the possibility of snatching away Qingyue’s sister becomes even greater, and I won’t fall for your deception. "

Liu Yuanchen looked surprised: "You can still reason?"

Xia Longting was quite pleased with himself: "Have I exposed your little thoughts? I am so wise and powerful, how could I be fooled by you?

If you want to snatch sister Qingyue from me, there is no way! "

(End of this chapter)

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