Chapter 168
This statue of Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood, has a certain degree of self-healing ability, and the material is naturally extraordinary.

Moreover, it can also absorb a large amount of mana, and cause the earth book and blessed land to shake.

From this point of view, this statue of the ancestral witch was obviously not carved casually.

It should be carefully refined, and it should contain some powerful power.

Liu Yuanchen recalled the memories of the prehistoric world in his previous life. Among the many methods of the Wu Clan, the most powerful was the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

The original formation was performed jointly by the twelve ancestral witches, which could summon the true form of Pangu. It was one of the top formations in the prehistoric world.

Only the ancestral witches can perform the true Twelve Capitals Divine Evil Formation, but there are also weakened versions of the formation.

As long as the power of the twelve ancestral witches can be gathered together, there is hope that it can be used.

The weakened version of the formation, with the Great Witch as the base, can also display some of the power of the Twelve Capital Gods Formation.

In addition, there is a weakened castration version of the grand formation, which can be performed with statues, puppets, etc.

As long as the power of the twelve ancestral witches can be gathered, it can be used.

Of course, the power is also much different.

As for summoning Pangu's true body, that's just wishful thinking.

But even so, the weakened and castrated version of the formation is still prestigious.

Liu Yuanchen immediately thought of this when he saw the statue of Mangzu Witch.

As for whether this statue is part of the low-profile castrated version of Dutianshensha's formation, it's hard to say.

Even if it is true, there is only a broken statue, and it has no effect.

With my own ability, it would be extremely difficult to assemble a set of twelve ancestral witch statues.

With this statue on your body, the Blessed Land and the Book of Earth will continue to tremble.

It would be unsafe to leave such a special treasure anywhere else.

Then, he thought of the Dragon Pearl Paradise.

The Dragon Ball Blessed Land has little to do with the prehistoric world and should not be affected by the Ancestral Witch Statue.

With a thought, the statue of the ancestral witch disappeared from his hands and entered the Dragon Pearl Paradise.

Sure enough, after the statue of the ancestral witch entered the Dragon Ball Blessed Land, the vibrations of the Book of Earth and the Blessed Land stopped instantly.

This statue of the ancestral witch may contain the powerful power of the witch clan, but after all, countless years have passed.

Moreover, this statue was extremely damaged, and there must be very little power left inside.

Although the dragon ball is damaged, the three acquired treasures are still intact, and it is not a problem to isolate the energy of a broken statue.

After solving the problem with the statue, Liu Yuanchen took out the Green Dragon Vine again.

When you hold this green dragon vine in your hand, it doesn't feel like vegetation at all.

Every dragon scale of the little green dragon can be clearly touched.

There is no obvious difference between the roots, stems and leaves of this thing. It just relies on absorbing dragon energy and spiritual energy.

Although the vitality in his body is strong, it is like a jar of stagnant water, completely devoid of vitality and vitality.

Liu Yuanchen used the Armor Wood Withered Rong Technique to pour a ball of mana into the body of the Green Dragon Vine.

In an instant, the vitality in the Qinglong Vine was activated, and the entire Qinglong Vine gained an aura of agility.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: "If this Green Dragon Vine wants to grow, it certainly needs a lot of dragon energy.

However, my magic still works on it. "

Then, he extracted a trace of blood energy from the blood dragon mark on the earth book.

This time he did not use the ginseng fruit tree to assist in refining, nor did he use the Dead Wood Immortality Technique to refine it.

Because after refining with these two methods, I don’t know how much dragon energy of blood energy is left.

The blood-colored energy merged into Qinglong Vine's body and disappeared instantly.

At this time, the Green Dragon Vine was growing slowly.

Originally it was only one foot long, but in a very short period of time, it grew to over one foot and one inch.

At the same time, the aura of the Green Dragon Vine also increased significantly.

Liu Yuanchen marveled in his heart: "It's just a ray of blood-colored energy that can have such an effect.

During this period of time, I continued to extract the energy from the spiritual fetus of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

Altogether, hundreds of strands of bloody energy should have been extracted.

However, the energy in the blood dragon mark did not decrease at all. "

"The energy in the Blood Dragon Mark, coupled with the secret technique of enlightenment, is enough to cultivate the Green Dragon Vine into a true dragon."

After the Green Dragon Vine transforms into a dragon in the future, it will not be an illusion, but a real dragon.

The origin of a true dragon is not only born from the parents of a true dragon, there are other ways.

The most common thing is that dragon monsters such as dragons have gone through various hardships and finally transformed into real dragons.

This kind of true dragon is a relatively weak existence among the dragon clan.

In addition, there are dragon veins that transform into true dragons.

The true dragon transformed from dragon veins is an innate dragon and has the highest status among the dragon clan.

Whether it is the legend of the dragon clan in the prehistoric world or the legend of the Yuanling world, the ancestors of the dragon clan were born from dragon veins.

In addition, creatures without dragon bloodline may also have the opportunity to transform into true dragons after absorbing a large amount of dragon energy.

The Green Dragon Vine will turn into a dragon in the future, which is this type.

The status of this type of real dragon is not particularly high, but it is still much stronger than the dragon transformed dragon.

Because the way they transform into dragons is a bit like transforming dragons into dragons through dragon veins, they are all created out of nothing by dragon energy.

This path of transforming into a dragon is extremely difficult, but those who can take it are those with incredible luck and strength.

Seeing that his method was useful on the Green Dragon Vine, Liu Yuanchen was very confident in cultivating a real dragon.

It's a pity that the Qinglong Vine does not have the vitality to be restrained now.

If it is an ordinary low-level spiritual plant, he can also try to use the secret technique of enlightenment to forcibly enlighten the living beings.

But this Green Dragon Vine is not a low-level spiritual plant. Even if it does not transform into a spirit, it is not impossible to grow to seven or eight levels.

This kind of high-level spiritual plant, even if it is a seedling, is not ordinary.

If it is forcibly enlightened, it will cause too much damage to the ginseng fruit trees.

Later, he brought the Green Dragon Vine into the Dragon Pearl Blessed Land.

After all, this Dragon Ball Blessed Land is made from dragon balls. Even if the Dragon King of Luochuan is dead, there will definitely be a dragon energy inheritance in it.

Staying inside will be of great benefit to Qinglong Vine.

Later, Liu Yuanchen took out the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi again.

This object looks like a mutton-fat white jade sculpture, but the Ganoderma lucidum is very vivid.

Even the circles of cloud patterns on the leaves of Ganoderma lucidum are clear.

The statue of the ancestral witch may be of great use in the future, and the green dragon vine will also be a helper in the future.

But right now, the most useful thing is this Spiritual Vein Jade Zhi.

If you want to break through the Condensing Yuan Realm as soon as possible, you have to rely on this spiritual vein jade zhi.

It was previously estimated that it would take at least 15 years to reach the peak of the Condensing Realm by taking unlimited amounts of Juhai Dan.

The effect of Lingmai Jade Zhi on improving cultivation is three to four times that of the Sea Gathering Pill.

Calculated in this way, if you continue to use the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi to assist you in your cultivation, you will be able to reach the peak of the Qi Sea Realm within five years.

He only learned about the function of Lingmai Yuzhi from the classics. As for the auxiliary effect of this thing, he still has to try it to know.

Thinking of this, he held the stem of the Lingmai Yuzhi with both hands and used the Shenmu Towering Technique to slowly extract energy from it.

Not long after, streams of pure spiritual power continued to overflow from the spiritual veins of Yuzhi.

Under the influence of the Shenmu Shentian Kung, this pure spiritual power continued to flow into the body.

After simply refining it, this pure spiritual power enters the middle Dantian.

Then it turned directly into liquid mana and fell into the air sea.In order to activate the statue of the ancestral witch before, too much mana was spent.

At this moment, there is not much mana in the air sea.

Supplemented by the energy of the spiritual vein Yuzhi and the mana fed back by the blessed land, it didn't take long for the sea of ​​​​qi to fill up again.

At this time, the gentle power in the spiritual vein Yuzhi came into play.

This force continues to swim in the air sea, and the entire air sea has a warm feeling.

It was like the early spring sun shining on me, without any burning sensation.

Under the nourishment of this power, the entire Qi Sea was slowly expanding at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The effect of the spiritual vein jade zhi on improving cultivation was indeed powerful enough.

Moreover, there is no tingling sensation during the expansion of the Qi Sea, so there is no need to worry about any future troubles.

When practicing with Juhai Dan, you have to worry about taking too much and causing damage to the sea of ​​qi.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen did not practice desperately.

Still maintaining the previous practice rhythm, practicing the Shenmu Shentian Kung for two to three hours every day.

Firstly, it is to adapt to the improvement of one's own cultivation, and secondly, it is to allow all aspects of the body to keep up with the pace of cultivation.

Otherwise, when it comes time to break through to a higher realm, there will be obvious shortcomings that will cause some obstacles to the breakthrough.

There was a sign for retreat in front of the small courtyard, and no one usually came to disturb him, so Liu Yuanchen was happy to be at ease.

As for the extra time, he didn't have anything to do.

In addition to the cultivation of magic power, he also needs to take care of the cultivation of spiritual consciousness and Gangqi.

In addition to this, he also has to spend some time taking care of the spiritual plants in the blessed land.


The days of cultivation passed quickly. Four years passed in a hurry, and Liu Yuanchen was already 40 years old.

In just four years, under the influence of Lingmai Yuzhi, his cultivation level has improved by leaps and bounds.

The mana qi sea in Zhongdantian has expanded to 99 feet, which is only [-] foot away from the peak of the qi sea realm.

Under the influence of Lingmai Yuzhi, his cultivation in the past few years has hardly been hindered at all.

Under normal circumstances, for every ten feet of Qi Sea that a monk in the late Qi Sea realm increases in diameter, there will be a small threshold.

When Liu Yuanchen expanded his Qi Sea to twenty feet before, it took him several months of hard work to cross this threshold.

But now I am practicing with the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi, and my practice has been smooth until now.

The function of Lingmai Yuzhi is not only to quickly improve one's cultivation level, but also seems to have some benefits for the physical body.

Ever since he started refining the energy in the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi, even the speed of Gang Qi cultivation has increased.

Now, the diameter of the sea of ​​​​gang qi in his lower dantian has exceeded ten feet, and has reached the level of the late stage sea of ​​​​qi.

It's hard to say in terms of spiritual consciousness. After all, the spiritual consciousness of Qihai Realm monks is just an ethereal energy that has not transformed into a physical entity.

If you want to determine the specific realm, you need to use special magic weapons.

Liu Yuanchen held the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi in his hand. After four years of refining, the energy in it had also been significantly reduced.

Originally the whole body was like mutton-fat white jade, but now about half of the largest leaf of Lingmai Yuzhi has turned into a transparent crystal shape.

Obviously, a lot of energy in the Spirit Vein Yuzhi was consumed.

However, this part of the energy consumed is only one to two percent at most compared to the entire Spirit Vein Yuzhi.

And his cultivation level is already very close to the peak of Qi Sea Realm, so the next consumption should not be too much.

Ever since his Qi Sea grew to a diameter of 95 feet, the expansion speed has slowed down significantly.

The closer it gets to the [-]-foot mark, the slower the expansion rate becomes.

Now, he practices as usual for about two to three hours every day, but the improvement in Qi Hai is minimal.

This state has been maintained for more than three months.

Liu Yuanchen also remained calm and practiced as usual every day.

At this time, he held the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi tightly in his hand and continued to extract the pure spiritual power from it.

Waves of spiritual power entered his body, and after being refined, merged into the sea of ​​qi.

Replenished with new energy, slight ripples appeared on the air sea.

In the past few years of practice, the sea of ​​​​qi has not only expanded, but the quality of the liquid mana has also been significantly improved.

Now, his magic power has a jade-colored sheen.

Compared with four years ago, it has become much thicker.

Originally, the air sea was equivalent to clear water, but now it is more like thinner mud.

The true essence of a Condensing Yuan Realm monk is somewhere between solid and liquid, probably like honey.

This change in his mana is obviously a big step forward in the direction of true energy.

Liu Yuanchen didn't find it strange, after all, this spiritual vein jade zhi was not only effective on Qihai realm monks.

Condensing Yuan Realm monks can refine the energy in it, which will also be of great benefit to their cultivation.

This change now is completely normal.

The quality of mana has improved, and the obstacles will be smaller when breaking through the Condensing Realm in the future.

After practicing for two and a half hours, the Qi Sea only increased by an insignificant amount.

Liu Yuanchen had no disturbance in his heart and just continued to operate the technique.

A drop of liquid mana dripped into the sea of ​​consciousness, causing several ripples.

He originally planned to end today's practice, but these few ripples made a big noise.

The ripples hit the edge of the air sea and were bounced back.

It stands to reason that the ripples should become smaller and disappear quickly after a few rounds of rebound.

But after the ripple rebounded, it became stronger.

Several ripples kept bouncing in the air sea, causing bigger and bigger waves.

Soon, the entire sea of ​​​​consciousness surged violently, constantly setting off huge waves several feet high.

In an air sea with a diameter of a hundred feet, a wave several feet high can indeed be considered a giant wave.

At this time, the mana he had just refined continued to flow into the middle Dantian.

The mana was directly absorbed by the sea of ​​​​qi before it was converted into a liquid state.

With continuous replenishment, the Qi sea in the middle Dantian is also constantly expanding.

As time went by, Qi Hai's appetite grew bigger and bigger.

Merely relying on the mana fed back by the blessed land and the energy in the spiritual vein Yuzhi can no longer meet the needs of Qi Hai.

In Liu Yuanchen's small courtyard, the wind of spiritual energy blew.

The wind of spiritual energy grew stronger and stronger, and soon affected the outside of the small courtyard.

Not long after, a spiritual energy vortex with a diameter of more than ten feet appeared in the sky above the small courtyard.

This whirlpool of spiritual energy was originally invisible and formless, but the fallen leaves and dust rolled up were clearly visible.

A large amount of spiritual energy was drawn in, and the dust and fallen leaves were blocked by the formation.

With enough spiritual energy replenished, Liu Yuanchen's qi sea in his dantian became even more lively.

No matter how much mana poured in, it had no time to liquefy and was swallowed up by the sea of ​​qi.

At the same time, the entire Qi Sea is also constantly expanding, steadily moving towards the Baizhang mark.

Two and a half hours passed, and the turbulent sea of ​​​​qi slowly calmed down.

Liu Yuanchen sensed his Qi sea, and the diameter had reached a hundred feet.

"I have practiced hard for many years and finally reached the peak of Qi Hai."

(End of this chapter)

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