Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 170 The Secret Technique of Earth Spirit Infusion

Chapter 170 The Secret Technique of Earth Spirit Infusion
Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen had something in his mind.

The fact that the legendary Green Dragon Vine transformed into a real dragon has something to do with his ancestor.

Ling Yu smiled and said: "When the Chihuang Kingdom was founded four years ago, the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce put out a Green Dragon Vine seedling for auction.

If you can get the Green Dragon Vine, practicing the Vine Dragon Withered Gong will get twice the result with half the effort. "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Second Master Uncle is not very well-informed!

I also participated in the auction at that time, and the Green Dragon Vine fell into my hands. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "If you have the help of Qinglong Vine, it will be much easier for you to practice the Vine Dragon Withered Gong."

After that, he took out a thick animal skin book.

"The contents of the Vine Dragon's Kurong Gong are all in this animal skin book."

Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin book and read its contents carefully.

This Vine Dragon Kurong Gong is not a simple technique, but a whole set of inheritance.

In the animal skin book, there is also a visualization picture of a real dragon transformed from the green dragon vine, which is used to visualize the charm of the vine dragon.

In addition, the book contains the Vine Dragon Guidance Technique, which is used to cultivate Qi and blood.

The Vine Dragon Condensing Gang Technique consumes blood and mana to condense Gang Qi, and it also has a means of condensing Gang Qi seeds.

These two methods are necessary for the cultivation of Gang Qi.

In addition to this, there are several incidental spells.

This first spell is the spring breeze turning into rain.

Different from ordinary spells that can summon wind and rain, this method uses wood attribute mana to rain.

The rainwater dropped by this method has a vitality that can promote the growth of vegetation.

Before comprehending the rules, it is not easy to use the spring breeze to turn into rain.

After all, falling rain also consumes a lot of energy, and this energy cannot be generated out of thin air.

Either you can use clouds to make rain when there are clouds in the sky, or you can use the water of rivers, lakes and seas to make clouds make rain.

Or it consumes a lot of mana to gather rainwater.

Liu Yuanchen's own magic power is too much to use up, but it can be used to condense rainwater.

It just so happens that one's own magic power has the effect of promoting the birth of spiritual wisdom, and can also cultivate ears, eyes and spiritual plants.

If you use your own magic power to cast spring breeze and rain, it will be simple to cultivate the ears and eyes spiritual plants in the future.

Just a random rain can cultivate a bunch of ear and eye plants.

If one rain is not enough, then there will be a few more.

With this spell, the work of building an intelligence network is countless times easier.

The rainwater condensed by this spring breeze transforming into rain technique can not only nourish the vegetation, but also destroy the vitality of the vegetation.

In this way, it is in line with the way of "withering and prosperity".

The second spell is called Thunder Dispelling and Lightning Control, which is a means of controlling thunder, and it complements the wind and thunder.

The third spell is called Longteng Jiutian, which is a flying spell.

This spell is no longer a wind gliding technique like the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique, but a real airborne flight.

No matter the speed or the time it can be maintained in the air, it is not comparable to the Black Eagle Wind Control Technique.

The fourth spell is called Vine Dragon Body Strengthening Technique. In fact, this spell can be regarded as a kind of exercise alone.

This method relies on magic power and Gangqi to temper the physical body. In this Vine Dragon body-building skill, there are also some small methods used in conjunction with the physical body.

The animal skin book does not record a large number of fighting techniques like the previous Cang Yuan Chuanlin Kung Fu.

Perhaps it's because by the time they reach the Condensing Yuan Realm, the monks already have a lot of mana or energy and can fully withstand the consumption.

Close combat is no longer the most important method.

Or maybe the previous fighting methods are enough, and adding more methods will not be of much use.

In addition to these spells, there are many other methods.

For example, the secret technique of condensing Gang Qi into Yuan Gang in the Yuan Condensing Realm.

Yuan Gang's long-range attack ability is much stronger than the previous Gang Qi, but it is still not as good as Zhen Yuan.


There is also a little secret technique recorded in the animal skin book.

Although inconspicuous, it is extremely important.

This method is called the Secret Technique of Earth Spirit Infusion, which uses the power of the earth to fight.

When attacked, part of the power can be released into the earth.

If this method is used in conjunction, the defensive ability of the Earth Book can be improved to a big level.

The most important thing is that monks who have opened up a blessed land can use this secret technique of earth spirit infusion to draw the power of the blessed land into their bodies.

As long as the physical body can hold on, one can improve one's own cultivation level by a large margin in a very short period of time.

As for how much it can be improved, it depends on the physical strength and the growth of Cave Heaven Paradise.

The growth of Cave Heaven Paradise determines how much power can be borrowed at most.

The strength of the physical body determines how much force the monk can withstand.

Of course, to perform this secret technique, the monk needs to be near his cave heaven paradise.

If it is too far away, there will naturally be no way to draw on it.

This secret technique can play a big role for Liu Yuanchen.

He always carries his blessed land with him and can borrow its power at any time.

With this method, there is an additional means to explode instantly.

When his life is in danger, his strength suddenly increases a lot, and he may be able to survive the life and death crisis.

This method can be regarded as a life-saving trump card.

Liu Yuanchen had long heard of the method of borrowing the power of Dongtian Blessed Earth, but this method was the core inheritance of Earth Immortal Dao.

This level of inheritance will not be kept in the storage room of the County Academy Palace.


After recording the contents of the entire book, Liu Yuanchen penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the Vine Dragon Visualization Picture.

After a while, the scene in front of him changed drastically.

It was no longer the backyard of the Sheriff's Mansion, but a lush forest.

In front of me, a green dragon was lying in a spring, seemingly drinking water.

After a while, he seemed to be full and soared from the spring.

He raised his head and tail in the air, and soon a large dark cloud formed.

The wind was blowing so hard that the vegetation in the mountains and forests swayed in the wind.

A bolt of thunder fell, and large raindrops fell from the clouds.

It hit the grass and trees below, making a constant "crack" sound.

Soon, the heavy rain stopped and the clouds dispersed.

The green dragon fell from the sky and landed on a big tree.

The dragon's body hovered, wrapped around the branches, and turned into an ordinary vine again.

At this moment, Liu Yuanchen woke up from his trance.

Seeing that his face remained normal and his eyes showed no signs of fatigue, both Zhao Hong and Ling Yu were surprised.

After a long time, Zhao Hong asked: "Yuan Chen, don't you feel like you have a splitting headache and are drowsy?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "No, I read everything in the picture and I don't feel anything."

The surprise on Zhao Hong's face was even worse: "Have you finished reading the content in the picture?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, first Qinglong drank water from a clear spring, and then he called for wind and rain.

After the rain stopped, the green dragon fell on a big tree and turned into an ordinary rattan. "

Ling Yu took a breath: "It was only after I broke through the Condensing Realm that I could read all the contents in the visualization map. Moreover, after reading it, I consumed too much spiritual consciousness.

You have just broken through the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, and you can finish reading the content in the visualization picture without feeling tired at all.

Could it be that your spiritual consciousness cultivation level is not inferior to that of a monk in the early stage of Condensing Yuan Realm? "

Zhao Hong gnawed a sheep rib in his hand into a bare stick and threw it to the ground. The bone was nailed to the ground.

"Use the power of your spiritual consciousness to pull out this bone in my hand."

The power of spiritual consciousness of Qi Sea Realm monks is mostly used for exploration.

As for directly affecting matter, it is usually used to control one's own spells or natal magic weapons.

For example, if you use a sword to kill people from a distance, the sword must also be a magic weapon that you have refined yourself.

You can't just pick up a magic weapon and a long sword, and you can control the sword from a distance.

If faced with irrelevant objects, spiritual consciousness can only exert a slight influence.

It is very difficult to move heavy objects.

Although this bone is light, it cannot be easily shaken when it is nailed into the stone slab.

Liu Yuanchen practiced the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining Record and continuously refined his spiritual consciousness. In addition, he absorbed the power from the spirit fetus of the Dragon King of Luochuan, and his spiritual consciousness far exceeded the same level.

He also wanted to try out how strong his spiritual consciousness was.

Release the power of spiritual consciousness and pour it into the bones.

After a while, the bones began to tremble slightly.

Liu Yuanchen tried his best to pull it out, but failed.

He no longer pulled it out, but kept shaking the bone.

After a while, the bones became somewhat loose.

With a little force from his consciousness, he pulled out the bone.

Ling Yu's eyes widened: "Isn't the power of this spiritual consciousness too strong? It's not a problem to break through directly with the spiritual consciousness."

Zhao Hong looked proud: "That is, the disciples I trained are not comparable to ordinary people."

Ling Yu's face was full of contempt: "You spent the whole day either eating, drinking, or running around, and how many days did you give him guidance?"

Zhao Hong put on a victor's attitude: "Second Junior Brother, you must be open-minded.

You must be able to see the strengths of others and not just focus on the shortcomings.

As the saying goes, you don’t need a heavy hammer to make a drum sound.

Yuan Chen has his own ideas and knows how to take his own path, so he doesn’t need too much guidance from me.

What I call teaching students in accordance with their aptitude, compared with me, you are far behind. "

Ling Yu curled his lips: "We are all brothers who grew up together. What kind of character do you have? I don't know?
But you just got lucky and picked up a treasure, and you really took it as your own. "

Zhao Hong didn't care what he said at all: "Yuan Chen, release your magic power and let me see where you are."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, and then drew out a ray of magic power.

Ling Yu took a breath of cold air: "I heard that you took a picture of the Lingmai Yuzhi four years ago.

But the speed of this cultivation level improvement is really ridiculously fast.

With this level of mana, it would not be a big problem to immediately break through the Yuan Condensing Realm. "

Zhao Hong waved his hand quite proudly: "Extraordinary people must pursue extraordinary goals.

Yuan Chen naturally has this talent, and it will naturally take him a while to accumulate it.

Breaking through the Condensation Realm so quickly will only delay the future. "

After that, he took out another shield: "Yuan Chen, show your strength again."

Liu Yuanchen took the shield and condensed a ball of blue-black liquid in his hand, which exuded some violent power.

Wrapping Gang Qi around his fist, he punched it, and the shield let out a wail.

He raised his fist and saw several cracks on the shield, and even the inscriptions on it were cut open by the cracks.

Obviously, this shield is useless.

At this time, Zhao Hong's eyes widened: "That is a second-order high-grade magic weapon. Although it is a bit inferior, its defensive power is still good.

I haven’t seen you in a few years. Your strength has improved a bit! "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Since my disciple returned to Chihuangyuan, he has spent almost all his time on cultivation and alchemy.

If you focus on cultivation, your cultivation level will improve faster. "

Zhao Hong was very satisfied: “Not bad, very good!
It turns out that before you broke through the Qi Sea realm, I thought you were pretty good in the three aspects of Jing, Qi and Shen, so you could choose to practice in the three realms.

It seems now that I still underestimated you.

In the three aspects of spirit, energy and spirit, you are second only to top geniuses.

In terms of overall potential, he can also rank among the top geniuses. "

“With such a talent, if you directly break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm, it will be a waste of this talent.

In my opinion, before you officially break through, you still have to try to break through the limits. "

Although Liu Yuanchen wanted to break through the Condensing Yuan Realm as soon as possible, if he could break through the limit and increase his future potential, it would be acceptable to break through later.

Zhao Hong asked Ling Yu: "Second Junior Brother, are you ready for the Blood Sea Trial in Chihuang Academy?"

Ling Yu nodded: "The Great Xia Dynasty has supported a large number of resources, and the construction of the academy is progressing very quickly.

As long as it's not the kind of facility that requires the cooperation of a blessed land, we could have done it as early as last year.

Now, there are several spiritual realms in Chihuang Academy. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "In that case, let Yuan Chen participate in the Blood Sea Trial and play for two days."

Liu Yuanchen did know about the Blood Sea Trial. This Blood Sea Trial was also an illusion.

In this fantasy world, you will encounter a variety of powerful opponents.

If you are not strong enough, you will definitely be tortured miserably.

But as long as you can survive the trial, your physical body, spiritual consciousness, and magic power will all improve a lot.

It's just that the blood sea trial puts too much pressure on students, and few can survive it.

Liu Yuanchen was ignited with fighting spirit. As long as the opponent's strength was below the Condensing Yuan Realm, it wouldn't be a big deal.

"This disciple is willing to participate in the Blood Sea Trial, but he still needs a few days to prepare.

I want to start practicing the Vine Dragon Kurong Kung Fu first, and then I can have many more methods in the Blood Sea Trial. "

Ling Yu smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem with this. After the Blood Sea Trial was completed, it has never been opened.

I have to discuss it with Chihuang Academy first, and this trial cannot be opened just for you.

Once the news spreads, it is estimated that many talented students will want to participate.

It is estimated that it will take a month or two from the time the news is spread to students signing up.

With your talent, it shouldn't be a problem to successfully practice the Vine Dragon Kurong Kung Fu. "

Liu Yuanchen returned the animal skin book in his hand to his master. Zhao Hong took the animal skin book and directly tore out the vine dragon visualization picture in it.

"The Vine Dragon is also a real dragon, and it is not easy to understand its charm.

Although you have the Green Dragon Vine, it hasn't grown up yet, so it won't be of much help.

You take this picture first, and then return it to me after you understand the charm of the Vine Dragon. "

Liu Yuanchen took the visualization chart and put it away properly.

After asking Master for advice on some cultivation issues, he said goodbye and left.

Ling Yu looked at the Vine Dragon Kurong Gong with a page torn out and said with a smile: "Brother, you are really brave enough.

This visualization diagram was left behind by the Patriarch, so just give it to me.

If there is any mistake in the visualization diagram, this exercise will be useless. "

Zhao Hong disagreed: "What does a mere visualization picture mean?
He has the Green Dragon Vine in hand, and he might be able to cultivate a living Vine Dragon in the future. "

(End of this chapter)

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