Chapter 173 Obtained the Ancient Sapphire Lamp
The battle formation in the army is also a kind of formation. When monks with lower cultivation level are combined into a military formation, they can also hope to compete head-on with high-level monks.

If this group of monster soldiers were allowed to set up a military formation and wait for reinforcements, they would really be unable to capture them in a short while.

Liang Qingyue cupped her hands and said, "No wonder Senior Brother Liu is so famous in the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land. This method of killing enemies is really extraordinary."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I didn't expect that Junior Sister Liang's method of killing enemies would be so sharp."

Liu Yuanchen and Xia Lingkai were both eyeing the masters to kill, and Liang Qingyue was not spared, no matter how big or small.

This was the first time Liu Yuanchen had seen such a cruel attack.

Liang Qingyue smiled slightly: "My sect is on the western border of the Great Xia Dynasty, and we often deal with monsters.

After I broke through the Qi Sea Realm, I often went to the border to hunt monsters.

The number of demon soldiers who died in my hands must be thousands at least. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen stood in awe.

The disciples who can be stepped on by Lingyue Sect are indeed not good people.

In terms of the number of enemies he killed, Liu Yuanchen was ashamed of himself.

Xia Longting asked curiously: "I saw a ball of light flying out of those demon soldiers and integrating into your bodies. What is that?"

Xia Lingkai replied: "That is the benefit of the Blood Sea Trial. As long as the light is integrated into the body, the consciousness, magic power, or qi and blood can be improved.

Even if you encounter a bottleneck in your practice, you can still use this to increase your cultivation level. "

Hearing this, Xia Longting's eyes lit up: "Can even the energy and blood be improved?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Of course, your energy, energy and spirit can be improved."

Xia Longting's face was filled with joy: "Then I will kill more demon soldiers to replenish my energy and blood.

When I have enough energy and blood, I can change to the Earth Immortal Way. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen looked surprised: "You want to cultivate the earthly immortal way?"

Xia Longting looked serious: "Of course, for a genius like me, what can't I practice?"

Seeing that he was not afraid of death, Liu Yuanchen didn't bother to pay attention to him.

"It's up to you. Anyway, your father, Marquis Zhennan, is also a master of the Earthly Immortal Way, so you can be regarded as having a family background."

Xia Longting then asked: "Is there any way that I can kill a large number of monsters without taking risks?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "The demon army doesn't listen to me either!"

Xia Longting took out a small storage bag from his arms and shook it gently.

There was a jingling sound immediately in the storage bag.

This kind of sound was comparable to celestial music in Liu Yuanchen's ears.

Without him, this is the voice of Daxia Dragon Coin.

"Senior Brother Liu, please help me think of a solution."

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "I can only say that I will try my best to help, and the masters will certainly not be retained.

I can only promise that after killing all the masters, I will knock down a few of the average ones and leave them for you. "

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting immediately expressed his position: "As long as it is useful, the benefits will definitely come from you.

If you can help me raise my Qi and blood to the level of an ordinary Qi Sea Realm monk, I can also give you the ancient sapphire lamp I took a photo of last time. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite moved.

The ancient sapphire lamp looked familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

At that time, I suspected that it was a spiritual treasure from the prehistoric world, or at least a replica of it.

People who are qualified to imitate innate spiritual treasures are naturally not ordinary.

Even if it is an imitation of an innate spiritual treasure, it must at least be an acquired spiritual treasure.

Even if the ancient sapphire lamp is broken, its value cannot be underestimated.

The two wicks of the ancient sapphire lamp can absorb sunlight and moonlight to replenish consumption.

The lamp holder can also absorb spiritual energy, which obviously has the potential for recovery.

However, Liu Yuanchen still advised: "That treasure comes from the Hanging Ghost City and is quite extraordinary. It's better not to take it out casually."

Xia Longting didn't take it seriously at all: "After I took a picture of that crappy thing, I asked the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce and the weapon refiners under my uncle to check it out.

The Wanbao Chamber of Commerce also sent a seventh-level weapon refiner over.

After struggling for more than a year, I still found no clues.

What's the use of keeping a treasure that can't be used? "

“Anyway, it’s something I took pictures of myself, and my old man has nothing to say.

Compared to my cultivation, a broken treasure is nothing worth mentioning! "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "In that case, then I will help you subdue a few more demon clans."

Hearing this, Xia Longting's face was full of smiles: "Then let's continue to wait here for the next batch of monsters to come?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "Of course not, it is best not to use ambush methods continuously in one place.

Once the enemy is wary, it is easy for the ambush to fail and oneself to be trapped in it. "

"Senior Brother Xia, are there any similar valleys nearby?"

Xia Lingkai nodded: "Of course there is. Twenty miles to the east, there is a small valley called Returning Wind Valley.

The terrain is similar to this side, but narrower. "


Everyone left the White Rock Valley and came to the Return Wind Valley in the east.

Like the White Rock River Valley, this time the Wind Valley is also a river valley with an unnamed small stream in the valley.

The four of them hid in the Return Wind Valley, quietly waiting for the next fish to appear.

Two days later, demon soldiers finally came back to the Wind Valley to investigate.

Liu Yuanchen has not been idle these two days, using the spring breeze to turn into rain, watering all the vegetation in the Return Wind Valley.

Now, the entire vegetation in the Return Wind Valley is planted with his eyes and ears.

I don’t know why the formation of this Blood Sea Trial is so magical, even things like hearing, seeing, and spiritual cultivation can be simulated.

Or maybe the formation did not simulate the ears and eyes, but directly affected people's judgment and caused hallucinations.

Through his eyes and ears, he could clearly see the movements of the demon clan more than ten miles away.

A group of demon soldiers entered the Return Wind Valley. There were a hundred and fifty sixty people in this group of demon soldiers.

The demons were very cautious and arranged in strict formations when marching.

As long as there is any disturbance, you can set up the formation at will.

Liu Yuanchen also heard the whispers of the demon soldiers.

A young demon soldier complained: "Our leader is too cautious and must always maintain formation when walking.

I'm really exhausted from walking all this way. "

An older demon soldier next to him said: "It's better not to complain, this is also to save your life.

Just the day before yesterday, all members of a patrol team in the White Rock River Valley were killed.

Even the leader of the patrol was punched in the heart, and the armor on his body was not able to block it. "

“Our leader is only at the peak level of Naqi Realm, so we won’t be able to please that group of people when we meet him.

Without the protection of the formation, we have no chance of fighting. "

After hearing about the situation ahead, Liu Yuanchen planned to do something in the narrowest part of the Return Wind Valley.

A military formation must have a special formation. Even if the formation needs to be changed, it must follow certain rules.

If the place passes through an extremely narrow place, it will be difficult to maintain the military formation.

When the time comes, we will find ways to cut off the military formation and achieve a quick victory.

Thinking of this, he came to the narrowest part of the Return Wind Valley.

This narrow passage can only accommodate three people walking side by side, and is more than two hundred feet long.

As long as the demon clan team enters this narrow passage, it is impossible to maintain the formation.

Liu Yuanchen casually scattered some seeds on the ground in the narrow passage. These seeds were all collected by him nearby in the past few days.

Moreover, he specially used Yimu Peiyuan Technique to cultivate these seeds.The four of them were lying in ambush nearby, quietly waiting for the demon clan team to arrive.

Not long after, the demon team appeared in the sight of the four people.

Liu Yuanchen and others held their breath and concentrated, but they were not discovered.

Soon, the demon team arrived at the narrowest passage in the Return Wind Valley.

The few little demons who opened the way did not dare to move forward because they were ordered to maintain their formation while marching.

Once attacked, take up battle immediately.

Then, the entire team stopped.

The leader of the demon team naturally noticed the situation ahead.

He quickly sent people to investigate ahead to see if there was any ambush.

Several half-demon searched around the narrow passage and found nothing wrong.

The commander finally breathed a sigh of relief: "Quickly pass through the narrow passage ahead. After passing the narrow passage, organize the formation."

Hearing this, the demon soldiers entered the narrow passage side by side.

Not long after, the entire team of demon soldiers entered the narrow passage.

With a thought in Liu Yuanchen's mind, Wanmu Prison opened.

The seeds of vegetation sown in the narrow passage sprouted and grew rapidly.

A group of demon soldiers were helpless under the prison of ten thousand trees, and were tightly tied up.

Several Naqi realm half-demon reacted quickly and retreated quickly.

Liu Yuanchen shouted: "Take action and capture those Naqi Realm demon clan."

Before he finished speaking, he took the lead and killed the half-demon leader with the highest cultivation level.

Several other demon clans in the late stages of the Naqi Realm avoided Liu Yuanchen's methods and intercepted them together.

But Xia Lingkai and Liang Qingyue followed closely behind and attacked them.

They had no time to intercept Liu Yuanchen anymore, they just wanted to save their lives.

Liu Yuanchen rushed in front of the half-demon leader again, the thunder stick in his hand flashing.

He hit the half-demon leader on the head, and the half-demon leader used a magic weapon to resist.

But under the influence of wind and thunder, he was still killed on the spot.

After taking down the half-demon leader, Liu Yuanchen continued his efforts and killed two more Qi-level demon clansmen.

Within twenty seconds, these half-demon groups were all killed.

Groups of light escaped from these half-demon bodies one by one and merged into the bodies of the three of them.

Liu Yuanchen found that the increase in energy and spirit this time was less than last time.

It's not that he gets less energy from killing half-demon, but that he has exceeded the limit of a normal Qi Sea Realm monk.

This limit is not a bottleneck, but a thick barrier.

As long as the big realm is not broken through, the barrier will never disappear.

Every time the limit is exceeded, this barrier will become thicker.

If you want to continue to break through the limits, it will be even more difficult.

It won't take long for the effect of killing the demon clan in the Naqi realm to become negligible.

If you want to go further, you can only try to kill the demon clan in the Qiling Realm.

The improvement in mana cultivation is not much, but the improvement in qi and blood is still quite a lot.

After all, the energy and blood of demons and half-demon are much stronger than those of humans at the same level.

At this moment, Xia Longting ran down the mountain.

"Senior Brother Liu is so powerful that he actually captured more than 100 people alive, including three Naqi realm half-demon."

Liu Yuanchen pointed at the bunch of tied demon soldiers: "You can kill them as you please."

Xia Longting was not polite and casually took out a long sword flashing with lightning and slashed into the narrow passage.

A group of spirit-devouring realm monsters, which is equivalent to the human race’s Qi-nourishing realm.

In front of Xia Longting, a monk at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, he had no power to resist.

Even three Naqi realm half-demon were nothing in front of him.

Every time the sword fell, many demon soldiers would die.

Although his body is extremely weak, as a monk at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm, his magical power cannot be underestimated.

In just over ten breaths, all the demon soldiers were exhausted.

Balls of light flew out from the corpse of the demon soldier and rushed into Xia Longting's body.

Xia Longting had a look of enjoyment on his face: "Sure enough, it can improve my energy and blood. I feel full of strength now.

Even if you start practicing the Earth Immortal Way now, there will be no problem. "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head helplessly. His current energy and blood fluctuations were at the level of a monk in the early stages of the Qi Sea Realm.

Moreover, the power of these qi and blood is supplemented from the outside, just like water without a source.

His own physical body is not strong enough and cannot be replenished at all.

If all this power is used up, it will be completely gone.

What is left in the end is that the body is stronger than before.

"You'd better take it easy. While you have some energy and blood now, it's best to practice some methods of nourishing the physical body.

If all this energy and blood are exhausted, the effort will be in vain. "

After saying that, he looked at the surrounding situation.

"We have to leave here as soon as possible. We destroyed a wave of demon clan before, and now they have begun to set up formations.

Another wave was wiped out this time, and the demon army may make big moves next. "

Hearing this, Xia Lingkai nodded repeatedly: "We really can't stay in this area any longer, let's go west.

Over there is the main mountain range of Moyang Mountain, with high mountains and dense forests, and it is far away from the Luochuan River. The demon clan should not easily go there to chase them. "

The group of people hurriedly headed west, arrived shortly after, and soon escaped for more than a hundred miles, and then felt relieved.

Xia Longting replenished a lot of energy and blood, and followed the four of them through the dense forest, and he didn't even look tired.

Everyone found a cave to stay, and Xia Longting took out the ancient sapphire lamp.

"Senior Brother Liu, I have a word first. As long as you can help me increase the power of Qi and Blood to the level of an ordinary Qi Sea Realm monk, I will give this to you."

"Now that you've done it, it's yours."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hands repeatedly: "The qi and blood in your body are all from outside, and your physical body is not strong enough to maintain it for a long time.

When this power is exhausted, your energy and blood will be a little stronger than before, and I haven't completed the task yet. "

Xia Longting glanced at Liang Qingyue next to him, gritted his teeth and said, "I, Xia Longting, may be a prodigal, but I am not willing to betray my trust for a mere few hundred thousand spirit stones.

As I said before, it allows you to increase your energy and blood power to the level of an ordinary Qi Sea Realm monk.

But it didn't say whether it was a temporary improvement or a long-term maintenance. "

"Now that you've finished it, this thing should naturally be handed over to you."

Liu Yuanchen thought of the green dragon vine, the ancestral witch statue, and the spiritual vein jade he had taken before, which were all spiritual stones produced by Xia Longting.

Now, with just a little help, he just gave away the ancient sapphire lamp.

It would indeed be a bit unethical to accept it just like that.

"Well, let me exchange this favor for this ancient sapphire lamp.

If you have something to do in the future, as long as I can help and it doesn't violate my principles, I will definitely help. "

Xia Longting threw the ancient sapphire lamp to him casually: "A broken lamp is not worth this.

However, since you sincerely want to owe me a favor, I can't use the favor to embarrass you.

In the future, if you have enough means, you can help me solve the problem of fairy seeds, and it will be considered as a return of the favor. "

(End of this chapter)

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