Chapter 181 Innate Treasure Refining Technique
Although this innate dragon fetus was destroyed, its value is still high.

However, Liu Yuanchen has decided to place Dongyang Divine Mansion in Panlong Mountain.

It is better for the innate dragon fetus to stay in the dragon vein first, at least there is a glimmer of hope to continue to grow.

There are currently no earth veins in the blessed land. If there are only spiritual veins, it is obviously not enough to cultivate dragon veins.

Earning a blessed land will actually reduce the value of the innate dragon fetus.

"Uncle Master, how long will it take to restore Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins?"

Ling Yu chuckled: "If you are eager to use it, I can do it within a month.

It's just that such a casually arranged formation cannot guarantee long-term stability.

Once there is a problem with the formation, the spiritual veins will collapse again. "

"If you are not in a hurry, I will record the situation in Panlong Mountain first and then deduce it.

A defense system was specially designed for Panlong Mountain. The formation to maintain the spiritual veins also formed a system with the defense formation.

I can guarantee that there will be no problems with the formation on Panlong Mountain for a thousand years. "

Liu Yuanchen naturally wanted to get it done once and for all, so as to avoid having to go back and forth.

"The disciple hasn't condensed the soul element yet, and it's not possible to condense the Shinto clone for the time being, but there's no rush for now."

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "In that case, I will help you design a defense system.

In terms of time, it may be a little slower. It is estimated that it will take one to two years to fully arrange the formation. "

One to two years is not a long time, so Liu Yuanchen doesn't care.

It just so happens that you can take advantage of this time to improve your spiritual consciousness and strive to condense soul energy as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen asked: "Uncle Master, how much does it cost to create this formation?
The disciple only has more than 30 spiritual stones in hand. If more resources are needed, I will sell some spiritual items in advance. "

Ling Yu waved his hand: "Your uncle, I am a peak sixth-level formation master, and I am only a little behind in setting up a seventh-level formation.

If someone else asks me to set up a formation, even if I just give a few words, it will cost millions of spiritual stones.

You are different, you are the eldest disciple of our lineage, and you will be the person to talk about in the future.

You have some rights to allocate the resources in our lineage.

Besides, your position as the Founding Divine Lord will also bring great benefits to our lineage in the future.

It's only natural that I help you set up the formation. "

Liu Yuanchen was puzzled: "When the Divine Court conferred me the title of Divine Lord of Kaifu, it seemed quite casual.

Even if I had some Shinto power, it wouldn't be of much use, would it? "

Ling Yu chuckled: "There are some things here involving the secret agreement between Shenting and Bahuang Pavilion, and I don't know much about it.

You just need to know that as long as you, the Kaifu Divine King, grow up, you can bring great benefits to our Bahuang Pavilion. "

"Besides, don't underestimate Kaifu Shenjun."

“This position is usually awarded to the sect leaders of those powerful forces.

They can not only control a force, but also establish a small divine court.

Only in this way can one truly be regarded as a prince.

For example, the Pavilion Master of our Bahuang Pavilion is also the God of Kaifu.

Without these benefits, who would be willing to cooperate with Shenting? "

“Although our lineage has your master as the Alchemy King, his status in the Bahuang Pavilion can only be considered above average.

As you, the God of Kaifu, grow up, the status of our lineage will also rise, and the benefits are indispensable. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely develop Dongyang Divine Mansion."

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "Okay, I've also recorded the general situation of Panlong Mountain.

It's okay to stay here. Let's go. "


The two left Panlong Mountain and returned to Qingdan City.

Ling Yu returned to the Sheriff's Mansion to prepare for the formation.

Liu Yuanchen returned to Qingdan Academy in the south of the city to prepare for further studies.

As soon as they arrived at the gate, they met Xia Longting and Xia Lingkai.

At this time, the two of them had also broken through the Condensation Realm.

However, Xia Longting's physical condition at this time did not seem to be optimistic.

Especially the blood level has dropped a lot.

The Qi and blood of a dignified Ning Yuan Realm monk can barely reach the level of Qi Sea Realm.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen, Xia Longting quickly greeted him: "Senior Brother Liu, you have also made a breakthrough."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Of course I have made a breakthrough. When I come back this time, I plan to go through the procedures for entering a higher school."

“However, your body seems to be a bit worn out.

It's not easy to accumulate so much energy and blood in the blood sea trial, don't waste it all again. "

Xia Longting looked indifferent: "Men, there are always thirty days in every month."

Liu Yuanchen was speechless. This guy didn't want to be idle all day.

Xia Longting took out a storage bag: "After the Blood Sea Trial, I was in a hurry to go to Zuihua Tower and forgot about the commission.

We had discussed it before the Blood Sea Trial started. If you guarantee that I survive the Blood Sea Trial for three days, I will give you fifteen Great Xia Dragon Coins. "

After the blood sea trial ended, Liu Yuanchen was busy making a breakthrough.

After that, they were so busy looking for a place to open their mansion that they forgot about it.

He took the storage bag and said, "I will prepare the Dongyang Divine Mansion next. I am short of resources, so I won't be polite to you."

Xia Longting waved his hand: "It's only 15 spirit stones, what's there to be polite about?"

For this wealthy guy, 15 spiritual stones is really nothing.

The three of them worked in Qingdan Academy for a long time before finally completing all the procedures.

Then, he came to Chihuang Academy with a bunch of procedures and information.

It seems that preparations have been made here, and there are special instructions to guide them through various procedures.

After working hard for a long time, they finally became students of Chihuang Academy.

Then, the teaching led them to the northwest corner of the academy.

In this Chihuang Academy, the teachings usually live here.

The young priest asked: "The single courtyard here has three sizes: large, medium and small.

Those of you students who have made outstanding achievements in the trials of Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land will have some preferential treatment and can live in the small courtyard for free.

Junior Brother Liu, you have made the greatest contribution and can live in a compound for free.

You can choose any of the uninhabited courtyards here. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood. It seemed that the academy system was quite generous.

Hearing what he said, Xia Longting was quite dissatisfied: "Is there an oversized yard? I must live in the best one."

Regarding the virtues of this young prince, he has obviously heard the instructions: "There are only three types of courtyards: large, medium and small, and there is no super large courtyard."

Xia Longting was a little unhappy: "I want to rent two yards and connect them."

The teaching also looked helpless: "As long as the spirit stone is in place, you can do whatever you want."

Liu Yuanchen chose a relatively secluded courtyard. The specifications of this courtyard were similar to those of his ancestor's Songquan Residence.

The front yard is not too big, and the back yard has a larger garden that can be opened into a spiritual field.

As for Xia Longting, he rented two courtyards, right next to Liu Yuanchen.

Before the edict left, he also left a few jade slips to introduce the various rules and regulations in Chihuang Academy.

The main task of the Guoxue Palace is to conduct various researches.The annual assessment like the previous County Academy was completely gone here.

However, the Academy will still release some tasks from time to time.

After completing the tasks, you will also be rewarded with credits and various resources.

Of course, if you want to go one step further and join the Daxia Academy, relying on these tasks is of no use.

Datou still has to study various inheritances. If he can create a spell of high value, the credits will be higher than if he performed a ten-year mission.

After the enrollment matters were settled, Liu Yuanchen came to a small room in the backyard.

He activated the formation in the small courtyard and then meditated in the house.

Panlong Mountain will be ready in another year or two.

Liu Yuanchen naturally had to condense the soul element as soon as possible and condense the Shinto clone.

He took out a Ganoderma lucidum leaf as dark as ink from the blessed land, with a stream of black energy on it.

This thing is ghost Ganoderma lucidum. Liu Yuanchen placed it in the blessed land and it managed to grow.

When he had time, he also nourished them with the black liquid produced by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique. These guys were growing very well.

When the monks are condensing their soul energy, Ghost Ganoderma can play some supporting role.

After taking the ghost Ganoderma lucidum, he immediately began to activate the Divine Refining Record of All Spirits and the Divine Tree Concept.

As soon as the ghost Ganoderma enters the abdomen, it quickly melts under the burning of Qi and blood, turning into streams of black energy and integrating into the meridians.

Later, Liu Yuanchen introduced these black energies into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The black energy dissipated quickly, and Liu Yuanchen felt his mind clear for a while.

Before condensing the soul essence, the monk's soul was hidden everywhere in the body, and his spiritual consciousness was invisible and insubstantial.

It is really difficult to judge how much the spiritual consciousness has been improved.

At this moment, the fairy seed that had transformed into a ginseng fruit tree suddenly shone brightly.

Those rays of light slowly converged into the scene of Immortal Zhenyuan preaching, and Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

In the late Qi Sea Realm, there was supposed to be a sermon, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

Now that I have broken through the Condensation Realm, the preaching scene finally appears again.

Liu Yuanchen listened attentively to the lecture, and soon he came to new content.

What Immortal Zhenyuan talked about this time was actually about weapon refining.

It may not be accurate to say that it is a weapon refining, but it should be said that it is a treasure refining.

Magical weapons and magic weapons are not the same thing. Magical weapons are completely made by human beings.

After the refining is successful, it is basically finalized.

If you want to go further, you need to add various spiritual sacrifices.

The magic weapon is different. This thing is not refined, but cultivated.

The only part that needs to be refined is the embryo.

The refining inscriptions on the magic weapon must be condensed with energy and spirit, and have strong growth potential.

The content of Immortal Zhenyuan's sermon this time is called "Innate Treasure Refining Technique", which is a set of methods for cultivating spiritual treasures.

This part of the content can be said to be in the same vein as the Earth Book Sacrifice Refining Method mentioned before.

Although the method of sacrificial refining in the early stage of the Book of the Earth was discussed before, it was not taught how to cultivate it in the future.

Immortal Zhenyuan started his sermon by refining the magic weapon. The content of the magic weapon was similar to the inheritance in the Yuanling world.

They are all about tempering the essence of various spiritual objects and condensing them into the prototype of a magic weapon.

This prototype only has the energy shadow of a magic weapon, but has no physical existence.

It is precisely because of this that the prototype of the magic weapon has high growth potential.

As long as the monks continue to use their own energy and spirit to nourish it, the prototype of this magic weapon will continue to grow.

When it grows to a certain level, it can condense the weapon refining inscription and imprint it on the prototype of the magic weapon.

At this point, the prototype of the magic weapon has a certain combat effectiveness.

Most of the monks in the early stage of Condensing Yuan Realm, as well as a small number of late stage or peak monks in Qi Sea Realm, the prototype of the magic weapon is in this state.

The prototype of the magic weapon in this case is not suitable for use alone, and is usually used in conjunction with the same type of magic weapon.

For example, the magic weapon is a sword. If the magic weapon is not yet formed, if it is used directly, the effect will not be good.

If you want to play the role of a magic weapon, it is best to have a magic weapon long sword.

When fighting with others, mobilize part of the power of the magic weapon and integrate it into the magic weapon.

The magic weapon grows together with the master. If the grade cannot keep up with the master's cultivation, you can also smelt the essence of some high-level spiritual objects into it.

In this way, the level of the magic weapon can be quickly improved.

When the level of the magic weapon is higher, it is necessary to continuously integrate the power of the law, so that the magic weapon can condense out of the forbidden treasure as soon as possible and become an acquired spiritual treasure.

In the sermon given by Immortal Zhenyuan, he also described some tips for quickly condensing the treasure ban.

In addition, there are some methods of refining spiritual treasures.

In addition to allowing the Lingbao to recognize its owner, this small method can also draw out the treasure forbidden within the Lingbao and use it to identify the grade of the Lingbao.

This kind of method was exactly what Liu Yuanchen needed.

It is still unclear whether the ancient sapphire lamp obtained from Xia Longting is an innate spiritual treasure from the prehistoric world or an imitation.

A small method for identifying the owner of a spiritual treasure can actually test whether there are treasures in the ancient sapphire lamp.

Immortal Zhenyuan continued to preach, and what followed was the content of cultivating acquired spiritual treasures.

The growth of acquired spiritual treasures does not require the consumption of spiritual objects such as energy and spirit, but requires the power of various laws.

The power of this law is derived from the power of heaven. It is easier to understand, but it is also more numerous.

It is difficult for monks to directly understand the way of heaven during the process of cultivation.

They all first understand the laws, and then infer the way of heaven from the laws.

Only when the acquired spiritual treasure absorbs more power of laws can it condense more treasures, and the spiritual treasure can grow.

The power of the law can come from some special spiritual objects, or it can come from the master's understanding.

In addition, it can also absorb the power from other spiritual treasure restrictions, and then slowly condense its own restrictions.

Liu Yuanchen thought of his book from the ground and kept absorbing energy from the dragon ball's restrictions.

It has been speculated before that this situation will promote the formation of its own restrictions in the land book.

Looking at it now, this guess is indeed correct.

Later, Immortal Zhenyuan talked about the innate spiritual treasure.

It is possible for acquired spiritual treasures to grow into innate spiritual treasures, but this change cannot be accomplished by human power.

The difference between the two is that the innate spiritual treasure has the innate treasure ban.

In order for the acquired treasure to grow into an innate treasure, it must be integrated into the innate immortal aura.

In addition to the innate immortal aura, Taiqing Saint also created some weapon refining methods.

Innate Yuan Qi can be used to replace the innate immortal spiritual light and derive the innate treasure ban.

This method of refining weapons is widely circulated and is also included in Zhenyuan Immortal's Innate Treasure Refining Technique.

Although the innate immortal aura and the innate Yuan Qi both carry the word innate, their preciousness cannot be compared in the same way.

The former is transformed by the original power of a world. How many innate immortal auras a world can have are all destined.

Unless the origin of the world increases, the innate immortal aura will increase.

As for the amount of innate Yuan Qi, a complete world will continue to absorb the energy of chaos and derive innate Yuan Qi.

(End of this chapter)

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