Chapter 186 Shinto Online Shopping Platform
Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh, this city god is really fat.

As long as you do your job well, you can easily earn more than [-] spiritual stones in a year.

As the Divine Lord of Dongyang, my current fixed income is still zero.

Looking at the remaining five big boxes, Liu Yuanchen was smiling.

"If these five boxes are filled with incense and silver, it will be a huge profit."

After that, he opened another box.

I saw that there was no incense silver inside, but a basin.

This basin is completely golden, with complex dragons, phoenixes and other auspicious animals on it.

The most eye-catching thing is that the three characters "treasure basin" are engraved on it in Yang script.

Liu Yuanchen was quite curious: "Is this the legendary cornucopia?"

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "It's the cornucopia, and the God of Wealth's authority on it is still at the seventh level.

Use this thing to convert the power of incense into incense money, and the loss is only about [-]%.

Convert incense money into incense silver, and the loss is only half. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little regretful: "The loss of converting incense into incense money is so huge?

Then I'd better use this thing sparingly, and use it to expand the Shinto spiritual realm or cultivate authority after receiving the power of incense and vows.

As for the incense money and incense silver, it’s better to earn them from outside. "

Ling Yu chuckled: "This can indeed save a lot of incense, but not all gods are like you.

Most gods have no ability to make extra money.

Their main way to obtain the power of incense is to perform their clerical duties and receive incense from the people.

If the power of incense is not condensed into incense money, there will be no other income. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly, what he said was correct.

Most gods are Shinto laborers who have no means other than performing their duties to obtain incense.

The Shinto system is more like a feudal system. The gods at all levels are like monarchs, and there is no such thing as a salary.

The gods in various places only need to hand over part of the incense money received, and the rest is their own income.

Then he opened a third box.

What I saw inside was a bunch of bits and pieces, including flags, decorative magic weapons, and a pair of palm-sized weapons.

Seeing these things, Ling Yu chuckled: "This Zhang Yichen is really a wonderful person, and he even helped you prepare a set of ritual guards for the gods.

Once you have a bunch of Yin soldiers under your command, you can select some from them.

When gods travel, they still have to pay attention to pomp and circumstance. "

Seeing that this set of honor guards was just a show-off, Liu Yuanchen was not interested and turned to open the fourth box.

There were more than a dozen small statues of different shapes in the box, and Liu Yuanchen picked up a dragon-shaped jade sculpture.

This thing looks quite similar to the heavenly authority that I got from the Dragon King of Luochuan.

While he was observing, Ling Yu said with a smile: "Zhang Yichen is really sensible, he even thought of this.

This is Shinto authority. Although you, a divine king, have a high status, you are nothing but a blank slate in the Shinto system. You do not even have Shinto authority.

It would probably take a lot of effort to gather Shinto authority on your own. "

“Let the Shinto clone directly refine these things, and then you can have Shinto authority.

Whether it's to become a god or to earn incense yourself, it's much easier. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly and took out another khaki statue: "What kind of authority is this?"

Ling Yu just glanced at it: "This authority is to gather energy and turn into earth.

By consuming some divine power, you can use the Kun Yuan Qi of the earth to condense soil.

In the Red Wasteland, the most important authority is to gather energy to form earth and to control wind and rain.

With these two Shinto authorities, cultivated land can be continuously created. "

Later, Liu Yuanchen asked about the names of many Shinto authorities.

Among them, Six Livestock Prosperity is mainly used on all kinds of livestock, which can make the livestock's health better and their food more delicious.

Moreover, it also has the effect of increasing livestock fertility.

In addition, there is also the method of having many children and grandchildren, which is mainly used on people, and its specific functions are self-evident.

Xia Longting's state was like having a permanent bonus of having more children and grandchildren, but his body was too weak.

These more than ten powers, except for one to call the wind and rain, are basically owned by the land.

It's really because the distance between the land master and ordinary people is too close, so he can ask for anything.

This also leads to the fact that although the status of the Tuguigong is not high, he has a lot of power in his hands.

The Shinto clone put away these powers and integrated them one by one into the Dongyang Shenjun's token.

In the future, if we want to consecrate gods, we must allocate some power from these Shinto authorities.

Otherwise, the sealed gods will be blank slates, and nothing can be done.

Then he opened the fifth box.

I saw a long sword in this box, which contained a strong Shinto aura. It was obviously a Shinto magic weapon.

Before Liu Yuanchen could ask questions, Ling Yu took the initiative to explain: "This is the God-Slaying Sword, which represents the power of life and death.

If the god you canonize violates laws and disciplines, killing him with this sword will be regarded as a canonical punishment.

All gods from the seventh level and above will have this kind of magic weapon.

It's just because the Kaifu Shenjun is too special that he doesn't have this divine sword.

After you have gathered the authority of the seventh-grade Shinto, you can forge the God-Slaying Sword by yourself. "

Liu Yuanchen felt that this thing was a bit useless. How could the disobedient gods be killed?

Then, he opened the last box and saw a palm-sized military camp model inside.

In addition, there are golden drum flags and a small tiger statue.

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew this thing. The barracks were used to house Yin soldiers.

As for the little tiger statue, it is naturally the tiger talisman for mobilizing troops.

The barracks and the tiger talisman are both Shinto magic weapons. The Yin soldiers live in the barracks. As long as they absorb the power of incense or Yin energy, their strength will continue to increase.

Even those golden drum flags have extraordinary effects.

You can control Yin soldiers and let them arrange various formations.

The gods themselves can also refine these things, but the cost is not low.

Ordinary gods cannot afford to play with such things.

"This Zhang Yichen is really thoughtful. He has even thought of everything I need."

Ling Yu shook his head slightly: "Being polite, you must ask for something, and I guess he wants something from you.

It's just because we don't have any friendship, it's really hard to speak.

Now the gift has been delivered and you have accepted it.

If he comes to beg you again, he is being soft-hearted and trying to be soft-spoken.

Of course, it is also possible that the stove is burning cold.

This Zhang Yichen has no backer, maybe he is looking for you as his backer. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't take it seriously: "What can he ask me for? It's just to send his descendants to me and let me arrange a position.

Whether it is a living person or a ghost, as long as it is not the kind of lawless thing, Dongyang Divine Mansion welcomes everyone. "

After that, he took out a 20-tael ingot of incense silver and asked the Shinto clone to refine it into the big seal.

Later, the Shinto clone returned to the Shinto spiritual realm.

After a moment, wisps of gray mist were released from the seal of Dongyang Shenjun.

As soon as this mist touches the Shinto spiritual realm, it immediately disappears without a trace.

The Shinto spiritual realm also expanded rapidly after absorbing the gray mist.

After that ingot of incense and silver was consumed, the Shinto spiritual realm had expanded to a radius of twenty feet.At this time, the appearance of Dongyang Temple has been condensed in the Shinto spiritual realm.

The Shinto clone can finally move around in the spiritual realm.

However, it would be really embarrassing if the majestic Dongyang Divine Lord's spiritual realm was only this small.

He continued to consume incense and silver to expand his Shinto spiritual realm.

Not long after, the Shinto spiritual realm expanded to a radius of one mile, encompassing the entire Dongyang Divine Mansion.

In addition to Dongyang Divine Mansion, some open spaces around it were also condensed.

With these open spaces, we can arrange some blessed fields.

The Shinto clone also condensed an acre of blessed land according to Liu Yuanchen's wishes.

After doing these things, Liu Yuanchen felt heartbroken.

Of the two thousand incense silver sent by Zhang Yichen, 1000 taels were consumed in this way.

However, looking at the space of the Shinto spiritual realm, Liu Yuanchen could accept it.

If you want to recruit troops and horses, you must have enough territory, and you can't save this money.

Later, he sensed the Shenjun Token again and found that other information appeared in it.

Control the Shinto clone and shoot a stream of divine consciousness into the token.

Streams of light slowly flowed out, converging into a small light curtain.

Above the light curtain are written the four characters "Grocery Market", and below are images of treasures.

He took a casual glance and found something interesting.

This is a simple bronze mirror with extremely complicated patterns.

The Shinto clone placed his consciousness on the image of the bronze mirror, and a message appeared.

From the information, we learned that this bronze mirror came from the Hanging Ghost City, its function is unknown, and the asking price is 50 spiritual stones or incense money.

Liu Yuanchen was quite surprised: "Uncle Master, how can I still buy spiritual objects from the Divine Lord Token?"

Hearing this, Ling Yu was stunned for a moment and then understood.

"I almost forgot about this. This is a trick devised by Shinto.

It's called Hong Ling Mansion and can be traded over long distances. Only the gods belonging to the Divine Court can participate.

Although you, the Kaifu Divine Lord, are of your own, you have the authority to manage Shinto affairs in the big world.

Therefore, there are also such means in tokens. "

Liu Yuanchen is very interested in this Hongling Mansion. Long-distance transactions are a bit like the online shopping platform in his previous life.

I really didn’t expect that Shenting could still do such tricks.

"Uncle Master, how was this Hongling Mansion built?"

Ling Yu is also relatively familiar with these secrets: "It turns out that it is just to build an intelligence network, so that the divine court can receive news from gods from all over the world at any time.

Later, in order to prevent the demon clan from attacking a certain god, a method was constructed to transmit the power of incense over long distances. "

Liu Yuanchen knew this method.

When Cheng Jiao was named the Mountain God of Crouching Tiger Peak, Liu Yuanchen was worried that the demon tribe would besiege the mountain temple.

Master has said that within the Shinto system, a large amount of incense power can be transmitted over long distances.

Ling Yu continued: "This method continues to develop, and a method for gods to travel between various Shinto spiritual realms has been developed.

Just like the last time the soul-eating ghost Gu appeared in Yannan City, it only took Shenting a few days to send the ghost Ganoderma there. "

This matter is still fresh in Liu Yuanchen's memory. He knew about this situation when he visited the City God's Spiritual Realm before.

"So, Shenting uses this method to transport supplies over long distances?"

Ling Yu nodded: "Those methods are the basis for establishing Hongling Mansion.

Of course, traveling back and forth in the Shinto spiritual realm is not without cost.

Fortunately, the distance is relatively close, the loss is not big, and living people can travel between different spiritual realms. "

"But once the distance exceeds ten thousand miles, living people will not be able to support it. Only gods can travel through the spiritual realm over long distances.

In addition, some ghost cultivators with innocent wealth can also travel back and forth through this route. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly and asked again: "When transporting supplies over long distances, we must consider safety issues along the way.

Who is responsible for transporting these supplies, and are there risks? "

Ling Yu shook his head: "The risk is not big. Hongling Mansion was established under the leadership of Shenting, and Wanbao Chamber of Commerce also participated in it.

The gods who transport items are called Hong Ling Envoys, and are under the direct jurisdiction of the Shenting Emperor.

Once the item is lost, the divine court will double the compensation.

Of course, asking Hong Lingshi to help transport items will also cost money. "

“I remember that generally a spiritual object needs one incense coin to travel a thousand miles, and one tael of incense silver to cover a hundred thousand miles.

Hong Lingshi is also very fast and can cover one hundred thousand miles in one day.

If the situation is urgent, you can also spend more money to speed up the process.

If the items being transported are heavier, you will have to pay extra. "

This price does not seem high. If it is traded within the territory of Chihuang Hou Kingdom, it is indeed nothing.

But if you trade with experts from the blessed land of the Great Xia God, the cost cannot be underestimated.

Liu Yuanchen was still a little worried: "If you only look at the goods by passing on information, you may buy fake goods."

In the past life of online shopping, this situation happened from time to time.

It's not easy to save some money now, but you can't be cheated by guys.

Ling Yu smiled and said: "It is true that you can buy fake goods, so not everyone can be a Hong Ling envoy.

When buying and selling some precious spiritual objects, Hongling envoys are also needed to help inspect the goods.

If Hong Lingshi makes a mistake, he will have to bear some responsibility.

Of course, Hong Lingshi can't do this kind of work for nothing, he has to pay more. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt that Shenting still had two skills. At least the main problem of this online shopping platform had been solved.

Shenting also seems to know that building a platform is the most profitable.

With the authority of Shenting as a guarantee, the platform of Hongling Mansion was built, needless to say, profits.

As for costs, there are only maintenance costs.

There are three types of platforms that Liu Yuanchen has seen, one is the square market, and the other is the ghost market.

The existence of Hongling Mansion is much more advanced than that of Fang City and Ghost City.

Just because this thing is built on the Shinto system, not everyone can use it.

Liu Yuanchen is also very interested in Hongling Mansion. If he needs some precious spiritual objects in the future, he won't need to run around anymore.

All you need to do is look for such spiritual objects in the Shinto system and buy them.

"Uncle Master, I can't find what I want at Hong Ling's house. Can I buy it?"

Ling Yu nodded: "Of course, there are many new tricks in Hongling Mansion.

Not only can you offer rewards for purchasing spiritual items, but you can also bargain for prices and even make friends.

Gods of rank five or above, or forces closely related to the Divine Court, can also open shops in Hongling Mansion to sell various spiritual items.

For example, Wanbao Chamber of Commerce has stores on the Hongling Mansion platform, and there are a lot of them. "

“It’s just that the requirements for opening a store are relatively high, and ordinary forces cannot support it.

You, the God of Kaifu, do not have a specific rank, but you are qualified to open a shop in Hongling Mansion.

Just to keep the store running, you need to provide enough spiritual items every month.

If you only sell one or two spiritual items, you can only leave information in the grocery market of Hongling Mansion.

If someone is willing to buy, a Hongling envoy will naturally come to pick up the goods. "

(End of this chapter)

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