Chapter 2 Opening up a blessed land

In the past eight years, Liu Yuanchen would have such a situation every time he used plants and trees to practice.

Absorbing the vitality of vegetation does not help the speed of cultivation, but it has some benefits for the physical body.

Thanks to this, his physical strength has improved rapidly and has far surpassed that of ordinary monks in the middle stage of cultivating Qi.

The plants and trees whose vitality has been extracted by him will appear half-dead for a period of time.

As long as the vitality extracted does not exceed half, it can still be recovered slowly.

The reason why Liu Yuanchen gave up his errand at the mountain gate and ran to this barren mountain was not only suppressed by Manager Chen, but also because of this method of extracting the vitality of vegetation.

Inside the mountain gate, every plant and tree attracted much attention, and he did not dare to attack those spiritual plants.

But in a remote place like Yujin Mountain, as long as it doesn't affect the harvest of the spiritual field, no one will care about the bald mountain.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, after refining the magic power, countless streams of light emerged from the saplings.

These streams of light condense and never disperse, outlining a virtual shadow.

In the shadow, you can see a sapling, a piece of black land, and a small pool.

The shadow is very solid and looks no different from the real thing.

Especially the shadow of the saplings inside is exactly the same as the ginseng fruit saplings.

Liu Yuanchen was already used to it. Every time he extracted the vitality of plants and trees to practice, this situation would eventually occur.

At first, the shadow was very blurry, and it was impossible to see its specific appearance clearly.

Every time he absorbs the vitality of the vegetation, the shadow will become more solid.

It took several years to achieve what we have today.

Usually when this phantom appears, it will dissipate in about ten breaths.

But this time it was obviously different. The shadow lasted for more than a hundred breaths and had no intention of dissipating.

Not only that, he also felt a force rising up from the ground.

This power passed through his body and poured into the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, and was eventually absorbed by the shadow derived from the ginseng fruit tree.

Under the nourishment of this power, the shadow quickly expanded.

The saplings in the shadow did not change, but the surrounding land continued to grow.

After a quarter of an hour, it slowly stopped.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen's face was filled with joy.

According to the sermons of Immortal Zhenyuan, before opening up the Cave Heaven Blessed Land, one must first evolve a virtual shadow of the Blessed Land within one's body.

When this phantom can absorb energy from the earth on its own, it will be time to open up a blessed land.

The official opening of the Cave Heaven Blessed Land is to turn this phantom into reality.

During this process, there must be treasures to suppress and stabilize the blessed land.

Liu Yuanchen was so poor that the only thing he could afford was ginseng fruit saplings.

He has been preparing for several years to open up a blessed land.

I got up and returned to the cave, struggling for a long time.

When he walked out of the cave again, he had put on an outfit common among casual cultivators.

Leave Yujin Mountain and head east.

Soon, the afterglow of the sunset completely disappeared, and a thin layer of black mist enveloped the mountains to the east.

This black mist is also a characteristic of Wuyun Ridge. Even the name of Wuyun Ridge comes from this black mist.

The black fog spreads from east to west. Thousands of miles east of Yujin Mountain is shrouded in black fog all year round.

Within a thousand miles, from east to west, the duration of the black fog becomes shorter and shorter, and the fog becomes thinner and thinner.

To the west of Yujin Mountain, there is almost no black fog.

The mountain gate of Qingdan Sect is several hundred miles west of Yujin Mountain.

In the black mist, the monk's five senses and even his spiritual consciousness will be suppressed.

In places with thick black mist, strange creatures often appear.

With the ability to perceive being completely suppressed, if you encounter a sneak attack, you will either die or be injured.

Even near Yujin Mountain, there were records of strange creatures appearing many years ago.

Wuyun Ridge is extremely dangerous at night, and even the desperadoes among the casual cultivators would not dare to enter the mountain at night unless absolutely necessary.

In order to open up a blessed land, Liu Yuanchen had to enter the mountain at this time.

The blessed land requires spiritual power provided by spiritual veins and cannot be moved casually.

With Liu Yuanchen's strength, if the location of Blessed Land is exposed, he will definitely not be able to protect it.

Only at night, covered by the black mist, can we avoid everyone's prying eyes and ensure that the location of the blessed land is not leaked.

In the black mist, Liu Yuanchen could only see things within three feet.

Fortunately, Wuyun Ridge has lush vegetation. For Liu Yuanchen, vegetation is the best guiding light.

It only takes a very small amount of spiritual power to sense the vitality of vegetation within twenty feet.

If there are non-vegetative creatures passing nearby, it will block his sense of the vegetation and naturally be exposed.

Under his good use, the ability to sense the vitality of vegetation has a strong detection effect.

And this black mist cannot interfere with the special abilities brought by the ginseng fruit tree.

With the help of special abilities, he quickly shuttles through the mountains and forests.

Soon, the time came to midnight, and he was already in Qingshi Mountain, a hundred miles east of Yujin Mountain.

This mountain is Liu Yuanchen's destination.

Opening up a blessed land is not just about finding a random place. The growth of a blessed land requires the support of a large amount of spiritual energy.

If they relied on spiritual stones to provide spiritual energy, let alone the extremely poor Liu Yuanchen, even the Qingdan Sect would not be able to sustain it even if they emptied their wealth.

Therefore, the blessed land opened up must be connected to the spiritual hub.

The so-called spiritual pivot is the node of spiritual veins.

Under normal circumstances, spiritual veins are hidden deep underground, and spiritual energy only flows in the spiritual veins.

Only where the spiritual hub is located can spiritual energy spurt out.

Yujin Mountain Lingquan is also a spiritual hub. Now the spring water has almost dried up. There is only one well with some spiritual energy left, and the spiritual hub is basically useless.

The spiritual veins in Wuyun Ridge are extremely large, and naturally there are also many spiritual hubs.

And there happens to be a spiritual hub in Qingshi Mountain.

The most important thing is that this spiritual hub is in an underground cave.

Naturally, to open up the Cave Paradise, we need to find a hidden place. The spiritual hub deep underground is exactly what Liu Yuanchen needs.

Putting aside the black mist, the entire Wuyun Ridge is not suitable for opening up a blessed land.

Although Wuyunling's spiritual veins are large in scale, their grade is not high. Currently, there are only fourth-grade low-grade ones.

Moreover, Wuyunling's spiritual veins were unstable, and the spiritual energy produced kept fluctuating.

In the past thousand years, spiritual energy has experienced two peaks and one trough.

At its peak, the spiritual energy level is comparable to the fifth-level low-grade spiritual veins.

At its lowest, it was only the third-level mid-level level.

Currently, the spiritual energy level in Wuyun Ridge is still slowly declining.

The spiritual spring in Yujin Mountain has almost dried up, which was also affected by the fluctuation of spiritual veins.

But Liu Yuanchen had no choice. There was only one large spiritual vein in Wuyun Ridge in the Red Wasteland.

The Red Wasteland is so vast that a Qi-nourishing monk cannot get out.

Opening up a blessed land in Wuyun Ridge is the only option.

And Qingshi Mountain was carefully selected by Liu Yuanchen.

As early as three years ago when he came to Yujin Mountain, he had been preparing to open up a blessed land.

The place where the blessed land is opened cannot be placed within the territory of the Qingdan Sect, nor can it be too far away from the Qingdan Sect.

In the Qingdan Sect's territory, there are often sect disciples patrolling, and it is easy to be exposed when entering and exiting the blessed land.

And if it's too far away, it's inconvenient for me to take care of it.

After two and a half years of exploration, we found the great place of Qingshi Mountain.

There are no special outputs in Qingshi Mountain, and there is relatively thick black fog at night.

In addition, there may be strange creatures, making it impossible to station the monks.

The Qingdan Sect is not interested in it, and the casual cultivators are not willing to take any chances with it.

Liu Yuanchen came to a pile of rubble at the foot of Qingshi Mountain and pushed aside a stone the size of a millstone, revealing a stone cave with a diameter of more than two feet.He got into the hole, and below him was a maze-like underground cave.

In these caves, there are vines as thick as chopsticks.

This was left behind when he was exploring the cave to guide the way.

These vines are called Green Silk Vine, a first-order mid-grade spiritual plant with extremely strong toughness.

Following the vines, he soon came to a hemispherical cave about ten feet in diameter.

In the center of the cave is a spiritual spring.

It's just that the amount of water is not large, and only about half a catty of spring water can gush out in one breath.

Liu Yuanchen sat cross-legged by the Lingquan, and his whole mind sank into the sea of ​​consciousness.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness at this time, the shadow of the blessed land still exists, and it is still emitting light.

He gathered all the power of his consciousness to pull the phantom.

The phantom of Blessed Land is also particularly on the road. Once pulled by the power of divine consciousness, it will run along with it.

After a moment, the phantom of Blessed Land, about one foot in diameter, appeared outside his sea of ​​consciousness.

At this time, the ginseng fruit saplings have appeared in the shadow of the blessed land.

Together with the black soil and the Wujin meteorite, they all left his sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen was a little worried. If the ginseng fruit tree left the sea of ​​consciousness, his immortal seed would be gone.

Just when he was worried, the shadow of the blessed land fell towards the spring.

The spring water disappeared instantly, and the shadow of the blessed land continued to fall.

After more than ten breaths, the shadow of the blessed land fell to the bottom of the spring.

A muffled sound sounded in the underground cave.

Immediately, a spiritual energy vortex formed in the cave.

The originally small amount of spiritual energy was all sucked into the bottom of the spring in a very short period of time.

At this time, the shadow of Blessed Land has disappeared.

Liu Yuanchen didn't panic at all. He could clearly sense that the sapling was at the bottom of the spring.

A quarter of an hour later, the spiritual energy vortex completely disappeared, and the entire underground cave returned to calm.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that the blessed land had merged with Lingshu.

All the spiritual energy in the spiritual hub was drained away by the blessed land.

For a long period of time, the blessed land will need external energy to maintain its growth.

Only when you grow to a certain level can you feed back the world.

Just when he wanted to see what the blessed land looked like, the scene in front of him changed dramatically.

The surroundings are no longer a dark and damp cave, but a brighter space.

A strong spiritual energy spread across the surface, and the concentration of spiritual energy was so high that it was slightly better than the Qingdan Sect's mountain gate.

The entire space is hemispherical, about three feet in diameter.

In the center of this space is a puddle about three feet in diameter. Water is constantly popping out of it. It should be a spring.

The spring water contains rich spiritual energy, which is far from comparable to the well water in Yujin Mountain.

Next to the water pool, there are ginseng fruit saplings.

Although there are no sun, moon or stars in the space, it does not appear dim, and is roughly equivalent to the brightness of a cloudy day outside at noon.

The edge of this space is a gray film, and outside the film is a dark space.

Liu Yuanchen walked to the edge of the space and reached out to touch the gray film.

This film is soft and tough, and can be dented with a little force.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't break it.

Recalling the content of Zhenyuan's sermon, the real edge of the blessed land should be a rock similar to a mountain.

The way my blessed land looks like is not a real blessed land, at most it is just a prototype of a blessed land.

However, this is also normal.

There is no comparison between his own feet and those of Zhenyuan Immortal.

Fudi almost meant it, it was normal.

Suddenly, a pure mana appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He was a little surprised and sank all his mind into the sea of ​​consciousness.

With just a little guidance from his spiritual consciousness, the pure magic power operated completely according to his wishes.

In other words, these mana has been refined and can be stored in the middle Dantian of the chest.

And where these mana appears, there is a shadow of a green sapling, which is exactly the same as the ginseng fruit sapling in the prototype of the blessed land.

The shadow of the sapling hangs alone in the center of the sea of ​​consciousness, with no trace of black soil or Wujin meteorite around it.

Before I thought of opening up the blessed land, there was a sapling in the shadow of the blessed land.

Now that the sapling's body has entered the prototype of the blessed land, the sapling's shadow remains in his own sea of ​​consciousness.

In this way, the sapling body and the phantom have exchanged positions.

And he is equivalent to having two immortal species, one virtual and one real, but he doesn't know how fast he can practice.

He sat cross-legged next to the sapling body, running the Green Wood Technique, and streams of wood-attribute spiritual energy entered the body along the acupoints.

Although there is only one water aura produced by the spiritual spring in the prototype of the blessed land, the auras can transform into each other.

Water produces wood, and water aura will transform into wood aura on its own.

Under the guidance of the technique, these spiritual energies poured into the sea of ​​consciousness and were absorbed by the sapling's shadow.

After more than ten breaths, green mana surged out of the sapling's shadow.

This sapling shadow is fully capable of converting fairy seeds into refining spiritual energy into mana, but the purity of the mana is not that interesting.

Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief, at least he could still practice normally.

He had some doubts in his heart. There was no movement technique before, and there was not a lot of spiritual energy entering his body, but a pure magic power appeared out of thin air in the sea of ​​consciousness.

It can be used directly without refining. Where does this magic power come from?

At this moment, a large amount of pure mana surged out of the sapling's shadow again.

Liu Yuanchen said to himself: "According to the content of Zhenyuan Immortal's sermons, the Cave Heaven Blessed Land and the Earth Immortal complement each other.

Opening up a blessed land can speed up cultivation.

Could it be that this pure magic power comes from the blessing of the blessed land? "

He stopped running his skills and released his spiritual consciousness, bringing the entire prototype of the blessed land into the scope of exploration.

He soon discovered that the ginseng fruit saplings were constantly absorbing the spiritual energy from the prototype of the blessed land, and the saplings were accumulating more and more spiritual energy.

After more than ten breaths, part of the spiritual energy accumulated in the sapling's body suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, another pure mana appeared in Liu Yuanchen's consciousness.

He has been able to determine that the mana added out of thin air comes from the sapling itself.

Before the blessed land was opened, the saplings themselves had been acting as fairy seeds.

It is normal for the spiritual energy refined by the sapling to be directly used by oneself.

This mana is transmitted to his own sea of ​​consciousness through a certain connection between the sapling's body and the shadow.

As for how it was transmitted, Liu Yuanchen had no clue.

Just every hundred breaths, the sapling's body will transmit a stream of pure mana.

The amount of this mana is equivalent to one-tenth of the spiritual energy contained in a low-grade spiritual stone.

Although it doesn't look like much, this mana is obtained for free.

It can be obtained once in one hundred breaths, and the mana accumulated in one day is equivalent to dozens of low-grade spiritual stones.

Even a Qi Sea Realm monk would not be willing to spend so many spiritual stones on cultivation in one day.

A prototype of a blessed land has such a powerful ability. How powerful will it be when it becomes a real blessed land or even a cave?

PS: The measurement unit of this book:
Unit of length: one foot = 25 centimeters, minutes, inches, feet and feet are linked to the ruler.

The unit of length in ancient times has been changing. A foot ranges from 23 centimeters to more than 30 centimeters. In this book, a foot is 25 centimeters, which is different from the current 33.3 centimeters.

Some book friends like to calculate length and area. When I write, I also like to calculate it in my head. It is easier to calculate this length.

When writing about height, seven feet and eight feet is not an exaggeration.

Time unit: one breath = 1 second, one cup of tea = 10 minutes, a quarter of an hour = 15 minutes, one hour = 2 hours
Weight unit: one catty = 500 grams = 10 taels = 100 qian

(End of this chapter)

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