Chapter 201 Dragon Clan Imperial Flag
Blocking the underground river will only be harmful to the Chen family, but it will be beneficial to Panlong Mountain.

If you don't do things that harm the enemy and benefit yourself, you won't do them for nothing.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen could no longer hold back.

He sensed the flow direction of the underground river and finally chose a narrower place underground at the northern end of Panlong Mountain.

There was a raised boulder at that place, which made the river narrower and of course the current faster.

As Liu Yuanchen thought, waves of khaki energy surged over.

In the underground river, the rock slowly grew, and the channel of the underground river became narrower and narrower.

If the water flow is not smooth, part of the underground river water will naturally flow out in another place.

At the same time, more water gushes out from the spiritual spring in the back garden of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed that this trick was indeed effective.

As long as the lower reaches of the underground river are completely blocked, the water from the underground river will have to flow out near Panlong Mountain.

Half a month later, the lower reaches of the underground river were completely blocked.

The river water had no place to go, so it gathered more and more underground and began to spread into the cracks in the rocks above.

At this time, the spiritual spring in the back garden of Dongyang Shenfu almost turned into a fountain.

A large amount of spring water gushes out from the ground, forming a water column more than three feet high.

The fountain at this time must have more than two thousand kilograms of water gushing out in one breath.

Because there are many cracks in Panlong Mountain, not all the water from the underground river gushes out from the spring.

In just a few days, hundreds of springs appeared all over Panlong Mountain.

Even in Panlong Lake, there are two springs, and the large amount of spring water that gushes out can be clearly seen on the lake.

A large amount of spring water flows into the Panlong River, causing the depth of the Panlong River to increase from more than two feet to more than three feet.

At this depth, it is easy to transport bulky materials.

Most places in the Red Wasteland are barren of grass and rain is rare.

The local monks have some special feelings for water. At this time, there were many spiritual springs on Panlong Mountain, and the monks in the city came out to watch the fun.

Panlonghufang City is located on an important waterway, with many monks coming and going, so the news naturally spread quickly.

In just a few days, the news that a large amount of spring water suddenly appeared in Panlong Lake spread throughout Qingdan County.


In the Chen family, in a large courtyard by Xuansha Lake, several monks were sitting in the main room, all of them with sad faces.

A gray-haired old man spoke first: "Now the spiritual springs in Xuansha Lake have dried up.

The spiritual veins of our Chen family rely on these spiritual springs.

Now the spiritual spring has dried up and the spiritual veins are gone.

We have to work out a charter for what to do next. "

At this time, a young monk came in from outside: "Uncle, word has spread outside that there are hundreds of spiritual springs suddenly appearing on the side of Panlong Mountain.

Moreover, the spring water contains rich spiritual energy. "

“When Dongyang Divine Mansion was first established, the amount of water in the spiritual spring in Xuansha Lake was greatly reduced.

Now suddenly there are many spiritual springs there, but the springs here have dried up.

It is certain that Panlong Mountain is connected with the underground water veins of our Xuansha Lake.

Moreover, Panlong Mountain is upstream and cuts off the water veins. "

A middle-aged monk gritted his teeth: "I didn't expect that little brat Liu Yuanchen to be so vicious.

When he was farming in Yujin Mountain, we should have killed him at all costs. "

Another monk sighed: "Who would have thought that Liu Yuanchen, a third-level middle-grade immortal species, could actually grow to where he is today.

We had been trying our best to deal with Liu Yuansi at the beginning. Who would have thought that Liu Yuanchen could rise? "

“Now he is only in his early forties, and he is already a Condensing Yuan Realm monk.

He also gained a great reputation within the academy system.

Even the genius disciples of the big forces did not dare to confront him head-on.

With such strength, I'm afraid even Deputy Hall Master Ye is no match for him. "

The old man waved his hand: "There is no need to talk about Liu Yuanchen's matter anymore, there is no need for him to take action against us head-on.

A few careless moves can put our Chen family in a dilemma of life and death.

Mo Lianshan was recommended by him. How much trouble has Mo Lianshan caused us over the years?
No one can fault what Panlong Lake did, but it directly cut off our roots. "

“The spiritual veins here at Xuansha Lake have been destroyed, and the people’s cultivation relies entirely on the spiritual energy brought by the Xuansha River.

That bit of spiritual energy is too thin, so maintaining the cultivation of Qi-nourishing realm monks is not a problem.

But for Qi Sea Realm monks, it is not enough.

If we can't find a way out, our Chen family may not have any Qi Sea Realm monks in the future. "

Spiritual veins are the foundation of a cultivating family. Without spiritual veins, even formations cannot be arranged.

Anyone who wants to use secret tricks to deal with the Chen family.

It is estimated that within a few days, there will be very few living monks left among the younger generations of the Chen family.

The Chen family has settled in Xuansha Lake for thousands of years and has offended all the surrounding forces.

The Chen family was powerful back then, so everything was easy to say.

Ever since the Chen family was hit hard by the Blood Bat Cult, the surrounding families have been looking for trouble intentionally or unintentionally.

Now that the foundation of the Chen family is cut off, the end can be imagined.

At this time, a young man with an aquiline nose said: "Uncle, I have a way to temporarily maintain the family's situation.

But it can only last for a while. As time goes by, you have to find another way out. "

The old man sighed: "Zong Ming, if you have any ideas, just tell me. Now that our family has reached this point, we have no other choice."

Chen Zongming nodded: "I think so, we have offended Liu Yuanchen to death.

The governors of Qingdan County are all Liu Yuanchen's masters.

If our Chen family continues to stay in Qingdan County, there is only one way to die.

Rather than doing this, it is better to leave Qingdan County. "

"Liu Yuanchen's influence is only in Qingdan County. I bought some shops in the county town of Tieding County.

We Chen family monks can gradually move there. "

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

The Chen family's properties are all near Xuansha Lake. If the monks all go to Tieding County, the properties here will naturally be abandoned.

The ancestors of past dynasties spent thousands of years plundering, deceiving, and abducting to build up this foundation.

No one would be willing to give up like this.

A middle-aged monk asked: "Then the family's property will be given up?
Without outside industry support, just relying on a few shops cannot support a few people.

Even if you enter the Guoxue Palace in the future, you will still have to face pressure from Liu Yuanchen's peers and elders.

There is no hope of turning over. "

Chen Zongming shook his head: "That's why I said this method can only last for a while.

If you want your family to regroup, there is only one way to go, and that is to move to the south of Wuyun Ridge. "

Almost all the human races in the Red Wasteland are concentrated to the north of Wuyun Ridge.

To the south of Wuyun Ridge, there are only a few mines and other industries that are managed by people.

A middle-aged monk shook his head repeatedly: "We all know what is going on south of Wuyun Ridge.

It can be said that there is no grass growing there, not even a few drops of water can be found.

Even monks can't stay there all year round, not to mention that there are more than [-] mortals in the family? "

Places like Qingdan County are all located in the northern part of the Red Wasteland.

The original rain on the Red Wasteland was brought by the cold wind from the Northern Territory.

These cold winds are blocked by Wuyun Ridge, and almost all rain falls north of Wuyun Ridge.As for the south of Wuyun Ridge, there are not even a few drops of rain all year round.

The war of invasion by extraterrestrial beings broke out south of Wuyun Ridge.

The damage there was more serious, with almost no spiritual veins and no living creatures.

Chen Zongming shook his head: "Now Shenting has sealed several Dragon Kings south of Wuyun Ridge, and it keeps raining.

Although the environment there is not as good as that of Shanbei, it is not without a way to survive.

Moreover, several foreign forces have already taken root in the south of Wuyun Ridge.

For example, Lingyue Sect built a mountain gate thousands of miles away due south of us. "

“The imperial court of Chihuang Hou Kingdom encourages various forces to develop the south of Wuyun Ridge, and all county and government officials are working hard to open up wasteland.

If we want to move there, we can still get a lot of help.

During the process of migrating tribesmen, the imperial court would also send large flying boats to help. "

"If we move from Qingdan County, we will still be under the jurisdiction of Qingdan County, and the officials there will still give us small shoes.

We can only go to Tieding County to settle down first, and then cross Wuyun Ridge from there.

The demon clan is in the east. Even if they attack, the Lingyue Sect and other forces will be in front of them, so we don't have to be afraid at all. "

"Almost all the spiritual veins north of Wuyun Ridge are already owned, and we have no place to stay.

Heading to the south of Wuyun Ridge is the last way out. "

The old man nodded solemnly: "Just follow what Zong Ming said, our Chen family has no way to survive and can only survive in death.

Now go to the south of Wuyun Ridge to avoid the right and wrong here.

We need people in the south. Once we get there, no one will make things difficult for our Chen family.

If that doesn't work, let's change our last name.

As time goes by, they will forget about our Chen family. "

A few days later, most of the monks in the Chen family left Qingdan County and settled in Tieding County.

Only a few ethnic groups remained in their ancestral land and began to sell properties near Xuansha Lake.


On Panlong Lake, Liu Yuanchen also received news and learned about the current situation of the Chen family.

Just when he was happy, a speedboat under the banner of Qinghe County Government sailed into Panlong Lake.

After the ship docked, an old man in green official robes stepped out of the ship. It was Mo Lianshan.

He took several followers and walked straight towards Dongyang Divine Mansion.

In Dongyang Divine Mansion, a young monk opened the door and led them to the main hall of the second entrance of the Divine Mansion.

Entering the main hall, Mo Lianshan quickly bowed and saluted: "See the Lord God."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "No need to be polite."

After arranging for them to sit down, Liu Yuanchen asked: "Magistrate Mo is here in official uniform. It must be for official business, right?"

Mo Lianshan smiled and said: "The Lord is wise. There are indeed some official matters here that need to be discussed with the Lord."

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "You're welcome, just tell me if you have anything to say."

Mo Lianshan took out a stack of animal skins: "The first thing is that the construction of Hekou Town has been completed.

According to the previous agreement, [-]% of the shops in Hekou Town belong to Shenjun.

These are the deeds to those shops. Please accept them. "

Liu Yuanchen was not polite. Hekou Town is a water transportation hub and has great potential in the future. The value of [-]% of the shops cannot be underestimated.

After he handed over the deed to the house, Mo Lianshan took out another golden book and jade book: "It has been agreed before that the land prince over there will be canonized by the Qinghe County City God and the Shenjun.

Qinghe County City God has selected people and asked me to hand over the identity of the Land Lord to you for review.

If there is no objection, then this person will be entrusted with the land of Hekou Town. "

Liu Yuanchen accepted the golden book and jade book and looked at it carefully.

The local god's surname is Zhang Hengchen, and the Qinghe County town god's name is Zhang Yichen.

You can tell from their names that these two guys must be from the same family.

Liu Yuanchen had received a huge gift from Zhang Yichen, and now he couldn't refuse it.

Hekou Town is not under his jurisdiction. The Landlord has only one role for him.

That is his Shinto spiritual realm, which is connected to the Dongyang Shenfu spiritual realm and the Qinghe County Chenghuang spiritual realm at the same time.

In this way, the Dongyang Shenfu spiritual realm is no longer an isolated system.

If you are attacked in the future, you can also ask for help from the Divine Court, which is a multiple guarantee.

As long as the landowner of Hekou Town doesn't seek death and keeps a dog tied there, Liu Yuanchen doesn't have any problem with it.

Of course, I still have to say a few words about the scene: "This Zhang Hengchen is quite capable. It would be great to have him looking after Hekou Town."

Seeing that he agreed, Mo Lianshan breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master Shen, there is another important matter that I need to discuss with you.

In recent times, the demon clan has been particularly active.

Crouching Tiger Peak has already encountered several attacks.

Shenting has dispatched a thousand Shenting troops to the Shenting Army Spirit Realm at Crouching Tiger Peak.

There are also evil cultivators harassing people in Yannan City. "

"Even on the Longyan Canal, there are evil cultivators who secretly attack ships passing by."

"Moreover, the imperial court's spies discovered the demon clan's bright yellow flag with a green border on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea."

This Longyan Canal is the canal between Grayyan Lake and Panlong Mountain.

The Longyan Canal is the transportation lifeline of Yannan City. The canal is being harassed, which means that the demon clan is really going to cause trouble.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but take a breath: "So, the demon clan is going to make a big move again."

Among the demon clan, the hierarchy is also relatively strict.

The bright yellow flag is also called the imperial flag, and only the four royal families in the demon clan can use it.

The Feng clan in the southern region uses a yellow flag with a red border, the White Tiger clan in the western region uses a yellow flag with a white border, and the Xuanwu tribe in the northern region uses a yellow flag with a black border.

As for the bright yellow flag with green edges, it is naturally the imperial flag of the Dragon Clan in the Eastern Region.

Moreover, the imperial flag cannot be used by just any dragon clan, only high-level officials are qualified to use it.

The appearance of the Dragon Clan Imperial Flag means that there is a big shot from the Eastern Region Dragon Clan on the other side of the Demonic Cloud Sea.

The high-ranking officials of the Dragon Clan traveled millions of miles to the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds, so there was no way they were just here to take a bath.

Next, the demon army is likely to make big moves.

Although Panlong Mountain is located in a remote location, it can still be regarded as the front line.

Moreover, being near a water transportation hub, you will definitely be harassed by monsters or even besieged.

Liu Yuanchen already had a grass-roots team and was not in a hurry to recruit people.

If you encounter suitable talents, recruit them. It doesn't matter if you don't have them.

But now the signs of war have appeared, and we must prepare for war as soon as possible.

Mo Lianshan smiled and said: "The county god's intention is to canonize a Dragon King or Water God in the Longyan Canal.

Open a water palace, maintain the smooth flow of canals, and deal with the harassment of evil cultivators.

According to the previous agreement, you should be canonized as the water god of Longyan Canal.

Zhang Chenghuang, I would like to ask for your opinion. "

Zhang Yichen asked someone to ask, obviously he had something in mind.

It is estimated that this guy still wants to deploy his own manpower.

Liu Yuanchen didn't have the right manpower, and even Panlong Lake didn't have the title of Dragon King.

This chapter Yichen's hand is indeed stretched long enough, even thinking about the Longyan Canal.

(End of this chapter)

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