Chapter 207 The Monster Race Conspiracy
Although Liu Yuanchen had some understanding of immortal species through various classics.

But to say that I know a lot, that’s not enough.

After all, the vast majority of human monks have not spent much time on the research of immortal species.

Shortly after the human race discovered the fairy species, they encountered an invasion from outside the territory.

After defeating the extraterrestrial creatures, the demon clan launched a large-scale counterattack, and the human race was retreating steadily.

After that, although Qi Dao gained popularity, it did not last long before being replaced by Shinto.

After the rise of the Divine Court, there was a tug-of-war between the human race and the demon race.

The monks who need immortal seeds the most are practicing Qi Dao.

The Earthly Immortal monks are thinking about the physical body and the heavenly paradise, while the Shinto monks are working hard to increase the number of ordinary people.

Immortal seeds cannot be said to be useless to them, they can only be said to be not worth investing a lot of manpower and material resources into research.

Nowadays, Qigong training is declining, and there are not many forces that can take advantage of it, and most of them are under the command of the Ten Thousand Gods Sect.

Being chased around by the Divine Court, he didn't have much resources or energy to research immortal seeds.

The force that is really powerful at playing immortals is the Feixian Sect.

When Bahuang Pavilion was first established, it received many Qi Dao training books and many Qi Dao masters.

At that time, Bahuang Pavilion was still relatively strong, and the founder of Feixian Sect had enough experience and time to study immortal seeds.

After Bahuang Pavilion and Feixian Sect separated, Feixian Sect focused on studying immortal seeds.

If anyone knows more about immortal species, the Feixian Sect should be second to none.

When the family was separated, Bahuang Pavilion also received some benefits.

Therefore, Bahuang Pavilion's understanding of immortal species is much better than that of ordinary forces.

In particular, Bahuang Pavilion has many secret techniques for improving the level of immortals.

Liu Yuanchen remembered that his master had once promoted the level of immortals. Obviously, his master knew the immortals better.

Thinking of this, he quickly walked out of the retreat hut.

After just briefly sensing the surrounding situation, I sensed what my master and junior brother were doing.

They were in the Earth Fire Room, busy refining elixirs.

Liu Yuanchen rushed over, and when he arrived at the Earth Fire Room, he saw his junior brother hurriedly refining elixirs.

He himself has no immortal seed, and has fallen behind a lot in his spiritual cultivation.

The witch clan does not cultivate the soul at all, and even shamans rarely cultivate the soul.

Although Meng Tieshan's current talent is extremely high, he is really not very good in terms of spiritual consciousness.

When refining elixirs, whether it is controlling fire or tempering the essence of elixirs, there are extremely high requirements for spiritual consciousness.

He has awakened the bloodline of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch, and his potential for controlling fire should be high.

However, without the inheritance of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch for the time being, his fire control level may not be much higher.

But tempering the essence of elixir is very difficult.

Liu Yuanchen did not speak in a hurry, but quietly watched his junior brother refine the pill.

After more than a hundred breaths, a muffled sound came.

I saw the second-level alchemy furnace exploded directly and was blown into pieces.

Fortunately, the three masters and apprentices were pretty strong and were not injured by this thing.

Liu Yuanchen casually grabbed a fragment of the alchemy furnace and saw that the bottom of the alchemy furnace had been burned to the point of melting.

With such strong firepower, it can be used to refine weapons, but forget about elixirs. All elixirs can be burned to ashes.

Zhao Hong sighed: "Why is your alchemy talent so poor? If this continues, your master will not be able to spare me."

Meng Tieshan looked aggrieved: "The disciple's spiritual consciousness is very weak, and it is very difficult to control the essence of the elixir."

Zhao Hong looked helpless: "That shouldn't be the case. Your level of immortality is so high, so your magic power cultivation speed must not be slow.

If you have a high level of Qi Dao training, your spiritual consciousness should not be weak. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "You can't blame junior brother for this. The Wu clan is born with a soul and a body that are one, and there is no such thing as cultivating the soul.

Even if the realm is high and you need to understand the power of the law, you don't need to use your spiritual consciousness. "

"Junior brother has awakened the bloodline of the witch clan, and his future in spiritual cultivation will not be very great.

It makes no sense for you to force him like this. "

"Since junior brother is good at refining weapons, let him refine weapons well.

The master is not an unreasonable person. He will not force his junior brother to become an alchemist just because he has a poison-resistant constitution. "

Zhao Hong sighed: "That's all it can do, I have no other options."

"If your master wants to deal with me then, I will let him teach Tieshan how to make alchemy."

Liu Yuanchen refused to comment on the fact that his master always wanted to provoke him. Anyway, he was not the one who got beaten.

"Master, I'm here to ask you something."

Zhao Hong nodded: "You never have to worry about me. What you need to ask for advice is definitely not simple. Tell me quickly."

Liu Yuanchen asked directly: "Disciple wants to know, what exactly is an immortal seed?"

Hearing this, Zhao Hong frowned.

"Disciple, you are deliberately embarrassing my teacher!"

“Even if the Feixian Cult people put most of their energy into researching immortal seeds, they still can’t explain what they are.

After years of research, it can only be determined that immortal seeds have some relationship with the law.

After cultivating the soul, it is much easier to comprehend the laws related to immortal species than to comprehend general laws.

As for the deeper things, only the Feixian Sect knows. "

"What kind of trouble are you in? Why do you ask this suddenly?"

Liu Yuanchen told the story about the integration of Jumangzu's shamanic diagram and the immortal species. Of course, he deliberately hid everything related to the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal.

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's eyes lit up.

He no longer cared about the matter of fusing immortal seeds, but became concerned about the inheritance of ancestral witches.

"You mean, you got the inheritance of the ancestral witch from the statue of the ancestral witch?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "I did get it, but it's not complete.

At present, only the basic part can be compared with the visualization method, guidance technique, condensation technique, and the secret technique of earth spirit infusion recorded in the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts.

As for the various supporting spells and secrets, they are all incomplete. "

"After all, the statue in my hand is incomplete. It is not easy to obtain these inheritances."

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "You silly boy, the most important part of every skill in the Book of Ten Thousand Beasts is these parts.

As for the supporting spells and secrets, they are all details.

As long as you can successfully cultivate these things, you can completely create them yourself. "

Liu Yuanchen also knew a thing or two about the difference between spells and exercises.

Creating or improving a spell is indeed not difficult.

Those outstanding students in the Chinese Academy of Sciences can create several good spells.

But Kung Fu is difficult. Let alone creation, even improvement is extremely difficult.

After all, the technique involves too many things, including immortal species, body structure, meridian strength, etc., all need to be taken into consideration.

A slight mistake may lead to cultivators going crazy.

Later, Zhao Hong asked: "Yuan Chen, can I practice your inheritance?" Liu Yuanchen nodded: "It's okay to practice, but the question is whether you dare to risk the destruction of your cultivation."

“After Jumang Zu’s shamanistic vision took shape, he confronted my immortal seed.

If it weren't for my special immortal seed, I might have been destroyed by Jumangzu's shamanistic visualization diagram.

Although your immortal seed can be regarded as a divine beast, my disciple feels that Zhu Yan may not be able to suppress Jumangzu Wu.

If there is a conflict between the two, you may not have the good luck of being a disciple. "

Hearing this, Zhao Hong's face turned cold: "Then forget it, I will beat up all the monks of my generation.

If something goes wrong in cultivation, there will be too many people seeking revenge from me.

I'd better wait until you two grow up and be able to solve my troubles, then I'll try again. "

Liu Yuanchen took out a jade slip: "This is the secret technique of earth spirit infusion of the Wu clan. It can absorb the turbid air of the earth and use it to strengthen the body and increase combat power.

This secret technique should be common to the entire witch clan, and junior brothers should also be able to practice it. "

When Meng Tieshan heard this, he immediately became excited: "Thank you, senior brother. I will definitely help you refine weapons in the future and earn back the money from this secret technique."

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "You're welcome, just think of it as me, the senior brother, guiding the junior brother in his cultivation."

Before he finished speaking, Liu Yuanchen sensed movement in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Not long after, the second uncle suddenly appeared in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Beside him, there was an old man wearing a red python robe and a crown.

"Master, the second uncle is here. It seems that the formation on Jinyu Mountain has been almost studied."

Zhao Hong and Liu Yuanchen entered the Shinto spiritual realm. The god wearing a python robe bowed to Liu Yuanchen and saluted: "Zhong Xiaoren, the city god of the capital of the Marquis of Chihuang, has met the Dongyang Divine Lord."

This old man turned out to be the Capital City God of Chihuanghou Kingdom, and he was the leader of the Shinto in the entire Chihuanghou Kingdom.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Uncle Master, and Zhong Chenghuang, have you come here this time to find out the name of that formation?"

Ling Yu nodded slightly: "Yes, that formation is called Dragon Shaking Formation, and it should have undergone some improvements.

The main function of this formation is to control the spiritual veins.

The spiritual veins can be cut off or redirected. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was shocked.

The main source of spiritual energy in the Chihuang Hou Kingdom is the great spiritual vein of Wuyun Ridge.

The spiritual energy in Wuyunling's great spiritual veins flows from east to west.

The demon clan controls the upper reaches in the east. Once they decide to cut off the spiritual veins, there may be no spiritual energy available in the Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

"If they succeed, our human race will have no choice but to evacuate the Red Wasteland."

Ling Yu waved his hand: "Although the Dragon Shaking Formation is extremely powerful, it will not destroy the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge.

After all, the Wuyunling great spiritual vein back then was the largest spiritual vein in the entire Yuanling world.

The extraterrestrial beings and the human race had a bloody fight, which only caused heavy damage to Wuyunling's great spiritual veins.

It is too difficult to directly cut off Wuyunling's great spiritual veins, and it cannot be done in a short time. "

“Moreover, all great spiritual veins are accompanied by dragon veins.

Cutting off the great spiritual vein will definitely endanger the dragon vein.

If you cut off your spiritual veins, you will surely be counterattacked by heaven.

As for cutting off the Great Dragon Vein, everyone involved will be punished by heaven. Even the Nine Clans and people with karma may be implicated.

In addition, it may weaken the luck of the entire ethnic group.

No one in the entire Yuanling world is willing to do such a thing. "

“Moreover, Wuyunling’s great spiritual veins stretch for millions of miles and are connected to many earth veins.

Even if the great spiritual vein is cut off, the half of the great spiritual vein we have here can still obtain energy from the earth veins without completely drying up.

The demon clan would not do such stupid things that are difficult, require high investment, have little effect, and have extremely serious consequences. "

Liu Yuanchen was quite puzzled: "In this case, what's the point of the demon clan's fussing over this matter?"

Zhong Xiaoren chuckled: "If they just want to cut off the spiritual veins, they can do it over the Demonic Cloud Sea, there is no need to do it near Crouching Tiger Peak.

The Dragon Shaking Formation can not only cut off the spiritual veins, but also disrupt the surrounding energy by vibrating the spiritual veins.

It can even disrupt space, making an area almost isolated from the outside world for a period of time. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen understood at that time: "The demon clan and evil cultivators did this to shake the spiritual veins and disrupt the energy and space around Crouching Tiger Peak."

"Then we will attack the Crouching Tiger Peak Mountain Divine Realm. By then, the Divine Court may not be able to send reinforcements."

Zhong Xiaoren nodded repeatedly: "Shenjun is really smart, he can tell you everything."

Seeing that his guess was correct, Liu Yuanchen continued: "In that case, hurry up and destroy this formation now!"

Zhong Xiaoren sneered: "The demon clan has spent so much effort preparing, and it is not easy to destroy the formation.

Besides, wouldn't it be a pity if the formation was destroyed like this. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned. This was going to be a trick.

Take advantage of the situation to draw out the monster army, and then annihilate it in one fell swoop.

If the demon army can be severely damaged near Crouching Tiger Peak, there should be hope for decades of peace.

"It is indeed a good choice to use the plan to severely damage the demon army.

However, your majestic Capital City God, a third-grade god, there is no need to come to me and tell me these things, right? "

On the Panlong Mountain side, my master is the only one with strong combat power.

If you want him to come over and help, just send a message.

Zhong Xiaoren chuckled: "The demon clan has been preparing for that formation for several years, and it will only take half a year to activate it at the fastest.

We also discussed countermeasures, but there were still mistakes.

To ensure nothing goes wrong, I still need your cooperation in this matter. "

"If you need me to cooperate, just ask."

The matter was of great importance, and Liu Yuanchen did not refuse.

Zhong Xiaoren chuckled: "This matter is easy to say. All I need is that you canonize another divine position for the Crouching Tiger Peak Mountain God, no matter how big or small it is."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was completely confused: "What does this mean? I consecrated Uncle Cheng Jiao as a god, just to connect the spiritual realm of Dongyang Divine Mansion and the spiritual realm of Crouching Peak Mountain.

Other than that, it doesn't seem to be of much help. "

Zhong Xiaoren shook his head: "The Lord God doesn't know something. Although the dragon-shaking formation is not enough to cut off the spiritual veins, it should not be underestimated.

When the formation is activated, the entire Wuyunling Great Spiritual Vein, including its branch spiritual veins, will be severely affected.

Each City God's Temple is built on the branch spiritual veins of the Wuyunling Great Spiritual Vein, and will be suppressed by the Dragon-shaking Formation.

The incense passage between Shinto spiritual realms will also be severely affected, and it may be impossible to send an army there for a long time. "

"Your Panlong Mountain spiritual vein has nothing to do with Wuyunling's great spiritual vein, and the Dragon Shaking Formation has no influence on you.

We have made some special arrangements at Crouching Tiger Peak and Panlong Mountain to ensure that the incense passage between the two places is not greatly affected.

Even if the Dragon Shaking Formation is activated over there, the army can still be sent over from Panlong Mountain.

The other arrangements are almost completed, all that's left is you. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't understand the formation, so naturally he couldn't see the twists and turns in it.

He turned to look at Ling Yu. No matter what, his uncle would not help outsiders harm his own nephew.

Ling Yu smiled and said, "I will be fully involved in this matter, and it won't do you any harm."

(End of this chapter)

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