Chapter 228 Spiritual Stone Chalcedony
There are no spiritual treasures on the surface of the human race. Even if there are some spiritual treasures secretly, they should be acquired spiritual treasures.

Any one of the innate spiritual treasures of the four royal families of the Monster Clan can have a great advantage over the human race.

However, the human race has been rising for more than [-] years, but they have never heard of the demon race having innate spiritual treasures.

It can be seen that the demon clan has not used the innate spiritual treasure in these more than [-] years.

Based on this, it is speculated that the five innate spiritual treasures of the Demon Clan are likely to be unable to be used, and may even be abolished by the Witch Clan.

Liu Yuanchen didn't pay much attention to the other four innate spiritual treasures of the demon clan.

Only Ding Haizhu interested him very much.

If it is really one of the 36 Dinghai Pearls in the prehistoric times, the potential is huge.

If Taoist Ran Deng gets 24 Dinghai Pearls, he can become a quasi-sage.

If he could collect 36 Dinghai Pearls, he might even have a chance to attain enlightenment and become a saint.

It's hard to say where the prehistoric side of the timeline is now.

Based on the situation in the Yuanling Realm, it can only be determined that the Lich War is over.

As for whether the Conferred God War has begun, it is still unknown.

Before the Conferred God War, there were still some unowned innate spiritual treasures in the ancient world.

After becoming a god, the only unclaimed spiritual treasures are the legendary ones whose whereabouts are unknown.

If he succeeds in his cultivation in the future, he can reach the prehistoric world before the Conferring God War.

It can actually work a bit to get those 24 Dinghai Pearls.

If you can't make the trip and get the Dinghai Pearl from the Yuanling Realm, you can also find a way to make a deal with Taoist Ran Deng.

This thing is the treasure of Ran Deng's enlightenment. Even if you can't get all 36, one more will give you more strength.

Maybe you can get treasure from him, or maybe you can hold it on your lap.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen laughed at himself.

"I am now in the Yuan Condensation Realm. In the prehistoric world, there are as many immortals as dogs.

With my little ability, thinking about prehistoric times is still too far away.

Even with the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal and Jumang Ancestral Witch, there is a high possibility of practicing immortality in the future.

But if you want to make a difference in the prehistoric world, immortality is not enough. "

“However, when we grow up in the future, we will focus on attacking the Dragon Clan.

If you want to know whether the Dinghai Pearl in the Dragon Clan's hands is a prehistoric spiritual treasure, you can only make a judgment after holding it in your hands. "

After recovering his thoughts, Liu Yuanchen put the piece of acquired gold and broken sword back into the gourd.

Then, Liu Yuanchen looked at Qingsha with a half-smile: "You know a lot.

I learned about the Witch Clan from you last time, and I thought you had told me almost everything I knew.

I didn't expect you to hide so many things. "

When Qingsha heard that he meant to blame, he quickly defended: "Qingpeng Demon King has lived for tens of thousands of years, and his memory is so huge.

His body has long since died, and his soul has also dissipated.

Then he turned into a soul and wanted to be reborn with my body.

With your help, Lord, the young one swallowed it up, and this memory changed hands again. "

“After all, these memories are not mine, and it is more difficult to interpret them.

I just learned about the innate spiritual treasure. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "In that case, if you have nothing to do, think more about the secrets of the Monster Clan and the Witch Clan.

If you think of something important, tell me immediately. "

Qing Sha bowed and saluted: "I obey, little one."

Liu Yuanchen took another look at the second spiritual vein. There was acquired Gengjin in the spiritual hub, and the Gengjin energy in the spiritual vein became even stronger.

Moreover, under the influence of this second spiritual vein, the spiritual energy flowing out of the first spiritual hub of the main spiritual vein also greatly increased.

The spiritual energy coming out of the first spiritual hub had just reached the fifth level, but now it has reached the middle level of the fifth level.

Although the level of the spiritual veins on Panlong Mountain is relatively low, Dongyang Blessed Land can also obtain the power of the earth veins and the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge through the Book of the Earth.

Especially ley lines, the energy they can provide is almost unlimited.

As long as the ginseng fruit tree can cover it, there will be as much spiritual energy as you want.

Liu Yuanchen inspected the entire blessed land and found that there were now fifty or sixty yellow-scaled pine Taoist soldiers working in the blessed land.

Xiaoyu and the others now only need to use their mouths to give instructions, and there is no need to do anything by themselves.

To Liu Yuanchen's great surprise, the second batch of beans from the first two planted were now about to mature.

Ordinary King Kong bean stalks will die after producing beans once.

However, under the cultivation of Liu Yuanchen, these two golden bean plants also showed the characteristics of immortality like golden silk rice.

When producing the second batch of diamond beans, a lot of time was saved because there was no need to grow them from seedlings.

Moreover, the bean sprouts are now very strong and produce more diamond beans.

Last time, each soybean plant only produced fifteen diamond beans, but this time there was a slight improvement, reaching twenty diamond beans.

In a few decades, he should have an army of diamond beans under his command.

As for the second and third batches of diamond beans planted, they haven’t bloomed yet.

It will be impossible to produce diamond beans in a short time.

In addition to the diamond beans, the peach core of the hundred-year-old flat peach finally sprouted.

This guy has the same virtue as the hundred-year-old peach sapling outside. He only wants to improve his own foundation, but he doesn't grow well.

After Liu Yuanchen became the True God of Heaven, he took control of the communication between plants and trees.

After a while of coercion and inducement, Taohe became obedient.

In addition, there are also the fifth-level Seven Treasure Gourd seeds that were planted before and have sprouted before.

Now the gourd vine has grown to more than three feet long and is entangled in the clear water peach tree beside it.

As for the gourds that bloom and bear fruit, I don’t know how long it will take.

After inspecting the blessed land, Liu Yuanchen left the blessed land and took the Book of Earth back to the sea of ​​consciousness.

Returning to the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu outside, he suddenly sensed movement from the Shinto clone.

After negotiating with Xia Linghe before, the [-] incense silver promised by Chi Huanghou arrived.

Liu Yuanchen sent a letter to his uncle, asking him how many resources were needed there.

Ling Yu also responded quickly, and Chi Huanghou specially provided him with a lot of resources needed to set up the formation.

He only needs to spend some effort and does not need to invest his own resources.

After knowing this situation, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: "Chihuanghou is still a loyal person."

The former Chen family's territory is now owned by Dongyang Shenfu.

Liu Yuanchen also sent Liu Qingming to receive it, and both the Liu and Zhang families sent some of their clansmen to move there.

Although there is no spiritual vein on the Xuansha Lake side, the spiritual energy in the water alone is enough to water the low-level spiritual fields.

Such a treasure land cannot be abandoned.

Everything was handled by someone, and Liu Yuanchen was quite leisurely.

There is nothing else to do besides casting the Spring Breeze and Rain and practicing.

Of course, he would also use the power of the book from the ground to gather Qi and form soil, condensing pieces of land on the south side of Panlong Lake and handing it over to the Shennong Division for management.


More than a month has passed since the leisurely days. On this day, Liu Yuanchen was performing the Spring Breeze and Rain on Panlong Mountain.

Suddenly, three rays of light flew from the southwest and landed in front of the Dongyang Divine Mansion.One of the sturdy old men chuckled: "This Panlong Mountain is a bit interesting. It seems that this little guy Yuan Chen is really quite capable."

Liu Yuanchen sensed their arrival and quickly stopped pouring rain and came to the gate of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

"The disciple sees the master."

"See Master Wanshan."

"See Third Master Uncle."

These three people were Zhang Lingxu, Venerable Wanshan, and Third Master Dong Peng.

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "No need to be polite."

Liu Yuanchen invited them to the main hall of the second courtyard, and Zhang Lingxu asked: "Yuanchen, how come you still have disciples of the Blood Bat Sect on Panlong Mountain?"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. His master's detection ability was indeed terrifying.

As soon as I arrived here, I discovered a clue.

"An undercover agent from the Blood Bat Sect wants to sneak into Dongyang Divine Mansion and destroy the defensive formation on Panlong Mountain.

I had said hello to Master and Second Uncle before, and was waiting for the monster army to arrive so that I could catch them all in one fell swoop. "

Venerable Wanshan chuckled: "You are quite capable, even people from the Blood Bat Sect dare to use it.

But that's right, that little kid is only at the peak of Ning Yuan's cultivation.

In front of us, the talented disciples of Bahuang Pavilion, they are ready to be beaten. "

"Moreover, you have become the True God of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain. With the Heavenly Dao Divine Domain here, you can compete with Lingtai Realm monks."

Liu Yuanchen was speechless. Among these monks, it was not easy to keep secrets.

During this period of time, I had been practicing the Dead Wood Immortality Technique a lot, but I still couldn't hide it from Master Wan Shan.

"Master Wanshan really has a sharp eye, and he can even see that his disciple has become a true god of heaven."

Venerable Wanshan waved his hand: "It's just a small trick, your method of gathering breath is indeed extraordinary.

When you first joined Bahuang Pavilion, I could still see your specific cultivation level.

I didn't expect that only this little time has passed and I can't see through your cultivation level. "

Zhang Lingxu also laughed at himself: "Me too, last time I saw Yuan Chen, I could see through his cultivation, but this time I can't."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little happy, at least his training during this period was not in vain.

"Master Wanshan, you came here this time for the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword, right?"

Venerable Wan Shan nodded: "No, that little naughty guy Ling Yu said he found the White Tiger Soul-killing Sword on your territory.

He just said that you want a rootless spiritual vein, and he wants a spiritual treasure embryo that can peer into the earth compass.

He didn't say anything else, just let me figure it out.

If you can't come up with a price that satisfies him, then sell the things to Thousand Machine City. "

“As soon as I heard the news, I rushed over immediately, and the wealth I have accumulated over the years has also brought me a lot.

The White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword is also a famous spiritual treasure in ancient times. Let me see what's so special about it. "

There are many great masters of weapon refining in Thousand Machine City, so naturally they also want to refine spiritual treasures.

Moreover, Qianji City has been purchasing various suspected spiritual treasures at high prices.

If this news spreads, Qianji City will definitely pay a high price to buy the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword.

Liu Yuanchen did not hide anything. He first activated the many concealment formations in the main hall, and then took out the broken sword from the storage gourd on his waist.

A sharp energy escaped, and Liu Yuanchen quickly retreated.

Venerable Wanshan looked at the broken sword in front of him carefully with an intoxicated look on his face.

"It's unmistakable. With this strong murderous intent and the soul-shattering power of the White Tiger clan, it is definitely the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword."

After saying that, he was about to reach out and take it.

Liu Yuanchen tried to dissuade him: "Master Wanshan, you have to be careful.

The White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword was extremely damaged, and even the three remaining restraints inside were somewhat incomplete.

If it is activated at will, the broken sword may break into pieces. "

Hearing this, Venerable Wanshan calmed down and sensed the power in the sword.

"Yes, there are indeed three acquired treasure prohibitions.

Although this sword is broken, I cannot repair it with my ability.

But if these three treasures can be taken out, they can still be repaired. "

"There is also this large piece of Houtian Geng Gold, which should be condensed from the energy released from the broken sword.

With the acquired Gengjin, the broken sword can be reforged.

Coupled with some treasured ninth-level weapon refining materials, it is not impossible to refine a low-grade acquired spiritual treasure. "

As the 11th ranked weapon refiner in the human race, he is qualified to say this.

The raw material of this White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword is Innate Geng Gold, which is originally a ninth-level weapon refining material, and there are three ready-made acquired treasures.

Based on this, refining a complete acquired spiritual treasure is not a problem.

Liu Yuanchen put away the broken sword: "Master Wanshan, you have seen this thing, I discovered this thing together with my second uncle.

Neither the Second Master Uncle nor I know how to refine weapons, so this thing will have no effect if it is left in our hands.

White Tiger Sword Immortal is a legendary figure among sword cultivators. Even a sword mark left by him can be sold for a high price.

This is his natal spiritual treasure, and it has created a great reputation with it.

Look, can you accept the conditions put forward by Second Master Uncle? "

Venerable Wanshan chuckled: "The younger generation today are becoming more and more promising. When our generation was young, we didn't have so many tricks up our sleeves."

“Normally, your demands are not too high.

However, this rootless spiritual vein is too rare, and I don’t have any in stock. "

After that, he took out an egg.

This egg is the size of an adult's fist and is as if carved from white jade.

"I don't have the ability to take out the rootless spiritual veins. The most I can do is take out this thing."

After all, Liu Yuanchen's cultivation level was too low and he had never seen high-end goods.

This white jade egg has a restrained energy, and he just doesn't see the value of this thing.

Dong Peng on the side is very knowledgeable: "Could this be the spiritual stone chalcedony?"

After hearing what he said, Liu Yuanchen reacted immediately.

Spirit stone chalcedony is a top-quality treasure born from spirit stone veins. This thing cannot be born from ordinary spirit stone veins.

The spirit stone veins that can cultivate this thing must be able to produce top quality spirit stones.

The initial form of spirit stone chalcedony is the best spirit stone. It is only after absorbing the essence of the entire spirit stone vein that it is slowly transformed into this thing.

The lower grade spiritual stone chalcedony is just a spiritual stone ore seedling.

A vein of spiritual stone can grow out of any spiritual core buried in any spiritual vein.

Sixth level and above spiritual stone chalcedony can be cultivated in the spiritual core of the spiritual vein to derive a spiritual vein.

Of course, the grade of the derived spiritual veins will be restricted by the original grade of the spirit stone chalcedony.

Liu Yuanchen also asked: "Master Wanshan, what level is this spiritual stone chalcedony?"

Venerable Wanshan chuckled lightly: "If you want rootless spiritual veins, it is nothing more than to merge into the main spiritual veins of the blessed land after opening it in the future.

It’s about the potential of Cave Heaven Paradise, so I won’t cheat you.

This spiritual stone chalcedony is of the eighth level, and the derived spiritual veins will not be subject to any restrictions until it grows to the eighth level, nor will it hinder the growth of the Cave Heaven Paradise. "

(End of this chapter)

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