Chapter 230 The demon clan is anxious
After everyone chatted for a while, Venerable Wanshan took Dong Peng and left Dongyang Divine Mansion and walked towards the Earth Fire Room at the east end of Fang City.

But as soon as he walked out of Dongyang Divine Mansion, Venerable Wanshan felt something was wrong.

He looked at the situation on the mountain: "What's going on with those tree people on your mountain? They seem to be taking care of the spiritual field, and they seem to be pretty good at it."

Liu Yuanchen had known for a long time that those Huang Linsong Dao soldiers could not hide anything from others, and he had already thought up the excuse.

"Back to Grandmaster Wanshan, those tree-human sacrifice methods were improved upon from sowing beans to create soldiers.

They are basically just the same ones, so I just ask them to help with the chores.

If you really want to achieve real combat effectiveness, you have to rely on those golden-armored bean soldiers. "

Hearing this, Venerable Wanshan was a little surprised: "I heard that someone at the Academy is also studying similar methods.

They use other plants and trees instead of diamond beans.

It is said that gourd soldiers, watermelon soldiers and the like were produced by tossing, and it is said that there are also some tree people.

Even if his strength is not that good, he can still act as a puppet.

I didn’t expect that you would also come up with this thing. "

After that, he looked at the golden-armored bean soldiers patrolling Panlonghufang City.

“Golden-armored bean soldiers in the Condensation Realm are really rare.

The diamond beans used to refining these golden-armored bean soldiers must be unusual, right? "

Liu Yuanchen also answered truthfully: "These diamond beans were given by the Seven Treasures Master when the disciples started."

Venerable Wanshan nodded slightly: "Yes, it seems that I have to ask Senior Brother Qibao for some diamond beans.

It’s also good for bean soldiers in the Condensation Realm to help with some chores when refining weapons.

The title of the number one elixir master in the human race is indeed no joke. "

After that, the three of them went to the underground fire room in Panlonghufang City.

Liu Yuanchen did not go there, but came to a treasure house in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

When the second uncle built Dongyang Divine Mansion, he prepared several secret treasure houses.

These treasure houses are very sophisticated in terms of materials and formations.

Just pick a treasure house and it can be used as a storage space for a new type of storage magic weapon.

The treasure house in front of me is not small, measuring a hundred feet square.

According to the content recorded in the jade slip, Liu Yuanchen carved the weapon refining inscription on the wall of the treasure house.

Although the walls of the treasure house are very strong, they are nothing in front of Liu Yuanchen.

He walked to a wall, stretched out a finger, and pressed it against the wall.

A pit suddenly appeared on the indestructible rock wall.

The fingers kept sliding, leaving strokes on the wall.

It's not that Liu Yuanchen's physical body is so strong that he can leave traces on rocks, it's mainly because of his power to turn fossils into soil.

Under the authority of heaven, these rocks are not much better than tofu.

After carving complex inscriptions on the rocks, he used some metal materials to embed them in the inscriptions.

He also injected mana and spiritual power to activate the inscription.

After completing all this, Liu Yuanchen only felt that there was some kind of connection between this treasure house and the jade bottle.

He walked out of the treasure house and sealed the door.

He took out the jade bottle, and with a thought in his mind, he wanted to put a spiritual talisman into the jade bottle, but the spiritual talisman disappeared instantly in his hand.

Under the observation of Tiandao Divine Realm, a spiritual talisman instantly appeared in the treasure house.

Then he tried to put in heavier items.

As long as it weighs no more than ten kilograms, anything put into the jade bottle will instantly appear in the treasure house.

However, when he tried to load something weighing more than ten kilograms, he discovered something unusual.

After the items were put into the jade bottle, they did not immediately appear in the treasure house.

At this time, the inscriptions on the jade bottle and the inscriptions on the treasure house were all shining with spiritual light.

After a breath, the thing appeared in the treasure house.

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: "Sure enough, as long as the weight of the items being deposited and withdrawn exceeds ten kilograms, there will be problems in the transmission process."

In order to prevent the jade bottle from being destroyed, he did not try to put anything heavier in it.

I just tried to take out the first spiritual talisman that was put in. Just with a thought, the spiritual talisman flew out.

Liu Yuanchen was also quite happy to see that this new type of storage instrument was indeed easy to use.

With this thing here, there is no need to be secretive when collecting things from the blessed land in the future. You can just push them to the jade bottle.


Two months later, Ling Yu completed the work of introducing spiritual veins to Hekou Town and returned to Panlong Mountain.

As soon as he arrived at Panlong Mountain, he was called over by Venerable Wanshan to study how to refine the spiritual treasure embryo.

Liu Yuanchen didn't need to interfere with these things, and he was happy and free.

Venerable Wanshan's weapon refining skills are indeed strong enough. It only took half a month to complete the process of refining the weapon embryo.

However, it will take a long time for the Lingbao weapon embryo to truly take shape.

After doing this, Venerable Wanshan left the Red Wasteland with the harvest of his trip.

Because he wanted to represent the Dan King lineage, Dong Peng continued to research new types of storage instruments.

Until the research on this storage magic weapon is successful, he will have to follow Venerable Wanshan.

As for Zhang Lingxu, he stayed in Qingdan City to take charge.

After all, Liu Yuanchen had gained the title of the God of Kaifu and already had some foundations in the Red Wasteland.

When Bahuang Pavilion cooperates with Shenting to develop the Red Wasteland, it is natural that the Danwang lineage will take the lead.

With his master in charge, Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt that his back was even harder.

His master was known as the "King of Ghost Hand Poison", and even the monks of his generation were unwilling to fight against him.

With him in charge of Qingdan City, no one should dare to cause trouble.


After solving the matter of the earth-peeping compass, Ling Yu was not idle and immediately began to set up fake formations on Panlong Mountain.

In order to plot against the Blood Bat Sect, Liu Yuanchen had discussed with Ling Yu to use fake formation eyes to lure the Blood Bat Sect and the demon clan to the bait.

It was just because of the discovery of the White Tiger Soul-Slaying Sword and the ancient spiritual veins that it was delayed a lot of time.

Now that I have some free time, I naturally have to carry out the plan.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't help with these things, he just practiced and made rain step by step.

A few days later, as soon as Liu Yuanchen completed his training, Ling Yu came to the backyard of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

He took out a jade slip and said: "Yuan Chen, the fake formation eye is ready. This is the location map of the false formation eye.

I'm not good at fishing, it depends on your ability. "

Liu Yuanchen took the jade slip and said with a smile: "Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely let the demon clan take the bait."

Ling Yu waved his hand: "I also want to keep the embryo of the spiritual treasure of the Earth Peeping Compass, so don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."

After that, he left Dongyang Divine Mansion and headed to the Earth Fire Room.

Liu Yuanchen was also helpless. His second uncle was a technical geek.

I don't have much interest in anything other than battle tactics.

The preparations for the formation have been completed, and now it’s time to get things started.

A few days later, he summoned Tie Junlan, the master of the formation hall.

Tie Junlan came to the main hall and asked, "Senior brother, why did you come to see me?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Li Cheng from the Formation Hall, how is he doing in the Formation Hall?"

Hearing this, Tie Junlan showed a look of admiration on her face. "This person is indeed a rare talent. In the past few months since he joined the Formation Hall, one person can do as much work as five people.

Moreover, his formation attainments are not low.

The refined formation disk is still above me.

He can bring more than three thousand spiritual stones in profit to the Formation Hall every month. "

Liu Yuanchen secretly smiled in his heart: This guy is the steward of the Blood Bat Sect, and he is already at the peak of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

In terms of spiritual consciousness, he is much stronger than Tie Junlan, a Qi Sea Realm monk.

In skills such as alchemy and talisman arrays, strong spiritual consciousness has great advantages.

"Since this person is so diligent, let's promote him to the position of manager of the Formation Hall."

Hearing this, Tie Junlan was stunned: "This is not good, I have suspected that this person had ulterior motives for joining Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Although he has been diligent in his work in the past few months, he has not yet been tested and cannot be sure whether this person is trustworthy.

If he has any problems, promoting him to manager might pose a threat to Dongyang Divine Mansion. "

Tie Junlan knew nothing about Liu Yuanchen's plan, so he was naturally worried that something would go wrong.

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "It doesn't matter. Even if he really harbors evil intentions, I can suppress him. Just go ahead and do it."

“Also, the matter of promoting Li Cheng must be publicized widely.

I want all the monks in Dongyang Divine Mansion to know that no matter their origin, as long as they work diligently, they will be reused.

By the way, you can ask the head of the standing hall to help with this matter. He should know how to handle it. "

Tie Junlan didn't know why, but she did what Liu Yuanchen wanted.

Li Cheng got the news of his promotion that day.

The next day, the news spread throughout Panlonghufang City.

Everyone in the restaurants run by Dongyang Shenfu were discussing this matter.

"Fellow Daoist Qi, have you heard about that fellow Daoist Li?"

"Of course I have heard that a casual cultivator of unknown origin can become a steward after joining Dongyang Divine Mansion for a few months.

This Dongyang Divine Mansion is really eclectic in employing people. As long as you have real ability, you can climb up. "

"More than that, the Dongyang Divine Mansion stipulates that stewards with good performance can purchase the Pulse Strengthening Pill from the Divine Mansion.

This is the foundation for building a family, and you can't even ask for it. "

At this time, another old man next to him interrupted.

“This guy named Li was also very lucky, and he became the manager within a few months.

I think it won't be long before he becomes the deputy hall leader.

I heard that the deputy hall master is eligible to purchase the True Essence Pill.

That is an auxiliary elixir for breaking through the Condensation Realm. Just one elixir can save a Qi Sea Realm monk from three to fifty years of hard training.

If I could have obtained the True Essence Pill decades earlier, I wouldn't have been stuck at the peak of the Qi Sea Realm for so long. "


Panlonghufang City is a mixed bag, and the news of Li Cheng's promotion quickly spread.

This situation is also what Liu Yuanchen hopes to see most.

A few days later, a thin, middle-aged monk dressed as a casual cultivator, but full of blood, came to Panlonghufang City.

The last time Liu Yuanchen noticed something unusual about Manager Ren, it was because this person came to contact him.

This thin monk was also taught by the Blood Bat, and should be responsible for passing the news between Xue Mingzi and Manager Ren.

The last time he sent news, Manager Ren called him Manager Nie.

If he comes here now, it's probably because the old guy Xue Mingzi has new orders.

Liu Yuanchen relied on the authority of the Tiandao Divine Realm to keep an eye on Manager Nie and Manager Ren.

Sure enough, when Manager Nie arrived in Panlonghufang City, he went straight to Xieyang Inn.

When it got dark, Manager Ren returned to Xieyang Inn.

As soon as he arrived at the inn, he quickly ran to the guest room where Manager Nie lived.

After turning on the anti-prying formation, Manager Ren asked: "How long has it been? Why did the elder let you come here again?"

Manager Nie smiled and said: "The elder is very satisfied with what you have done. In such a short time, you have managed to get the position of manager of the Formation Hall."

Manager Ren waved his hand: "Don't mention it. In order to be promoted as soon as possible, I work hard every day and I am almost exhausted."

Manager Nie consoled him: "The elder knows about your hard work. He has already applied to the leader to prepare an auxiliary spiritual object for you to break through to the Lingtai realm."

Hearing this, Steward Ren's eyes shone and his breathing became heavy: "Is this true?"

Manager Nie nodded: "Of course, how can I dare to joke about such a big matter?"

After Manager Ren was happy for a while, he calmed down again.

"Our Blood Bat Cult has always been clear about rewards and punishments. Since you give me such a reward, there must be something important for me to do.

You couldn't have made a special trip just to tell me the good news.

Whatever the elder wants me to do, just say it. "

Manager Nie chuckled lightly: "Brother Ren is really smart, no wonder he can be reused by the elders.

The elders have told you to hurry up and implement the plan. "

Hearing this, Steward Ren's expression changed: "Can I rush this matter? Now that I'm a steward, I really don't need to work as hard as I did before.

However, I still have to stay in the formation hall every day and guide others in setting up formations.

As for figuring out the situation of the formation eye, the mountain is shrouded in fog.

Once inside, all five senses are suppressed. "

"Besides, there were experts who came here some time ago, so I don't dare to do anything unusual."

Manager Nie sighed: "Brother Ren, the elders also know about this.

One of the three masters who came last time was Liu Yuanchen's master, Zhang Lingxu.

The other one is Venerable Wanshan..."

Upon hearing this, Manager Ren became angry: "You want to use Bahuang Pavilion's help to kill me, right?
Even if our leader is here, it's not enough for the Ghost Hand Pill King to touch with his little finger.

There is also Venerable Wanshan, he is already a powerful Taoist realm, and he can send our entire religion away with just one breath.

The elders asked me to find an enemy under their noses because they thought I was too slow to die! "

Manager Nie quickly comforted him: "Brother Ren, don't be anxious.

The elder received the exact news that Venerable Wanshan had left Chihuangyuan.

The Ghost Hand Pill King is also in Qingdan City and seems to be planning to stay in the Red Wasteland for a long time.

Now is the last chance. If we don't seize the time, if Zhang Lingxu stays in Panlong Mountain in the future, then we will have absolutely nothing to do. "

"This time, the nobleman of the Dragon Clan was anxious, and he personally said that he wanted to capture Panlong Mountain as soon as possible.

We all know how rich the Dragon Clan is.

As long as you can make that noble person happy, you can give us anything as a reward, which will be of great use to our Blood Bat Cult.

If you offend a noble person, our entire religion will suffer. "

Manager Ren was still a little worried: "We helped the demon clan break through Panlong Mountain. We will be hunted down by the Bahuang Pavilion with all their strength. Is there any way to survive?"

Manager Nie smiled and said: "The nobles of the Dragon Clan have already made a promise. As long as we can handle this matter well, we will allocate a piece of land for our Blood Bat Sect in the Eastern Region.

Allocate some humans and half-demon to us and allow us to establish a country.

Our Blood Bat Cult can get such great benefits, and you are the first to do so.

Splitting the soil and sealing off the borders is nothing. "

Hearing this, Manager Ren's eyes turned red: "In this case, I will risk my life."

(End of this chapter)

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