Chapter 232 Everything is ready
Ling Yu took out the Bahuang Pavilion disciple token and sent a message to Zhao Hong.

Afterwards, he went to the Earth Fire Chamber to continue cultivating his spiritual treasure embryo.

Liu Yuanchen kept an eye on Manager Ren to prevent him from making any changes.

Half a year has passed, and Liu Yuanchen is already 48 years old.

That evening, he was practicing cross-legged in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

Suddenly, he sensed that his master had arrived in the Shinto spiritual realm.

He hurriedly went to the Shinto Spiritual Territory to greet him: "Disciple, see Master."

Zhao Hong took out a storage bag: "No need to be polite, this is the magic weapon your uncle asked me to prepare, and I have already finished refining it.

The power of the mountain-locking spirit seal is extraordinary. Even with these magical weapons, it cannot be guaranteed to be complete.

Once something unusual happens, don't worry too much about your foundation, save your own life first. "

"With me and your master here, the demon clan can't make a big splash."

Liu Yuanchen took the storage bag and said: "Master, don't worry, this disciple usually works hard on escape methods.

Even if Panlong Mountain is lost, I will not lose my life. "

The real foundation of my own cultivation is Dongyang Blessed Land and Di Shu, not a small Panlong Mountain.

Liu Yuanchen can still distinguish this aspect.

Hearing what he said, Zhao Hong also breathed a sigh of relief: "That makes me feel relieved.

I have already had an affair with Marquis Chihuang about the Panlong Mountain matter.

His secret guards and confidant masters are all ready.

Once the news comes out from your side, we can be here within half a quarter of an hour.

The subsequent army can also arrive within an hour.

If there is any movement from the Monster Clan, you must inform me in time. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Master, don't worry, I will tell you every move of the blood bat sect's spies."

Zhao Hong did not stay here for long. After explaining some things, he left Panlong Mountain.


Liu Yuanchen brought his storage bag to the ground fire room in Panlonghufang City.

At this time, the underground fire room was very different from before.

The original underground fire chamber had only one fire eye that led directly to the underground lava.

The current underground fire chamber has two small fire eyes connected to the lava.

The original large fire eye is responsible for providing firepower to each small fire chamber.

One of the small fire eyes was occupied by Meng Tieshan and used for training.

The other small fire eye was used by Ling Yu to sacrifice the embryo of the spiritual treasure.

Liu Yuanchen entered the eye of fire where Ling Yu was and saw his uncle sitting cross-legged next to the lava lake.

In the lava lake, a compass the size of a millstone is floating.

This compass is completely black, like ink jade.

There are densely packed strange words all over the disk, but there are no weapon refining inscriptions.

The wind and thunder stick in Liu Yuanchen's hand is also the embryo of the acquired spiritual treasure, and there is no weapon refining inscription on it.

This is the characteristic of the Lingbao weapon embryo. The refining inscriptions have been completely integrated into the weapon embryo.

Even if the acquired treasure ban is not condensed, the embryo can still be used as a superb magical weapon.

Once the acquired treasure forbidden is condensed, the spiritual treasure embryo will advance by leaps and bounds and become a real acquired spiritual treasure.

It's just that it's very difficult to take this step.

There are many masters who can refine the embryos of spiritual treasures, but there are no monks who can refine the true acquired spiritual treasures.

They are both acquired spiritual treasures, and they are also divided into strong and weak ones.

Just like Wan Zhong Mountain, the spiritual treasure embryo refined by Venerable Wan Shan, it is already an eighth-level peak magic weapon.

It was with the help of Wan Zhongshan that Venerable Wan Shan became one of the great masters of human weapon refining.

Although the Wind and Thunder Stick is also an embryo of a spiritual treasure, it has the potential to condense the acquired treasure.

But it is only made from the leftover materials of Wan Zhong Mountain. In the future, it will be much more difficult to condense the acquired treasure ban than Wan Zhong Mountain.

As for the compass the size of a millstone in front of him, Liu Yuanchen didn't know what level of spiritual treasure embryo it was.

Sensing Liu Yuanchen's arrival, Ling Yu asked, "Why did you come here?"

Liu Yuanchen took out the storage bag sent by his master: "This is a magic weapon refined by my master. It can have the power of the mountain-suppressing soul-locking seal, but I am not completely sure."

Ling Yu took the storage bag: "That's normal, the Zhenshan Locking Spirit Seal is specially designed to deal with formations.

If a small magic weapon can completely block it, then there is no need for this object to exist.

However, this magic weapon plus some of my formation methods are almost enough. "

After that, he took out a flower pot with a diameter of one foot from the storage bag.

There are mountains and water in this flowerpot, and there is even a channel for the circulation of spiritual power, much like a spiritual vein.

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "Uncle Master, what is this?"

Ling Yu chuckled: "Of course it is a bonsai. Although the Zhenshan Locking Spirit Seal is quite restrained on spiritual veins, it is not without its flaws.

This thing can't tell the difference between a real mountain and a bonsai. To put it bluntly, this bonsai is equivalent to a scapegoat. "

"If the Soul-Suppressing Seal is smashed down, this bonsai may activate its power.

The result was that all the power of the Soul-Suppressing Seal was unleashed on the bonsai, leaving the array eyes and spiritual veins unscathed. "

“Of course, just a bonsai is definitely not enough.

I also have to arrange it so that the Zhenshan Locking Spirit Seal cannot be distinguished between true and false.

In addition, a layer of protection must be added to the predetermined false formation.

In case the power of Zhenshan Soul Locking Seal is too strong and shatters the bonsai, it will further damage the formation eye. "

"How do you plan to lure the spy to take action? Which false formation do you plan to let him take action against?"

Liu Yuanchen had already had an idea: "More than 20 miles west of Dongyang Shenfu, there is a small piece of flat land in the mountains, and there is a clear spring around it.

The disciple plans to open a spiritual field there and plant spiritual things.

There happened to be a fake formation eye nearby, so the disciple asked Junior Sister Tie to lead people to set up the spirit gathering formation on the pretext of cultivating fourth-level elixirs. "

Setting up the spirit gathering array is also a basic operation for cultivating high-level elixirs.

The spiritual power required for the growth of spiritual plants comes from two sources: one is the spiritual power contained in the soil; the other is the spiritual energy escaping between heaven and earth.

Wild spiritual plants, even if they live in places with strong spiritual energy, generally do not have much spiritual power in the soil.

The main way for them to absorb spiritual energy is the spiritual energy escaping between heaven and earth.

Because of this, it takes a long time for wild spiritual plants to mature.

The spiritual field soil cultivated by spiritual medicine masters can provide stable and sufficient spiritual energy.

Therefore, the same kind of elixir grows much faster in the spiritual field than the wild elixir.

Of course, with the spiritual field, the role of the spiritual energy escaping between heaven and earth cannot be ignored.

The richer the spiritual energy in the outside world, the faster the spiritual plant will grow.

Especially some precious spiritual objects have extremely high requirements on the surrounding aura.

Therefore, to cultivate precious spiritual plants, it is almost necessary to set up a spiritual gathering array.

Hearing what he said, Ling Yu nodded slightly: "You have thought carefully, I will arrange it in the eyes of that fake formation in the past few days.

When I'm ready, it's not too late for you to start planning. "


After discussing the plan, Liu Yuanchen returned to the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu and practiced as usual.

Three days later, Ling Yu sent him a message, telling him that he had completed the arrangement of the fake formation eye and could start planning.

Liu Yuanchen remained calm at first, and a few days later, he recruited Tie Junlan to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Tie Junlan came to the main hall, cupped her hands and said, "Elder brother, why did you call me here?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "I plan to open a medicine garden to grow fourth- and fifth-level elixirs.

It's just that the spiritual energy on Panlong Mountain can only reach the third-order mid-level level.

Therefore, I want to set up a spirit gathering array around the medicine garden. Hearing this, Tie Junlan looked troubled: "I am only a second-level high-grade formation mage now. I am afraid that I am not capable of setting up this kind of formation." "

Liu Yuanchen waved his hand: "If one person can't do it, multiple people can join forces.

There are fifty or sixty second-level formation mages in the formation hall, and together they should be able to arrange this formation. "

"Uncle Master has been busy cultivating his spiritual treasure embryo and has no time to care about such small things.

I also want to take this opportunity to test the strength of the Formation Hall.

Make it clear to those formation masters that if you can arrange this formation, everyone will be rewarded, at least one year's salary. "

Hearing this, Tie Junlan also looked happy.

Bahuang Pavilion has always provided free-range training to its disciples, and only inheritance is given free of charge.

In terms of cultivation resources, you can only earn them by yourself.

Therefore, disciples with lower cultivation levels are generally quite poor.

If you want to be rich, you must have a skill.

Tie Junlan studied formations, and her ability to make money was the weakest among the alchemy and talisman formations.

When she heard there was a reward, she was naturally extremely excited.

"In this case, I will call all the formation masters in the formation hall.

By the way, what should Manager Li do? "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "This person has great potential, so he must be used.

This mission was just the right time to test him. "

Hearing this, Tie Junlan said nothing more, but left the main hall and went to summon the monks of the Formation Hall.

Not long after, fifty or sixty formation masters arrived at Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Liu Yuanchen didn't waste any time and took them away from Dongyang Divine Mansion and headed west.

Under his control, the clouds and mist on the mountain created by the Water Cloud Covering the Sky also opened a path.

Not long after, the group came to a relatively gentle land.

Liu Yuanchen pointed to the flat land here: "I want to open a medicine garden here to plant fourth-level elixirs.

The requirements and rewards must have been told to you by Hall Master Tie.

How you arrange the formation depends on your abilities.

As long as you do this well, you will definitely be rewarded. "

Before he finished speaking, a conspicuous bag shouted loudly: "Don't worry, Lord God, we will definitely do everything beautifully."

Although Liu Yuanchen looked down on people who liked to talk empty words, such people could also boost morale.

“It’s good to have confidence, but you also need to have real ability.

I'll leave this to you. If you need any materials, just go to the Executive Hall to get them. I'm waiting for your good news. "


After an explanation, Liu Yuanchen returned to Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Tie Junlan said: "To raise spiritual energy to the fourth level, you need at least a third-level mid-to-high-grade spirit gathering array.

We are all second-level formation mages, and no one has the ability to set up a formation on our own.

Therefore, this time we need your full cooperation.

Everyone, please explore the surroundings first, determine the environment, and then come up with a formation plan.

Then, we will improve each plan and try to come up with a suitable plan.

Whose plan is adopted, I will ask for a reward for him. "

Opportunities to join forces to set up formations are rare, but they are extremely useful against mages, and are equivalent to a formation exchange conference.

What's more, after the layout is successful, there is still a large reward to be obtained.

Everyone used their own methods to explore the surrounding terrain.

Ren An originally came with a mission, and he didn't care whether the spirit gathering array could be set up or not.

What he was concerned about was whether he could find the center of the Panlong Mountain defense formation.

I saw him taking out a small compass and patrolling around the flat land.

The compass is also a commonly used magic weapon for formation mages. It can measure spiritual pulses and find flaws in formations.

As soon as he started to move the compass, he saw the needle pointing north.

He suddenly became energetic and kept walking northward in the direction of the pointer.

After a while, the pointer began to spin randomly.

Continuing forward, the compass needle pointed south again.

Ren An knew clearly that where the pointer was spinning, there must be something special underground.

It might be a spiritual object, or it might be a spiritual hub or a formation eye.

Thinking of this, he quietly activated the compass, and a spiritual light flew out of the compass.

After a while, the aura returned, and a small shadow appeared above the compass.

In this shadow, there is a large area of ​​​​empty space.

This vacancy can only be covered up by some means.

On Panlong Mountain, the only things that need to be covered are the spiritual hub and the formation eye.

But if it is a spiritual hub, spiritual energy should continue to flow out.

Since it is not the spiritual hub, it can only be the formation eye.

Thinking of this, Ren An was ecstatic.

He had found the formation he had been longing for, but he didn't feel relaxed at all.

It has been nearly a year since I joined Dongyang Shenfu. I have been working hard every day. How much suffering have I suffered?

He marked this place with his compass and then casually went to explore other places.

Everyone had been busy for most of the day, and it was getting late.

Tie Junlan shouted: "Everyone has been busy for such a long time, and you should have explored this place almost.

I'll give you two days to each come up with a formation plan.

That’s it for today, everyone, go back and rest. "

Everyone left this place, and the clouds and mist covered the place again.

Ren An returned to the backyard of Xieyang Inn, took out a white jade charm from the storage bag, and crushed it directly.

This kind of jade talisman is called the Zimu Jade Talisman, and it usually has a mother talisman and one or more child talismans.

This kind of jade talisman cannot be used directly to send messages, but it has a special place.

If the mother talisman breaks, the child talisman will also break.

This kind of connection cannot be isolated even by formations and Cave Heaven Paradise.

As for the meaning of the broken jade talisman, it can only be agreed in advance.

After crushing the jade talisman, Ren An left Xieyang Inn and got into the mist on Panlong Mountain.

With the marks left during the day, he successfully found the location of the false formation eye in the fog.

I saw him taking out the Soul-Suppressing Seal and placing it on the ground.

As soon as the Zhenshan Locking Spirit Seal touches the ground, it burrows into the ground, leaving no trace on the ground.

A slight sound reached Ren An's ears, and his face was filled with joy.

If the Zhenshan Soul Locking Seal reacts, it means that there is indeed a Formation Eye below.

Liu Yuanchen has been staring at him, and he can clearly see the situation of Zhenshan Soul Locking Seal.

At this time, the Zhenshan Soul Locking Seal happened to fall into the bonsai refined by Master.

Under the bonsai, there are two layers of array plates that separate the bonsai from the fake array eyes.

Liu Yuanchen took out the Bahuang Pavilion disciple token and sent a message to his master.

Everything is ready, just waiting for the demon clan to take the bait.

(End of this chapter)

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