Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 234: The demon tribe falls and Black Lotus is full

Chapter 234: The demon tribe falls and Black Lotus is full
Ao Qing was shocked and turned pale when he was surrounded on all sides.

Xia Linfeng jumped up from Dongyang Divine Mansion, and suddenly swung the giant ax in his hand, slashing towards Ao Qing.

To be precise, his target was not Ao Qing, but a warship of the demon clan.

Ao Qinglong flicked his tail violently, knocking Xia Linfeng back.

The dragon's claw waved and grabbed the easternmost part of the golden cage.

A harsh sound sounded, and the golden cage trembled slightly, but there was no sign of collapse.

Xia Linfeng sneered: "How can a large formation set up by hundreds of masters be so easily broken?"

Ao Qing shouted: "Come out with me!"

After saying that, his body transformed into a human form, holding a one-eared green dragon halberd with both hands.

The green dragon halberd was slammed forward, and a gap of dozens of feet in radius was created at the easternmost end of the golden cage.

Several masters setting up the formation nearby were shocked to the point of bleeding from their orifices.

Zhang Lingxu took a breath of cold air: "The power of the spiritual treasure is so terrifying!"

The masters who set up the formation still tried their best to maintain the formation even though they were seriously injured.

The gap in the cage narrowed rapidly and was about to be restored.

Ao Qing shrank in size and got out of the gap.

Several warships followed closely, and five warships got out.

However, the cage at this time has been completely restored, and there is still one warship trapped in the cage.

Ao Qing turned around, wanting to break through the cage again and rescue the last warship.

A large golden seal flew out of Xia Linfeng's palm: "Ao Qing, please stop being so arrogant!"

The big seal swelled in the wind, and in a blink of an eye it was a hundred feet square.

The golden seal smashed over, and Ao Qing waved the green dragon halberd to face the seal.

After a crisp sound, Ao Qing was shaken back several miles.

At this time, the divine soldiers on the Longyan River formed a military formation.

The battle flag, armor, and weapons are like formation flags.

Thousands of divine soldiers gather together to form a large formation.

Above the formation, a huge white tiger shadow suddenly appeared, and a claw came out from Ao Qing's back.

The green armor on his body was shattered, and a ray of green light turned into the shadow of a green dragon, protecting him around him.

Obviously, this is the protective treasure activated.

At this time, the divine soldiers from the other three directions have also formed their formations.

Three golden giant figures suddenly appeared, surrounding Ao Qing and the warship.

Ao Qing felt fear in his heart: "Abandon the ship and form an array! Fight to the death with the humans."

Before he finished speaking, the demons filed out of the warship.

The demon soldiers under Ao Qing are also very unique.

There are fish, turtles, shrimps and crabs, all kinds of water monsters.

Moreover, the cultivation of these water monsters is quite good.

The weakest among them is also in the Naqi realm, and his strength is comparable to the early stage monks in the Qi Sea realm.

Some of the small leaders are at the Spirit Awakening Realm, which is comparable to the Human Race's Yuan Condensing Realm.

Liu Yuanchen could not see through the cultivation of the leading demon generals.

The demon generals all have dragon heads, but the horns on their heads are just spikes, not bifurcated.

Obviously, these demon generals were all born from dragons.

The demon clan in the Naqi realm is the base, and the dragon is the demon general.

Obviously, this army is truly elite.

Although there are only three thousand demon soldiers, their strength cannot be underestimated.

With them as the backbone, it would be a piece of cake to capture some little spirit-devouring monsters as cannon fodder, and to raise a hundred thousand monster soldiers.

Of course, the human race would not just watch their formation succeed. The divine soldiers arrayed forward and slowly narrowed the encirclement.

Golden arrows flew out one after another, attacking the demon army formation.

The green dragon halberd in Ao Qing's hand shone brightly, turning into a barrier to protect the demon soldiers in the five warships.

As for the hundreds of demon soldiers trapped in the cage, they became living targets for the golden arrows.

Corpses continued to fall from the air, and soon they were all dead and injured.

More than ten breaths later, the demon soldiers outside the cage had already formed a battle formation.

Massive amounts of mana were continuously poured into the Green Dragon Halberd in Ao Qing's hand.

The green dragon halberd in Ao Qing's hand pointed at the sky. It was originally a clear sky, but now it was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

Rays of thunder surged in the dark clouds.

Xia Linfeng and several other golden-armored generals joined forces to attack Ao Qing.

Streams of thunder poured down from the sky, and the sky and the earth turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

Xia Linfeng and other divine generals flew back, and the divine soldiers blocking the road due east were also forced to retreat.

When the lightning dissipated, Ao Qing's figure was already outside the encirclement, flying hundreds of miles away.

As for the remaining 2000 demon soldiers, he ruthlessly abandoned them.

Xia Linfeng shouted: "All the armies are surrounding the demon soldiers. Those whose cultivation level exceeds the sixth level, follow me to hunt down Ao Qing."

After that, he took back the golden seal and chased due east.

There were three other divine generals following closely behind him.

Zhang Lingxu rushed behind him and shouted: "Zhao Hong, Ling Yu, you help Yuan Chen eliminate the remaining enemies, and I will go after Ao Qing."

After saying that, the whole person turned into a blue light and chased towards the east.

Zhao Hong looked at his junior brother: "Junior brother, help Yuan Chen take care of those little minions. I'll go hunt down that little dragon cub."

Ling Yu knew that his cultivation was not enough, so he could only stay on Panlong Mountain to deal with the aftermath.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen, who was hiding in the temple of Dongyang Divine Mansion, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

I just wanted to catch some monster soldiers, but I didn't expect to catch a real dragon, and it also brought the acquired spiritual treasure.

He had been staying in the temple just now. Once the master was defeated, he would immediately escape into the Shinto spiritual realm.

The demon clan only dares to block the Shinto spiritual realm, but does not dare to fight in the Shinto spiritual realm.

Now that Ao Qing has escaped, Liu Yuanchen confidently walks out of Dongyang Divine Mansion and uses the Tiandao Divine Realm to sense the entire Panlong Mountain.

The evil cultivators and demon soldiers hiding in the dark have nowhere to hide.

At this time, Xue Mingzi, who had been injured by the poison of the Heart-eroding Grass, was hiding at the bottom of Panlong Lake, trying to sneak out.

Liu Yuanchen secretly laughed in his heart: "If I can't cure the real dragon, I can't cure you?"

Activate the formation to activate the Water Cloud Covering the Sky Formation and the Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Formation.

When Ao Qing was here before, he would never dare to open these two formations.

As soon as things like wind, thunder, and cloud appear, they will be controlled by the dragon clan.

Not only can this formation not hurt him, it will actually increase his strength.

Liu Yuanchen's voice rang in Ling Yu's ears: "Uncle Master, the bloody man is at the bottom of the lake, and he is half dead now."

Hearing this, the compass in Ling Yu's hand released streams of black light, pouring into Panlong Lake.

After a moment, the black stream of light condensed into a huge compass shadow, sealing Panlong Lake tightly.

Liu Yuanchen also took the opportunity to activate the Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Formation, and thunder struck the lake.

The lake water boiled, and streams of blood gathered together and turned into a blood sword.

The blood sword penetrated the phantom of the compass and turned into the figure of Xue Mingzi: "We, the Blood Bat Sect, and the Bahuang Pavilion have no indissoluble feud, so why bother to kill them all?"

Liu Yuanchen snorted coldly: "More than 20 years ago, you threatened Uncle Cheng Jiao with the lives of the Liu family.

It's time for me to get this debt back. "

Hearing this, Xue Mingzi was stunned for a moment.

"Hahaha..." Xue Mingzi smiled bitterly, "I didn't expect that the expedient measures back then would have left such a disaster."

"Ling Yu, although I am not your opponent.

But if I want to leave, you can't keep me. "

Ling Yu put away the compass in his hand with disdain on his face.

"Let me test the power of the new magic weapon on you. Do you really think you can compete with me?
Do you think I can't kill you just because I'm an array master? "After that, he offered a scroll.

The scroll opened and he pointed at it.

Streams of earthy yellow light poured out from the scroll, converging into a unicorn silhouette.

The unicorn phantom jumped up high and stepped on Xue Dingzi's head.

Xue Mingzi's whole body turned into a large pool of bloody liquid. The liquid continued to surge and gathered into a bloody giant with two wings on his ribs.

Qilin's hoofs fell, and the bloody giant actually blocked the blow with one hand.

Xue Mingzi said coldly: "Zhang Lingxu and I are of the same generation. Although our strength is far inferior to his, we are not to the point where we, juniors, like you, can easily bully us."

Several thunderbolts fell and struck the bloody giant, stirring up bursts of black mist.

"Junior looking for death!"

The bloody giant blocked Qilin with one hand and grabbed Liu Yuanchen with the other hand.

Liu Yuanchen suddenly disappeared. His blow was completely empty and hit the rock.

But under the protection of Kun Yuanhou's earth formation, this blow only shattered a few rocks.

Thunder continued to fall, hitting the bloody giant.

At the same time, the entire Panlong Mountain was trembling slightly.

Thick waves of energy surged out from the mountain and gathered into a shadow in mid-air.

As soon as the phantom appeared, all the spirits on Panlong Mountain bowed their heads.

Some of the monks hiding in the shops in Fangshi also fell to their knees.

The bloody giant looked surprised: "Is Mount Tai overwhelming?"

The shadow became more and more solid, and it was completely like a miniature version of Panlong Mountain.

After a muffled sound, the phantom of Panlong Mountain slammed down, hitting the bloody giant's back.

The bloody giant froze, even moving was extremely laborious.

Spider web-like cracks appeared on the mountain at the foot of the giant.

Ling Yu repeated his old trick, and a Xuanwu statue appeared out of thin air and hit the bloody giant on the head.

The bloody giant could no longer hold on and fell heavily into the forest.

He roared: "Panlong Mountain is just a seventh-level sacred mountain. Even if the True God of Heaven is there, it is impossible to exert the power of Mount Tai.

Who was the master who took action secretly?Let me understand! "

The Xuanwu statue was smashed down hard, and the bloody giant dispersed into a ball of blood mist, seeping into the ground.

In Liu Yuanchen's induction, the blood mist was finally absorbed by the black lotus and turned into nourishment, making it impossible to resurrect from the dead.

A small vortex appeared around the demonic black lotus, and all kinds of chaotic energy continued to pour into the vortex.

The demonic black lotus that grew later has already given birth to a lotus seed, which is growing rapidly.

Ling Yu shouted: "Yuan Chen, are you okay?"

Liu Yuanchen emerged from the ground: "It's okay, I just didn't expect that old guy Xue Mingzi to be so strong."

Ling Yu also breathed a sigh of relief: "As long as you're fine, I didn't expect that Xue Mingzi could force me to play it real after being poisoned."

“There should be some fish that have slipped through the net on Panlong Mountain, please clean them up.

If you encounter something you can't handle, just call me. "

Liu Yuanchen sensed it and found the target.

In his induction, there were still two Blood Bat Cult monks alive.

One of them was Elder Luo, who was determined to be a dog for the demon clan, and he was also poisoned.

With a thought in Liu Yuanchen's mind, a thunderbolt fell and hit his head, ending his life.

The Nine Dragons Wind and Thunder Formation is a bit difficult to deal with a master like Xue Mingzi.

But against a small Elder Luo, he can definitely kill him with one blow.


As for the other surviving evil cultivator, it was Ren An who was undercover in Dongyang Divine Mansion.

Later, Liu Yuanchen used Mountain Escape and came to a depression in the west of Panlong Mountain.

"Xue Mingzi is dead, are you still going to fight to the end?"

Ren An was frightened when he suddenly appeared.

The whole person turned into a bloody light and attacked him.

Liu Yuanchen looked disdainful, pointed his sword with his right hand, and a thunder sword flew out.

After a muffled sound, the lightning dispersed, and Ren An lay on the ground, twitching all over.

“The inheritance of Blood Bat Sect is indeed far worse than that of Bahuang Pavilion.

In the same big realm, you have no power to resist. "

"I can give you a chance to live. Do you want it?"

After dozens of breaths, Ren An calmed down: "Will you let me go?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "I only have a grudge against Xue Mingzi, and I have no grudge against you.

Moreover, you helped me attract so many monsters.

Without you, I wouldn't be able to take advantage of this.

As long as you work for me in the Blood Bat Cult from now on, I can let you go. "

Hearing this, Ren An was a little surprised: "Aren't you afraid that I will stop talking to you once I leave?"

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a few photo beads: "If I make the contents of these photo beads public to the world, do you think you will still have a way to survive in the Yuanling world?"

Hearing this, Ren An's face turned extremely ugly.

Colluding with the disciples of Bahuang Pavilion, the Monster Clan and the Ten Thousand Gods Sect know about it and will definitely kill him.

If he betrays Liu Yuanchen again, Bahuang Pavilion will kill him too.

Once the contents of the image bead are revealed, both the human race and the demon race will kill him.

After thinking for a long time, he nodded: "I am willing to listen to you."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled softly: "That makes sense, you can continue to be the steward of your Formation Hall and the shopkeeper of Xieyang Inn.

When I need you, I will naturally let you return to the Blood Bat Cult.

If you make great achievements in the future, you will be a member of Dongyang Shenfu and be protected by Bahuang Pavilion.

You can even establish a family within my territory. "

After a few words of lies, he let An go.


Later, Liu Yuanchen came to the east of Panlong Mountain again.

Many demon soldiers and generals showed their original forms after death. Huge corpses lay in the mountains and forests. A large amount of demon blood continued to flow out, dyeing the mountains and forests within a radius of dozens of miles blood red.

Liu Yuanchen thought, and Huang Linsong Taoist soldiers rushed over one by one to clean up the corpses of the monsters.

The corpses of demon soldiers are also precious resources, especially the dragon, whose whole body is full of treasures.

To the east of Panlong Mountain, the Shenting Army was still besieging the demon soldiers, and the shouts of killing shook the heaven and the earth.

The battlefield was filled with evil spirits.

Deep underground, the demonic black lotus is constantly devouring evil energy and other energy as if it were a new year.

Among the new black lotuses, the lotus seeds have basically taken shape.

The purple-black lotus seeds continued to draw demonic energy from the black lotus. After a while, both black lotuses withered.

The lotus roots and leaves also turned into black energy and merged into the lotus seeds.

Immediately afterwards, the lotus seeds sprouted black lotus flowers, which continued to swallow the evil spirit of blood.

After a while, lotus root whips grew from the lotus seeds and more leaves grew.

An hour later, almost all the demon clan were killed.

The new lotus root whip has grown into a lotus root as thick as an arm.

Five or six lotus leaves have grown to the size of a wheel, and a black bud is about to bloom.

Liu Yuanchen sensed it and found that there were eighteen petals in the bud, divided into two layers.

The demon tribe fell, and the black lotus was full.

This guy actually took the opportunity of the demon tribe's attack on the mountain to go one step further and grow a black lotus with two flowers and nine petals.

(End of this chapter)

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