Chapter 237 Jade Dragon Spirit Vein
The Water Moon Lotus absorbing this ray of demonic energy only means that this thing has the ability to survive the infection of demonic energy.

In this way, the lotus seeds produced by this water-moon lotus have grown up in an environment of demonic energy, and will be more tolerant to the demonic energy.

Next, we will use these lotus seeds to cultivate new Water Moon Lotuses.

Then the demonic energy is injected into it for the second generation of cultivation.

After being cultivated in this way and then selected, each generation of Water Moon Lotus will have a stronger ability to carry demonic energy.

The legendary senior who cultivated the Black Lotus of Demonic Mist spent more than 30 generations in this way before cultivating a spiritual plant that could control demonic energy.

Although Liu Yuanchen has the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal, he can be more radical.

However, Water Moon Lotus is of a relatively low grade and has some shortcomings in carrying high-level energy.

Of course, low-level spiritual plants also have advantages, that is, they grow quickly.

After the water moon lotus seeds are planted, they will bloom and produce seeds in three years.

As for those high-level lotus root spiritual plants, it often takes decades or even hundreds of years to bloom and bear seeds.

Just like the senior who cultivated the Magic Mist Black Lotus, he cultivated it for more than 30 generations, which took more than 3000 years.

With various means, Liu Yuanchen was able to cultivate a spiritual plant that could control demonic energy within a hundred years, and he was considered very lucky.

The current black lotus with two flowers and nine petals of demonic energy has a very strong supporting effect on cultivation.

It is completely enough before breaking through to the Lingtai realm.

In addition to cultivating demonic spirit plants, Liu Yuanchen also thought of a way to help the demonic black lotus grow.

The negative energy required by the Demonic Black Lotus is not limited to killing.

People's negative emotions such as greed, anger, ignorance, and hatred can also be used as nourishment for the evil black lotus.

You only need to open a few gambling houses in Panlonghufang City to collect these emotions.

However, opening a casino in the world of immortality is also a technical job.

After all, monks have spiritual consciousness. They can see the cards clearly and can use their spiritual consciousness to interfere with the gambling process.

Without some professional means, there is no way to control the situation.

This choice can be used as a backup option. If we can recruit such professional talents in the future, it will not be too late to open a casino.

In addition, it is also doing business such as the Colosseum.

In the midst of fighting, all kinds of negative energy will naturally be generated.

Moreover, when the audience is watching the excitement, they will inevitably have murderous intentions.

These energies can provide nutrients for the demonic black lotus.

Although the negative energy generated by these means is not enough, the water flows slowly.

There are Gobi deserts everywhere in the red wasteland, and there are not even a few monsters to be found.

Playing the Colosseum here lacks the most basic conditions.

Fighting beasts is difficult, so let's build a dueling arena for monks.

An arena was built on a small island in the middle of the lake, and monks who wanted to compete would go to the duel field to compete.

Although people can fight to the death everywhere in the Red Wasteland, no one really wants to die.

In Panlonghufang City, the use of force is absolutely not allowed.

Now there is an additional duel field. After the winner is determined, no further attacks can be allowed.

It can not only resolve grievances but also save lives, so naturally some people will be willing.

In the early stage of construction, you can just do some competition stuff.

Later, it can develop in a direction similar to the Colosseum, and with the addition of betting content, it can also function as a casino.

In order to attract more people, you can also create a ranking list in the duel arena.

Judge the nine-time crown champion, the ten-time crown champion, etc., and give some rewards.

What a person wants in life is nothing more than fame and fortune, and monks are not exempt from vulgarity.

There were too many fights between high-ranking monks to the death to save face.

Liu Yuanchen was challenged by disciples from many forces, which was also a matter of face.

Bahuang Pavilion and Feixian Sect turned against each other, and there was some face issue involved.

Besides, doesn’t cultivation also require resources?
You can also take out strategic materials such as Gumai Dan to reward the winners.

In this way, it will be fatally attractive to casual cultivators and some small family cultivators.

Currently, there is no similar business in the world of cultivating immortals.

As long as you are the initiator, you will definitely make a lot of money in the early stage.

In the next few days, Liu Yuanchen was thinking about the duel field.

Zhang Lingxu and Zhao Hong did not stop at Panlong Mountain. They returned to Qingdan City the day after the war.

Only the second uncle, Ling Yu, is still in Panlong Mountain, continuing to cultivate his spiritual treasure embryo.

On the third day after the war, Liu Qingming arrived at Dongyang Divine Mansion early in the morning.

After seeing Liu Yuanchen, he cupped his hands and said: "Shenjun, the losses in Panlong Mountain have been calculated."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen said: "Just say it directly."

Liu Qingming nodded: "This time, 35 of our monks under the direct jurisdiction of Dongyang Divine Palace were lost.

Most of them were working in places relatively close to Dongyang Divine Mansion and were affected by the war. "

"Every hall master and steward are fine, right?"

Liu Qingming replied: "There were more than ten injured stewards, five of whom were seriously injured, but they were all rescued."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief.

The hall masters, deputy hall masters, and stewards of each hall are all talented people.

If one is lost, it will be very difficult to make up for it.

As for ordinary monks, they can make up for it at any time.

Liu Qingming then reported the damage: "750 shops in the market were destroyed, and more than [-] of them were completely beyond repair and had to be demolished and rebuilt.

More than 500 acres of the spiritual field under the control of Shennongsi were destroyed.

As for the places on the mountain that have always been covered by water clouds, I have no statistics. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly. This loss is not small, but it is not very big either.

The battle between the eighth-level monks would not be considered a big loss unless the entire Panlong Mountain was toppled.

"Have the villages of the Mo family and the Zhang family at the foot of the mountain been affected? What are the losses?"

Liu Qingming replied: "It has also been affected to some extent, but it is far away from the battlefield, more than 100 miles away.

Blocked by Panlong Mountain and protected by Kunyuan's thick earth formation, the damage was not huge.

Most of the houses were destroyed, but there were not many casualties.

I heard that if the two families were put together, the casualties would not exceed [-]. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief.

The loss of population is not good. If the two villages suffer heavy casualties, they may not dare to continue to immigrate here, which will affect the long-term development of Panlong Mountain.

"By the way, how is the business in Fangshi these days?

Such a big battle broke out, and the casualties among the casual cultivators should be quite large. I'm afraid it would scare away a group of people, right? "

Liu Qingming shook his head: "Panlong Hufang City's business has not deteriorated, but has actually increased slightly.

Despite the huge scene on the Monster Clan's side, they were unable to capture Panlong Mountain, and the real dragons were beaten to the point of escaping alone.

The defensive strength of Panlong Mountain has naturally been recognized.

In the past few days, many more monks have come to Panlonghufang City to rent caves than before. "

"Especially the monks who settled in Yannan County before have come to Panlong Lake one after another."

This is quite reasonable. After all, Yannan County is closer to the demon clan's territory and is more likely to be attacked by the demon clan in the future.

The demon army was defeated miserably at Panlong Mountain, and the possibility of the demon army attacking Panlong Mountain again in the future is slim.

In this way, the security of Panlong Mountain will be far better than that of Yannan City.Liu Yuanchen then asked: "Who is doing the repairing of the store now?"

Liu Qingming cupped his hands and said: "Hui Shenjun, now it is time for the Formation Hall and the Weapon Refining Hall to join forces to repair those things.

The disciples of the Weapon Refining Hall not only have to deal with the monsters, but also help repair the shops in Fangshi. There are a lot of things to do.

If you need to build anything else, I'm afraid you'll have to wait a while. "

“This time I harvested a lot of monster soldier corpses and obtained a lot of materials, which also need to be processed by the weapon refiner.

I suggest that the Weapon Refining Hall recruit some more people. "

Generally, the construction of various buildings requires both sufficient strength and formation.

Therefore, those who engage in construction in the world of immortality usually include formation masters and weapon refiners.

The more important buildings are built, the higher the requirements for fighting mages and weapon refiners.

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Okay, just let Uncle Eight send an announcement."

He originally wanted the Weapon Refining Hall and the Formation Hall to jointly arrange the duel field, but now it seems that this is not possible.

However, the matter of the duel field is a long-term plan, but there is no rush in just one or two days.


After sending Liu Qingming away, Liu Yuanchen came to a quiet room in the backyard.

Take out an egg the size of an adult's fist. This thing is as white as jade.

This egg is the spiritual stone chalcedony exchanged from Venerable Wanshan, which can derive the existence of spiritual veins.

Originally, Liu Yuanchen did not want to use this spiritual stone chalcedony to add a spiritual vein to Dongyang Blessed Land.

This spiritual stone chalcedony is an eighth-level spiritual object, and the derived spiritual veins grow very quickly before they reach the eighth level.

But after reaching the eighth level, it will be very difficult to go further.

He has the inheritance of Zhenyuan Great Immortal and Jumang Ancestral Witch. If he chooses one of the two inheritances at random, his future achievements will be more than Tao Fei Realm.

Using this spirit stone chalcedony now is laying the groundwork for the future of cultivation.

But in the battle a few days ago, I felt that my power was too small.

In front of existences like true dragons, little Condensation Realm monks are no different from ants.

Now, Ao Qing's real dragon is in Jinyu City, more than 1000 miles to the southeast.

As long as he wanted to be serious and work hard, he could reach Panlong Mountain.

If he wanted to save his life, he could only place his hope in the Shinto spiritual realm.

No matter how great the potential is, it is not strength after all.

No matter how high the talent is, how deep the potential is, even if there is the potential to become a Daluo Golden Immortal or even a quasi-sage.

If it dies prematurely, it is worthless.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen made up his mind: "If you have wine now, you will get drunk now, and if you have resources, you must spend it on cultivation as soon as possible.

Now that you have the opportunity, don’t improve your strength as soon as possible.

When disaster strikes, you are not qualified to risk your life. "

“Furthermore, the spiritual veins derived from the spiritual stone chalcedony will only be difficult to advance further in the future, rather than being completely impossible to improve.

Bahuang Pavilion is good at tossing spiritual veins and earth veins, and it has various secret techniques to improve the level of spiritual veins.

At worst, after you reach the eighth level of cultivation, you will invest more precious resources to improve the level of this spiritual vein. "

“In addition, the Book of the Earth also has a great influence on spiritual and earth veins.

Maybe in the future, the book will become a spiritual treasure, and it may also have some positive effects on the growth of spiritual veins. "

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen did not hesitate any longer.

He directly collected the spirit stone and chalcedony into Dongyang Blessed Land and put it directly into the first spiritual hub.

Spiritual veins derived from spiritual stone chalcedony are very different from rootless spiritual veins.

Integrating it into the spiritual veins does not require the dragon locking formation to cooperate.

Just throw the spirit stone and chalcedony into the spirit hub, and forget about the rest.

It will derive a spiritual vein on its own, and near the spiritual vein, it will also derive a spiritual stone vein.

As the spiritual veins grow, the spiritual stone veins will also gradually grow.

When the Dongyang blessed land and spiritual veins grow, there will be a very large mineral vein in the blessed land.

It is estimated that a lot of top-quality spiritual stones can be dug out.

The spiritual stone chalcedony has all five elements, but the spiritual energy in it is in a state of no attributes.

Therefore, no matter which spiritual hub it is placed in, it is not suitable.

When placed in the first spiritual hub, energy such as spiritual power and earthly evil energy can be extracted from the outside world.

It will be more convenient to assist the growth of this spiritual vein in the future.

As soon as the spiritual stone chalcedony is placed in the first spiritual hub, it can violently absorb the spiritual energy.

Fortunately, with the support of external spiritual and earth veins, it can barely satisfy its appetite.

After absorbing a huge amount of energy, the spirit stone chalcedony also began to change.

Originally, the entire spirit stone chalcedony looked like white jade, but now it became somewhat transparent.

The jade-white energy is constantly gathering toward the center.

More than ten days passed, and the entire spiritual stone chalcedony seemed to have turned into a crystal ball.

All the jade-white energy has gathered in the center, seeming to be nurturing something.

Two or three months passed, and the jade-white energy finally changed.

Through the shell of the spiritual stone chalcedony, you can see the embryo of a small snake inside.

In the following time, the spiritual stone chalcedony absorbed more and more energy, and the embryo inside also grew rapidly.

More than half a year has passed, and Liu Yuanchen is already 49 years old.

At this time, the embryo in the spirit stone chalcedony has completely filled the entire spirit stone chalcedony.

Through the transparent shell, the embryo's scales and claws can be clearly seen.

That's right, the embryo inside is not a snake, but a dragon.

The outer shell of the spiritual stone chalcedony was shattered, and a small jade-white dragon broke out of the shell.

It dove into the shore of the small lake where the First Spiritual Hub was located and merged into the soil.

In Liu Yuanchen's induction, the jade dragon's figure grew rapidly, and soon reached more than one foot in length.

At this time, the Jade Dragon's figure gradually became illusory, and finally disappeared completely.

There is only a channel for the flow of spiritual energy, which is constantly absorbing various energies from the first spiritual hub.

Obviously, this jade dragon has turned into a spiritual vein.

Moreover, as soon as this spiritual vein was formed, it was already a third-level mid-grade spiritual vein, which was completely consistent with the grade of the first spiritual vein.

Liu Yuanchen felt that if it were not for his own cultivation limitations, it would be easy for this third spiritual vein to grow to the fourth or fifth level.

The remaining shell of the spirit stone chalcedony has also changed.

The shell continued to shrink, turning into a dragon statue the size of a baby's fist.

The statue continuously draws energy from the first spiritual center and supplies it to the third spiritual vein.

Liu Yuanchen immediately understood that this thing was the prototype of the source of spiritual veins.

The source of the spiritual veins can absorb the evil energy of the earth veins and filter out the pure spiritual energy, which is the foundation of the spiritual veins.

Then, transparent crystals began to condense around the dragon statue.

Obviously, this is the prototype of the spirit stone vein.

The eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony is indeed the top heavenly material and earthly treasure in the Yuanling world. In just one year, a third-level mid-grade spiritual vein and the prototype of a spiritual stone vein can be cultivated.

(End of this chapter)

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