Chapter 243 Divine Path Species

This was not the first time Liu Yuanchen had seen the dense forest in front of him. He had seen this scene before receiving part of the inheritance from Jumang Zuwu last time.

A breeze blew, and Liu Yuanchen followed the sound and saw an extremely tall figure flying across the sky.

That figure had the body of a bird and the head of a human, wore a green robe, and had two dragons on its feet. It was Wu Jumang, the ancestor of wood.

Liu Yuanchen clearly remembered that the last time he saw the figure of Goumang Zuwu, he felt a huge sense of oppression.

This time, I didn’t feel it at all. Instead, I found this Mang Zuwu saying to be quite friendly.

Then, the figure of Jumang Zuwu disappeared and turned into a stream of green energy that penetrated into Liu Yuanchen's eyebrows.

After that energy entered the sea of ​​consciousness between the eyebrows, it went straight towards the Jumanzu Shaman True Shape Diagram and merged into it.

Then, the dense forest in front of him disappeared, and the scene in front of Liu Yuanchen once again turned into a quiet room in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu.

He thought about the last time he received the Jumang Zuwu inheritance, and a ray of green energy was injected into the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

It's just that the green energy from last time turned into a small shadow of Jumang, and finally integrated into the true form of Jumang Zuwu.

This time there is a true form diagram, and the energy is directly integrated into it.

Liu Yuanchen sank his consciousness into the true shape diagram, and a stream of information was transmitted into his consciousness.

The first part of this information is the same as the previous part of the Mangzu witch inheritance.

It also attracts the evil energy of the earth veins into the body and strengthens the energy and blood.

There are also subsequent seeds of condensing Gang Qi, which mix the evil Qi with Qi and blood to condense Gang Qi.

In addition, there is also a way to directly induce the earth's evil energy to fill the body and temporarily enhance one's own strength.

The inheritance after that is incomplete and cannot be practiced at all.

But this time the statue of Jumang Zuwu was restored to its entirety, and this inheritance also became complete.

In the new inheritance, there is a magical power called "Rejuvenation of Heaven and Earth", which can maintain the state of spring in an area for a long time.

In this state, the growth rate of vegetation is greatly increased.

As the ancestral witch of wood, Jumang Zuwu is also the god of spring.

It’s not surprising that he has the ability to change seasons.

However, it is not easy to cast this spell.

After all, changing the seasons of heaven and earth is a real magical power, and it is a confrontation with one side of heaven and earth.

Jumang Zuwu is transformed from the essence and blood of Pangu, not to mention the feet.

Coupled with the authority of the Spring God, it is naturally not difficult to change the seasons of heaven and earth.

Liu Yuanchen is still self-aware. With his current cultivation level, he is like an ant in front of heaven and earth, let alone confrontation.

If it really affects the season, it can only be used in Dongyang Paradise.

After all, Dongyang Blessed Land was opened by oneself.

If Dongyang Blessed Land is a world, he is equivalent to Pangu of Dongyang Blessed Land.

You naturally have a high level of control over the world you create.

After the rejuvenation of this world, there is another magical power called "Divine Path Seed".

This method is more overbearing, using one's own energy and energy to condense a divine path seed.

Injecting this seed into the body of a wood spirit or some spiritual roots can copy its special abilities and drain all the energy from its body.

By taking back the Tao seeds and refining them, you can improve your cultivation and inherit the various talents of the wood spirit or spiritual roots.

After receiving this magical power, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but sigh: "The Wu Clan is really domineering!"

The Wu Clan has acquired Pangu's legacy and has superior innate strength.

Ordinarily, the Demon Clan Heavenly Court cannot compete with the Witch Clan.

But the Witch Clan has gone too far and has been oppressing many creatures on the ancient land.

In front of the Witch Clan, all the races in the prehistoric times were just a pile of food. All races were forced to have no choice but to seek refuge in the Demon Clan's heaven.

With thousands of tribes taking refuge, the Demon Clan's Heavenly Clan's strength has expanded, and they have the strength to compete with the Witch Clan.

From the inheritance of Ju Mang Zu Wu, we can see how domineering the Wu clan is.

Just copy the special abilities of the wood spirit, and directly deprive the wood spirit of all its energy.

After losing all energy, both the wood spirit and the spiritual roots will completely wither.

Next, there are some inheritances from the witch clan, but they all need the support of the bloodline of Jumangzu witches.

Liu Yuanchen does not have the blood of the Wu clan, so even if he barely masters these methods, he will not be able to display his strength.

Although my junior brothers and sisters also have the blood of the witch clan, they are not from the Jumangzu witch lineage, and they probably have no law.

Liu Yuanchen just took a look at these things and then ignored them.

Behind these inheritances that require the blood of the Wu clan, there is also the inheritance about the twelve capitals of the gods and evil formations.

It records part of the operation methods of the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods Formation. Unfortunately, there is only one statue of Jumang Zuwu, and it is impossible to restore the formation methods.

In addition to the content of the formation operation, there is also the refining technique of the ancestral witch statue.

This thing is of some use. In the future, the master can be used to refine the statue of the ancestral witch.

This statue of the ancestral witch can not only be used to set up formations, but can also be refined into a battle puppet, possessing extremely strong combat effectiveness.

The Taoist weapon sacrificial refining method in the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal can be used to sacrifice and refine the puppet Taoist soldiers.

The combination of two well-known methods in ancient times, and the puppet Taoist soldiers of Jumangzu Wu must be very powerful.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't wait to refine a puppet of Ju Mangzu witch.

But when he thought about the attitude of the demon clan towards the descendants of the witch clan, he calmed down instantly.

In ancient times, the human race only had a shaman, and his bloodline was not even awakened.

Even so, the man was still beaten to death by a group of masters from the demon clan.

If I toss out a Jumanzu witch puppet, will the demon clan still go crazy?
Back then, the human race was able to become the overlord of the Yuanling Realm by relying only on the rags they picked up from the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan.

Now that the ancestral witch puppet is revealed, it means that the human race has obtained the core inheritance of the witch race.

The next thing is very clear, the demon clan will do its best to destroy the human race at all costs.

Even if the human race can win in the end, casualties will definitely be inevitable.

Especially since Panlong Mountain is located on the front line, it will definitely be bombed to pieces.

Thinking of these terrible consequences, Liu Yuanchen gave up.

Regarding the inheritance of the witch clan, it is better to hide it if you can.

After receiving the inheritance of Jumangzu Wu, the statue of Jumangzu Wu in his hand suddenly trembled.

At the same time, there is a force pulling the statue of Jumang Zuwu.

This force came from the east-south direction.

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: "Things that can attract statues must have a lot to do with the Wu clan.

It may be other statues of ancestral witches, or it may be other treasures left by the witch clan. "

Thinking of this, he wanted to follow this pulling force to see what it was.

However, there is no human gathering place in the southeast direction.

If it is on the territory of the demon clan, it will be a wasted trip.

“Even the treasures of the Witch Clan have been buried for at least 10 years.

It has not been discovered for so many years, and there is no danger of being discovered for a while.

Witch clan treasures are not indispensable. There is no need to take risks for them. "

"There is also a black lotus with evil energy on Panlong Mountain. Without me to control it, this thing can destroy Panlong Mountain."

"Let's just ignore this for now. When my cultivation level improves, why don't I just go wherever I want?"

After making up his mind not to go, Liu Yuanchen put the statue of Goumang Zuwu into the Dragon Pearl Blessed Land.

Thinking back to the inheritance of Jumangzu witchcraft just obtained, it now has a certain value, that is, the two magical powers.

After the rejuvenation of heaven and earth is completed, it can be used in Dongyang blessed land to speed up the growth of spiritual plants.As for the magical path species, although this method is harmful to Tianhe, the benefits it brings are also great.

Apart from anything else, the four wood spirits he cultivated all had extraordinary abilities.

Although Xiaoyu is not good at fighting, she is really good at playing with clay.

At first, he was only proficient in the earth escape method, which was far superior to other wood spirits.

Moreover, he can also control people trapped in earth and rocks.

Ming Yu had suffered a lot from his methods before.

Xuan Jia is best at wood escape. He can also summon poisonous thorn vines out of thin air to attack, and his sneak attack ability is extremely strong.

Jin Jia is the golden bean shooter, with the most powerful frontal attack power and good defensive power.

The last Qingsha, although he has no achievements in offense and defense, his surrogate clone is too tempting.

The clone can do various things like a normal person. This is an absolutely trustworthy helper.

Most importantly, the original body and the alter ego are interchangeable.

After swapping between the main body and the clone, the injuries of the main body can be left on the clone.

When you are fatally injured, you can use this trick to save your life.

Although it will consume a certain amount of energy and energy, it is better than losing your life.

However, planting Tao seeds on the wood spirit may cause the wood spirit to die.

These wood spirits are all good helpers for him, so he can't give them up casually.

On second thought, it seems that there is no way to get the best of both worlds.

His own magic power contains the energy of the ginseng fruit tree, which can replenish the vitality of the spiritual plant.

This kind of energy, not only can bring plants and trees back to life, but can at least save dying plants and trees.

Of course, there are still risks, but the value of this magical path is too high to be worth the risk.

He doesn't need the abilities of Xiaoyu, Xuanjia and Jinjia.

Qingsha's death clone is very good, it is a life-saving skill.

As long as this method is available, it is worth risking Qingsha's life even a little bit.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen made up his mind to practice the magical path.

For the safety of your own life, you have to suffer a lot.

Later, he began to practice the magical path.

The Hunyuan, Zhenyuan and Yuangang that arouse one's own are gathered together, and a ray of energy is extracted from the Ju Mangzu Wu Zhen shape diagram.

The four energies merged into one, gradually building a soybean-sized Jumang Zuwu.

This thing is the divine way seed. As long as it is planted in the body of the wood spirit, it can copy the wood spirit's special abilities and deprive it of its cultivation.

After preparing the magical path, Liu Yuanchen's spiritual consciousness penetrated into Dongyang Blessed Land.

"Qingsha, I need your help with something."

Qingsha, who was in trance, woke up instantly: "My lord, what are your orders?"

Liu Yuanchen did not hide anything: "I have acquired a magical power that can copy the abilities of wood spirits.

Your scapegoat is so extraordinary that I want to copy it. "

Hearing this, Qingsha was frightened and said, "My lord, have you learned the magical powers of the Jumang lineage of the witch clan?"

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised: "How did you know?"

Upon hearing this, Qing Sha sat down on the ground.

"In the memory of Qingpeng Demon King, there are many famous methods of the Witch Clan.

The magical power of Jumang's lineage is the magical power that can copy wood spirits and spiritual roots.

However, the wood spirits and spiritual roots that have been tortured by this method will die. "

"Although I don't have much ability, I am loyal to you, Lord. I beg you, Lord, to spare my life."

Liu Yuanchen comforted him: "You can rest assured that I am sure to copy the method and save your life at the same time."

Hearing this, Qing Sha hesitated: "The magical powers of the Wu Clan are extremely extraordinary.

Even if my lord is clever, I'm afraid you won't be able to save the lives of your subordinates under the magical power of the witch clan. "

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "In addition to the inheritance of the Wu Clan, I also have the inheritance of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal.

The ancestor of the Earth Immortal is stronger than Jumangzu Wu.

You don’t believe in my strength, but you always believe in Lord Sapling’s strength, right? "

Qing Sha looked at the ginseng fruit tree: "Master Sapling is naturally extraordinary, and should be the top acquired spiritual root.

The power within your body can bring life back to life for plants and animals like us.

If, my lord, you can mobilize the power within adults, I am willing to give it a try. "

Liu Yuanchen sent a burst of mana into Qing Sha's body: "Feel the power of Lord Sapling in my mana."

Qing Sha sensed it carefully for a while: "My lord, you have given some mana to your subordinates before, and there is indeed a small amount of Lord Sapling's power in it.

Now that the Lord's cultivation has improved, Master Sapling's mana has become more powerful.

In this case, the subordinate is willing to help the master obtain the secret technique of death clone. "

Seeing that he understood things like this, Liu Yuanchen integrated the condensed divine passage seeds into Qingsha's body.

As soon as the seed entered, it began to absorb the power from Qingsha's body and grew rapidly.

And Qing Sha lost a lot of strength, and his aura quickly weakened.

As soon as he asked for help, Liu Yuanchen poured magic power into his body.

Qingsha immediately sat cross-legged on the ground and continued to use the skills taught to him by the ginseng fruit tree.

With the support of Liu Yuanchen's magic power, Qingsha's aura quickly recovered.

Immediately afterwards, the speed at which the divine path species absorbed mana also accelerated a lot, and Qingsha's aura weakened again.

Liu Yuanchen increased his mana output, and the rate at which the divine passage species absorbed mana also accelerated.

The tug-of-war continues on both sides, and the Shinto species are also growing rapidly.

More than an hour passed, and the magical path species had grown to more than three feet tall.

At this time, the original mana in Qingsha's body had long been absorbed by the magical path species.

Almost all the magic power that Qing Sha now possesses was poured into it by Liu Yuanchen.

Ordinarily, this magical path species should be mature.

Liu Yuanchen immediately withdrew the magical path seed, and Qing Sha lay straight on the ground, breathing heavily.

"It's finally done. I almost lost my life."

At this time, Qingsha's breath was only declining, and his vitality seemed to be severely damaged, but he was not in danger of dying.

Liu Yuanchen also breathed a sigh of relief and introduced the divine path species into the sea of ​​consciousness.

The true form of Jumangzu's shaman appeared instantly, absorbing and refining the divine passages.

Then, a viscous liquid mana surged out.

This mana was integrated into the Zhongdantian Qi sea. Liu Yuanchen quickly ran the exercises to refine it, only to find that the true energy Qi sea was increasing rapidly.

A quarter of an hour later, this power was completely refined.

In such a short period of time, the diameter of the true energy sea increased by more than one foot.

Liu Yuanchen marveled in his heart: "The inheritance of the Wu clan is strong enough, and it is indeed domineering enough.

The speed of practicing by plundering is really fast.

Qingsha's cultivation level is only a third-level low-grade one, which is equivalent to the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

If this method is used on the peak acquired spiritual roots, how much benefit will be obtained? "

(End of this chapter)

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