Chapter 262 Yin Yang Spirit Fire
Although Meng Tieshan is not exactly tight-lipped, he doesn't tell everyone either.

So far, it seems that the only one who has been tricked by his mouth is his master.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt relieved.

The master is very powerful and is not afraid of being tricked, as long as it doesn't trick him.

Upon hearing that Meng Tieshan boasted about being tight-lipped, Zhao Hong's face suddenly darkened.

"You traitor, how many times have you tricked me, and you still have the nerve to keep your mouth shut?"

Meng Tieshan argued vigorously: "This disciple has never told lies or revealed the secrets of the master."

Zhang Lingxu was very satisfied with this disciple: "I think Tieshan is a good kid.

If you say he deceived you, that's because you acted absurdly and were not upright enough. "

Zhao Hong didn't dare to say anything, so he had to pretend to be dead.

Liu Yuanchen asked some questions about cultivation, and Zhang Lingxu and Zhao Hong left in a hurry.

After all, they now knew Dongtian's method of taking things one step further.

When Dongtian goes one step further, they will have the possibility of cultivating to a realm above the Tao Embryo.

After breaking through the great realm, one can live as long as the top masters of the ancient human race and have unlimited lifespan.

Moreover, whoever takes the lead in taking this step will become the most important Patriarch in the history of the development of Earthly Immortal Dao.

With this kind of temptation in front of them, how could they still sit still?
After the two left, Meng Tieshan continued to practice in the Earth Fire Room.

Liu Yuanchen came to the practice room in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu to study the improvement brought about by breaking through the Lingtai realm.

Looking inside the Dantian, I found that when I was overcoming the tribulation before, the vitality contained in the tribulation thunder brought a lot of energy and blood.

At the same time, a lot of soul energy was also produced in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen introduced the two into the Zhongdantian and integrated them into the Lingtai.

In just a moment, the power of Qi and blood was absorbed by the prototype of the Dharma.

And it was refined into Yuangang and stored in the prototype of the Dharma.

As for the soul element, after integration, it also transforms into Yuan Gang and Zhen Yuan.

Parts of the three were stored, and a large part was integrated into the Book of the Earth.

In Dongyang Paradise, the first spiritual hub is continuously gushing out energy.

The concentration of spiritual energy flowing out of the main spiritual vein and the third spiritual vein fluctuates high and low, which is very unstable.

Obviously, this is going to be advanced.

Cave Heaven Paradise is linked to Earth Immortal Dao monks, unless high-level spiritual veins are directly captured from the outside world.

Otherwise, the grade of the spiritual veins in the blessed land will not exceed the cultivation level of the monk.

Liu Yuanchen has just broken through to the Lingtai realm, and the growth limit of the spiritual veins in the blessed land has reached the fourth-level low-grade.

As for the second spiritual vein, because it is a rootless spiritual vein, it has no foundation and will not grow too fast.

The current change is not particularly big, it has just reached the first level of high quality.

In spiritual veins, this growth rate is already quite high.

But compared with the other two spiritual veins, it is still far behind.

At this time, the space of the entire blessed land is also slowly growing.

It's just for a while, it doesn't seem obvious.

It is estimated that it will take a few more years to see significant changes.

Liu Yuanchen's consciousness exited the blessed land and took out the animal skin book that condensed the spiritual fire.

On the title page of this animal skin book, there are five characters written in large characters: "Lingtai Yunhuo Jue".

He browsed through the entire book, and found that there was not much content to condense the fire, only two or three pieces of animal skin paper.

Behind that, there are all the experiences of the ancestors of the past generations in condensing fire, as well as the various methods of cultivating fire into spiritual fire.

There are also mistakes made by the ancestors of the past generations in the process of cultivation, and the methods to remedy them.

The experiences of my master and master in cultivating the natal spiritual fire are also recorded in it.

This Lingtai Yunhuo Jue is full of the details of Bahuang Pavilion.

With these things in place, you can avoid many detours in the process of cultivation.

Although the important thing is to cultivate the natal spiritual fire, condensing the fire is not a simple matter.

Condensing fire cannot be condensed out of thin air, it needs a fire source.

There are two main ways to obtain this fire source. One is to continuously temper your own energy and create a fire source out of nowhere.

Because flames are only the product of extremely violent energy, theoretically, any kind of energy can be transformed into the form of flames.

Of course, this is very difficult, and the time and energy consumed is also terrifying.

The book records that a founder spent 200 years condensing the source of fire with his own magic power.

Since then, few people have used their own magic to condense fire sources.

Another method is to use external flames to act as fire sources.

For example, my master's weapon, Tribulation Fire, originally used earth fire to absorb evil spirits as the source of fire.

My master's heart-corroding poisonous fire uses the poisonous fire of wood-fire monsters as the fire source.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to using an external fire source.

After all, there must be some differences between the external flame and the flame that the monk wants to cultivate.

In the process of accumulating, it is also necessary to gradually eliminate the influence of external fire sources.

This process also requires a lot of time and energy.

Using its own energy as a fire source, there is no need to consider the impact of the fire source.

Of course, comparing the two, it is better to use an external fire source, which saves energy and time.

If the external fire source found is relatively powerful, it will also be of great benefit.

Although Liu Yuanchen was confident in his talent and inheritance, his natal spiritual fire was, to put it bluntly, equivalent to a special magic weapon.

With or without it, it won't have much of an impact on the road.

He would not waste hundreds of years just to mess with a mere source of fire.

Therefore, he still planned to use an external fire source to condense the fire.

As for the choice of fire source, Liu Yuanchen had already made plans.

Take out the Green Light Liangyi Lamp from the sea of ​​consciousness. This thing is a real acquired spiritual treasure.

According to the grade of the magic weapon, it must be at least ninth grade.

Moreover, this Green Light Liangyi Lamp was made by imitating the innate spiritual treasure, and it was still a high imitation.

Maybe the spiritual fire in it is related to the innate spiritual treasure in the East Palace.

The most important thing is that his future cultivation path should be the path of prosperity and prosperity.

The flame of the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp is an intertwining of Yin and Yang flames. Yin and Yang can derive the path of life and death.

The path of dryness and glory is part of the path of life and death, and can also correspond to the Yin and Yang spiritual fire.

Using the flame of the Cui Guang Liang Yi lamp is not a problem at all.

Back when he was in the Condensing Yuan Realm, he could barely activate this lamp to draw out the yin and yang spiritual fire.

Now that he is a monk in the Lingtai realm, activating this lamp should not be a problem.

This Green Light Liangyi lamp can absorb all energy and transform it into Yin and Yang.

Over the years, this lamp has been sitting on the ground book and absorbed a lot of energy.

Ordinarily, there is definitely a lot of accumulated yin and yang energy, and it shouldn't be a problem to use it to light a fire.

Thinking of this, he injected a stream of true energy into the lamp.

With just a thought, the two wicks on the lampstand emitted black and white flames respectively.

The black and white flames intertwined together, like two fire snakes entangled with each other.

When I first broke through the Condensing Realm, I activated this thing. At that time, the flame was less than half an inch high.

At this time, the flames were more than three inches high.As the flame burned, streaks of green light were emitted from the lampstand, illuminating an area about three feet around.

Liu Yuanchen was very happy. The original green light of the prehistoric era, the green light can illuminate the surrounding thousands of hectares of ground like jasper.

Once outsiders step onto the jasper floor, they will be captivated by the emerald light of the two lanterns.

If he cannot escape in time, Daluo Jinxian will die.

The flame continued to burn, and Liu Yuanchen also clearly sensed that the true energy in the spiritual platform was constantly decreasing.

The mana returned by the blessed land is nothing compared to the real energy consumed by the burning flames.

If you let this flame continue to burn, you will soon be drained.

He did not dare to waste time. His sword finger brushed over the wick, and a flame the size of a mung bean appeared on his fingertips.

Liu Yuanchen was the owner of the green light Liangyi lamp, but he was not hurt by the flames.

The black and white flames burned quietly at his fingertips, flickering occasionally.

He stopped inputting energy into the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp, and the light went out instantly.

After putting it away, he focused on the small flame.

It doesn't take much real energy to keep the fire burning.

Just relying on the energy fed back by Dongyang Blessed Land is more than enough.

Later, Liu Yuanchen put the flame into the spiritual platform.

According to the content recorded in the Lingtai Yunhuo Jue, energy is extracted from the Lingtai and sent into the flames.

After absorbing the energy, the flame was no longer burning and was still only the size of a mung bean.

Judging from this meaning, it seems that his own true energy is not suitable for the appetite of this flame.

To use the Lingtai Fire Accumulation Technique to convert this flame into the natal spiritual fire, you must first let it absorb the power in the Lingtai.

Ultimately, the fire must be integrated into the spiritual platform.

Only in this way can the fire grow steadily.

In the future, when other spiritual objects are used to nourish this spiritual fire, it will be easier to absorb.

If the first step cannot be completed, then you can only find another source of fire.

Immediately, Liu Yuanchen thought about lighting the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp in the Ningyuan Realm.

At that time, I used the black liquid and light red mist derived from the dead wood longevity skill to activate the wick.

Those two energies are obviously yin and yang.

Now it is used to activate the yin and yang spiritual fire, but I don’t know if it has any effect.

Thinking of this, he drew out the black liquid from the kidney veins and the light red mist from the heart veins, and both merged into the white and white flames at the same time.

In the blink of an eye, the flames became much stronger.

The flame, which was originally the size of a mung bean, grew to the size of a soybean in just a few seconds.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the flame could absorb its own energy, everything would be easy.

Then, he used these two energies to continuously cultivate the flame.

Soon, the flame grew to the size of a dragon's eye.

At this point, you can try to condense the fire.

He continuously drew energy from the spiritual platform and injected it into the flames.

Moreover, a small amount of black liquid and light red mist are blended into it.

Use this energy to condense several complex restrictions.

Several restrictions put together look like a small flame.

This is the prototype of fire. In the future, it can become a real fire by continuously absorbing the energy of yin and yang spiritual fire.

Fire has the property of being endless. As long as it is not disturbed by external forces and has sufficient energy, it can continue to burn.

And now the flame can continue to burn because it is not far from the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp.

Once it is far away, it will be extinguished instantly.

Several restrictions were incorporated, and the flames were still burning normally.

At this time, the flames were burning quietly on the spiritual platform.

Liu Yuanchen had a thought in his mind and wanted to integrate it into the spiritual platform.

However, there seems to be some kind of repulsive force between the spiritual platform and the flames.

No matter how much power he exerted, the flames could never be integrated into it.

He continued to activate the black liquid in the kidney meridian and the light red mist in the heart meridian, and continued to merge into the flames.

But the flames only burned more vigorously and had no intention of integrating into the spiritual platform.

Liu Yuanchen was unable to do anything, unable to integrate into the spiritual platform, and thus unable to truly cultivate it into a fire.

If you want to cultivate your natal spiritual fire, you still have to switch to other fire sources.

However, this yin-yang spiritual fire has an extraordinary origin.

If it is cultivated into the spiritual fire of this life, it will definitely play a big role in the future.

This yin and yang spiritual fire cannot be used, and there is no better substitute available at the moment.

In the entire Yuanling world, probably only the Phoenix Clan has better flames.

Liu Yuanchen was a little unwilling and thought hard about the solution.

Suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration.

"This yin and yang spiritual fire cannot directly absorb the power of the spirit spirit, so let him absorb the energy cultivated by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique."

“When the spiritual platform was not fully formed, Yuan Gang, Zhen Yuan, and Soul Yuan merged into one, producing a gray-white energy.

That kind of energy is exactly the same as the gray energy produced by the dead wood longevity technique. "

At this time, the Yuan Gang and the prototype of the Dharma in Liu Yuanchen's lower dantian had already arrived in the middle dantian.

Only the gray energy cultivated by the Dead Wood Immortality Technique still remains in the lower dantian.

Moreover, this ball of gray energy has grown into a ball with a diameter of more than ten feet.

This gray-white ball is still continuously absorbing the energy escaping from the body, and separates black liquid and light red mist.

"If this gray-white ball is integrated into the spiritual platform, the black liquid and light red mist produced can remain in the spiritual platform.

With these two energies as a guide, the flames should be able to blend in. "

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen made a thought and pulled the gray-white ball into the middle Dantian.

A ray of energy is drawn from this sphere and integrated into the spiritual platform.

Sure enough, this gray-white energy merged directly into the spiritual platform without any hindrance.

Moreover, after the energy was integrated into the spiritual platform, it was still producing black liquid and light red mist normally.

A quarter of an hour later, the gray-white ball had completely integrated into the spiritual platform.

At the same time, the spiritual platform also grew a bit, reaching a diameter of two feet and one inch.

This is an unexpected surprise. Incorporating some things can actually make your cultivation further.

Liu Yuanchen used the Dead Wood Immortality Technique, and the energy that was about to escape from his body was also integrated into the spiritual platform.

Transformed into gray-white energy, and eventually into black liquid and light red mist.

Sure enough, the Dead Wood Immortality Technique can still function normally.

It's just that the converted energy is in the spiritual platform.

Until now, all the energy in Liu Yuanchen's body was gathered on the spiritual platform.

Afterwards, he used the Lingtai Accumulating Fire Technique again to activate the yin and yang spiritual fire.

But in the blink of an eye, the flames of the yin and yang spiritual fire penetrated into the spiritual platform.

It also continuously absorbs black liquid and light red mist, cultivating the embryonic form of fire composed of several restrictions.

Liu Yuanchen breathed a long sigh of relief: "The first step in cultivating the spiritual fire was finally successful."

(End of this chapter)

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