Chapter 265 News of Innate Spiritual Roots

In the following days, Liu Yuanchen stayed on Panlong Mountain in the underworld to practice.

Waiting for the imprint of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins to be left on the book on the ground, and for the fire to take shape.

The main body is leisurely, but the clone cannot be idle anymore.

In addition to using the spring breeze to turn into rain, watering the vegetation around Panlong Mountain.

He also has to do business in the territories of various demon kings and ghost kings around him, sell elixirs, and purchase precious spiritual objects from the underworld.

However, this clone evolved from supernatural powers.

As long as you have enough energy, you don't have to worry about fatigue at all.

The main body and the clone can transmit energy to each other.

Liu Yuanchen's body is sitting in the underworld. As long as the clone is not killed instantly, the body can continuously provide energy.


Three months have passed, and the flames in the spiritual platform in Liu Yuanchen's body have finally undergone new changes.

When the flame first integrated into the spiritual platform, it was only about the size of a soybean.

After arriving in the underworld, as long as he practices, he can make the flames absorb a large amount of yin energy.

Coupled with the support of the vitality of vegetation, the entire flame grew extremely fast.

Now, even if Liu Yuanchen didn't deliberately input energy, the flames would still be more than an inch high.

It turned out that he condensed several restraints and merged them into the flames, forming the prototype of the fire.

At this time, those restrictions had disappeared and were completely integrated into the flames.

Liu Yuanchen also specifically tried not to provide yin and yang energy to the flames, but only used true energy to provide fuel.

However, the shape of the flame did not change at all.

As soon as the true essence comes into contact with the flames, it is instantly ignited.

During the combustion, the true essence is decomposed by the flame into energy with two attributes of yin and yang, which are supplied to the white flame and the black flame respectively.

The two flames are intertwined, and the energy of yin and yang attributes is constantly transformed back and forth, appearing extremely stable.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: "This flame can burn the true essence and derive energy of yin and yang attributes."

This function can be regarded as inheriting part of the functions of the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp.

It is simply impossible to achieve this step with just one fire source.

Now this flame should be regarded as a real fire. '

The so-called fire is the prototype of spiritual fire.

Fire has all the characteristics of spiritual fire, but it is not stable enough.

It's like a child who has just learned to walk. He is already human-like, but his abilities in all aspects are far from those of adults.

Of course, this kind of fire is also extremely malleable.

As long as it is constantly nourished with various spiritual things, it can have various special functions.

Just like Zhao Hong's sword and fire, the old foundation is just an earth fire.

He absorbed a lot of killing energy on the battlefield, and was nourished by Zhu Yan's Immortal Seed, and finally became a weapon and a calamity fire.

For this yin and yang spiritual fire, Liu Yuanchen wanted to make the white flames full of vitality, which could replenish the vitality of living beings and increase their longevity.

Black fire, on the other hand, contains the energy of death, which can deprive living beings of their vitality and bring death.

The death aura is very simple. This is the underworld. If you catch any ghost here, there will be some death aura in it.

Among the negative energy mixed in the aura, death energy is naturally indispensable.

In the underworld, there are as many of these as you want.

If ordinary monks had refined these energies, they would probably become possessed easily.

Liu Yuanchen's ginseng fruit tree and Jumangzu witch fairy seeds can refine the evil energy, but a little death energy, what does it mean?
It's just that it may be a little difficult to bring vitality into this white flame.

According to what my master said, raising hundred-year-old flat peaches can actually play a certain role.

It's just that there is too little of this thing, and it is obviously much worse than the endless death energy in the underworld.

At Hong Ling's house, centenarian flat peaches are basically not sold directly.

I actually have two hundred-year-old flat peach fruit trees in my hands, one in Dongyang Paradise and the other in the back garden of Yangjian Panlong Mountain.

It's just that these two hundred-year-old flat peach plants have been nourished by the energy of the ginseng fruit tree, and their foundation has become stronger, with the opportunity to go further.

Therefore, even after decades of planting, there is still no sign of fruiting.

Later, the two hundred-year-old flat peaches obtained from the master can be used now, but they are only a drop in the bucket.

If you want to balance the dead energy absorbed by the fire, you can probably only rely on the power of the ginseng fruit tree.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen took out two hundred-year-old flat peaches and ate them directly.

When the flat peach enters the stomach, a cool energy surges out instantly.

He did not deliberately guide this power and allowed it to flow within his body.

Wherever this energy passed, flesh and blood became active.

In the end, this power still poured into the middle dantian and merged into the spiritual platform.

The spiritual fire absorbed the energy in the spiritual platform, and the white flames in it suddenly became stronger.

Within the flames, bursts of vitality emanated.

Liu Yuanchen knew in his heart that this was the fire absorbing the energy from the hundred-year-old peach.

Two hundred-year-old flat peaches can only last for a while.

But a quarter of an hour later, the energy in the hundred-year-old peach disappeared without a trace.

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "If you want to cultivate a spiritual fire with the ability of both life and death, you will have to collect more spiritual objects to increase life span in the future, and the consumption of spiritual stones will also be indispensable."

Just as he was sighing, several guests were welcomed into the Dongyang Divine Mansion in the underworld.

The visitors were all acquaintances, including Xia Lingkai, Xia Longting's uncle and nephew, and An Changsheng.

The three of them had gone through life and death together with Liu Yuanchen, so Liu Yuanchen naturally did not dare to neglect them.

The magical clones welcomed the three of them to the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion, where the guests and hosts took their seats.

"What a coincidence today. Why are you three here together?"

An Changsheng said quickly: "A great opportunity is about to appear, and I will definitely fight for it.

But just the three of us can't accomplish anything big.

So, we want to ask you to take action. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised.

An Changsheng is the crown prince of a country, and An Guo's ancestors were old shareholders who joined Shenting in the early days of its establishment.

With An Guo at his back, what good things can An Changsheng not get?
He thought it was a great opportunity, at least it must be the opportunity left by Immortal Immortal.

"You said it was a great opportunity. Could it be that you discovered the cave of Immortal Immortal?"

An Changsheng smiled and said: "That's pretty much it. If we really get this opportunity, immortality won't be a problem."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was a little confused.

Immortality is not a problem, then there are only two possibilities.

One is to have the inheritance of becoming an Immortal, which is not uncommon.

Which of the ancient forces of the human race does not have the complete inheritance of the physical way?
The key is that today's Yuanling world is not as good as before, and there is also a serious shortage of high-level spiritual objects.

Even if you practice those inheritances exactly as they are, it is impossible to become an Immortal.

Otherwise, there is no need for the human race to eliminate the physical path and modify the current three paths.

If it is not inheritance, it can only be a spiritual object that extends life.

Among the legends in the Yuanling world, the most powerful life-extending spiritual object is probably the Wanshou Flat Peach.

The legendary longevity flat peach, if you keep eating it, you can indeed increase your longevity indefinitely.

Because it is a fruit produced by innate spiritual roots, there will be no such thing as drug resistance.

But the Wanshou flat peach tree has long since disappeared, and only a few Thousand-year-old flat peach trees remain.For high-level monks, the fruits produced by acquired spiritual roots can only prolong life for a short time, but cannot increase life span indefinitely.

"Could it be that we discovered the Longevity Flat Peach?"

Hearing this, Xia Longting's eyes widened: "You actually guessed it."

Liu Yuanchen glanced at him: "What can't be guessed about this? Senior Brother An said that this opportunity is similar to cultivating the Immortal Immortal, and it must be able to increase life span.

Among the spiritual objects that increase longevity in the Yuanling world, the longevity flat peach is second to none.

The Thousand-Shou Flat Peach is obviously not enough, so it can only be the Wanshou Flat Peach itself. "

"Isn't this Wanshou peach tree gone long ago? Why is there news about the Wanshou peach tree again?"

Xia Lingkai is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable about various secrets.

"Innate spiritual roots are by no means comparable to ordinary spiritual plants. I was lucky enough to see a hundred-year-old peach tree that was severely damaged.

The entire tree body was burned to ashes, leaving only some roots that were still alive.

Even so, the hundred-year-old flat peach plant still survived.

New buds also sprouted, blossomed and bore fruit.

The acquired spiritual roots that have been passed down for countless generations can still be like this, let alone the innate spiritual roots. "

“Furthermore, the human race has never seen innate spiritual roots.

Even the destruction of the Wanshou Peach Tree came from the demon clan, and the human clan did not see it with their own eyes. "

Liu Yuanchen thought about it and found that the innate spiritual roots were indeed not so easily destroyed.

In the prehistoric world, most of the destroyed innate spiritual roots have been turned into various spiritual treasures.

The most famous one is the 36th-grade Chaos Qinglian, which has a lot of innate spiritual treasures.

The innate gourd vine was indeed dead, but its essence was inherited by several gourds, creating several treasure gourds and the whip created by Nuwa.

There is also the Seven Treasures Tree of Saint Chunti, which was created by the Bodhi tree with innate spiritual roots.

During the journey to the west, Zhenyuan Immortal allowed Sun Wukong to knock down the ginseng fruit tree.

The reason why he dared to do this was obviously because he was sure that the ginseng fruit tree would not die easily.

In this way, innate spiritual roots are indeed not easy to die.

The destruction of the Longevity Flat Peach is just a legend.

Maybe, this innate spiritual root just suffered heavy damage and did not really die.

"Where did you get this news? Judging from your posture, you seem to be very confident.

I can be regarded as a local snake, but I didn't get any news. "

Xia Longting chuckled: "The news came from the Divine Court, so of course you don't know.

An ancestor of Shenting said that the power of heaven near Wuyun Ridge had changed, and it seemed to be affected by something.

After some deductions, it was discovered that it was related to the Wanshou Flat Peach.

The existence that can be related to the Longevity Peach and can trigger the power of heaven to mutate is most likely the Longevity Peach Tree. "

The Divine Court can only be established with the approval of Heaven.

Therefore, it is indeed easier for Shenting to sense the obvious changes in the power of heaven.

Ordinarily, a true God of Heavenly Dao like Liu Yuanchen can sense obvious changes in the nearby Heavenly Dao.

It's a pity that his cultivation level is too low and his level of authority is also too low.

In addition, the main body was in the underworld, so no abnormality was detected.

"Can you be sure where it is?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "It's hard to say now, after all, I just sensed the change in heaven.

The opportunity has not officially manifested itself, and the exact location is difficult to pin down.

It can only be determined that it is in the west of Wuyun Ridge.

From the middle of Wuyun Ridge to the Sand Plains, every place is possible. "

This is also a normal situation. It is difficult to find the specific location as long as you don't take the initiative to show up.

"You haven't even written a word about it, why are you so anxious?
If it really was an innate spiritual root, it is estimated that the Earthly Immortal Dao seniors from Daoshan Mountain and the old ghosts from Shenting would not be able to help but take action.

The four major royal families of the Monster Clan will send out their top experts.

With our little cultivation, if we get involved, we are seeking death. "

Xia Lingkai continued: "It's useless to ask other people about this matter, even the ancestors of Shenting can't determine the specific location.

But you are different. When you broke through the Lingtai realm before, you showed your immortal seed.

Your immortal seed is extraordinary, and its body should also have the effect of increasing your longevity.

With your help, we may be able to find the location of the Wanshou Peach in advance. "

An Changsheng also repeatedly agreed: "It's really not our share to wait for the Wanshou Peach to appear.

But if we discovered the Wanshou Flat Peach in advance, it would be hard to say. "

"Even if we can't hold on to this innate spiritual root, we can still make a deal with Shenting or Daxia Academy.

With our status, we are not afraid of being hacked.

Needless to say, the benefit is that our names will be recorded in the history books of future generations.

What an achievement and honor it is to earn an innate spiritual root for the human race? "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was also speechless.

After a long time of fussing, there really wasn’t a single word left.

He wasn't even sure whether it was Wanshou Peach, so he came to recruit himself into the group.

"If I guess correctly, Senior Brother An should have instigated this matter, right?"

Upon hearing this, Xia Longting looked surprised: "How did you guess that?"

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "Senior Brother Xia is your companion and bodyguard, and will not encourage you to take risks.

And you stayed in Zuihua Tower all day long. After becoming the Dragon King, it didn’t rain much near the Panlong River.

You spend your whole day living and drinking, why would you care about the Wanshou Peach? "

An Changsheng admitted generously: "This is indeed my idea, but we can all benefit.

The Wanshou Flat Peach has disappeared for more than [-] years. If it can be found, it will definitely bear a lot of fruits.

A Wanshou flat peach means 1 years of life.

With our talents, it is very possible to live tens of thousands more years and cultivate to the realm of Immortal Immortal? "

Liu Yuanchen thought about it and felt that this matter was a bit strange.

The Wanshou Flat Peach would appear sooner or later, but it just happened to appear at this time.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the ginseng fruit tree appeared during his breakthrough, which had an impact on the world and led to the Longevity Peach.

However, this matter is more likely to be a trap set by the demon clan.

When I broke through the spiritual platform, the phantom of the Jumanzu witch appeared, which attracted the attention of the demon clan, who wanted to take the opportunity to deal with me.

And this sudden change in the way of heaven may be the bait that the demon clan only tossed out to catch me.

It's just that this bait is so fragrant, many old guys from the human race may come out to bite the hook.

With the strength of the Dragon Clan family, they can only break the thread and break the pole, and it is impossible to pull it up.

"This matter is a bit strange. It may be a trick of the demon clan. I don't dare to act arbitrarily.

However, I don’t want to rush this matter. I will go and ask Master and Master for advice first.

You should also get more information from the old ghosts in Shenting. This has no beginning and no end, and there is no place to start. "

Seeing what he said, An Changsheng couldn't push him any further.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Liu, I will let my old man inquire more about the news.

It's just that you have to hurry up. Once the opportunity comes, we will have no chance. "

(End of this chapter)

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