Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 268 Listening to the magical skill of the wall root, wind chanting beast language

Chapter 268 The magical skill of listening to the roots of the wall - the beast language of the wind

Liu Yuanchen put his mind into the world of the sun, where the supernatural clone No. [-] was sitting.

With the help of his magical clone, he inspected Yangjian Panlong Mountain and found no obvious changes.

If there is a change, it is just that the power of the authority to educate all spirits has obviously improved a lot, completely reaching the level of the sixth grade.

Educating all spirits can make the creatures who have lived in Panlong Mountain for a long time become smarter and have better talents.

As long as Liu Yuanchen is still the True God of Heaven in Panlong Mountain, no matter how far away he is, the authority to educate all spirits will always be at play in Panlong Mountain.

Unless he intentionally turns off the authority to teach all spirits, this effect will disappear.

At this time, Ling Yu, who was staying at the back of Panlong Mountain to study formations, seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

He walked out of the cave and took a walk around Panlong Mountain.

"What is Yuan Chen doing? He is so silent that the power of heaven has suddenly increased so much?"

The vegetation on the mountain was also in a state of excitement at this time.

The Huanglinsong Taoist soldiers had just sprinkled the golden silk rice, but before it was watered, the rice sprouted.

There was even an extremely tall Taoist soldier named Huang Linsong, whose cultivation level suddenly reached the Qi Sea realm.

The yellow scale pine was originally a first-order low-grade spiritual plant. After being watered by the spring breeze and rain, it became a first-order mid-grade spiritual plant.

After becoming a Taoist soldier through sacrifice, his cultivation level improved slightly, and he had the cultivation level of the late stage of Qi Nourishing Realm.

Although the Taoist soldiers of grass and trees can be cultivated, their cultivation level is improved very slowly.

If you want to break through the big realm, it will take a long time to grind slowly.

Fortunately, the lifespan of Lingzhi Dao soldiers is extremely long, so spending more time is not a big deal.

This Huang Linsong Taoist soldier actually broke through this shackles by taking advantage of the opportunity of being promoted to the sixth level with the authority to teach all spirits.

Liu Yuanchen was pleasantly surprised. The integration of the heavenly power of the Yin and Yang realms actually brought such benefits.

On Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm, one can also exert the power of the Sixth Grade Heavenly Dao authority.

In the future, if you meet a master of the fifth realm, you can definitely compete with him.

In this way, the security of Yangjian Panlong Mountain will be improved to a big level in the future.

The same is naturally true for the underworld. Apart from anything else, it is not a problem at all to be the king and hegemon within a few thousand miles of Panlong Mountain.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen was not satisfied with this.

He put his spiritual consciousness into the Book of the Earth and carefully checked the changes in the Panlong Mountain mark on the Book of the Earth.

Before he was in the Yang Realm, he used Panlong Mountain's heavenly authority to leave Panlong Mountain's mark on the earthly book.

Since then, the Book of the Earth has become the magic weapon of power in Panlong Mountain.

You only need to activate the Panlong Mountain seal on the Book of Earth, and you can use the Book of Earth to exert the power of heavenly authority.

Moreover, by using the Book of the Earth to exert the power of heaven, the power exerted will be much enhanced.

The most important thing is that by using the book of the earth to exert the power of heaven, the evil energy of the earth veins can be used to replenish the loss, and there is no need to spend incense and fire silver.

Now the authority of Panlong Mountain's Heavenly Dao in the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness has been strengthened, but the imprint on the Book of Earth still needs to be strengthened.

Liu Yuanchen extracted energy from the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and injected it into the book of the earth.

Sure enough, after being nourished, the imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth became obviously much clearer.

The energy contained in that mark also increased greatly.

However, the phantom of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​consciousness became much dimmer.

Such a situation will naturally occur if the power of heavenly authority is consumed.

The authority of heaven will absorb the power of the law on its own and slowly recover.

If you want it to recover quickly, you need to invest a lot of incense silver.

Over the years, I have made a lot of money by relying on the Panlonghufangshi and the Yin and Yang realms to invert spiritual creatures.

When it comes to purchasing rootless spiritual veins, it is still beyond our capabilities.

But taking out tens of thousands of taels of incense silver is simply a piece of cake.

He took out a few ingots of silver incense, extracted the power of the incense, and blended it into the virtual shadow of Panlong Mountain.

Then, the power of heavenly authority was extracted from it again and integrated into the book of earth.

A month later, Liu Yuanchen spent a full 1 taels of incense and silver.

At this time, the imprint of Panlong Mountain on the Book of Earth is no different from the shadow of Panlong Mountain in the sea of ​​consciousness.

No matter how much power of heavenly authority is incorporated, it cannot make any changes.

In the final analysis, the maximum power that the Panlong Mountain mark on the Book of Earth can exert depends on the level of Panlong Mountain.

Panlong Mountain in the Yang world is a seventh-grade sacred mountain, and Panlong Mountain in the underworld is a sixth-grade sacred mountain.

The heavenly authority of the two is integrated, and the heavenly authority is of the sixth grade.

If you want to go further, you can only wait for Panlong Mountain in the underworld to grow.

Then, he activated the Earth Book and tried to exert various powers of heaven.

Among the Mountain God's powers, except for moving mountains, all other powers can be easily exercised.

He used the power of wind chant beast language, but there were no monsters on the mountain.

Instead, a noisy sound came from the distance.

Windyin Beast Language can not only understand the language of birds, animals, fish and insects, but can also hear distant sounds.

This function is similar to the legendary Shunfeng Ear.

At this time, countless sounds poured into his ears at the same time, making him feel dizzy.

Even if a monk in the Lingtai realm has powerful spiritual consciousness, he cannot receive too much information at the same time.

Liu Yuanchen made some adjustments. As the True God of Heaven, he could choose to only listen to the voice of a certain person or a certain place.

First, he chose to eavesdrop on what was going on in Qingyan Hall in Iron Arm City.

At this time, in the Qingyan Hall of Iron Arm City, the shopkeeper was discussing business.

And the person doing business with him was Qingsha's clone.

Just listen to the shopkeeper of Qingyantang say: "Fellow Taoist, although the quality of your elixir is high enough.

However, recently, there are suddenly a lot more such pills on the market.

Therefore, the price should also be lower. "


Liu Yuanchen was excited. Iron Arm City was hundreds of miles away from Panlong Mountain.

He could actually hear the conversation between Qing Sha's clone and the shopkeeper of Qing Yan Hall clearly.

These methods are really a magic tool for listening to the root of the wall.

Then, he picked out the voice from Yanze among the many voices.

In the Yang world, Yanze is the salt field of the Liu family.

In the underworld, Yanze is an extremely vast lake that belongs to the territory of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King.

Following the sounds of many water demons communicating, Liu Yuanchen determined the location of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King's Crystal Palace.

After some screening, it was discovered that the Unicorn Demon King seemed to be enjoying singing and dancing.

A hoarse voice sounded: "Your Majesty, I have something important to report."

In the salt swamp, the only one who can be called a king is the Poisonous Dragon Demon King.

The singing and dancing stopped suddenly, and a sinister voice sounded: "Hei Lin, aren't you monitoring the red-haired ghost king?
Come here in person. Could it be that the red-haired ghost king has done something strange? "

Hei Lin quickly said: "It's not the red-haired ghost king, it's something strange happening on Panlong Mountain."

The Poison Dragon Demon King asked: "What's the strange movement?"

Hei Lin spoke eloquently: "My subordinates are over at Hekou City. I heard from business travelers coming and going that there is an expert with extraordinary strength on Panlong Mountain.

He sent his subordinates to rain rain around Panlong Mountain every day, seemingly to occupy Panlong Mountain. "

There was a loud noise, which seemed to be the sound of a fist hitting a stone.

"It's really too much of a lie! We agreed that Panlong Mountain would serve as a buffer zone for the three families, and no one was allowed to occupy it.

Now he has gone back on his word and actually occupied Panlong Mountain.Who is this person? Is he a member of the Red-haired Ghost King? "

Hei Lin said softly: "My subordinates didn't dare to spy on Panlong Mountain easily, but they saw that man from a distance, calling the wind and rain, with extraordinary means.

That person's appearance is no different from that of the human race, so he shouldn't be a demon race.

According to the traveling merchants who passed by, that person did not have the death energy, resentment, etc. of the ghost. "

Upon hearing this, the Poisonous Dragon Demon King immediately calmed down: "These characters are definitely not from the Red-haired Ghost King and the Iron-armed Ghost King.

Don't act rashly until you know this person's situation. "


Liu Yuanchen could hear every word of the conversation between the Poison Dragon Demon King and Hei Lin.

He also used this method to eavesdrop on the conversations of many masters in the underworld.

After some testing, he determined that the sixth-grade wind chanting beast language authority could hear sounds up to two thousand miles away.

A normal sixth-grade wind-yining beast-language authority can only hear sounds within six to seven hundred miles.

It can be seen how powerful the earth book is in enhancing the authority of heaven.

This wind chanting beast language is simply a magical skill of listening to the roots of the wall.

Within a radius of two thousand miles, any information you want to know can be eavesdropped, and ordinary methods cannot prevent it.

In the past, I only used the power of Wind Yin Beast Language to communicate with spirit beasts, but not for spying on intelligence. It was a great loss.

Having said that, with the Heavenly Dao Divine Realm here, you can have a panoramic view without any blind spots, so why bother listening to the wall?
After thinking for a moment, Liu Yuanchen suddenly had an idea: 'The powers of Panlong Mountain in the Yin and Yang realms merge into one.

The power of the windyin beast language can eavesdrop on sounds within two thousand miles in the underworld, and it should be able to do so in the human world. '

'I have always wanted to know whether the news about the upcoming birth of the Longevity Peach is a trap or is it true.

With the authority of the Wind Singing Beast Language, one can spy on the situation on the other side of Guillotine Mountain.

If there is an ambush, you can know it in advance. '

Thinking of this, he felt a little excited.

Only the Avatar No. [-] and Qingsha were left, stationed at Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

The real body left the underworld and returned to Panlong Mountain in the Yang world.

With the help of the Book of the Earth, he exerted the authority of the Wind Singing Beast Language.

This time he gained experience and directly locked his magical power on Jinyu City.

By listening to the conversations between demons and half-demon in Jinyu City, we can determine where the top officials of Jinyu City are.

Not long after, he found the position of the top management of Jinyu City.

Soon, a young man's voice came to Liu Yuanchen's ears.

"Qin You, how are you preparing?"

At this time, a young man replied: "Hui Shizi, we are ready.

We, the Ghost Sect and the Demon God Sect, have joined forces and are fully prepared.

We have also arranged the secret techniques and treasures you gave us. "

The young man chuckled softly: "We must leave no holes or leak any rumors. We can start to build momentum."

The old man was full of confidence: "Your Majesty, don't worry. Those involved in this matter are high-level officials of the two religions. They are absolutely loyal to the Dragon Clan and will never leak the news."

"Also, according to hidden reports within the Divine Court, King Yantian has discovered the changes in the way of heaven.

Moreover, he also deduced from this that there was a great opportunity to be born in Wuyun Ridge, and this opportunity was related to the Wanshou Flat Peach. "

"This news has spread among the higher-ups of Shenting, and even some middle-level people already know about it."

"Next, we just need to create some visions on the other side of Sleepy Hollow to make this matter a reality."

The young man was very satisfied: "The Ghost Cult has always been the most capable person under my Dragon Clan, and I still believe in you on this.

Once things are done this time, the promised rewards will be handed over to you. "

Hearing this, Qin You's voice trembled with excitement.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, even if you risk my life, you will definitely kill that little thief Liu Yuanchen."

"Hahaha..." The prince laughed a few times, "Okay, I believe in the ability of the Ghost Sect."

"However, Liu Yuanchen has a big secret.

Kill it and the reward promised will not be reduced even a cent.

However, if you can capture it alive, the reward will be doubled. "

When he heard that the reward was doubled, Qin You's breathing quickened: "Liu Yuanchen's talent is indeed extraordinary, but it's not worth such a high price, right?"

The prince smiled and said: "The background of your human race is too shallow, and you know too little.

Liu Yuanchen broke through the Lingtai realm, and the big tree and birdman that appeared were recorded in the ancient books of our Dragon Clan. "

“Also, this time we may attract many human masters.

The formation must be arranged well to kill as many old guys from the human race as possible. "

Qin You seemed a little embarrassed: "Your Majesty, with the strength of our Ghost Sect and the Ten Thousand Gods Sect, it will not be a problem to capture Liu Yuanchen.

But it is too difficult to surround and kill the masters.

After all, masters all have their own means of saving lives..."

The prince chuckled lightly: "Don't worry, I will send the half-demon masters under the Dragon Clan to assist in the battle."


After spying on the activities in Jinyu City, Liu Yuanchen felt a chill in his heart.

'It was expected that the Dragon Clan would deal with me because of Jumang Zuwu's affairs.

But in the classics of the Dragon Clan, there is actually mention of ginseng fruit.

The ginseng fruit tree is very famous in the prehistoric world.

Anyone with any knowledge should know this. '

'But this is the Yuanling Realm, and the Dragon Clan actually knows about the ginseng fruit tree.

In this way, the Yuanling Realm Dragon Clan is probably a branch of the Prehistoric Dragon Clan.

It was previously speculated that the demon clan in the Yuanling Realm may be the subjects of the demon clan's heavenly court, and now it can be confirmed. '

'The young man called himself the Dragon Clan, and the senior leaders of the Ghost Sect also called him the Crown Prince.

Except for the Dragon King, the senior leaders of the Dragon Clan can generally obtain the title of Prince.

The person in charge of the Dragon Clan in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds is Ao Zhenting, the cousin of the current Dragon Emperor.

Since he is a close relative of the Dragon King and has a high status, he must have the title of prince.

This prince should be Ao Zhenting's son. '

Children of true dragons usually become dragon sons.

Only the children of the Dragon Emperor are called princes, and the eldest sons of various princes are called princes.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen sighed softly: "The Dragon Clan really thinks highly of me, the Ghost Sect and the Demon God Sect have joined forces to torment me."

The Demon God Sect and the Ghost Sect are both die-hard lackeys of the Demon Clan. With the support of the Demon Clan, their strength is naturally extraordinary.

In the Pantheon Religion, these two families have very great influence.

If the two families join forces, they can completely destroy an ancient heritage of the human race that is at a middle to lower level.

"The main body must not get involved this time. If you are not careful, your life will be involved.

Now that your cultivation level is high, every move you make will attract a lot of attention.

Just by breaking through the realm of the spiritual platform, he was already remembered.

There will be no great benefits in the future, and you must not be in the limelight again. "

Afterwards, he once again used the windy beast language to inquire about the situation on the other side of Sleepy Hollow Mountain.

After listening for a long time, I didn't hear anyone speaking.

Perhaps it's because it's within the divine domain of the Crouching Tiger Peak Mountain God, and the demon clan is more restrained when it comes to doing things.

(End of this chapter)

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