Chapter 27 Earth Immortal Wizard

The current war situation is not good for Qingdan Sect, but Liu Yuanchen, a small Qi-nourishing monk, is not qualified to participate in high-level decision-making.

All that can be done now is to improve his strength as soon as possible.

Lest the situation get worse in the future and you won't even be able to save your life.

“Once the frontline loses, any dangerous situation may occur next.

The last time the Chen family took action against me, it showed that the sect was not absolutely safe.

I have long wanted to buy some magical weapons for self-defense, but once the war started, the magical weapons refined in the weapon refining hall were given priority to be supplied to the battlefield, and it was really impossible to buy them.

Moreover, the quality of the magical weapons in the Weapon Refining Hall is really worrying.

You are the manager of the Weapon Refining Hall. You should have some good things in your hand, right? "

Liu Qingyuan nodded slightly: "There are some good things. What type of magic weapon do you want?"

Liu Yuanchen asked: "Is there an attack weapon with wind and thunder attributes?"

"Yuan Chen, you take me too seriously.

Although I can occasionally get some materials with wind and thunder attributes from the Weapon Refining Hall, there are too many people staring at them, so they never fall into my hands. "

The attack and defense of wood attribute weapons are too poor. If there are no wind and thunder attributes, then you can only use Yin people's magic weapons.

"Are there any defensive magic weapons and Yin people's magic weapons?"

Liu Qingyuan nodded: "Of course we have this, what kind do you want?"

"First a soft protective armor, and then a stronger shield.

I haven't seen many Yin people's magic weapons. Can you recommend a few. "

Liu Qingyuan took out two storage bags from the bedroom in the cave, took out all the magical instruments, and piled them on the table.

"All the good things I have accumulated over the years are here, and I am going to sell them to the family at low prices.

You are also from the Liu family, and it will be the same if I sell it to you. "

Liu Yuanchen looked at the magical weapons on the table and picked out all the swords and other offensive magical weapons.

"These magic weapons are of no use to me, you'd better put them away."

Excluding swords and magic weapons, there are obviously many fewer magic weapons on the table.

Liu Yuanchen picked up a piece of blue-black soft armor and looked at it carefully.

Liu Qingyuan immediately introduced: "This soft armor is called Lingxi Armor, and it is made from the tough leather on the back of the first-grade top-grade Cangbei Lingxi.

Cangbei Lingxi's defensive power is among the best among first-order monsters. "

Liu Yuanchen tore the Lingxi Armor with all his strength, but with his powerful physical strength, he was unable to deform the Lingxi Armor in the slightest.

"The defensive power is indeed extraordinary. Just with this Lingxi Armor, our Qingdan Sect's weapon refining level is not as bad as the rumors outside."

Liu Qingyuan smiled awkwardly: "The inheritance of weapon refining in the sect is indeed not very good. This Lingxi Armor was refined by me myself.

It would be difficult to create soft armor of this quality if it weren't for the Qi Sea Realm's cultivation and careful forging.

The amount of effort expended is almost as much as refining a second-level low-grade magic weapon. "

Liu Yuanchen retracted his previous evaluation in his heart. A second-level weapon refiner spent a lot of effort to refine such a first-level high-quality magic weapon that can be considered a fine product.

The Qingdan Sect's weapon refining inheritance is barely usable.

Then, he looked at a jet black shield.

The shield was only about the size of a palm. Liu Yuanchen went to grab it but didn't even pick it up.

It took some effort to lift the shield.

"Uncle Eighth, this shield must weigh hundreds of kilograms, right?"

Liu Qingyuan nodded awkwardly: "This shield weighs 120 kilograms and is forged from pure black iron."

Liu Yuanchen input some mana into the shield, and the entire shield instantly turned into a large round shield with a diameter of four feet.

He tried to use his consciousness and magic power to levitate the shield, but found that he did not have this ability at all.

"This shield seems to be only suitable for use in the hand. A monk with relatively weak physical strength may not even be able to perform escape techniques while carrying this thing."

Liu Qingyuan smiled awkwardly and picked up a cyan shield on the table: "The level of the sect's weapon refining is not high, so in order to ensure the quality, we piled more materials.

This ivy shield is much lighter and is made of ox tendon vine.

You are a spiritual medicine master and very familiar with spiritual plants.

This ox tendon vine is famously tough, and only a first-grade high-grade metallic magic weapon can barely cut it off.

This ivy shield uses dozens of beef tendon vines and is woven into three layers.

Below the Qi Sea realm, it is not easy to break this shield. "

Liu Yuanchen took the shield. The Ivy Shield was indeed much lighter, only weighing three pounds at most.

Injecting mana into the shield, the Ivy Shield turned into a round shield about three feet in diameter.

Controlled by divine consciousness and mana, this shield moves like flying in mid-air.

"Yes, this shield is indeed light enough."

"I want both the Lingxi Armor and the Ivy Shield. Uncle Eight, please recommend me a magical weapon for sneak attacks."

Liu Qingyuan picked out a cone-shaped magic weapon more than four inches long from these magic weapons.

The awl is completely black, as if it were ground from some kind of bone, and there is a skull pattern on the awl handle.

Liu Yuanchen used his spiritual sense to explore, but was unable to locate this object.

"The material of this magical weapon seems to have the effect of evading divine consciousness."

Liu Qingyuan nodded: "Exactly, this thing is not refined by Qingdan Sect, but collected from the market.

It is difficult for monks below the Qi Sea realm to detect this cone with their spiritual consciousness.

And even I can't lock it with my spiritual consciousness.

So, I gave him the name Ghost Cone. "

Liu Yuanchen was extremely satisfied with this ghost cone.

Regardless of whether it is powerful or not, it is a powerful weapon that can make people unable to grasp it with their spiritual consciousness.

No matter how you say it, it is a first-class magic weapon. No matter how weak its power is, it is not a problem to overcome the weaknesses of Qi-nourishing monks.

"Uncle Eighth, I also want this ghost cone. How many spiritual stones are there in total?"

Liu Qingyuan said without thinking: "The Lingxi Armor is worth 40 yuan of spirit stones, and the Ivy Shield is worth 30 yuan of spirit stones.

This ghost cone is more expensive, counting 50 yuan of spirit stones. "

These three magical artifacts are all top-grade first-grade magical artifacts. It would not be surprising if they were sold for 200 yuan in spirit stones in Qinghe Town.

He happily took out 120 spiritual stones and handed them to Liu Qingyuan.

After chatting for a few words, Liu Yuanchen said goodbye and left.

He did not return directly to the cave, but went to the Talisman Hall again and bought some talismans from Zhang Jingming.

Before being besieged by the Green Spirit Bee, the defense of the Diamond Talisman was still acceptable.

The reason why it didn't hold up to the big conference was because there were too many Qingling Bees and their grades were high. It wasn't a problem with the talismans.

This time I bought a few second-level low-grade talismans, including two golden armor talismans, two speed walking talismans, and one golden sword talisman.

I also bought some first-level high-grade spiritual talismans. If the front line was defeated, the Qingdan Sect would not be able to survive. With these things, the chance of survival would be greater.


A month and a half later, Liu Yuanchen inspected the spiritual field.

The second-generation golden silk rice cultivated with Yimu Peiyuan Technique has begun to ear. Looking at the thick and powerful rice stalks, he is very confident about the harvest.

The first few golden silk rice plants cultivated with Yimu Peiyuan Technique, the second crop of rice ears grew mature again.

Because second-crop rice has ready-made rice stalks and root systems, it only needs to grow tillers (nie) and does not need to grow from seeds, saving a lot of growing time.Other rice types such as Linggu also have two crops of rice transplanted at one time, but the yield of the second crop is generally not high.

But the ears of these golden rice plants are larger than those of the first crop.

Moreover, the vitality in the rice stalks is still strong, the stalks are stronger and there is no sign of aging at all.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the roots of the golden rice and found that the roots of these rice were three or four feet deep into the ground.

Five or six new tillers also grew on the rice stalks.

Looking at this situation, it is not a problem to grow one or two more crops, and the next crop will produce more ears of rice.

He had some doubts that what he was growing was not golden rice, but a kind of bamboo.

If the immortality of rice stalks can be maintained stably, golden rice can be harvested eight times a year.

Just as I was about to pick rice ears, a fiery red cloud floated over from Qingdan Peak in the west.

After the fire cloud fell to the ground, it dispersed, and two figures emerged from the cloud.

Liu Yuanchen carefully identified them and found that one of them was Zhao Hong, and the other was a young man with a childlike look on his face.

But he was extremely strong, nearly nine feet tall, and looked like a small mountain.

There are no mana fluctuations in his body, but the power of qi and blood is beyond the scope of a monk in the qi-nourishing realm.

Liu Yuanchen did not dare to neglect, and stepped forward to bow and salute: "This disciple has met Deputy Hall Master Zhao, and has met his senior."

Zhao Hong waved his hand: "No need to be polite."

Then, he glanced at Lingtian and instantly discovered the extraordinary quality of Jinsimi.

"There's something wrong with your golden rice. Not only are the ears big, but the stalks are also extra strong."

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "This is cultivated by the disciple using Yimu Peiyuan Technique. Just these few plants have not been stabilized yet."

"It's interesting. A wood-attribute alchemist can cultivate high-quality elixirs on his own, which is really inferior to a fire-attribute alchemist."

The three of them entered the cave and sat down. Zhao Hong smiled and said, "I came here this time to ask you to help take care of Meng Tieshan and teach him how to practice."

Liu Yuanchen looked at the mighty young man and said, "Deputy Hall Master Zhao, are you kidding me?

Senior Meng's Qi and blood are extremely powerful. I still can't tell his cultivation level. He must be at least a Qi Sea realm monk, right? "

Zhao Hong smiled and said: "Tieshan is only 16 years old now, how can there be a 16-year-old Qihai realm monk.

He just has a special physique and strong qi and blood, but he has not officially started practicing yet.

In terms of strength, I can't compare with you. "

Liu Yuan was even more surprised: "The human body is weak, and even the legendary special physique only has huge potential.

Before practicing, he was only a little stronger than ordinary people.

The disciple's Qi and blood have not been weak since he was a child, but now that he has cultivated to the seventh level of Qi nourishing, his Qi and blood are only comparable to those of a ninth-level Qi nourishing monk.

Before Junior Brother Meng started practicing, his Qi and blood were comparable to those of a Qi Sea Realm monk, which was far beyond the scope of a normal person.

Could it be that he has demon blood? "

After the demon race transforms, it can break through the shackles of blood, combine with the human race, and give birth to a half-demon.

Generally speaking, half-demon can inherit the wisdom of the clan and the body of the demon clan.

Of course, he also inherited the shortcomings of the human race and the demon race. He had no cultivation when he was born, and was restricted by the bloodline of the demon race, so his potential was not high.

Many humans have a small amount of demon blood in their bodies, and once awakened, their bodies will be very powerful.

Meng Tieshan had such powerful energy and blood before he started practicing. Liu Yuanchen's first reaction was that he had the blood of the demon clan.

Zhao Hong chuckled: "If he has the blood of the demon clan and his blood is awakened, then his potential will be very low. How can I value him so much?

I have already investigated and found that he does not have any demon blood, but has a special constitution.

This type of physique is extremely rare and has only appeared in some legends. I am not sure.

This matter must not be leaked, otherwise someone will covet his body. "

Liu Yuanchen patted his chest and promised, "Don't worry, I will never leak anything about Junior Brother Meng."

"My disciple is an alchemist and has a lot of spiritual stones in his hand. Feeding one more mouth is not a problem.

As long as I have something to eat, I will never let him go hungry. "

Zhao Hong nodded slightly: "Tieshan, thank you soon, Senior Brother Liu Yuanchen."

The sturdy young man bowed and saluted: "Thank you, Senior Brother Liu."

Zhao Hong said with a smile: "My ancestor Tieshan was also a monk, and he ran a small business in Shuanglonggufang City at the junction of Qingdan Sect and Tieding Mountain.

It's a pity that his family has not produced a monk for two consecutive generations, and the family fortune accumulated by his ancestors has long been exhausted.

People in Shuanglonggufang City also believed that he had demon blood, and his life was not easy. "

“A few days ago, I was out doing errands and happened to pass through Shuanglonggufang City and met Tieshan.

As soon as he saw him, he felt that he was a prodigy of the Earth Immortal Way, so he brought him back. "

Liu Yuanchen sighed in his heart, Meng Tieshan is really lucky.

"Junior Brother Meng is really lucky to meet Deputy Hall Master Zhao.

For things related to the Earthly Immortal Way, the disciple only knows one Blood Gang Secret Technique.

You also said that the Xuegang Secret Technique has serious drawbacks, and I'm afraid it will hurt Junior Brother Meng's foundation. "

Liu Yuanchen said this not to shirk, but because he was afraid of affecting Meng Tieshan, a good young man.

Zhao Hong took out an animal skin book: "This is the introductory technique of Earth Immortal Dao, and it does not conflict with the Qi Dao techniques.

You can practice for a while, and then teach Tieshan how to practice after you master it.

As long as you two can become famous, I will accept you as my disciples. "

“A few days ago, my nemesis appeared near Jin’ao Mountain.

That grandson was extremely cunning. I chased him more than ten times, but he still ran away.

This time he sneaked into the Moyun Sect and dared to hang out under my nose.

If I don't kill him, I won't be able to eat well. "

“Tieshan hasn’t started practicing yet, so it’s too dangerous to take him there.

He has no immortal seed and is not suitable to join the Qingdan Sect.

You two are likely to be brothers in the future. Before I come back, let him live with you. "

Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin book and said, "Don't worry, Deputy Hall Master Zhao, I will teach Junior Brother Meng well."

Zhao Hong explained a few words and left the cave.

At this time, Meng Tieshan was a little embarrassed, sitting on the stone chair not knowing what to do.

It is natural for a child who has been bullied all year round to be afraid when arriving in a new place.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Junior brother, don't be nervous, just treat this place as your home.

You haven't started practicing yet and you need to sleep every day, so I will leave my bedroom to you.

Just tell me what you want to eat.

I will spend a few days studying the things in this animal skin book first, and then I will teach you how to practice. "

Meng Tieshan smiled shyly: "Senior Brother Liu, I can eat anything, but I have a big appetite..."

Liu Yuanchen didn't take it seriously: "So what if I have a big appetite? I am a first-level high-grade alchemist, and the spiritual stones I earn in one day are enough to feed me for half a year.

I don't believe it, you can still eat me up? "

Seeing his "I'm rich" attitude, Meng Tieshan felt a little relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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