Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 278 The inheritance of Zhu Rong’s ancestral witch

Chapter 278 The inheritance of Zhu Rong’s ancestral witch
Wuyun Ridge was the ancestral line of the Yuanling Realm back then, and the mountains spread for more than a million miles.

Even after many battles, the mountain was severely damaged and the spiritual veins were only at the fourth level.

However, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

The half-broken ancestral lineage should not be underestimated.

If one could become the True God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge, it would be easy to attain first-level authority.

As the True God of Tiandao, Liu Yuanchen is very familiar with the power of the Divine Realm of Tiandao.

Panlongshan's sixth-level authority would make him invincible in the Lingtai realm.

How terrifying should the bonus of the first-grade Tiandao Divine Realm be?
Apart from anything else, the man in golden armor had an imitation of Dinghai Pearl in his hand.

If there was another first-class Tiandao Divine Realm to help him, the experts from Bahuang Pavilion and Shenting combined would not be able to keep him.

Xia Linfeng sneered: "Stop pretending to be a fool here. If you were the mountain god of Wuyunling, even one of us wouldn't be enough to defeat you.

If you have that ability, why do you need to talk nonsense to us? "

Liu Yuanchen also felt that this guy might be pretending to be a ghost, as the Tiandao Divine Realm covered a very wide area.

If there really is a True God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyunling on the side of the Monster Clan, I am afraid that the entire Red Wasteland will be within the influence of the Mountain God in Wuyunling.

As long as the mountain god has a thought, there will be no living person in the entire red wasteland.

The majestic voice snorted coldly: "In that case, let you have a taste of the overwhelming feeling of Mount Tai."

Before he finished speaking, a powerful pressure fell from the sky.

The phantom of the mountain range slowly fell, and few people could stand firm under the Dharma Realm.

Liu Yuanchen's clone was also knocked to the ground by this coercion.

He was amazed in his heart: 'It's really overwhelming! '

Seeing this situation, the faces of the officers and soldiers of the Shenting Army were not very good-looking.

Those monster soldiers were full of joy. They were beaten back and forth, and even saving their lives was a problem.

Unexpectedly, the situation suddenly changed and our side actually gained the upper hand again.

Xia Linfeng's face was full of disdain: "How dare you show off your fourth-grade heavenly authority to embarrass me?"

King Qingyuan Dan repeated his old skills, his body turned into a towering tree, countless green lights scattered, turned into saplings, and grew new trees.

In just a moment, a dense forest appeared on Guillotine Hill.

The shadow of the mountain range fell above the woods, but was blocked by the woods.

King Qingyuan Pill sneered: "You, this evil beast, must have become the True God of Heaven on a certain mountaintop or branch mountain range in Wuyun Ridge.

With the help of the branch's influence on Wuyun Ridge, only the power of heaven can be exerted here.

With such little ability, he dared to pretend to be the True God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge. He was really shameless. "

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly that Wuyun Ridge stretches for more than 100 million miles and has countless mountains.

There are probably tens of thousands of branch mountains, large and small.

It is almost impossible to get the recognition of the entire Wuyun Ridge.

But there is still hope for getting recognition from a certain mountaintop in Wuyun Ridge, or from a certain branch of the mountain range.

The monster race has a long lifespan, especially the mythical beast race, and the human race in the Dao Fei Realm has a lifespan of ten thousand years.

And the divine beasts of the same realm already have unlimited lifespan.

They have enough time to slowly gain recognition from the Branch Mountain Range.

The branch mountain ranges and the main vein are already inextricably linked.

The true god of heaven who becomes the branch mountain range will naturally have some authority in the main line.

Therefore, this guy can use the power of heaven on Wuyun Ridge.

At this moment, the majestic voice shouted: "Ao Ming, if you don't leave now, how long will it take?"

The man in golden armor understood immediately, and his body turned into a golden light and merged into the Dinghai Pearl.

The Dinghai Pearl once again emitted five colors of light and fled to the northeast.

Everyone hurriedly took action to stop him, but under the suppression of Taishan's overwhelming authority, the power of all methods was greatly reduced.

Everyone joined forces, so far as Ding Haizhu was injured, but could not be completely destroyed.

Dinghai Zhu flew away extremely quickly. Several people in Bahuang Pavilion who were famous for their speed chased him for a distance, but unfortunately they could not catch up.

Ao Ming was obviously the leader of the Monster Clan in Sleepy Hollow. Once he ran away, the others no longer had the will to fight and fled in all directions.

Among the demon clan who participated in the ambush this time were masters from the Demon God Sect and the Ghost Sect, as well as half-demon masters.

Especially the people from the Demon God Cult and the Ghost Cult may not be particularly strong, but they are all experienced and have extraordinary means of escaping.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of running around, some powerful monks managed to escape.

In the end, less than half of the masters of the demon clan were left.

Naturally, none of the demon soldiers escaped, either died in battle or were captured.

After dealing with the monster clan, Xia Linfeng looked at the people in Bahuang Pavilion with a bad look on his face.

He had always suspected that there might be a Longevity Peach on Sleepy Hollow.

But now that the war has started, he is naturally sure that he has been fooled.

However, the scene still has to be said.

He bowed his hands to everyone in Bahuang Pavilion and said: "Thank you all fellow Taoists for your help. When this matter is over, I will go to Panlong Mountain to visit you in person."

Everyone responded politely, and then left Duan Tou Mountain and returned to Panlong Mountain.


When everyone in Bahuang Pavilion came to the main hall of Dongyang Shen Mansion in Panlong Mountain, Venerable Wan Shan's expression was not very good.

Qingyuan Dan King asked: "Senior nephew Wan Shan, your Wan Zhong Mountain was injured by the demon clan's spiritual treasure beads. Is the damage serious?"

Venerable Wanshan shook his head: "It only takes a few decades to cultivate it and it can be restored to its original state.

The materials used in my Wan Zhong Mountain are unusual, and I once had a head-on confrontation with Ling Bao.

I just didn't expect that the blue beads would be so powerful.

It can attack, defend, suppress, and can also help Ao Ming escape. It's such a good treasure. "

At this time, Liu Yuanchen's body also came out of the Shinto spiritual realm.

"That bead is called Dinghaizhu. It is an imitation of an innate spiritual treasure. It is naturally not comparable to ordinary acquired spiritual treasures."

Hearing this, everyone was a little confused.

Everyone has heard of acquired spiritual treasures, but never heard of innate spiritual treasures.

In the Yuanling world, the only famous innate thing is the innate spiritual root.

Venerable Wanshan is a great master of weapon refining, so he is naturally very interested in spiritual treasures.

"I know the acquired spiritual treasure, but what is this innate spiritual treasure? How is it different from the acquired spiritual treasure?"

Liu Yuanchen told some of what he knew.

“The difference between innate spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual treasures lies in the treasure ban.

The treasure ban among the acquired spiritual treasures is called the acquired treasure ban, which is condensed with the power of laws.

The treasure forbidden among the innate spiritual treasures is called the innate treasure forbidden, which is formed by the power of heaven and the origin of the world.

You elders are more knowledgeable than me and should know the difference between the two. "

Venerable Wanshan nodded repeatedly: "The power of law is the projection, or branch, of the power of heaven.

Once you reach the Dharma Realm, you can understand something.

By comprehending certain small magical powers and achieving success, you can realize the power of laws.

As for the power of heaven, we are not even qualified to comprehend it. "

"Since the Dinghai Pearl is an imitation of the innate spiritual treasure, doesn't it mean that the demon clan has an innate spiritual treasure in its hands?" Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, the dragon clan has a medium-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Dinghai Pearl. It is said that Possess fifteen innate treasures."

Hearing this, everyone gasped.

If an imitation is so terrifying, how powerful should the power of the innate spiritual treasure Dinghai Pearl be?
Lord Diaolong asked quickly: "Since Dinghaizhu is so powerful, I'm afraid that when the physical body was prosperous in ancient times, it would be impossible for the human race to defeat the demon race.

At that time, why didn't they take out the Dinghai Pearl and wipe out the human race? "

Liu Yuanchen shook his head: "I only know that in the Lich War, the twelve great witches of the Wu clan formed the twelve capitals of the gods and killed the first-generation Dragon King who was holding the Dinghai Pearl.

In that battle, Ding Haizhu also suffered extremely serious injuries.

Ordinarily, innate spiritual treasures, like innate spiritual roots, can be restored to their original state as long as they are not completely destroyed. "

"Dinghaizhu has not been seen again for many years. It may be that the damage was too serious and it has not fully recovered.

It may also be that it has other uses and cannot be spared. "

Hearing this, Venerable Yishan's eyes lit up: "I didn't expect that the Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formation would be so powerful that it could severely damage even the innate spiritual treasures."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "Anyone you pick out from the Twelve Ancestral Witches is one of the most powerful creatures.

The formation they created has the power to destroy the heaven and the earth, and destroying the innate spiritual treasure is just a piece of cake.

Unfortunately, except for the Twelve Ancestral Witches, no one can truly unleash the power of this formation. "

"However, if we can gather together the statues of the Twelve Ancestral Witches and arrange the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods' Formation, we should be able to destroy the Dinghaizhu imitation."

Hearing this, everyone became interested.

The demon clan was pressed to the ground and rubbed by the human clan, but they didn't even take out the Ding Haizhu.

Perhaps, there is really something wrong with that innate spiritual treasure.

The only things the human race needs to guard against are these acquired spiritual treasures.

The Twelve Capital Heavenly Divine Evil Formations built with the statues of ancestral witches are enough to deal with acquired spiritual treasures.

For the human race, defense is no longer a problem.

Although the heritage of the human race is far inferior to that of the monster race, the strength of the human race lies in learning from the strengths of others and then innovating.

Most of the inheritances of the demon clan are passed down by ancient masters, and they do not have the ability to continuously create new inheritances.

Once the human race and the demon race form a long-term confrontation, it will only be a matter of time before the human race surpasses the demon race in inheritance.

Venerable Yishan flushed with excitement: "Uncle Qingyuan just got a red statue. There should be some inheritance from the witch clan in it, right?"

King Qingyuan Dan took out the statue and said, "This is the statue obtained at Jinyu Mountain. It is exactly the same as the image of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch."

After saying that, a red mana was injected into it.

There was only a flicker of fire on the statue, and nothing else happened.

King Qingyuan Dan frowned slightly: "My magic power is completely unable to activate this statue."

Zhao Hong volunteered: "I am a fire attribute monk, let me try."

He took the statue of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch and drew out a stream of sword fire and injected it into the statue.

This statue swallowed up many flames, but showed no abnormality.

Several other fire attribute monks also tried, but all failed.

Liu Yuanchen had expected this a long time ago. The original statue of Jumang Zuwu could only be activated by his own magic power.

Taishizu spent a lot of effort, but he couldn't even draw out the shadow of Mangzu's shaman.

"My Gang Qi is quite special, and it may affect this statue of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch."

An ancestor monk handed the statue of Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch into his hands.

This statue is not complete. The fire snakes on Zhu Rong Zuwu's ears and the fire dragon at his feet are somewhat incomplete.

However, these defects are not obvious. They are just that the snake letter is broken and the dragon is missing two beards.

Liu Yuanchen took the statue, drew out the true essence, soul essence and Yuangang from the spiritual platform, and injected it into the statue.

This statue does not reject any of the three, and accepts them all.

Not long after, the fire surged on the statue, and the shadow of Zhu Rong, the ancestral witch, actually appeared.

In an instant, the scene in front of him changed drastically. It was no longer the main hall of Dongyang Divine Mansion, but in a huge crater.

Within the crater is a lava lake hundreds of miles in radius.

In this lava lake, there is a huge fiery red figure, which seems to be taking a bath.

This figure was very familiar to him, it was Zhu Rong Ancestral Witch.

I saw Zhu Rong Zuwu jumping up from the lava lake, and his whole body left the lava.

He has the head of an animal and the body of a human body, with fiery red scales all over his body. There is a fire snake in each ear, and there are two fire dragons at his feet.

A pair of fiery red eyes looked down at Liu Yuanchen.

The monstrous power swept across, making people frightened.

Fortunately, Liu Yuanchen had already received the Jumang Ancestral Witch inheritance and was not greatly affected at this time.

Soon, the fierce power dissipated, and Zhu Rong Zuwu just continued to emit waves of heat.

Then, the scene in front of him gradually disappeared.

The figure of Ancestral Witch Zhu Rong turned into a ball of crimson light and blended into the center of Liu Yuanchen's eyebrows.

At this time, a soybean-sized phantom of Zhu Rong's ancestral shaman appeared in Liu Yuanchen's sea of ​​consciousness.

This was also the case when I received the Jumangzu witch inheritance.

This phantom should be the inheritance seed of the witch clan, which contains the inheritance of an ancestral witch.

Liu Yuanchen probed his consciousness into it, and a stream of information instantly poured into his consciousness.

The inheritance structure of Zhurong Ancestral Witch is similar to that of Jumang Ancestral Witch.

At the front are the exercises and some secret techniques, which are similar to the human race's physical inheritance.

There are Daoyin Techniques, Condensing Gang Techniques, and methods to induce the turbid air of the earth to temper the body and condense the Gang Qi.

In the Jumang ancestral witchcraft inheritance, there are methods to absorb the vitality of plants and trees to enhance the qi, blood and physical body.

Zhurong Zuwu also has similar content, but it absorbs the fire energy in the lava.

My junior brother can practice in the lava lake. This secret skill should be in his bloodline.

In addition, there are also methods for refining ancestral witch statues and puppets, parts of the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation, as well as inheritances such as witch patterns and witch clan warfare methods.

The minor damage to the statue does not affect the integrity of the inheritance.

What excites Liu Yuanchen the most is the inheritance of magical powers from Zu Rong.

There are also two kinds of magical powers in this inheritance.

One is the blazing fire that shines into the sky. This magical power is similar to the magical power of rejuvenation of heaven and earth in the Jumang ancestral witch inheritance. It is a domain-type magical power.

Once this magical power is used, the surrounding environment can become extremely hot.

With a little use of this method, one side of the world can always be in the hot summer.

If you have strong control over this magical power, you can even turn a piece of land into a lava lake.

The second is the Wanhuo Chaozong, which has magical powers that can use its own original power to condense a ball of original spiritual fire.

After that, you can continue to swallow various spiritual fires and merge into this original spiritual fire.

The more spiritual fire is swallowed, the stronger the original spiritual fire is.

At the same time, the original spiritual fire can inherit the special abilities of those devoured spiritual fires.

Meng Tieshan's method of devouring spiritual fire can be regarded as part of Wanhuo Chaozong's magical power.

Unfortunately, if you want to practice this magical power, you need to have an innate flame-like physique, preferably with the blood of a fire witch.

Moreover, the physical body must be able to withstand the burning of various spiritual fires.

(End of this chapter)

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