Chapter 284 Innate Yuan Qi
Although the secret technique of rubbing spiritual veins using land books has its own limitations, Liu Yuanchen is already very satisfied.

At least, gathering the nine spiritual veins in the blessed land does not require spending too many resources.

Previously, in order for the newly added spiritual veins to not hinder the growth of the blessed land, at least a seventh-level spiritual creature was required to derive the spiritual veins.

Now that we have this secret method of rubbing the book from the earth, the need for spiritual items has been reduced a lot.

Spirit Stone Chalcedony and Spirit Vein Jade Zhi, as long as they can reach the fifth level, can be used to derive spiritual veins, and the effect is excellent.

The seventh-level low-grade spirit stone chalcedony can be worth tens of millions of spirit stones.

If it is a seventh-level high-grade one, its value can reach hundreds of millions of spiritual stones.

The eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony is the most top-notch heavenly material and earthly treasure, worth more than one billion spiritual stones.

As for the fifth-level spirit stone chalcedony, it can be easily obtained with 400 million spirit stones.

Moreover, almost no one will sell this thing.

If you want to get it, you can only exchange it for something extremely precious.

Spirit stone chalcedony has the potential to derive spirit stone veins. Even if you are not an Earth Immortal monk, you still need this thing.

The fifth-level spiritual vein Yuzhi, which can also derive spiritual veins, can only derive jade veins, and its value is much lower.

The fifth-level low-grade Spirit Vein Jade Zhi can also derive spiritual veins, but it only costs 200 to [-] million spirit stones to get it.

Integrate spiritual objects into the Book of the Earth, and then use the secret method of rubbing to derive spiritual veins in Dongyang Blessed Land.

The growth potential of the spiritual veins derived from the fifth-level spiritual vein jade and the eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony is the same.

The spiritual veins derived from the eighth-level spiritual stone chalcedony only have growth advantages in the early stages.

However, the price difference between the two is about a thousand times.

With this secret rubbing technique, you no longer need to care too much about the grade of the spiritual object.

Liu Yuanchen held the seventh-grade low-grade spiritual stone chalcedony in his hand, and according to the method recorded in the secret rubbing method, he continuously condensed inscriptions and integrated them into it.

After absorbing a large number of inscriptions, the spirit stone chalcedony also underwent obvious changes.

Originally, this spiritual stone chalcedony looked like an egg carved from mutton fat jade. Apart from the powerful fluctuations of spiritual power, there was no other abnormality.

But at this time, the jade white color inside the spirit stone chalcedony turned into a sea of ​​clouds, slowly surging.

There seems to be some living creature in this sea of ​​clouds, causing the entire sea of ​​clouds to surge.

As time goes by, the sea of ​​clouds becomes thinner and thinner.

The living creatures that shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds finally showed their figures at this moment.

It was a jade-white dragon, reveling in the sea of ​​clouds.

The dragon was only an inch long. While having fun, it continued to absorb the energy in the sea of ​​clouds.

About an hour later, the sea of ​​clouds completely disappeared.

The last ray of jade-white cloud was also sucked into the dragon's belly.

At this time, the jade dragon had grown to three inches long.

He kept hitting the chalcedony shell of the spirit stone, as if he was about to break out of the shell at any time.

At this time, the spirit stone chalcedony was completely transparent, like crystal.

Liu Yuanchen knew it well, and at this point, it was time to integrate it into the book of the earth.

Without hesitation, he put the spirit stone chalcedony directly into his middle dantian.

Since the Condensing Lingtai, the book from the earth has also been included in the middle dantian and cultivated with the power of the Lingtai.

Under Liu Yuanchen's guidance, the spirit stone chalcedony flew straight to the book on the ground.

This spiritual stone chalcedony has absorbed many inscriptions, including the inscriptions that help it integrate with the Book of the Earth.

As soon as it comes into contact with the book on the ground, it blends in instantly.

Moreover, the place where the spirit stone chalcedony is integrated is the intersection point of many spiritual veins, which happens to correspond to the first spiritual hub of Dongyang blessed land.

After the spirit stone chalcedony was integrated into the earth book, a massive amount of spiritual energy and earth vein evil energy poured into it.

The jade dragon among them was like a fish in water at this time, swallowing up the spiritual energy and the evil energy of the earth veins wantonly.

Not long after, its body grew to five inches in size.

Such a large body can only be coiled in the spirit stone chalcedony.

After a crisp sound, the shell of the spirit stone chalcedony was burst open.

The jade dragon was extremely greedy and swallowed all the fragments of the spiritual stone chalcedony into its belly.

Afterwards, the Jade Dragon continued to absorb spiritual energy, and its body continued to expand.

It wasn't until it grew to one foot long that the speed of devouring energy slowed down significantly.

The jade dragon leaned its entire body on the ground book, turning into a jade-white spiritual vein mark.

Compared with other spiritual vein marks, this spiritual vein mark is quite extraordinary.

Not only does it have the appearance of a dragon, it can also continuously extract evil energy from the earth's veins and turn it into pure spiritual power.

The most bizarre thing is that crystals similar to spiritual stones are slowly growing around the dragon's spiritual vein imprint.

This is also one of the characteristics of the spirit stone chalcedony. It can not only derive a spiritual vein, but also derive a spirit stone vein.

Liu Yuanchen was surprised that the book on the earth was somewhat similar to the earth.

There is no obvious difference between the spiritual vein integrating into the book of the earth and integrating into the earth.

Whether it is the spirit stone veins or the jade dragon spirit veins themselves, they are all tangible.

At this time, the jade dragon spiritual veins showed the spiritual power fluctuations of the first-order spiritual veins.

The other spiritual vein marks are just a mark.

Although there is energy flowing in it, there is no physical existence, and there is no grade at all.

Perhaps, this is the reason why ordinary spiritual vein marks cannot be used as seals to perform the secret technique of rubbing.

Only the Panlong Mountain spiritual vein imprint is special. The imprint is the superposition of the Panlong Mountain spiritual vein imprints from the Yin and Yang realms.

In addition, there is the seal of Panlong Mountain in the two realms of Yin and Yang, and it is blessed by the authority of Shinto, which is different from ordinary spiritual vein seals.

The spiritual veins are already showing signs of turning into reality. Once they are condensed into entities, they can be used as seals to imprint the spiritual veins.

One year later, Liu Yuanchen was 84 years old.

This year, he has been practicing at Panlong Mountain in the underworld.

All affairs in the underworld are taken care of by the Avatar No. [-].

His master, grandmaster, and grandmaster are all in Panlong Mountain in the Yang Realm. If there is any major issue, they can handle it without Liu Yuanchen having to deal with it.

Over the past year, the Jade Dragon Spiritual Vein in the Book of Earth has been continuously devouring energy and improving its own level.

At this time, the spiritual veins have grown to the fourth level of low-grade.

Perhaps due to the limitations of Liu Yuanchen's own cultivation, he was unable to go any further for the time being.

Perhaps the Earth Book has absorbed too much energy, and now there is a real spiritual vein. There is no obvious change in the entire Earth Book.

The jade dragon's spiritual veins stabilized, and Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, he can use the secret rubbing method to rub this spiritual vein into Dongyang Blessed Land.

In fact, as early as a year ago when the jade dragon's spiritual veins were first formed, he could perform the secret rubbing technique.

But when it was used, the spiritual veins printed out were first-order spiritual veins.

Although the growth rate of that level of spiritual veins is relatively fast, it also takes time.

Now, by using the secret technique of rubbing, the Book of Earth can mobilize the energy in Dongyang Blessed Land to form a fourth-level low-grade spiritual vein as quickly as possible.

Although the rubbing of spiritual veins is a year late, it can save a lot of growth time for the spiritual veins that have been rubbed.

Liu Yuanchen took out the book from the sea of ​​consciousness and placed it in the spiritual hub at the bottom of Panlong Lake.

Then, with a thought, he appeared near the first spiritual hub of Dongyang Paradise.

Three years have passed since he broke through to the Lingtai realm.

Dongyang Fudi has been growing rapidly in the past three years.

By now, this blessed land has grown to a diameter of more than thirty miles.Moreover, this blessed land has not stopped expanding, but the speed is much slower than before.

Liu Yuanchen made a casual move, and a khaki light flew into his hand.

This aura is none other than the Book of the Earth.

According to the secret rubbing method, he injected a stream of mana into the jade dragon's spiritual veins.

The jade dragon's spiritual veins shine brightly, reflecting in the first spiritual hub of Dongyang Paradise.

In an instant, a phantom of a dragon appeared out of thin air.

After the dragon took a dip in the first spiritual hub, he lay down on the shore of the lake.

The head is inserted into the lake, but the body is on the shore.

A strong wind blew in the blessed land, and countless spiritual energy gathered towards the shadow of the jade dragon.

Two or three hours passed, and the dragon's shadow turned into reality, just like a real dragon.

Then, the dragon's shadow disappeared into the soil and turned into a spiritual vein.

At this point, there is also a fourth spiritual vein in Dongyang Blessed Land.

When this spiritual vein was just born, it had a second-level high-grade level.

After these two veins were formed, energy was continuously extracted from the first spiritual core, and the grade was rapidly improved.

Only two days have passed, and it has grown to the fourth level of low-grade.

Moreover, in this fourth spiritual vein, there are also prototypes of spiritual stone veins.

Given time, a vein of spirit stone can be derived.

It is also a spiritual vein derived from the spirit stone chalcedony. The prototype of the third spiritual vein's spirit stone vein has grown to more than three feet long.

If you dig it out, you should be able to get dozens of high-grade spiritual stones and a few top-grade spiritual stones.

Of course, digging it out would be a waste of natural resources.

As long as there is pure spiritual energy, the prototype of this spiritual stone vein will continue to expand.

In the future, if the blessed land is promoted to a cave, it will not be difficult for this spirit stone vein to grow into a super large spirit stone vein that stretches for hundreds of miles.

Three of the four spiritual veins in Dongyang Blessed Land are fourth-level low-grade ones.

Only the second spiritual vein is a rootless spiritual vein and its growth rate is relatively slow.

However, it has now grown to the second level of high quality.

The main reason why the level of this spiritual vein can be improved so quickly is because Liu Yuanchen used the secret technique of earth spirit dragon transformation on it.

With the help of the energy of the third-level spiritual vein Yuzhi, the virtual and earth spiritual seeds are condensed and integrated into the second spiritual vein and the marks left on the earth book.

This secret technique is also inherited by Zhenyuan Immortal, and with the help of earthly books, it is naturally extraordinary.


After fussing about rubbing the spiritual veins, Liu Yuanchen took out the fifth-level innate dragon fetus.

This object was the first innate treasure Liu Yuanchen came into contact with, but it was a pity that the grade was too low.

Apart from deriving dragon veins and extracting innate energy, it really doesn't help me much.

The method of extracting innate Yuan Qi is recorded in the Innate Treasure Refining Technique taught by Zhenyuan Immortal.

This method is simple to say, it is to find an energy similar to the material of the innate dragon fetus and integrate it into the dragon fetus.

Then use the secret technique to use this energy to absorb the innate Yuan Qi in it.

Once the innate Yuan Qi is stripped out, that energy can be extracted.

The innate dragon fetus is something derived from the earth's veins, and has a lot of energy similar to it.

For example, there is similar energy in the evil energy of earth veins.

It's just that the evil energy in the earth's veins is too mixed, and the extracted innate Yuan Qi will also be contaminated.

In addition to earth veins, the most suitable thing is the energy in spiritual veins.

After all, dragon veins are usually accompanied by large spiritual veins.

Of course, ordinary spiritual energy is definitely not enough.

But there is also a kind of energy in the spiritual veins. The essence of the spiritual vein jade zhi and the spiritual stone chalcedony is also the energy of the spiritual vein.

He took out the Spirit Vein Jade Zhi and extracted a ray of jade-white essence from it.

Using secret techniques, this ray of essence turned into the shadow of a jade dragon, and its shape was almost exactly the same as that of the innate dragon fetus.

Under his urging, the jade dragon phantom merged into the innate dragon fetus.

Later, Liu Yuanchen continued to condense several complex inscriptions and merged them into the innate dragon fetus.

Under the guidance of the inscriptions and secret techniques, after the jade dragon phantom merged into the innate dragon fetus, it kept wandering around, seeming to be devouring something.

Seeing this, Liu Yuanchen was secretly happy. This jade dragon shadow was absorbing the innate energy contained in the innate dragon fetus.

If there is no innate Yuan Qi in the innate dragon womb, this jade dragon phantom will fly out immediately.

The more innate Yuan Qi there is, the longer the jade dragon shadow will be able to absorb.

After more than a hundred breaths passed, the jade dragon's shadow suddenly flew out of the innate dragon's womb.

This jade dragon shadow was originally jade white, but at this time, the pair of dragon horns turned bright yellow.

Looking carefully, the bright yellow energy in the dragon horn is like pure and flawless amber, exuding an alluring luster.

This energy is still flowing, as if it wants to break through the dragon's horns and fly outside.

Seeing this, Liu Yuanchen sighed softly: "The innate Yuan Qi in this innate dragon's womb is really pitiful.

In terms of quantity alone, it is equivalent to the total amount of spiritual energy contained in a low-grade spiritual stone. "

To condense an innate immortal spiritual light, the innate energy required is equivalent to the total amount of spiritual energy in a million low-grade spiritual stones, and this is without any loss.

In fact, when condensing the innate immortal spiritual light, the loss is very large.

This innate Yuan Qi cannot be stored in any substantial spiritual object, otherwise it will be absorbed by the spiritual object.

It must not be exposed to the outside, otherwise the innate spiritual energy will be dispersed in an instant.

After being extracted, it needs to be stored in an isolated small space, such as the Small Universe condensed from the Universe in the Sleeve.

Even so, it cannot completely prevent the innate Yuan Qi from escaping.

Innate Yuan Qi can be transformed into the origin of the world, and its value is self-evident.

Any living being or spiritual creature will benefit greatly from absorbing this thing.

If a newborn can absorb a ray of innate energy, his foundation will be qualitatively improved, and his immortality, understanding, and physique will be greatly improved.

There is even a small chance of developing a special physique.

It's a pity that Liu Yuanchen is already over 80 years old. Absorbing a ray of innate energy will improve his qualifications better than nothing. At most, he can improve his cultivation level by a small amount.

As for the acquired spiritual treasures and acquired spiritual roots, absorbing this ray of innate immortal spiritual light can only improve the foundation a little at most, but it is not very useful.

Especially the ginseng fruit tree itself is already the best acquired spiritual root.

If you want to go further, you can only absorb the innate immortal spiritual light and rebel against the innate.

No matter how much innate energy is absorbed, it can only bear fruit as quickly as possible.

Liu Yuanchen thought for a moment and thought of his own natal spiritual fire.

The spiritual fire is still in a fire state and needs to absorb various spiritual objects to grow.

If it can incorporate a ray of innate Yuan Qi, its potential will be greatly improved.

The natal spiritual fire always stays in the spiritual platform and is considered a part of one's body.

The absorption of spiritual fire is similar to the absorption of one's own physical body.

Direct physical absorption will immediately improve the cultivation level, but it will not reach the middle stage of the spiritual stage.

The spiritual fire absorbs the innate energy and can continue to nourish itself.

(End of this chapter)

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