Chapter 288 Master’s plan

With so many benefits offered by the pavilion master, Liu Yuanchen was indeed trying to be soft on others.

It's just that Yanyang is really not a toy. If it is placed on his own territory, it will be a disaster after all.

His out-of-control yang energy could be suppressed steadily with the help of yin-yang spiritual fire.

If possible, Liu Yuanchen would rather expose the Yin Yang Spirit Fire than let him stay on his territory for a long time.

When he was thinking about how to decline politely, Zhang Lingxu spoke first: "Pavilion Master, don't worry, our masters from Bahuang Pavilion are always stationed at Panlong Mountain.

If something happens over there in the underworld, we can support it within a hundred breaths.

It would also be good for him to let the little guy Yan Yang go to the underworld to experience something. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was stunned. Before he could speak, his master agreed on his behalf.

Although my master is unreliable, my master has always been far-sighted.

If he is willing to accept this matter, he must have more profound considerations.

At this time, we can only remain consistent with our master.

"Pavilion Master, don't worry, I often practice in the underworld, so protecting Junior Brother Yanyang won't be a problem."

Seeing that Liu Yuanchen had no objection, Jiao Guihua nodded with satisfaction: "That way, I feel relieved.

Yan Yang, this little bastard, was spoiled by other elders and didn't know how high the sky was.

From now on, if he practices in Panlong Mountain, you should teach him a lesson. "

“If he dares to act recklessly, you can take action at will.

As long as you don't damage your foundation, I guarantee that no one will dare to trouble you. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Yan Yang has extraordinary talent, he is still far behind compared to himself.

If he dares to disobey, it's not a big deal to beat him up.

Jiao Guihua did not stay in Panlong Mountain for too long, and soon followed several Bahuang Pavilion monks to Jinyu Mountain.

For people like them, the temptation of immortality is the greatest.


After everyone dispersed, only Liu Yuanchen, Zhang Lingxu, and Zhao Hong were left in the hall.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but ask: "Master, that boy Yan Yang is a big trouble, why do you want me to agree?"

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "You only see Yan Yang as a trouble, but you don't see his value."

Zhao Hong looked disdainful: "With his little ability, he can't even beat An Changsheng, and he doesn't have any brains, what value can he have?
In terms of talent, he is known as the best in Bahuang Pavilion.

But in fact, he can only be ranked fourth. Which one among Yuan Chen, Tieshan and Junlan is not better than him?
I think back when I swept through my peers, and those guys who were hundreds of years older than me were all beaten to pieces by me. Don’t you always think that I am useless? "

Zhang Lingxu glanced at him: "If you can fight and have other skills at the same time, your value will not be small."

"The value of Yanyang is that he is the direct descendant of the Pavilion Master's line. In the future, he will be the talker of the Pavilion Master's line, and he may even become the next Pavilion Master."

“The way he looks now is largely due to his physical condition.

Once the physical deficiencies are resolved, he may be a promising talent.

The most important thing is that the old guy from the pavilion master's lineage has put a lot of effort into him.

Among his peers, Yan Yang still has some prestige. "

Zhao Hong looked disdainful: "Even if his physique has recovered, [-]% of his talent is about the same as Xia Longting.

With Yuan Chen in their generation, others are destined to be unable to hold their heads high.

Is it possible that Yuan Chen was asked to help him? "

Zhang Lingxu glanced at him impatiently and sighed.

"It would be great if you could separate out your talent in fighting and put it into strategy!"

"Yuan Chen, you should know what I mean, right?"

Liu Yuanchen thought for a while and had some guesses in his mind.

"Master, what you want is for me to step on the scorching sun to establish my authority and become the veritable No. 1 among my peers.

In the future, I may have the opportunity to become the Pavilion Master of Bahuang Pavilion.

Even if he couldn't take over the position of Pavilion Master, Yan Yang became the Pavilion Master.

I can always dominate him, and he, the master of the pavilion, has to look at my face. "

Zhang Lingxu's face showed joy: "That's right, that's what I meant.

Yan Yang was promoted to No. 1 among his peers in the Bahuang Pavilion by people from the Pavilion Master's lineage, and it could be said that he stole the show.

As long as you can suppress him, those names and honors will be yours.

Coupled with your method of further advancement with the help of the Witch Clan inheritance and the Earth Immortal Way, many factions in the sect support you.

It is not impossible to seize the position of Pavilion Master in the future. "

Zhao Hong had a look of confusion on his face: "Since the establishment of Bahuang Pavilion, the position of the Pavilion Master has never been changed.

Even if Yuan Chen has extraordinary means, he can at most make our lineage the strongest in Bahuang Pavilion.

But the pavilion master's lineage has the most experts, and it would be very difficult to replace them. "

Zhang Lingxu looked confident: "Don't forget the rules set when Bahuang Pavilion was first established.

The position of Pavilion Master can only come from the earliest Eight Meridians.

Only the patriarch of the pavilion master's lineage is the strongest and has made the greatest contribution, so he can always occupy the position of pavilion master.

Our lineage is also one of the eight meridians.

Logically speaking, he is also qualified to compete for the position of Pavilion Master. "

“Moreover, there is the Feixian Sect in Lao Ba Lineage.

If Yuan Chen can bring the Feixian Sect back, let them rejoin the Bahuang Pavilion.

With this merit, he can definitely become the master of the pavilion. "

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hong's eyes lit up.

"That's right! Why did I forget about the Flying Immortal Teaching.

They left the Bahuang Pavilion in the first place because the Earth Immortal Dao could not truly live forever.

Yuan Chen received the inheritance from the ancient Earth Immortal, which gave Earth Immortal monks a chance to live forever.

If the strength continues to overwhelm the Feixian Sect, it is possible that the Feixian Sect will change its mind.

Before the Feixian Sect left Bahuang Pavilion, its strength could rival that of the Pavilion Master.

Over the years, I have gained profound knowledge in space.

The return of the Feixian Sect is of great significance to our Bahuang Pavilion. "

Although his ancestor and master valued the position of Pavilion Master of Bahuang Pavilion very much, Liu Yuanchen never took the position of Pavilion Master seriously.

With the inheritance of Zhenyuan Great Immortal, his vision is naturally not limited to the Yuanling World, a small and severely damaged world.

However, it is still very important to maintain a good relationship with the Pavilion Master at the moment.

After all, the Pavilion Master's lineage has controlled the Bahuang Pavilion for tens of thousands of years and has a high prestige.

With the support of the pavilion master, he can continue to be a fox and a tiger.

Moreover, Liu Yuanchen also coveted the inheritance of Feixian Sect.

Although there is a secret in the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal.

But the actual power exerted depends on one's own attainments in space.

The Feixian Sect specializes in immortal species and the way of space, and its tens of thousands of years of research results cannot be underestimated.

The inheritances of all the lines in Bahuang Pavilion all learn from each other. You have me, and I have you.

If he can bring the Feixian Sect back, he can learn the Feixian Sect's space method.

"In that case, I should really take care of Yan Yang."

Zhang Lingxu smiled and said: "Yanyang is spoiled by the old people of the pavilion master's lineage, and he doesn't know how high the sky is.

You'd better let him be convinced by you, so that you can get the maximum benefit.

You should be able to deal with such a little guy, right? "

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It's funny, I still have some experience in treating naughty children."


After Yan Yang recovered, he became dishonest again.

Run to the duel field and challenge the masters on the hero list one by one.He originally wanted to continue challenging An Changsheng, but he had already made preparations when he first established the duel arena to prevent anyone from stalking him.

The two who decide the winner in the duel are not allowed to fight again within a month.

Yan Yang couldn't fight with An Chang, so he could only fight with others.

This guy's strength and talent are indeed not weak. The Binghuo spirit body can use the sun to restore mana, and he can take advantage of it during the day.

Even if other monks achieve a crushing victory, they can only fight four or five games a day at most.

However, Yan Yang played more than ten games a day, and in just three days, he defeated all the late-stage Condensing Yuan Realm monks on the hero list.

So far, he has only lost to An Changsheng.

Continuous battles greatly improved his actual combat ability.

Of course, his self-confidence also swelled.

After defeating the last opponent in the late stage of the Condensation Realm, he shouted loudly on Panlong Mountain: "Everyone who has been on this hero list is a hero.

In my opinion, they are all a bunch of bears. "

Hearing this, everyone started talking.

An Changsheng was also very crazy before, but not as crazy as him.

On the top floor of the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce store next door, Xia Longting was hugging him from left to right.

One of the two beautiful women fed him fruit, and the other poured him wine.

When he heard Yan Yang's words, he was dismissive: "This guy is such an adult, why is he still acting like a little kid?"

Wan Yutang chuckled: "His talent is not weak, and he does have rampant capital.

If the defects of the spiritual body are solved, the talent can be said to be first-rate.

The power of the Binghuo spirit body is no joke.

Although you have a first-class top-grade thunder dragon fairy species, you may not be his opponent. "

Hearing this, Xia Longting rolled his eyes several times: "In that case, I really have to avoid him."

Wan Yutang's face was full of joking: "His Binghuo spirit body has great flaws. It is best to find a female cultivator with a Yin attribute spirit body to practice dual cultivation.

Junior Sister Liang possesses a moon spirit body and meets the conditions.

This time he ran to Chihuang, and he would probably ask for marriage from the Lingyue Sect.

Lingyue Sect has no foundation in Chihuang Plain and needs the help of Bahuang Pavilion.

If Bahuang Pavilion comes to propose marriage, it is likely to happen. "

After hearing this, Xia Longting became furious and kicked the table in front of him away. The two beautiful women were so frightened that they knelt aside.

He gasped for a long time: "This bitch is so brave, he dares to take food from my mouth.

No, I must defeat him. "

He is not a reckless person. When he thought of Yan Yang's performance, he calmed down at that time.

"Uncle, can you defeat him?"

Xia Lingkai shook his head: "My cultivation level is higher than his, so it's hard for me to attack him.

If I were to fight in the same realm, I could only hope to win at night or on rainy days.

On a sunny day, I am no match for him. "

He looked at Wan Yutang again: "Cousin, your strength is not weak either."

Wan Yutang waved his hands repeatedly: "I am already a Lingtai realm monk, and I am over a hundred years old. I can't bully Yan Yang.

In a battle with the same realm, I may not be his opponent. "

Xia Longting used his brain to find a rival for Yan Yang.

After thinking for a long time, he asked: "Liu Yuanchen should be able to defeat him, right?"

Wan Yutang shook his head: "I have never seen Junior Brother Liu take action, and I can't see his aura at all."

Hearing this, Xia Longting showed a cunning smile on his face.

"In this case, I will ask Liu Yuanchen to help deal with him.

Didn't he clamor to challenge Liu Yuanchen before?
If we try to find a way to add to the fire, there will be no problem. "

When it came to men and women, Xia Longting's intelligence skyrocketed.

At this time, the scorching sun on the field was looking in all directions.

Xia Longting shouted loudly: "When it comes to the No. 1 among the younger generation, senior brother Liu Yuanchen should be the first.

Young Yanyang, no matter how powerful you are, can you beat Senior Brother Liu? "

Everyone else couldn't stand Yan Yang, and they all started to boo at this time.

"That's right. Liu Yuanchen broke through to the Lingtai realm in his eighties. Who among his peers can compare?"

"You, Yanyang, are about the same age as Liu Yuanchen. He is the Divine Lord of Dongyang and is in charge of a county. The entire Panlong Mountain is his property.

Whether it is his cultivation or his ability to make money, he is worthy of being No. 1 among his peers. "


Under the cheers of everyone, Yan Yang's face turned red with anger, and white smoke began to appear from his head.

He shouted in the direction of Dongyang Divine Mansion: "Liu Yuanchen, do you dare to come out and fight?"

Before Yan Yang finished speaking, a bolt of thunder fell from the sky and knocked him to the ground.

Liu Yuanchen knew very well that to deal with a guy like this, he had to get rid of his arrogance first.

Yan Yang's arrogance comes from his confidence in his own talent and strength.

He lay on the ground and twitched for a long time before standing up.

"It's useless to rely on the power of heaven to bully people. If you have the guts to fight me head-on."

Xia Longting made a fuss again: "The power of heaven is obtained by one's own ability. Naturally, it should be regarded as part of one's own strength. Why not let Senior Brother Liu use it?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone echoed.

"If you have that ability, you can also understand the power of heaven, and no one will stop you."

"At the same age, Dongyang Shenjun gained the power of heaven and at the same time, his cultivation level was still higher than yours.

It is self-evident who is strong and who is weak. "

Liu Yuanchen's voice sounded from all directions: "Since you say it's unfair, then I won't use the authority of heaven.

If you have any other requests, just ask. "

Yan Yang snorted coldly: "If I can still be afraid of you, I can take action."

At this moment, a stream of light flew out from Dongyang Divine Mansion and fell into the duel field.

The light dispersed, revealing Liu Yuanchen's figure.

"This is my clone, and its cultivation level is only at the early stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm.

However, it is enough to deal with you. "

Hearing this, Yan Yang was furious: "You actually underestimate me so much, then I will kill your clone first and then deal with you."

Before he finished speaking, a flaming sword appeared in his hand.

He was also rude and slashed at Liu Yuanchen with his sword.

A muffled sound passed by, but Liu Yuanchen's clone didn't move at all.

An earthy yellow barrier enveloped the whole body, holding back the flaming sword.

No matter how hard Ren Yanyang exerted, he was still unable to break through the defense.

Yan Yang was furious: "I don't believe that your turtle shell can't be broken!"

He opened his mouth and spit out a large stream of flames, turning into several fire dragons and surrounding Liu Yuanchen's clone.

The rocky ground beneath his feet was burned into lava, but the earth-yellow barrier remained unscathed.

The clone chuckled for a lifetime, with fire surging all over his body, and the shadow of Zhu Rong's ancestral witch condensed and took shape.

"You're not even interested in playing with fire in front of me."

Zhu Rong Xuying casually grabbed it, and a fire dragon instantly fell into his hands.

He opened his mouth and sucked in the fire dragon into his belly.

Not long after, none of the several fire dragons were spared.

"Junior Brother Yanyang, do you still need to fight again?"

(End of this chapter)

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