Chapter 29 You are back
Liu Yuanchen continued to use the Cang Yuan Penetrating Forest Technique until his energy and blood were a little low, then he stopped.

After recovering some energy and blood, he came outside the cave.

In the past ten days, Meng Tieshan has not been idle, and has opened up ten acres of wasteland.

He also fetched water from Yingyue Creek every day to irrigate the fields.

Although the spiritual power in the soil has not yet been fixed, it will soon escape.

But as long as you regularly irrigate it with spiritual stream water and plant some low-level spiritual plants, it's not a problem at all.

However, the output may not be satisfactory.

Seeing Liu Yuanchen coming out, Meng Tieshan smiled honestly: "Senior Brother Liu, you didn't tell me the scope of your cave, so I didn't dare to occupy too much land.

In these more than ten days, only ten acres of wasteland were opened up.

It’s just that I don’t have seeds in my hands, so I don’t plant anything. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "This is already very good. I opened up spiritual fields before just to practice Shen Nong Technique. No matter how much, you can do it."

"By the way, I have learned the introductory skills that Deputy Hall Master Zhao left for me.

Next, I will teach you the content of the exercises.

You have no magic power and rely entirely on Qi and blood to practice, which will consume a lot of spiritual things.

How much of the Bigu Pill I gave you before is left? "

Meng Tieshan was a little embarrassed: "Senior Brother Liu, when I am not working, I only eat as much as three or five ordinary people.

Once you work, your appetite will increase greatly.

There are less than twenty of those Bigu Pills left. "

Liu Yuanchen was shocked. In less than half a month, he had already eaten 180 Bigu Pills, more than ten pills a day.

If you are a cultivating monk, you can use your magic power to refine the elixir. You can also refine it by taking twenty or thirty pills a day.

But Meng Tieshan hasn't started practicing yet, so what he eats can only be absorbed by his intestines and stomach.

If you eat too much energy at one time, your intestines and stomach cannot absorb it, and you may be seriously injured.

"Some elixirs are nothing, you don't feel uncomfortable in your stomach, do you?"

Meng Tieshan shook his head: "No, I won't be able to hold on after eating such a small amount of food.

If I were not worried about not having enough Bigu Pills, I could take twenty or thirty pills a day. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. The absorption capacity of the human body's intestines and stomach alone was comparable to that of monks' refining methods. This physical talent was really terrifying.

Even if body-refining cultivators have high levels of cultivation, they generally cannot live without food.

The best way to replenish the power of Qi and blood is to eat a lot of spiritual things.

Relying on mana to replenish qi and blood will actually affect your cultivation.

For physical practitioners, being able to eat is a rare talent.

The Earth Immortal Way pays more attention to the physical body than the physical training in Qi Training. It must be more important to be able to take advantage of this talent.

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I still have a lot of spiritual grains in my hand, which can be refined into Bigu Pills.

You won't go hungry for a few months at least.

I'll teach you the Cang Yuan Guiding Technique first. After you get started, you can try to condense the Gang Qi seeds. "


Meng Tieshan is indeed a prodigy of the Earth Immortal Way, and he can practice the Ape Crossing the Forest Technique very quickly.

Without the blessing of the monk's spiritual consciousness, he could learn all three sets of spells, including the Guidance Technique and the Forest Escape Technique, within one day.

Especially when practicing the Guidance Technique, the power of Qi and blood circulates, making it look like a humanoid monster.

It's just that he has no spiritual consciousness and cannot directly perceive the charm of the ape in the visualization picture.

Relying solely on Liu Yuanchen's demonstration, it was much slower to comprehend the charm of Cang Yuan.

It took me a full month to get started.

There is still a long way to go before we can condense the phantom of Cang Yuan.

One morning, Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan finished practicing the Daoyin Technique, each holding a long stick, and started sparring by the Yingyue River.

Before Meng Tieshan started practicing, his energy and blood power was comparable to that of a Qi Sea Realm monk.

Although the Gang Qi has not been cultivated yet, the Qi and blood have improved a lot compared to before.

Physical strength is closely related to Qi and blood. If Qi and blood are strong, physical strength will naturally not be weak.

Liu Yuanchen's physical strength is not weak, but it has not exceeded the realm of nourishing Qi.

With one force, Meng Tieshan had an absolute advantage and always attacked from the front.

Although his moves are not particularly skillful, he can still swing the long stick with great force thanks to his super physical strength.

Liu Yuanchen had no choice but to distance himself and wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

Meng Tieshan's long stick swept across, the tip of the stick whistling with strong wind.

Before the stick arrived, the grass on the ground had been broken by the strong wind.

Liu Yuanchen didn't dare to carry it hard, so he exerted force on his feet and flew back.

Meng Tieshan missed the target and bullied him.

Liu Yuanchen retreated to a tree and scurried into the canopy like a monkey.

Meng Tieshan chased him to the foot of the tree. With his strong strength, he came to dry land to pull out onions and jumped to the top of the tree.

He also raised his long stick high and threw it at Liu Yuanchen below.

Liu Yuanchen refused to confront him head-on. He jumped several times on the treetops and fled far away.

The long stick fell, and the sound of branches breaking could be heard endlessly.

A century-old tree, half of it has lush branches and leaves, and the other half is bare, with only broken branches left.

The powerful stick failed, and Meng Tieshan chased after him.

Liu Yuanchen found a flaw in him and deliberately slowed down.

When he chases behind him, he uses the stick as a spear and turns around to stab him.

Before he could turn around, the stick had arrived and was stabbing the numb tendons in his right arm.

This is not a move in the Mountain Cudgel Technique, but a turning spear in the Marksmanship Technique.

Taking advantage of his weakness in his right hand, Liu Yuanchen knocked the long stick out of his hand, and he no longer resisted.

Meng Tieshan sat on a branch: "I lost again. My physical strength has such a huge advantage, and I can only support so much effort in your hands, senior brother."

Liu Yuanchen laughed and said: "I have been practicing boxing and kicking with my father since I was five or six years old.

It has been more than ten years now.

You have never practiced boxing or kicking before. In the past month, you have learned Ape King Boxing and Kaishan Stick from me.

If you can beat me in moves so quickly, then my more than ten years of hard work have really been a waste of time. "

"We major in Gang Qi. Even if our cultivation level becomes higher in the future, the main means of fighting will still be close to the body.

When it comes to fists, feet, and weapons, you have to work hard. "

Meng Tieshan nodded slightly: "Senior brother is right. I will definitely work hard on fists and weapons in the future."

Before he finished speaking, his stomach rumbled again.

There was some embarrassment on his face: "Senior brother, I have eaten all the Bigu Pills."

Liu Yuanchen's heart trembled: "What? I refined more than 1000 or two hundred Bigu Pills, and you finished eating them all?

Didn’t you say that you can take up to twenty or thirty Bigu Pills a day? "

Meng Tieshan was a little embarrassed: "I used to eat twenty or thirty pills a day, but after I started practicing, my appetite became larger and larger.

If I eat less, I will lose all my strength. Now I need fifty Bigu Pills a day. "

“Senior brother, don’t be angry, I will eat less in the future.

Let's catch some fish from the Yingyue River and dig some wild vegetables, and we should be able to hold on until the golden silk rice matures. "

Meng Tieshan's newly opened ten acres of spiritual field, because there were not many seeds, only five acres of golden silk rice were planted.

But only one month has passed since the planting.

It will take another two months to harvest.

The golden rice grown on a small spiritual field at the entrance of the cave is already mature.

But those golden silk rice were cultivated using Yimu Peiyuan Technique, and there were really too few.Even if they were all used to refine the Bigu Pill, it wouldn't be enough for Meng Tieshan to eat for a few days.

Liu Yuanchen lamented in his heart that he was too confident in his wealth before and did not reserve more spiritual grain before the war started.

After acquiring the Cang Yuan Chuan Lin Kung Fu, he became addicted to practicing again.

After refining the Bigu Pill, he handed it over directly to Meng Tieshan without even noticing the lack of food.

At the beginning, he patted his chest and promised that feeding Meng Tieshan would not be a problem.

Now that the cowhide is torn, even if you eat grass, you still have to patch it up.

He chuckled: "It's okay, you have no magic power. To increase your qi and blood, you have to take bigu pills.

If you eat less, it will affect your cultivation.

I still have some connections within the sect, so it shouldn’t be a problem to borrow some spiritual grain from them. "

The Qingdan Sect is famous for its alchemy and divine farming skills, and its own spiritual valley has always been endless.

If in normal times, any disciple is short of spiritual grain, he can just go to the standing hall to buy it.

As long as you can afford the spiritual stone, it is not a problem to buy a few thousand kilograms.

But now during the war, the sect strictly controls all kinds of materials.

In addition to the fixed quota of spiritual grain every month, there is no way to get a grain of spiritual grain from the standing hall.

There is no need to think about Shennongtang, they are old enemies.

Liu Yuanchen left the bank of Yingyue Creek and headed to Jinyang Peak in the west.

There is only one clan member left in the clan, Liu Qingyuan.

After sending the message to him, Liu Yuanchen came to Jinyang Peak.

Liu Qingyuan went to the door to greet him personally: "Nephew Yuan Chen, you have been busy practicing during this period. Why do you have time to come to my place today?"

Liu Yuanchen sighed softly: "Didn't you encounter a little trouble and asked Uncle Eight for help?"

Liu Qingyuan said with a smile on his face: "What do you want me to do as a family? Let's sit in the cave first. If anything happens, we can talk slowly."

After sitting down, Liu Yuanchen asked: "Eighth Uncle, how many spiritual grains do you have in your hand?"

Liu Qingyuan was stunned: "It's really strange. More than half of the spiritual grains in stock in the sect are in the elixir hall. How can you, an alchemist like you, still be short of spiritual grains?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head; "I need Linggu, not for official matters, but for private matters.

You also know that Hall Master Zhang is dedicated to serving the public good.

If it were normal, it wouldn't be a problem to buy some spiritual grain.

During the war, Linggu's control was extremely strict. If I dared to do anything under his nose, it would be no different than seeking death. "

"Private matters? The third brother, the third sister-in-law, and Yuanfu's family are all with the family.

Apart from me, you have no other relatives in the sect.

Could it be that you have a crush on which female disciple? "

Liu Qingyuan looked excited as if he had discovered a big secret: "If you really fall in love with any female disciple, my eighth uncle will propose marriage to you.

Although our Liu family is not strong, we are still a cultivating family that has lasted for thousands of years.

You are extremely talented in alchemy. Even if you are the daughter of an elder, I can still be worthy of you. "

Liu Yuanchen's face turned dark, he was still such a gossip at such an old age.

In desperation, he told Deputy Hall Master Zhao that he had asked him to take care of Meng Tieshan.

Of course, there was no mention of the cultivation of the Earthly Immortal Way. It was only said that Meng Tieshan had practiced the body-refining technique, and the consumption of the spiritual valley was a bit scary.

After knowing the whole story, Liu Qingyuan jumped up from his chair excitedly.

"The Liu family must be prosperous, the Liu family must be prosperous..."

He was pacing back and forth excitedly, mumbling to himself.

After a long time, he gradually calmed down.

"So, Deputy Hall Master Zhao taught you the physical training method and asked you to teach Xiaoyou Meng?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, I have succeeded in practicing, and the next step is to grind the water.

Moreover, under my guidance, Meng Tieshan's strength has also improved rapidly, and it won't be long before he can officially get started. "

Liu Qingyuan slapped his thigh: "Vice Hall Master Zhao has a mysterious origin and strong strength, so his inheritance is naturally not simple.

He can teach you the skills, even if they are just introductory skills, in his eyes, you are already his disciple.

He asked you to teach Xiaoyou Meng because he wanted to see if you had the ability to preach.

This is to accept you as my personal disciple and inherit the tradition! "

“Everything now is a test for you by Deputy Hall Master Zhao.

As long as you do well, you will definitely become the direct disciple of Deputy Hall Master Zhao in the future. "

After that, he walked straight towards a small stone room.

After a moment, he took out a storage bag.

"There are five hundred kilograms of golden silk rice here, you can use it first.

If it's not enough, I'll borrow it from someone I have a good relationship with. "

"You must teach Little Friend Meng well, this is related to your future future."

Liu Yuanchen took the storage bag: "Don't worry, I know the importance."

After that, he took out another 100 yuan of spiritual stones.

Liu Qingyuan waved his hands repeatedly: "What are you doing? Do I lack this spiritual stone?"

Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "If I take your things for nothing, will I still have the nerve to come to you if I have something to do in the future?
Now that I am an alchemist, I can easily take out hundreds of spiritual stones without any effort. "

He didn't like to owe favors, especially when there was no shortage of spiritual stones.


Another month and a half passed. After Liu Yuanchen and Meng Tieshan finished practicing, they each took a sharpened long stick and came to the bank of Yingyue Creek.

Their target is naturally the fish in the stream.

In this month and a half, Meng Tieshan's strength has improved rapidly.

Of course, the appetite has never been low.

Even if you save consciously, it is still difficult to wait until the golden rice matures.

Therefore, half a month ago, the two began to use their free time to fish in Yingyue Creek.

The water of Yingyue Stream is full of spiritual power, and the fish that have grown up in the stream since childhood are all spiritual fish that have reached a higher level.

By eating these spiritual fish, you can save a lot of spiritual grain.

A fiery red carp came upstream and came to Liu Yuanchen's eyes.

He raised the stick and was about to plunge it down.

A burst of laughter came: "The fire carp has extremely low spiritual intelligence. It is not easy to be able to cultivate from a mortal fish to the early stage of swallowing spirits. Let him live."

Liu Yuanchen looked up and saw a fire cloud hanging above Yingyue River.

There is a big man standing above the clouds, it is Zhao Hong.

Seeing Zhao Hong coming back, Liu Yuanchen almost shed tears: "Deputy Hall Master Zhao, you are finally back."

Zhao Hong rode the clouds and landed by the stream: "What? Is Tieshan so difficult to teach?"

Liu Yuanchen shook his head repeatedly: "Junior brother's talent is excellent, and he can reveal it at a glance.

The spells in Cang Yuan's Forest Crossing Technique have already been mastered.

Even Cang Yuan Shen Yun also understood a little bit.

It won't take long to condense the Gang Qi seeds.

It's just that he eats too much. The disciple didn't store much spiritual grain before, so there wasn't enough food at all.

I bought hundreds of kilograms of spiritual grain from the tribe, but now I don't have enough to eat, so I can only catch a few spiritual fish to satisfy my hunger. "

Zhao Hong couldn't help laughing: "I was negligent, there are no immortal seeds in Iron Mountain, and cultivating Gang Qi will definitely consume a lot of spiritual materials, and I didn't leave anything for you.

It's really difficult for you to support him for a few months. "

(End of this chapter)

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