Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 291 The Treasure House of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King

Chapter 291 The Treasure House of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King

Liu Yuanchen only used two moves to kill the poisonous dragon demon king who had been occupying Dongyang Lake for hundreds of years.

Even the poisonous mist for which the Poison Dragon Demon King was famous failed to create even a single wave.

The ghosts who were originally watching the battle around Panlong Mountain left one after another, not daring to watch the excitement anymore.

Only the red-haired ghost king and the iron-armed ghost king remained above Panlong Mountain. They could neither stay nor leave.

Especially the red-haired ghost king, whose strength is only slightly stronger than the poisonous dragon demon king.

Liu Yuanchen could easily kill the Poisonous Dragon Demon King, so naturally he could also easily kill him.

The Iron-Armed Ghost King prides himself on his extraordinary strength, but he is not too afraid.

He cupped his hands towards Liu Yuanchen and said, "Although Taoist monk's body is full of yin energy, he looks like a native creature of the underworld.

However, creatures born and raised in the underworld cannot use thunder techniques.

On the contrary, those creatures from the earth that invaded the underworld were good at thunder.

Fellow Taoist being able to cast thunder magic must have come from the underworld, right? "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that there were well-informed people on the Red Wasteland of the Underworld.

It seems that this iron-armed ghost king is extraordinary.

His purpose this time was to establish his authority, and he had no intention of hiding it.

"Tao Youyi, I am indeed from the Yang Realm. I want to occupy Panlong Mountain and do some business in the Yin and Yang Realms.

Over the years, my subordinates have been in and out of the cities under the command of various demon kings and ghost kings. They have always dealt with each other fairly and never used their power to bully others.

But the poisonous dragon demon king killed my subordinates and robbed my treasures.

I sent someone to ask for it, but he refused and even knocked on my door.

I killed him to protect myself. "

Hearing this, the red-haired demon king's eyelids twitched.

Which of the demon kings and ghost kings has never done the work of killing people and selling goods?
If people kill people because of this excuse, I'm afraid not many demon kings and ghost kings in the underworld can survive.

He sent people to provoke him and fished out the poisonous dragon demon king to kill him, but he said it was for self-protection, so he was really thick-skinned.

However, his own strength was too poor and he couldn't last a few rounds in front of Liu Yuanchen, so naturally he didn't dare to say it clearly.

The Iron-Armed Ghost King is fearless: "As a being from the underworld, fellow Taoist, if you want to kill the underworld demon king and seize territory, aren't you afraid of being besieged by the underworld beings?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled lightly: "The mountains and rivers are not settled. Could it be that the Iron Arm City of the Iron Arm Ghost King belonged to you when the underworld was born?"

The iron-armed ghost king was speechless for a moment. The territories of the demon kings and ghost kings in the underworld were all captured by defeating veteran masters.

Being able to occupy a place for more than a hundred years is considered good.

Seeing his appearance, Liu Yuanchen smiled and said: "Your territory was stolen, why can't I snatch it?

Besides, the previous Panlong Mountain was an unclaimed land.

With my ability, why not occupy a piece of unclaimed land? "

The Iron-armed Ghost King snorted coldly: "I, a creature from the underworld, can naturally occupy the territory of the underworld with my ability, but you are a creature from the earthly world.

In the underworld, it is not uncommon for beings in the underworld to occupy the territory of the underworld, which will cause chaos and bloodshed.

If you occupy Panlong Mountain, you will definitely kill all the creatures in the underworld.

If you do this, I will definitely report it to Dongyuan City and ask General Dongyuan to send out an army to kill you. "

Liu Yuanchen did know that there was Dongyuan City on the sandstorm plains of the underworld, which seemed to be established by the high-level officials of the underworld.

As for General Dongyuan, this is the first time I have heard of it.

From the words of the Iron-armed Ghost King, it can be seen that General Dongyuan has extremely high control over Chihuangyuan.

However, he had already killed the poisonous dragon demon king, and there was no turning back when he fired his bow.

No matter how strong General Dongyuan is, he must occupy Panlong Mountain.

"Even if General Dongyuan comes, he can't do anything to me."

After saying that, his whole body was covered with colorful rays of light.

The entire Panlong Mountain instantly erupted with terrifying pressure.

The Iron-armed Ghost King and the Red-haired Ghost King were originally suspended in the air, but now they fell to the ground under this pressure.

The iron-armed ghost king landed smoothly, but the red-haired ghost king fell flat on his face.

Liu Yuanchen activated all the power of the Heavenly Dao authority in Panlong Mountain and revealed his identity as the true God of Heavenly Dao.

The red-haired ghost king didn't know what was going on. As soon as he got up, he asked: "Brother Iron Arm, what method did this kid use?"

The Iron-Arm Ghost King bowed and saluted: "Little Ghost Iron-Arm, please see the God."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "You have some knowledge and have seen my identity. Am I still qualified to occupy Panlong Mountain now?"

The Iron-armed Ghost King did not even dare to straighten up: "The Lord has been recognized by Panlong Mountain, and his status is noble, far above the many creatures in the underworld.

Even General Dongyuan cannot deny your status. "

The True God of Heaven can be said to be the spokesperson of one side of the world. This side of the world recognizes it. A mere ghost king is naturally not qualified to deny it.

Liu Yuanchen's treatment in the underworld is much higher than that of most native creatures in the underworld.

Seeing that the Iron-armed Ghost King was so understanding, Liu Yuanchen did not blindly scare him.

"I occupy Panlong Mountain in the underworld, and I will never kill the creatures in the underworld wantonly like other forces.

In the future, I will follow the example of all the demon kings and ghost kings, build a city in Panlong Mountain, and do business with the creatures of the underworld.

At the same time, I will also sell spiritual objects from the earthly world.

The two realms of yin and yang communicate with each other, which is beneficial to everyone. "

The Iron-armed Ghost King cupped his hands and said, "If the gods can do this, it will be a great blessing to both Yin and Yang worlds."

The Iron-Armed Ghost King is the most powerful ghost king in the Panlong Mountain area. After he surrendered, other demon kings and ghost kings naturally did not dare to stab him.

Liu Yuanchen looked at the corpse of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King again: "The Poisonous Dragon Demon King attacked me at Panlong Mountain and was killed by me.

According to the rules of the underworld, his territory and property should belong to me.

Who is for and who is against? "

The Iron-Armed Ghost King naturally did not dare to object: "According to the rules of the underworld, as long as you can kill other demon kings and ghost kings, you can occupy their territory and obtain all their resources.

Honor the gods and kill the poisonous dragon demon king. Dongyang Lake and Yanze will naturally be your territory.

The people in those places are also your people. "

The red-haired ghost king also had to express his position: "The kid has no objection."

Seeing that the two ghost kings had already surrendered, Liu Yuanchen was in a good mood.

"In that case, you two should go back. I have to take over the territory of the Poison Dragon Demon King."

After sending away the two ghost kings, Liu Yuanchen disposed of the body of the poisonous dragon demon king.

But after some tossing, he was a little disappointed.

He took out a bead only the size of a child's fist from the poisonous dragon demon king's belly. The bead was completely black and soft.

Rather than saying it is a dragon bead, it is better to say it is a snake demon inner elixir.

Dragons are inherently yang creatures, and even hybrid dragons have extremely strong yang energy.

However, in the underworld, the yin flourishes and the yang disappears, and the dry yang dragon energy is completely gone. These hybrid dragon species are indeed incompetent without the nourishment of yang energy.

However, the Poison Dragon Demon King also found another way. This inner elixir contained extremely strong toxicity.

Obviously, this guy's poisonous mist is usually stored in the inner elixir.

The corpse of the poisonous dragon demon king would not be worth a few spiritual stones if sold in the underworld.

He chopped off the broken head of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King and handed it to the magical clone No. [-].

Send him and Qingsha's clone to Dongyang Lake to take over the territory and treasure trove of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King.

The supernatural clone came to Dongyang City, took out the head of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King, and threw it to the ground.

Qingsha shouted loudly: "The poisonous dragon demon king has been beheaded by my master, and the ghosts in the city will not be killed.

Those who stubbornly resist will be killed without mercy. "As soon as he said this, a ghost general on the top of the city showed his head and carefully watched the city.

Although the head of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King is broken into pieces, his aura will not change.

When the ghost general saw that his king was indeed dead, he quickly ordered his ghost soldiers to open the city gate.

The whole ghost came out of the city, knelt down and slid from the city gate to Liu Yuanchen's clone, sliding more than ten feet away.

Arriving in front of the clone, the ghost general kowtowed three times: "The master of Panlong Mountain who killed the poisonous dragon is our new king.

The little ghost Mingzhao respectfully welcomes the envoy to take over Dongyang City. "

Liu Yuanchen was a little surprised. This Mingzhao was tall and his cultivation had reached the middle stage of the Condensing Yuan Realm. He looked like a tough guy.

No matter how you say it, he is a ghost general, but he is so spineless.

However, the help of such people is still needed to take over the territory of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King.

"I am the clone of Panlong Mountain God."

The Netherclaw ghost will kowtow repeatedly: "Little ghost Netherclaw, please see the god."

Liu Yuanchen nodded in approval: "You are very smart, take me to the poisonous dragon demon king's treasury."

Mingzhao said quickly: "Honored God, that evil beast Poisonous Dragon has three treasuries, and the treasury here in Dongyang City is the smallest.

There is a medium-sized treasury at the bottom of Dongyang Lake. The largest treasury is on the Yanze side, not far from here.

It's just that the kid's cultivation is shallow and he has never been reused, so he is not qualified to go to Yanze. "

Liu Yuanchen's clone nodded slightly: "In this case, we will first raid the treasury in Dongyang Lake."

At the same time, his body immediately set off for Salt Lake.

In order not to waste time, those die-hard followers of the Poisonous Dragon Demon King escaped with the treasures.

At this moment, two more ghost generals came out of the city and asked to surrender.

Liu Yuanchen ordered: "You two are here to maintain order in Dongyang City. No living beings are allowed to enter or leave for the time being, and all treasuries are sealed."

The two ghost generals were ordered to retreat, and Mingzhao took him to the bank of Dongyang Lake. Dongyang Lake in the underworld was not much different from the earth.

However, on the bank of Dongyang Lake, there are several bamboo forests that look like black jade.

This bamboo forest is quite extraordinary. The newly grown bamboo shoots exude the aura of third-level low-grade spiritual plants.

Some particularly old bamboo poles even reach the fifth-grade top grade.

Liu Yuanchen pointed to a bamboo forest next to him: "Is this the Nine Ghost Bamboo?"

Mingzhao quickly flattered: "Honored God Yingming, this is indeed the Nine Ghost Bamboo.

The higher-grade Nine Ghost Bamboo can be used to refine magic weapons and is extremely valuable.

The poisonous dragon and evil beast got a lot of benefits by selling spiritual bamboo. "

Liu Yuanchen nodded slightly: "I have great use for these nine ghost bamboos, so don't touch them lightly."

After that, everyone entered the bottom of Dongyang Lake, where there was a Crystal Palace.

When he arrived at the door of the Crystal Palace, Mingzhao looked troubled: "Honored God, this Crystal Palace is protected by a formation, and I can't enter."

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "It doesn't matter."

Before he finished speaking, a gray-white arrow came whistling with a strong wind.

Wherever the arrow hits, the lake water automatically separates.

The gray-white arrow was nailed in front of the door of the Crystal Palace, and the door and the formation collapsed in an instant.

This arrow was the evil-killing arrow cast by Liu Yuanchen, a spell he had already learned in the Qi Sea realm.

Now combined with the Tiandao Divine Realm, it is possible to kill powerful enemies hundreds of miles away.

The Crystal Palace formation was broken, and Nether Claw soon arrived in front of a main hall.

“Honored God, this is the treasury of Dongyang Lake.

The large sums of money collected from Dongyang City, as well as treasures of average value, are stored here.

It's just that the material of this hall is unusual, and my subordinates are not sure it can be broken open. "

Liu Yuanchen stepped forward and put his hand on the door.

Using the power of fossilization, the door instantly collapsed.

Stepping into the hall, Liu Yuanchen's clone couldn't help but take a deep breath.

There were large boxes stacked in the treasure house. When I opened the boxes and looked at them, I found that most of them contained Mingdu Tongbao, which is Shinto incense money.

In addition to these, there are some spiritual objects unique to the underworld.

For example, soul stones can improve the cultivation of spiritual consciousness, and can also be used to cultivate Shinto magic weapons and ghost cultivation magic tools.

In the human world, this kind of spiritual creature is extremely rare.

If hung in Hong Ling's mansion, one or two layers of soul stones could be sold for tens of thousands of spirit stones.

There are dozens of kilograms of soul stones in the treasure house of Dongyang Lake.

There are also many collections of precious spiritual plants from the underworld such as soul-replenishing fruit and spiritual enlightenment grass.

In addition, there are many weapon refining materials unique to the underworld.

On the other side, Liu Yuanchen's body has also arrived at the shore of Yanze Lake.

When he arrived at the lakeside, he was stunned.

The salt lake in Yangjian is just a small salt lake, but the salt lake here is a large lake with a radius of hundreds of miles.

It is very difficult to find the location of the treasure house.

Fortunately, Liu Yuanchen had used the wind chanting beast language before to spy on the poisonous dragon demon king and knew the approximate location of Yanze Dragon Palace.

Liu Yuanchen did not play tricks and directly used his power to divide the river into land and separate the salt lake.

Not long after, a majestic Crystal Palace appeared at the bottom of the lake.

Inside and outside the Crystal Palace, there were still many water monsters who were at a loss and just running around in panic.

At this time, two hundred-foot-long black snakes flew out of the Crystal Palace and shouted at Liu Yuanchen: "Who are you? How dare you break into the Yanze Dragon Palace without permission!"

These two guys have a similar aura to the Poisonous Dragon Demon King, and are probably his close relatives.

It is completely impossible to conquer them.

Liu Yuanchen didn't waste time, two wind blades flew out and beheaded them.

Then he used the water tribe's surrender authority to frighten all the water monsters.

He said coldly: "The Poisonous Dragon Demon King has been killed by me, and Yanze will be my territory from now on.

All you need to do is obey your orders honestly, and I will protect your lives.

Whoever can tell the location of the treasure house will be rewarded heavily! "

At this time, an evil ghost in the Qi Sea Realm quickly said, "Sir, the little ghost knows the location of the Poisonous Dragon Treasure House."

Under the guidance of the poisonous dragon, Liu Yuanchen came to a rockery in the backyard of Dragon Palace.

The evil ghost pointed at the rockery and said, "Sir, I have seen the poisonous dragon demon king sneak into this rockery many times.

The kid guessed that the treasure house was hidden in this rockery. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't hesitate and pressed his hand on the rockery.

The sound of rock cracking kept coming, and within a short time, the entire rockery turned into a pile of rubble.

A strong spiritual energy spurted out from under the rubble pile.

Several little demons and imps hurriedly ran over to show their courtesy and cleaned up all the rubble.

Below is a stone chamber ten feet square. On one wall of the stone chamber, there is a carefully crafted door, which seems to be protected by a formation.

Liu Yuanchen insisted on using force to overcome cleverness, and used the thick earth seal of Kun Yuan, combined with the thick earth evil seal spell, and the power of Mount Tai to smash the door.

The carefully refined door, like an eggshell, shattered instantly, and a strong spiritual energy spurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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