Chapter 304 The Light Wheel of Merit
Whether it is a meritorious spiritual treasure or a meritorious golden body, a massive amount of merit is required.

Even in the primitive world, the two are very rare.

The sources of meritorious spiritual treasures can be roughly divided into three types.

One is that a certain spiritual treasure participated in a major event that promoted the development of heaven, and merits from heaven were integrated into the spiritual treasure.

For example, Nuwa's innate gourd vine, after participating in the creation of human beings, absorbed part of the merit and became a merit-making whip.

There is also the red hydrangea, which proves the three marriages between heaven, earth and man, and determines the marriage for the prehistoric world. It can be regarded as a contribution to the perfection of heaven, and it has gained the merits of heaven and become a spiritual treasure of merit.

Sun Wukong's golden cudgel also helped Dayu control floods and became a spiritual treasure of merit.

The second is that ordinary spiritual treasures have been incorporated with merit by some big guys using secret techniques and become meritorious spiritual treasures.

For example, the diamond bracelet is originally an ordinary acquired spiritual treasure.

After being infused with merit, it becomes a spiritual treasure of merit.

The third is some special merit treasures or merit treasures, which are born with merit.

For example, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda of Heaven and Earth was transformed into the original Xuanhuang Mother Qi, but it received some of the merits of opening the sky and was called the supreme treasure of merits.

Merit spiritual treasures have many functions, and defense against curses and other evil tricks is just one of them.

In addition, you can kill people without causing any consequences.

The relatively powerful spiritual treasure of merit can even suppress luck.

As for the golden body of merit, Liu Yuanchen didn't even dare to think about it.

To build a golden body of successful virtues, not only a huge amount of merits are needed, but also tempering by heavenly tribulations.

In terms of protective effect, the golden body of merit is stronger than the spiritual treasure of merit.

After all, the spiritual treasure of merit and virtue are not one with oneself, and the golden body of merit and virtue is on one's body at any time and cannot be peeled off.

Even if a big boss wants to kill him, he still has to endure the karmic backlash.

However, merit comes from heaven.

When you create a golden body of virtue, you will also be bound by the laws of heaven, and even your thoughts and ideas will be affected by the laws of heaven.

Only by using the great merits to create a golden body of merit can one be free from the shackles of heaven.

I don’t dare to think about a meritorious golden body, but it is still possible to consider getting a meritorious spiritual treasure.

Practicing meritorious spiritual treasures requires a huge amount of merit.

There is no need to think about the merits of heaven. The development of the human race in Yuanling Realm is already very good.

Unless the current system is overthrown, there will be no money to be made.

In a place like Chihuangyuan, it is relatively simple to earn authentic merit.

The Red Wasteland in the Yuanling Realm should have been the richest place in the entire Yuanling Realm.

Wuyun Ridge is the ancestral line of the entire Yuanling World, and its rank is directly related to the growth potential of the Yuanling World.

After successive battles in ancient times, the great spiritual veins of Wuyun Ridge were almost destroyed, and the Red Wasteland was turned into a desolate place.

The earth veins were also severely damaged, causing part of the earth veins' evil energy to flow out directly. Combined with the evil energy and resentment from the ancient battlefield, the black mist on Wuyun Ridge was formed.

The ancestral veins need to be restored and the earth veins need to be sorted out.

With the book of the earth, I can repair the earth veins and spiritual veins.

Even if the foundation of the Yuanling World is shallow and cannot be compared with the great world, the merits it can obtain are far less than that of the great world.

However, it is still possible to combine the accumulated merits with the method of cultivating the merits and spiritual treasures to convert the earth book into a successful spiritual treasure.

It doesn't need to be very powerful, as long as it can resist all kinds of weird methods, that's enough.

At this time, he suddenly thought of his book from the ground.

Since this imitation Earth Book Sacrifice took shape, it has done a lot of things.

For example, in Yangjian Panlong Mountain, the spiritual field soil is condensed, which nourishes numerous vegetation and promotes the growth of black iron veins.

Dishu and Dongyang Blessed Land were integrated into Wuyunling's great spiritual veins, which raised the levels of several spiritual hubs in Qingshi Mountain.

There is also the Ruishitan Earth Vein Spiritual Eye, which also grew from the first-level high-grade to the third-level under the influence of the Book of the Earth and Dongyang Blessed Land.

The Book of the Earth also played a positive role in sorting out the spiritual and earth veins.

In addition, he also used the secret technique of transforming the earth spirit into a dragon to improve the level of Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins.

These methods are all used to restore the environment of the Red Wasteland, and supposedly they should be able to gain some genuine merit.

There are many plants and trees planted on Panlong Mountain in the realm of Yin and Yang.

He also used the art of transforming spring breeze into rain and watered many spiritual plants, which should be able to obtain a lot of incense and merit.

Thinking of this, he used the Secret Technique of Merit to explore the power of merit.

The true energy and soul energy surged in his body, and after some changes, he formed a pale eye.

The eyes are bright yellow, very similar to the color of the power of merit.

If you look closely at this eye, you can see that it is made up of complex inscriptions.

This method is called "Eye of Merit and Virtue", which can see through the merits and karma of living creatures, spiritual treasures and other treasures.

He activated his meritorious eyes and peered into the book on earth.

Sure enough, there was a thin layer of bright yellow halo on the ground book.

This bright yellow light spot is no different from the power of merit that appeared in Zhenyuan Immortal's sermon.

It should be the merit accumulated by the earth book sorting out the earth veins and spiritual veins.

Then, the Dharma Eye of Merit flies out from the central Dantian and observes itself in turn.

Under the observation of the Dharma Eye of Merit, there is a bright yellow halo behind his head.

In the secret method of merit, this bright yellow halo is mentioned, which is called the merit halo.

This is the result of having accumulated a lot of merit.

After careful identification, in this merit halo, humane merits and authentic merits account for about half each.

People with meritorious deeds are more likely to be favored by heaven and earth.

Even if you don't have a golden body of accumulated merit, you can still turn bad luck into good fortune to a certain extent.

Liu Yuanchen couldn't suppress the surprise in his heart: 'I didn't expect that I have so many merits.

Obtaining the authority of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain was very smooth before. I always thought it was the work of the Book of Earth.

Now it seems that there are factors in it that add to my merits. ’

People with meritorious deeds are favored by heaven and earth.

To become a true god of heaven and earth, one needs recognition from heaven and earth.

Therefore, people with meritorious deeds are more likely to become true gods of heaven.

After calming down, Liu Yuanchen had some doubts in his heart: 'Although I am not a big evil person, I don't seem to have done many good things.

Could it be that so much merit fell from the sky out of thin air? ’

It is impossible to accumulate so much merit just by cultivating spiritual fields and watering spiritual plants.

After thinking for a long time, Liu Yuanchen's eyes suddenly lit up: 'Besides these, I will tell many elders of Bahuang Pavilion how to grow the cave sky into a small world.

Fundamentally speaking, I also belong to spreading the immortal way.

Those who preach should receive genuine merit. ’

‘However, this thing has not spread yet, only the masters in Bahuang Pavilion know about it.

Moreover, the Earthly Immortal Way existed in the ancient times of the Yuanling Realm.

I am not one of the first evangelists, so I shouldn’t have received so many merits. ’

In addition to these scattered merits, there is also the Black Lotus that suppresses evil energy.

The rats from the Black Lotus Sect used the evil black lotus to infect the earth and spiritual veins, causing a war.

Moreover, the Black Jade Lotus Platform was brought by outsiders, so it was naturally hostile to the Heavenly Dao of the Yuanling Realm.

He suppressed the demonic black lotus and stopped it from invading the world, so he should gain true merit. At the same time, many people were saved and should also receive some humanitarian merit.

However, the amount of merit still doesn’t match up.

According to the secret method of merit and virtue, in order to form a circle of merit and light, at least tens of millions of living beings must be saved.

Shenting has experience in dealing with the demonic black lotus. Even if it is allowed to grow in Panlong Mountain, it will not cause such great harm.

Moreover, saving people mainly obtains humane merits. I don’t know where my half of the authentic merits come from.

To obtain earthly merits, in addition to preaching and restoring heaven and earth, there is also the need to kill evildoers who destroy heaven and earth.

After committing a sin, there will be karma attached to it.

Karma and merit have opposite effects and can cancel each other out.

You can also gain merit by killing those who have been burdened with karma.

The more karma it has, the more merit it will gain after killing it.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen suddenly understood: 'Isn't this another gift from the Dragon King of Luochuan? ’

The more he thought about it, the more he realized that this was the case. The Dragon King of Luochuan wanted to come back to life. This was obviously an act that violated the rules of heaven.

In order to return to life as soon as possible, he also killed many living beings and used the method of blood sacrifice, causing endless evil.

The Blessed Land of Ten Thousand Demons is on the verge of collapse, and his contribution is probably indispensable.

Once he is successfully resurrected, the Ten Thousand Demons Paradise will never be able to withstand the power of an Immortal Immortal and will collapse.

The Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land was originally a natural cave and part of the heaven and earth.

How can the karma of destroying such a huge cave be reduced?

If you kill the Dragon King of Luochuan by yourself, you will gain as much merit as the karma he carries.

If he is successfully resurrected, he will definitely break out of the Ten Thousand Monsters Blessed Land and cause a catastrophe in the Luochuan River Basin.

He destroyed the soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan himself, and afterwards used the Earth Book to stabilize the Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land to prevent its collapse.

Preventing Luochuan Dragon King from continuing to do evil will naturally lead to merit rewards.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt that he had done such a big thing and only obtained a light wheel of merit. The Yuanling Realm's Heavenly Dao was somewhat stingy.

It is actually very simple to verify whether one's merit comes from killing the Dragon King of Luochuan.

There were many monks who participated in sabotaging the blood sacrifice, such as my junior brothers and sisters, uncles and nephews of Xia Lingkai, Xia Longting, and An Changsheng, who also contributed a lot of effort at that time.

As a participant, you will definitely get some merit.

In addition, there are also their own masters and masters.

The attack on the place where the Dragon King of Luochuan was resurrected was based on the backup force left by his master.

Killing the soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan depends on the back-up skills left by the master.

Even if they didn't take action directly, they should still receive some merit.

As long as you use the Dharma Eye of Merit to see if they have more merit than their peers, you can be sure.

Now that I have a light wheel of merit and virtue, I am still far away from practicing the spiritual treasure of merit and virtue, and my cultivation level is not good enough.

However, it is more than enough to sacrifice the merits and magic weapons.

Although my imitation book is extremely powerful, it should still be a fourth-level magic weapon at the moment.

The merit magic weapon is a weakened version of the merit magic weapon. It does not affect the cause and effect of killing people, and it also has the function of resisting all kinds of evil tricks.

It's just that compared to the meritorious spiritual treasure, it is too weak.

The resistance effect is not obvious when encountering the underhanded moves performed by masters.

Moreover, the book of the earth is still in the growth stage, and it has not even been derived from the acquired treasure ban.

I don't know if it will affect the future growth of Earth Book by sacrificing it to become a magic weapon of success.

According to the content of the Earth Book Sacrifice Refining Method, it is safest to let it grow slowly.

If this growth law is broken and the Earth Book changes in the future, it will be a big loss.

If the merit is placed on oneself, it will not slip away on its own.

Killing someone who has gained meritorious deeds will also bear a lot of karma.

In addition to not being able to directly defend against all kinds of evil tricks, having a body of merit and virtue is equivalent to having a youthful and weakened version of a golden body of merit and virtue, which can turn misfortune into good fortune and turn disaster into good fortune.

It can even gain the favor of heaven and earth. Next, we need to plan for the heavenly authority of Wuyun Ridge.

If you have meritorious deeds, your chances of success will increase a lot.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen decided not to practice the magic weapon for the time being.

When the Book of Earth grows into a spiritual treasure in the future, it will not be too late to sacrifice it and refine it into a spiritual treasure of virtue.

My current merits are still not enough to practice the merits and spiritual treasures, so I need to plan more merits.

There are many ways to obtain merit. As the God of the Kaifu, you can establish a small divine court.

The land under the jurisdiction of Dongyang Shenfu will be developed in the future, and with the help of Shinto power, it will not be a problem to feed millions of people.

There is a large area of ​​unclaimed land in the Red Wasteland. As long as you want to, you can occupy more territory in the Red Wasteland.

Moreover, he is also the true god of heaven and can receive the incense merits from non-human beings such as plants, trees, birds and beasts.

The Yangjian side is still busy with the matter of connecting Panlong Mountain and Wuyun Ridge. Once this is completed, Wuyun Ridge's heavenly authority can be stolen.

If you can become the Mountain God of Wuyunling, it will be a big deal.

After all, it is the ancestral lineage of Yuanling Realm, and it is recognized by Wuyunling. Rounding it off is the recognition of Heavenly Dao.

As long as you become the genuine God of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge, you will naturally gain indispensable incense and merit.

If one could completely repair Wuyunling's great spiritual veins and acquire the authentic merits to develop a spiritual treasure of acquired merits, it would be a piece of cake.

Even if it is possible to produce an innate meritorious treasure, it is not impossible.

Of course, these are all merits obtained by following the right path.

In addition to the righteous path, there are also some means of blocking bugs in the heavenly path, which can also gain merit.

For example, catching a demon who has done many evil things and is riddled with karma without killing it, suppresses it.

Because once this devil escapes, he will definitely poison all living beings.

To suppress it is to save souls, which will definitely bring merit.

Although the merit gained at one time is relatively small, this is sustainable development.

As long as the time is long enough, the total amount of merit gained is much more than killing the demon directly.

You can even neglect it occasionally and let the devil go out to cause more murders, suppress it again, and gain more merit.

In addition to suppression, there are also various ways to cultivate merit.

If you can save the devil and make him change his mind, you can gradually accumulate merit and eliminate your own karma.

The person who saves the demon will gain much more merit than the person who suppresses the demon.

As long as the converted demon continues to accumulate merit, the person who converted the demon will continue to gain more merit than the suppressed one.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen controlled the Dharma Eye of Merit to look at the Water Moon Demon Lotus in the Small Universe.

Through the Dharma Eye of Merit, one can clearly see a wisp of bright yellow merit power flying out from the Water Moon Demon Lotus from time to time.

This merit did not fly away, but merged into the merit aura behind my head.

‘I could destroy the demonic black lotus, but I didn’t destroy it.

First, it suppressed its growth, and then used Water Moon Lotus to absorb the demonic energy, and completely integrated the demonic black lotus into the spiritual plant.

This kind of behavior is similar to suppressing the devil, and you can continue to gain merit.

If you can use this Water Moon Demon Lotus to do something beneficial to the world, it will be equivalent to saving the devil. ’

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help laughing: "It turns out that I am also a person who earns merit in various ways."

(End of this chapter)

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