Chapter 307 Dayan Divine Tree
  Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt enlightened.

If we could get a living plant of the Dayan Divine Tree, everything would be easily solved.

The magical path in the Jumang ancestral witch inheritance can plunder the power of plants and trees and drain all the energy from their bodies.

When I first obtained the small magical power of the substitute death clone, I relied on the magical power to plunder Qingsha's magical power.

However, the inheritance of the Witch Clan is extremely domineering, and after plundering magical powers, the vegetation will wither.

If he hadn't used his magic power to nourish him, Qing Sha would have died long ago.

If you can get a living plant of the Dayan Sacred Tree, even if you don't visualize the charm, you can still use the divine passage to plunder its small magical powers.

In this way, his clone should be much stronger.

The most important thing is that the Dayan Divine Tree is the top divine tree after the spiritual root.

In terms of heels and feet, they are not comparable to Qingsha's original body.

By plundering the potential of the Dayan Divine Tree, the clone-like small magical powers obtained may have new functions.

Moreover, the branches of the Dayan sacred tree will continue to feed back to the mother tree.

The greater the number of ramets, the higher the grade, and the faster the growth rate of the main body.

If one could learn this method, wouldn't the clone be able to help the main body and increase the speed of cultivation?

"Thank you, Master, for clearing up the confusion. This disciple will go to Hongling Mansion to purchase the Dayan Sacred Tree."

Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "Don't waste too much energy on the art of clones.

Although this method can play a lot of roles, cultivation is the foundation of a monk.

Don't waste too much cultivation time just because of cultivating sacred trees.

If you have the time, cultivate more caves and heavens. The earthly immortal path is the direct road to immortality. "

Liu Yuanchen cupped his hands and said: "Master, don't worry, my disciple wants to improve the minor magical powers of the clones, just to free up a few clones to help me do things.

Over the years, my body has focused most of my energy on cultivation. "

Zhang Lingxu just nodded slightly: "As long as you know what's going on.

Your talent is probably matched by few in the history of the human race.

In the future, you will definitely be able to lead the human race to completely defeat the demon race.

It also creates a path to immortality for us monks. "

After that, he took out an animal skin book.

"When I was young, I also had my clones handle various chores. Unfortunately, I wasn't as lucky as you and could only practice some ordinary clone spells.

Although my clone is close to being fake and real, I can still join forces with my main body to fight against the enemy.

But after all, the magic is not as good as a small magical power. My clone can only act under the control of the main body and has no ability to handle affairs on its own.

I originally wanted to deduce it on my own and deduce the art of clones into magical powers.

But I was afraid that it would take too much time, so I had to give up in the end. "

"This animal skin book is some of my experience in deducing the method of clone."

"You have some magical powers, and your starting point is much higher than mine.

My experience back then should be of great use in your hands. "


After asking his master for advice on how to clone himself, Liu Yuanchen took the animal skin book and left the back garden.

I randomly found a quiet room in the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu and studied the insights in the animal skin book.

After reading the animal skin book, Liu Yuanchen suddenly felt that he had benefited a lot.

"Master is really good at summarizing. He has recorded all the problems encountered during the practice of the clone technique, including the solutions."

“This animal skin book can definitely be placed in the master’s inheritance.

If the younger generation wants to deduce the clone technique, they can continue to deduce it based on this experience. "

This is also the advantage of disciples of big forces. With Bahuang Pavilion as an ancient force, they have a huge advantage in inheritance.

When learning a skill or spell, there are countless experiences for reference when getting started.

Difficulties encountered during cultivation can also be solved in the experiences of our ancestors throughout the ages.

With these things in hand, you can avoid many detours and save a lot of time when practicing.

Even self-created exercises have countless experiences for reference.

These things may seem inconspicuous, but they are actually the true foundation of a big force.

Liu Yuanchen just looked through his experience without studying it carefully, and discovered a very valuable idea.

My master had practiced several clone techniques. During his practice, he discovered that the number and strength of clones were closely related to his own vitality.

As vitality increases, the number and strength of clones will increase.

Some inferences are also recorded in the experience.

After all, the source of many clone methods is the Dayan Divine Tree.

The principle of clone is to imitate the cuttings of plant branches and grow new trees.

If the mother tree has strong vitality, the branches will have a higher chance of survival.

The human body is like the mother tree, and the clones are like the branches.

If you want to increase the number of clones and increase their strength, you naturally need your own vitality to be stronger.

However, this increase will not be too obvious, but will increase slowly.

Something like vitality is very precious to others.

But for Liu Yuanchen, that's all.

In the inheritance of Jumang Zuwu, there is a method to extract the vitality of plants and trees to strengthen themselves.

The dead wood immortality technique taught by Zhenyuan Immortal can even reduce the loss of one's own vitality.

Now, he has begun to practice the third level of the dead wood longevity technique, the dead wood level technique.

The rate of loss of vitality has dropped by more than [-]%.

Once the rotten wood level is reached, you can stop losing your vitality.

Unfortunately, Immortal Zhenyuan has not taught the Dead Wood Immortality Technique the rejuvenation level technique yet.

If you can successfully cultivate to the fourth level, you can absorb all the energy between heaven and earth and transform it into your own innate energy.

At that time, there will be true immortality.

In addition to these inheritances, he also has Yin and Yang spiritual fire.

In the past few years, nourished by the evil spirit of the underworld and the spiritual fetus of the Dragon King of Luochuan, the Yin and Yang Spiritual Fire has grown very fast.

Although it has not yet become a true spiritual fire, the black and white flames already have a stable life and death energy.

Normally, the white flame continuously feeds back vitality to itself.

Now, even if Liu Yuanchen does nothing, the vitality in his body will continue to increase until he ages to a certain extent.

He continuously draws out the life force from the white flame of Yin and Yang Spiritual Fire, and continues to circulate in his body.

After practicing for a few days, the strength of the two magical clones has indeed improved a little.

Improving the strength of clones is so laborious. If you want to increase the number of clones, it may take a lot of energy and time.

Although Liu Yuanchen has a long life and does not need to worry about this problem, he still wants to improve his cultivation as soon as possible.

The higher the cultivation level, the easier it will be to steal the power of Heavenly Dao in Wuyun Ridge.

In the future, when facing the demon competitor, the chances of winning will be greater.

There is also the Xiantian Formation over Duan Tou Mountain. There should be a natural cave in the formation, and the Wanshou Flat Peach is probably hidden in that cave.

The innate formation will not exist forever, and sooner or later it will disappear.

Once the innate formation disappears, the next step is to distribute the Wanshou Flat Peach.

Judging from the previous news, Wanshou Flat Peach has a very strong ability to absorb energy from the void and derive innate Yuan Qi.

If you can get a piece of the pie when distributing the Wanshou Flat Peach, it will be much easier to use the innate treasure refining technique in the future to condense the innate immortal aura.

While waiting for the innate formation to disappear, the stronger you are, the more benefits you will receive. If you can become the only Immortal Immortal when the formation disappears, even if you swallow the Wanshou Flat Peach, no one will dare to say anything.

At this time, the Shinto clone was not idle either. He had been searching for news about the Dayan Sacred Tree in Hong Ling's Mansion.

Because the place where the Dayan Divine Tree comes from is not within the territory of the human race.

This thing has extremely high requirements for the growth environment, and there are very few places that can support this thing.

Even though the Dayan Divine Tree has strong reproductive capabilities, it is still relatively scarce.

Although Hong Ling's house can buy it, Liu Yuanchen definitely can't buy it.

Shenting maintains a cooperative attitude towards his family, but is secretly defensive and suppressive.

If the Dayan Sacred Tree appears in Hong Ling's house and he buys it, Shenting may not realize that something is wrong.

But if you buy it blatantly, Shenting will definitely suspect that this thing is of great use to you.

Hong Ling Mansion is controlled by others, and it is completely possible to prevent the Dayan Divine Tree from appearing in Hong Ling Mansion.

When buying Dayan sacred wood, you can only take it as it comes.

In the following days, Liu Yuanchen stayed on Panlong Mountain to practice quietly.


Three years have passed, and Liu Yuanchen is ninety-two years old.

In the past three years, my father, eldest brother and sister-in-law all passed away.

His father, Liu Qingyun, lived to be [-] years old, which was a rare longevity among Qi-nurturing monks.

The eldest brother and sister-in-law also lived to be nearly a hundred years old.

At this time, they were all in the Shinto spiritual realm of Dongyang Shenjun and had obtained divine status. Liu Yuanchen didn't feel much sadness at all.

For people whose bodies are decaying, living is really not as good as becoming a god after death.

The Shinto clone has been staring at Hongling Mansion, trying to find news about the Dayan Sacred Tree.

The hard work paid off, and after three years of waiting, someone at Hongling's house finally sold live plants of the Dayan sacred tree.

From the perspective of Hongling Mansion, this Dayan sacred tree is only as thick as a child's arm.

However, the price for this thing was five million low-grade spiritual stones.

However, based on the value of the Dayan Divine Tree, five million is indeed worth it.

After all, it is a sacred tree second only to spiritual roots, and its level is not low.

Moreover, the Dayan Sacred Tree will not produce seeds.

All Dayan sacred trees in the world are branches of the mother tree.

This sacred tree is not like spiritual roots, which need to derive Tao Yun in the process of growth.

As long as its own origin is sufficient, any branch can grow to the height of the parent tree.

Dayan Shenmu itself can also be used to refine magic weapons and puppets.

For five million low-grade spiritual stones, it is relatively cost-effective to buy a living plant of the Dayan Divine Tree.

The Shinto clone also immediately took action and bought the living plant of Dayan Shenmu.

A few days later, Hongling envoy sent the Dayan sacred tree to the Shinto spiritual realm of Dongyang Divine Mansion.

After the delivery was completed, Liu Yuanchen's body rushed over and pocketed the Dayan Sacred Tree.

This Dayan sacred tree looks ordinary, with leaves shaped like willow leaves.

The new bark looks like jasper, while the old bark is dark green, without lines or cracks, like a stone.

No matter how you look at it, it's just an ordinary big tree, without even a trace of spiritual energy fluctuation.

Liu Yuanchen sensed the vitality in it and quickly saw the clues.

The body of Dayan Shenmu is a turquoise ocean. In the center of this sea of ​​life is the shadow of a towering tree, majestic and mysterious.

Judging from the appearance, the phantom should also be the Dayan Divine Tree.

He was quite surprised in his heart: "I have only seen the ginseng fruit tree before. The vitality of vegetation is condensed and formed."

The vitality of the ginseng fruit trees in Dongyang Blessed Land has transformed into babies.

But the ginseng fruit tree has the best acquired spiritual roots, and the mother tree has the best innate spiritual roots.

This Dayan Divine Tree doesn't even have spiritual roots, but its vitality can actually take shape. ’

‘Every kind of spiritual plant has strong or weak characteristics, not to mention that the sacred tree is the pinnacle of spiritual plants, and its characteristics will only be stronger.

Perhaps, this is the characteristic of Dayan Shenmu. ’

The Dayan sacred tree was collected into Dongyang Blessed Land and planted on the shore of the lake where the first spiritual hub is located.

The environment in Dongyang Blessed Land is excellent, as well as Liu Yuanchen's magical power of rejuvenation of heaven and earth.

However, in just a few days, the Dayan Sacred Tree took root in the blessed land and sprouted new branches.

Liu Yuanchen was quite curious about the Dayan sacred tree, so he broke off one of its chopstick-thick branches and used the Jiamu Withered Rong Technique to inject mana into it.

Then, stick the branch in the soil.

After a few days, the branch took root again and sprouted new shoots.

Sensing its vitality, what I saw was exactly the same as the previous mother plant.

He also bought the concept method of Dayan Sacred Tree at Hongling Mansion.

At this time, he used Dayan Contemplation to visualize the shadow of the big tree in the Sea of ​​Life of the Dayan Divine Tree.

In just a few days, a picture of the true shape of the Dayan Divine Tree was outlined in his sea of ​​consciousness.

However, this true shape diagram did not play any role.

Even if he combined the Dayan concept with the Ten Thousand Spirits Refining Record taught by Zhenyuan Immortal, it still had no effect.

‘Just relying on contemplation will be difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

Since this road is blocked, let's try Jumang Zuwu's magical path.

Dayan Shenmu has tenacious vitality and should not die easily.

Even if you die, it's not a big deal.

A new sapling had been cultivated from branches before.

Although it is still very small, it can reproduce slowly. ’

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen extracted the power of three elements from his own spiritual platform, and also extracted a ray of power from the Ju Mang Zu Sha Zhen Shao Diagram.

The four energies merged into one, and under his urging, they slowly condensed into the image of the soybean-sized Jumanzu witch. This was the divine way.

Liu Yuanchen injected the divine passage seed into the body of Dayan Shenmu, and the divine passage seed absorbed the energy in its body with all its strength and rapidly strengthened itself.

The leaves of the Dayan sacred tree, which was originally full of vitality, have wilted.

Liu Yuanchen did not stand idly by and used the Armor Wood Withered Rong Technique to continuously inject mana into the Dayan Divine Wood.

The originally wilting leaves quickly became branchy again.

The divine channel species is still absorbing energy, and the leaves of the Dayan sacred tree are constantly changing back and forth between wilting and branching.

Half a day passed, and the Shinto species had grown to several feet tall.

At the same time, Dayan Shenmu was already in a half-dead state.

The original energy in his body has been completely drained away by the magical path.

He is still alive now only because of Liu Yuanchen's magical power.

At this point, the process of stealing magical powers by Shinto species is complete.

He also took out the magical path seed and integrated it into his body.

Afterwards, a large amount of mana was injected into the body of Dayan Shenmu, trying to save its life.

After being nourished by mana, the vitality of the Dayan Divine Tree is rapidly recovering.

Although his vitality was severely damaged by the divine way, his life was no longer in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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