Chapter 33 Young people just feel good

More than a year has passed since the last time I entered the spiritual realm.

The ginseng fruit saplings have also changed a lot, now they have grown from more than three inches tall to nearly one foot tall.

There was a faint green auspicious light flowing all over the sapling, making it appear magical and extraordinary.

Liu Yuanchen sensed a mana appearing in the sea of ​​consciousness, which was the mana fed back by the blessed land.

The amount of mana in this ball has slightly exceeded the spiritual power contained in a low-grade spiritual stone.

He was overjoyed: "Sure enough, as the ginseng fruit saplings grow and their spiritual realm grows, more and more mana will be fed back to them.

One hundred breaths of spirit stone can gain mana in one day, which is comparable to hundreds of spirit stones.

It's a pity that it can't carry so much mana on its own.

Either consume it or escape on its own. "

Xiaoyu, the ginseng doll, is sitting cross-legged next to the ginseng fruit sapling.

The spiritual energy flowing around the body seems to be practicing.

Liu Yuanchen did not disturb him and went to check on Lingzhi.

I thought that if no one took care of it for a year, there would be dead branches and leaves everywhere in the spirit territory.

Unexpectedly, Xiaoyu herself took care of the spiritual field in an orderly manner.

The newly added spiritual fields are filled with spiritual grains and qi-nourishing elixirs.

Some of the earliest batch of elixirs are ready to be harvested.

After the golden rice is harvested, the withered rice stalks are buried deep in the soil and become fertilizer.

Even Xiaoyu used pine nuts to cultivate several saplings from the yellow scale pine trees he planted before.

On the branches of the largest yellow scale pine, there are still several storage bags hanging, which were originally left for Xiaoyu to play with.

There must be a lot of stuff in the storage bag, which would bend the branches.

I walked under the tree, took out a storage bag, opened it and saw that there was a lot of golden rice in it.

Roughly weighing it, it weighs at least a hundred kilograms, and the quality is extremely high.

It seems that all the golden rice produced in Ling this year has been harvested and stored by Xiaoyu.

Liu Yuanchen sighed: "The ginseng doll's intelligence is indeed high enough, with such little cultivation, he has such intelligence.

If he could practice the divine farming technique of the human race, his future achievements would be limitless. "

At this moment, he felt his calf being hugged: "Father, you are finally back.

Since you haven't been here for so long, I've been worried that you'd be caught by bad guys. "

Liu Yuanchen looked down and found that it was Xiaoyu holding his calf.

He leaned over and hugged Xiaoyu: "There is some danger outside, I have to hide in a safe place, I can't just come here.

Over the past year, you have taken good care of this spiritual field. You are really a smart and capable boy. "

Hearing Liu Yuanchen's praise, Xiaoyu looked proud: "Father, after you left, I dare not be idle every day.

In addition to watering and loosening the soil, you also need to talk to them.

Later, the space became larger and larger, and I planted many new spiritual plants in the open space..."

Xiaoyu is also a child at heart. After praising him a few times, he started to express his merits.

However, this can also mobilize his enthusiasm, and the final benefit will naturally fall on himself, the landlord.

Liu Yuanchen remembered that Xiaoyu seemed to be practicing just now, so he asked: "When I came in just now, your spiritual energy was flowing all over your body, and you seemed to be practicing.

Could it be that you have awakened the inherited memory? "

Xiaoyu shook her head: "I was practicing the technique just now, but the technique was not awakened by me myself, it was given to me by the adults."

"Sir?" Liu Yuanchen was puzzled, "Who is your lord?"

Xiaoyu looked at the ginseng fruit sapling: "It's Mr. Sapling. Since half a year ago, I will receive some information as long as I meditate next to him.

I mobilized the mana in my body according to the information I received, and later found that the mana was getting stronger and stronger.

Now, even escaping from the ground is much faster than before. "

Liu Yuanchen was surprised. It was obvious that Xiaoyu's skills came from saplings.

Moreover, he will only receive the message when he is close to the sapling.

Recalling that before I opened up the spiritual realm, on average every ten days, the scene of Zhenyuan Immortal giving a sermon would appear in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Although the content that can be understood is still the same, at least there will be a sermon scene.

After opening up the spiritual realm, I stayed in the spiritual realm for a short time because I had something to do outside.

In the past two years, the number of times when the sermon scene of Immortal Zhenyuan appeared in the sea of ​​​​consciousness when he was in a state of trance, the total number of times was only four or five times.

Especially during the year I stayed in the mountain gate, it only appeared once.

After breaking through the seventh level of nourishing qi, it has not appeared once.

He thought in his mind: "When I was in the early stage of nourishing the Qi realm, I understood from the sermon content about opening up the cave heaven and the blessed land.

In the middle stage of Qi-nourishing state, I also understood the Shenmu Shentian Kung Fu from the sermon content.

According to this rule, I should be able to understand some of the sermon content after I have broken through to the late stage of Nourishing Qi Realm.

But so far, I haven’t been able to hear the third part.

In this way, this is the reason why I have been far away from the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm this year and have no access to ginseng fruit saplings.

During this period, you can frequently enter and exit the spiritual realm, and have more contact with ginseng fruit saplings. "

He quickly walked to the ginseng fruit saplings and sat down cross-legged to have more contact with the saplings.

He touched Xiaoyu's head and said, "Tell me what the ginseng fruit sapling was passed on to you, and I'll see if the human race can practice it."

Xiaoyu was also very obedient and recited the skills she had obtained.

After listening, Liu Yuanchen secretly sighed in his heart: "Great Immortal Zhenyuan really teaches students according to their aptitude. Human beings can't practice the techniques he taught Xiaoyu at all."

“In the process of enlightening Xiaoyu, energy is provided by ginseng fruit saplings.

Now Xiaoyu can get the inheritance from the ginseng fruit sapling, which shows that there is indeed a deep connection between the two.

It is completely feasible to use the enlightened spiritual plants to suppress the spiritual pivot and expand the spiritual realm in the future.

However, Xiaoyu is a good expert in taking care of the spiritual realm, so it would be better for him to continue to stay in the spiritual realm.

It’s better to make arrangements for Lingzhi who suppressed Lingshu. "

Then, he took out a storage bag from his arms: "Xiaoyu, these golden rice are specially cultivated by me.

After this crop of Linggu is harvested, these golden rice will be planted.

The rice grown from these golden silk rice will not die after maturity and can continue to grow ears of rice.

Planting these rice will make it much easier for you in the future. "

Upon hearing this, Xiaoyu's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Can I still lie to you?"

Xiaoyu took the storage bag and rubbed her head against Liu Yuanchen's face: "Thank you father, those spiritual valleys will die after they mature.

I have developed feelings for them, and when they die, I feel very sad.

From now on, if these golden rice can live forever, they can always be with me. "

Later, Liu Yuanchen took out the elixir seeds he had obtained from the Chen family.

Three seeds of each elixir were taken out, and then cultivated using Yimu Peiyuan Technique.

Among them, what he attaches most importance to is the elixir seed of the Meridian Strengthening Pill, which is a life-saving elixir that can break through the Qi Sea Realm.

The seeds of the Gumai Dan elixir were planted next to the ginseng fruit saplings, and the other elixir seeds were planted on the edge of the spiritual realm.

Among the elixirs of Gumai Dan, the most important main ingredient is Purple Vine, which also takes the longest number of years to mature.Purple vine growing in the wild is extremely rare and grows slowly, taking about 200 years to mature.

In the Qingdan Sect, after thousands of years of cultivation by countless spiritual medicine masters, the Purple Golden Vine only takes three to forty years to mature.

However, achieving such a fast growth rate also comes at a price.

The demand for spiritual fields for these carefully cultivated purple vines is extremely high. Even on Qingdan Sect's Songyun Peak, the spiritual fields that can grow purple vines are only a mere dozen acres.

The more than ten acres of spiritual fields are the best spiritual fields on Songyun Peak, and they also need to grow third- and fourth-level elixirs.

No matter how valuable the purple golden vine is, it is still incomparable to third- and fourth-level elixirs.

Therefore, Qingdan Sect cannot plant Purple Vine on a large scale.

And within the spiritual realm, the spiritual field is definitely enough.

The growth rate of spiritual plants has almost doubled, and coupled with the effect of Yimu's psychic technique, these purple golden vines are expected to mature within 20 years.

If thousands of trees can be used to accelerate ripening, the time required may be less.

After processing the elixir, he practiced next to the ginseng fruit sapling.

Time passed quickly, and soon it was Mao hour, and the sight of Immortal Zhenyuan preaching never appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen also has to inspect the area around Yujin Mountain and send messages to Qinghe Town to report the situation every day. He cannot stay in the blessed land all the time.

Before dawn, he hurriedly left the spiritual realm.

Before leaving, I also took away part of the golden silk rice and most of the yellow-scaled pine nuts produced in the spiritual realm.

With the Yimu Peiyuan Technique, Yellow Scale Pine can be of great use.

In the following days, Liu Yuanchen patrolled near Yujin Mountain during the day, looking for the Lingshu and preparing for the spiritual realm to merge with the Lingshu.

At night, you will enter the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm and practice the Divine Tree Towering Technique.

It is a pity that the scene of Immortal Zhenyuan preaching has never appeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

However, the effect of practicing the Cang Yuan Forest Technique in the spiritual realm is quite good.

Whether it is strengthening Qi and blood, condensing Gang Qi, or tempering the body with Gang Qi, the effect is much stronger than practicing outside.

The time limit for the patrol mission has come and Liu Yuanchen needs to return to Qinghe Town to resume his life.

I haven't encountered an evil cultivator in the past ten days, that is, I occasionally encountered one or two fellow sect members patrolling the nearby area.

Following the Qingshui River, as soon as I walked out of my patrol area, I discovered traces of the evil cultivator through a yellow-scaled pine eight or nine miles away.

The yellow-scaled pine was planted by Liu Yuanchen ten days ago. After being cultivated by Yimu's psychic technique, and stimulated by thousands of trees growing into a forest, it sprouted on the day it was planted.

Ten days passed, and the sapling was already over a foot tall.

Through the sapling, Liu Yuanchen could see the situation within a radius of two feet.

At this time, a monk wearing a Qingdan Sect robe was fighting with two monks dressed as casual cultivators.

Unfortunately, the sapling was too small and the scope of the exploration was too small, making it impossible to fully observe the battle situation.

However, the two casual cultivators had not been able to take down the fellow disciple, who must also be a cultivator in the Qi-nourishing realm.

You can still get involved in this matter.

Regardless of whether he is an evil cultivator or not, if he dares to attack a Qingdan Sect disciple, he will definitely be killed.

Liu Yuanchen used Wood Shadow Escape and quickly rushed to the battlefield.

Soon, he arrived near the battlefield.

The monk had excellent eyesight, and the three of them fought fiercely. Liu Yuanchen could see the general appearance of the three of them from fifty or sixty feet away.

Of the two casual cultivators, one had gray hair and the other looked to be in his thirties.

With the help of vegetation, I could vaguely sense that their auras were not too strong, which was about the eighth level of Qi nourishment.

The fellow disciple's aura was slightly stronger, and he was probably at the ninth level of Qi nourishing.

Although his cultivation level was higher, he was still unable to cope with one against two, and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Liu Yuanchen did not rush to take action, but observed from the side.

After all, if we take action now, there will be one more person to share the spoils.

Wait until the fellow disciple is defeated and escapes before taking action. The benefits will all be yours.

Soon, the fellow student became unable to resist and did not dare to continue the fight.

He threw out two talismans and used his escape technique to escape eastward.

A ball of flame spewed out from each of the two talismans, forcing the two casual cultivators back.

Seeing the Qingdan Sect disciple running away, the young man tried to chase him, but the old man stopped him: "This is too close to Qinghe Town, and the further we go, the more Qingdan Sect disciples there are.

If you continue chasing, you may be surrounded.

If that man escapes, he will definitely attract more Qingdan Sect disciples. We'd better hide in Wuyun Ridge as soon as possible. "

The young man did not insist anymore, and the two of them went upstream along the Qingshui River, heading towards Liu Yuanchen.

When they entered the thirty-foot range, Liu Yuanchen used Wood Shadow Escape and disappeared into the bushes.

The old man seemed to be aware of it, and bowed in all directions: "The two of us were just passing by, no offense intended, and I would like to ask fellow Taoists to show your respect."

His whole body was filled with mana, his consciousness was released, and he was ready for battle.

But before he finished speaking, an awl-shaped black shadow suddenly appeared behind him.

Before he could react, the awl plunged into the Jade Pillow point on the back of his head.

The old man screamed and fell to the ground.

The young casual cultivator was shocked and took out a golden armor talisman to protect himself.

Then he used his escape technique and fled due south.

Liu Yuanchen held the wind and thunder stick and used Wood Shadow Escape to follow closely.

Injecting mana into the wind and thunder stick, there was a faint flash of lightning on the entire stick, and there was a layer of gray flowing light wrapped around it.

After chasing the young man Sanxiu, he swung his long stick and hit him on the back of the head.

This stick is extremely fast and makes no noise at all.

The young casual cultivator didn't even react before he was knocked away.

The golden barrier formed by the golden armor talisman also turned into golden light under this stick.

A first-level high-grade golden armor talisman can block a full-strength blow from the peak of Qi-nourishing realm and break it with one stick.

The young man was also extremely experienced in martial arts fighting. When his body flew out, he did not forget to throw out two talismans.

Suddenly, two golden knives flew toward Liu Yuanchen's face.

Liu Yuanchen swept out with his long stick, and the two golden knives were unable to withstand the power of one stick, and both of them turned into golden light.

He rushed out like an ape, and just as the young cultivator got up, the second stick hit him on the back.

The young casual cultivator felt a numbness rush into his body, and then he became weak and collapsed to the ground, leaving only boundless darkness in his consciousness.

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "Young people just feel good and fall asleep."

After that, he put away the wind and thunder stick and groped around the young cultivator, only to find a storage bag and a long sword.

He walked to the old man's body again, groped around on his body, and only found a storage bag and a long sword.

He took off the ghost cone from the back of the old man's head and said with a smile: "This thing is used for sneak attacks, and it's really effective.

This old guy looked like a veteran at first glance and had no power to resist. "

He took off the fire-controlling gourd from his waist, burned the old man's body to ashes, and threw the ashes into the Qingshui River.

Afterwards, he removed the limbs and joints of the unconscious young casual cultivator, tied them with green silk vines, and headed towards Qinghe Town.

(End of this chapter)

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