Chapter 332 Explore the Little Cave Again

From the mouth of Zhenyuan Immortal, we learned that he felt something in his heart when Zhoushan Mountain collapsed and realized that there would be an opportunity to become a saint in the future.

Therefore, I left the inheritance and looked for the destined person.

The many benefits Liu Yuanchen received, if taken out casually, can be regarded as the foundation of a big power.

I owe a lot of karma for my growth from a small family member to where I am now.

If I have the ability in the future, I will try my best to help Zhenyuan Immortal become a saint.

Only in this way can the cause and effect be paid off.

The prehistoric events are still too far away, and it is too early to think about those issues now.

Liu Yuanchen has already made plans in his mind. What he wants to do now is mainly to turn the earth book into the earth book of the Yuanling world and obtain the innate Yuan Qi.

According to Zhenyuan Immortal, his Geographical Book is only that of Dongyang Blessed Land, not the Geographical Book of Yuanling Realm.

Although it can also play some role outside Dongyang Blessed Land, it is not strong.

Only by making the Book of the Earth the Book of the Earth in the Yuanling Realm can the Book of the Earth be able to play a strong role outside of Dongyang Blessed Land.

To do this, one needs a black gold stone that is transformed into a space barrier in the Yuanling Realm and integrated into the Book of the Earth.

In addition, the real imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins was left on the earth book.

These two demands did not exceed Liu Yuanchen's expectations.

There is a record in the Book of Earth Sacrifice and Refining Method. To produce Book of Earth through sacrifice, at least one space barrier of a blessed land must be used to gestate it.

In addition, the mark of the blessed land master's spiritual veins must be left on the land book.

Integrating Wujin Stone into the Book of the Earth is equivalent to using the power of the Yuanling Realm's space barrier to nurture the Book of the Earth.

The Wuyunling great spiritual vein was originally the ancestral vein of the entire Yuanling world, that is, the main spiritual vein.

The Black Gold Stone is not difficult to find. Master said that there is a Black Gold Stone in the treasure house of Bahuang Pavilion.

The master of the pavilion gave himself a token before, which allowed him to go to the treasure house of Bahuang Pavilion and take any three treasures.

At that time, he can get the Wujin Stone.

As for leaving the true imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins on the earth book, that would be very difficult.

The real imprint can serve as a seal. It has a physical existence and can absorb the evil energy of the earth's veins and transform it into spiritual energy.

Moreover, the true imprint can absorb energy and continue to grow.

There were originally few real marks on the Book of Earth, and they were basically formed by incorporating spirit stone chalcedony and spirit vein jade.

The only real mark of the earth's veins is after it is integrated into the earth evil orb, and then it turns into reality and becomes a real mark.

Without relying on the power of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it is extremely difficult to form a real imprint.

Even if the two realms of Yin and Yang are combined into one, Panlong Mountain's spiritual vein mark, and the blessing of Panlong Mountain's heavenly authority, it is only somewhat close to the real mark.

If you want to become a real mark, you need to continuously absorb the energy in the spiritual veins of Panlong Mountain.

How much time it will take is still unknown.

Wuyunling's Great Spiritual Vein, as the main vein of the Yuanling Realm, is only a fourth-level spiritual vein even though it has been repeatedly destroyed.

But the innate status is extremely high, which is not comparable to Panlong Mountain's spiritual veins.

It will definitely be more difficult to turn the imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual veins into reality.

It depends on how many precious spiritual objects must be invested and how much time and energy must be spent to make the imprint of Wuyunling's great spiritual vein a real imprint.

The growth of Dishu cannot be achieved overnight and requires long-term planning.

On the contrary, he has innate Yuan Qi, and he can make some plans now.

My own Dongyang Blessed Land is currently only at the level of the Nine Meridians Blessed Land and has not grown into a real cave.

Moreover, Dongyang Blessed Land is the foundation for his enlightenment.

Even if it becomes a cave, the innate energy cannot be extracted from it.

The only thing that can be planned now is the small cave under the Yanyang Valley in the underworld.

Previously, I had been advised by Immortal Zhenyuan that I could use the power of the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp to absorb the Yang energy in the small cave sky.

You can also leave a Yang Vein mark on the Book of the Earth, and use the power of the Book of the Earth to suppress the Yang energy in the small cave sky.

However, Yang Veins are extremely rare.

Even in the human world, it is difficult to see.

In the red wasteland of Yangjian, Liu Yuanchen really didn't know where the Yang veins existed.

Even if there is Yang Vein outside the Red Wasteland, it cannot be easily passed through.

The main body is watched by many people and cannot leave Panlong Mountain for a long time.

The book from the ground is a treasure that is necessary to settle down and live, so naturally it cannot be given to the clone.

Based on this calculation, the only way to suppress Yang energy is with the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp.

Now, Liu Yuanchen's cultivation level has reached the late stage of Lingtai realm.

The clone's cultivation level is only two small realms lower than the main body, and it has now reached the early stage of the Lingtai realm.

Compared with the last time I explored Xiaodongtian, my cultivation level has improved a lot.

Coupled with the power of the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp, you can definitely try it.

Even if it fails, it will only be the loss of a clone, and the loss is insignificant.

If it succeeds, you can have a natural cave.

There are many corpses of demon clan immortals inside, and their value cannot be underestimated.

The rich yang energy present inside is also an extremely precious spiritual object.

Back then, when the Green Scale Dragon King entered the small cave, he could find broken dragon beads.

There are even people who have found complete acquired spiritual treasures in the small caves that were born before the underworld.

If you can monopolize a small cave, all the treasures in it will be yours.

Perhaps, acquired spiritual treasures can also be produced.

Of course, there is also the most important innate Yuan Qi.

No matter how small the cave is, it is still a real cave. It can continuously extract energy from chaos and continuously generate innate energy.

I have the Locking Qi Dharma Seal and Gathering Qi Dharma Seal taught by the Immortal Zhenyuan, which can be used in that small cave.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen did not hesitate any longer and directly sent out the magical power clone No. 2 to explore Xiaodongtian again.

The supernatural clone left Panlong Mountain in the underworld and headed east to Yanyang Valley.

Different from the last time I came here, there are no ghosts or underworld monsters in the Yanyang Valley now. There are only occasional patrols by Taoist soldiers under Liu Yuanchen.

Ever since he was named General Panlong by General Dongyuan, Yanyang Valley has become Liu Yuanchen's territory.

Yanyang Valley is only more than three hundred miles away from Panlong Mountain, and it is considered the hinterland of General Panlong's jurisdiction.

It is only natural to send Taoist soldiers to patrol here.

Moreover, Yang Qi exists in Yanyang Valley.

The ghosts and low-level monsters in the underworld can use the Yang Qi here to practice.

After Liu Yuanchen monopolized this place, those ghosts and low-level monsters had no source of Yang Qi.

If you want Yang Qi, you can only go to Panlong Mountain to buy spiritual objects from the Yang world to obtain Yang Qi.

In this way, your business will be better.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen emptied the Yanyang Valley mainly to cover up the small cave sky.

Yang Qi is too precious in the underworld, and it is inevitable that ghosts or little demons will take risks.

If they discover any clues and expose Xiaodongtian, he will suffer a big loss.

Divine Power Clone No. 2 did not alert the Taoist soldiers patrolling here, and directly used its power to escape through mountains and escape underground.

Not long after, he came to the place where Xiaodongtian was found before.

He waved his hand casually, and a large black mist appeared out of thin air, surrounding a space with a radius of hundreds of feet.

This is the magical power of the foggy space. The place shrouded in the foggy space will be isolated from the outside world.

Later, when the small cave is opened, a large amount of Yang Qi will pour out.

There is a mist space to isolate the inside and outside, and there is no fear of the Yang Qi escaping and attracting the prying eyes of experts.

Avatar Clone No. 2 himself also walked into the foggy space and came to the location of the small space. He waved his hand casually, and a strong spatial fluctuation suddenly appeared.

Many rocks in the misty space are constantly breaking apart.

At this time, the second magical clone was already at the Lingtai level.

By using the Qiankun in the sleeves, the power will naturally increase a lot.

Not long after, a violent Yang Qi spurted out from the cracks in the rock.

This yang energy is more violent than last time.

Suddenly, Liu Yuanchen's body ignited with white flames.

The flame turned into a white snake, protecting the clone.

This fire is the yin and yang spiritual fire condensed by Liu Yuanchen's body. After absorbing the innate Yuan Qi, it turned into two black and white dragon snakes.

The white dragon snake is transformed into the yang fire of the yin and yang spiritual fire.

The yang energy here is strong and can be refined with yang fire.

Previously, the Immortal Zhenyuan said that the flames in the Green Light Liangyi Lamp could withstand the violent Yang Qi in the small cave sky.

The source of the Yin-Yang Spiritual Fire also comes from the Cuiguang Liangyi Lamp.

Ordinarily, this flame should also have some uses.

Even if the effect is not as good as the Cuiguang Liangyi lamp, you can still grow with the help of the Yang energy here.

The white dragon snake opened its mouth and sucked in fiercely, swallowing streams of yang energy into its belly.

At the same time, the body of the dragon snake also expanded rapidly.

Not long after, a wisp of black flame came out of Liu Yuanchen's body, turned into a black snake, and connected with the tail of the white snake.

The essence produced by the white snake's refining Yang Qi slowly blends into the black snake's body.

Subsequently, the black snake's body also expanded violently.

Half an hour later, the two snakes had grown to be a hundred feet long and as thick as a bucket.

The yang energy spurting out of the small cave sky was simply not enough for two dragon snakes to swallow.

The white dragon snake even stuck its head into the cave sky and sucked in the yang energy.

Moreover, the violent yang energy in the cave could not harm the white dragon snake at all.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen felt that the time was ripe.

With Yin and Yang spiritual fire protecting the body, the possibility of the clone surviving in the small cave sky is extremely high.

He no longer hesitated and went straight into the small cave.

Just entering the small cave sky, it was like entering a furnace, and the whole body seemed to be burning.

As he thought, the black snake wrapped tightly around his body, blocking out the Yang Qi.

The black dragon snake was eroded by Yang Qi, and its body continued to turn into black Qi, dissipating into the cave sky.

At the same time, the white dragon swallowed Yang Qi fiercely.

The refined essence poured into the black snake's body to replenish the consumed energy.

After a while, the burning sensation on Liu Yuanchen's body completely disappeared.

At this time, Liu Yuanchen's body was in Panlong Mountain, and the yin and yang spiritual fire in the spiritual platform was burning, and the height of the flames could reach more than ten feet.

Because energy can communicate with each other between the body and the clone.

Therefore, the energy absorbed by the yin and yang spiritual fire in the small cave sky can also feed back to the main body.

The flames continuously inject streams of pure yin and yang attribute energy into the spiritual platform. The yang attribute energy turns into Yuan Gang, and the yin attribute energy turns into soul element.

The spiritual platform is nourished by energy and is expanding rapidly.

Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed: "I didn't expect that there would be unexpected gains from exploring the small cave."

With the help of Yang Qi cultivation in Xiaodongtian, my cultivation speed increased several times.

If I continue to practice at this rate, it will take at most thirty years for my spiritual platform to grow to a diameter of more than a hundred feet.

By then, my cultivation will have reached the peak of the Lingtai realm.

Based on this calculation, I will be able to break through the Condensation Realm before I am one hundred and fifty years old. '

The pure yang energy in the small cave sky can increase the speed of cultivation, which really makes Liu Yuanchen overjoyed.

The supernatural clone No. 2 in the small cave is continuing to penetrate deeper after resisting the strong Yang Qi.

He wanted to see if there was still some essence left in the corpses of dragons, phoenixes and other monsters in the small cave.

But before he took a few steps, he suddenly felt dizzy.

The soul energy in the body is rapidly passing away.

Even the brand of divine consciousness in the clone's body was slowly dissipating at this time.

Liu Yuanchen scanned the surroundings and quickly found the culprit.

Not more than a hundred feet in front of him was the blood lake formed by the blood-colored streams inside the small cave sky.

On the bank of the blood lake, a strange spiritual plant grows densely.

The stems of these spiritual plants are pale white, like dry bones, and the leaves and flowers are pitch black, like a bottomless abyss, as if they can absorb everything.

This was not the first time Liu Yuanchen had seen this kind of spiritual plant, it was the Bone Soul-Eating Flower.

This flower can suck away the souls of living people. Human masters once used this flower to deal with demons.

The soul strength of those demon clans with low cultivation level is far inferior to that of ordinary people in the human race.

In front of this flower, there is absolutely no resistance.

Liu Yuanchen's soul is not weak, but what's in this small cave is just a clone.

Although it looks the same as a real person, it has no physical body after all.

There are so many Bone-eating Soul-eating Flowers in the small cave that it is difficult for the clone to resist, which is reasonable.

Although the Bone Soul-eating Flower has some effects, Liu Yuanchen does not need it.

He retreated several hundred feet, and the loss of soul energy disappeared.

Bypassing the banks of the Blood Lake filled with Bone-eating Soul-Eating Flowers, we headed towards a mountain range in the west of the Blood Lake.

The mountain range was in the shape of a dragon, which was transformed into the corpse of a bloody dragon.

At this time, the real dragon's corpse had merged with the mountain range, making it difficult to distinguish one from the other.

The two eyes of the real dragon have disappeared and turned into two spiritual springs.

Bloody spring water continued to flow out of the real dragon's eye sockets, looking extremely strange.

Liu Yuanchen stepped forward and immediately felt a strong pressure.

Although this real dragon has turned into a mountain, its power still remains.

He approached cautiously and encountered no danger.

Not long after, he came to the dragon corpse.

The dragon energy here is extremely strong, and at the same time, the yang energy is also extremely violent.

Liu Yuanchen felt the burning sensation again, but he could still bear it.

He flew above the dragon's head and took a close look at the two blood springs formed by the dragon's eyes. In the blood springs, extremely strong yang energy continued to gush out.

Liu Yuanchen knew clearly in his heart: 'The violent yang energy in the small cave is actually related to the corpses of these mythical beasts. '

'Although the true dragon has Qian Yang dragon energy in its body, it is extremely strong and Yang.

However, this small cave is in the underworld, and the outside is filled with strong Yin energy.

Just relying on the Yang Qi provided by the corpses of the mythical beasts and the bloody sun in the cave sky, I am afraid that it has already been assimilated by the underworld and turned into a ghost realm rich in Yin Qi. '

'The Yang Qi in this small cave is stronger than in the Yang world at noon in midsummer, so there must be something fishy in it. '

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen felt excited.

Could it be that there is a precious treasure with strong yang energy in this small cave?

If this is the case, to be able to maintain such violent yang energy in the underworld, his rank must be extremely high.

In fact, this treasure is an acquired spiritual treasure with Yang attributes.

(End of this chapter)

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