Chapter 337 Planning the Soul Stone

After taking away Xiaodongtian and taking care of the beginning and end, Liu Yuanchen breathed a sigh of relief.

He quickly left Yanyang Valley and returned to Panlong Mountain.

Ten birds in the forest are worse than one in the hand. ·

Only when Xiaodongtian is taken away by Earth Book can it be regarded as his own.

This little cave is now completely his own, and it should have a name.

Since it is a cave derived from fragments of the sun in the underworld, it is named "Mingyang Cave".

Liu Yuanchen also gained a lot from winning the Mingyang Cave this time.

I got an acquired spiritual treasure, the Dinghai Pearl, which can become my strongest weapon in the future.

In addition, his own yin and yang spiritual fire is also fully formed.

There are also many hundred thousand year old ice hidden in the dragon-shaped mountain range.

If you meet those ice attribute masters, you can also sell them at high prices.

The value of the Mingyang Cave itself should not be underestimated. No matter how small the cave is, it is still a cave. It can absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and the power of the stars.

Ordinary spiritual plants are easy to fool. As long as there is sufficient spiritual energy, they can grow well.

But some precious spiritual plants require not only sufficient spiritual energy and fertile soil, but also the power of the sun, moon and stars.

With the cave sky, those precious spiritual objects can be cultivated.

For example, Chiyang Wushen, one of the three main ingredients of Sanguang Lingyuan Dan, needs to grow in a place with abundant Yang energy.

Even though Mingyang Cave Heaven was cleaned up by Liu Yuanchen and an extra earth vein was added, its foundation was not affected too much, and the influence of the sun fragments was still very strong.

In the entire Mingyang Cave, Yang Qi is still far superior to Yin Qi.

This kind of environment is perfect for cultivating Red Yang Wu Ginseng.

Needless to say about the innate Yuan Qi, one ray of innate Yuan Qi can be guaranteed every year.

The entire cultivation of the Soul Condensation Realm only requires about a hundred strands of innate Yuan Qi.

You only need to wait a hundred years to get it together.

Even the top geniuses of the human race need to practice for two to three hundred years in the Condensation Realm.

Staying for a hundred years is already considered a great speed.

Moreover, Mingyang Cave Heaven is still growing, and more and more innate Yuan Qi will be produced in the future.

Even if the Yuan Shen is condensed in the future, more innate Yuan Qi will be needed to sacrifice the Yuan Shen.

With the innate Yuan Qi produced by Mingyang Cave Heaven and the acquisition of innate treasure materials, it is almost enough.

At least for three to five hundred years, there is no need to worry about insufficient innate Yuan Qi.

When you reach a higher realm, you still need to absorb innate energy to nourish your physical body.

Yuan Shen has no entity, and when it is first condensed, it is nourished by the innate Yuan Qi.

To complete the transformation, you don't need to consume too much innate energy.

But the physical body is different. The physical body has substance, and it is much more difficult to complete the transformation.

Naturally, more innate energy will be consumed.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly: "It's a pity that the blessed land of ten thousand monsters cannot be taken away."

Although the foundation of Ten Thousand Demons Blessed Land has been severely damaged, its origins are constantly being lost.

But after all, it is the foundation of Dongtian, which can still extract energy from chaos, and there are still large-scale earth veins.

If it can be taken away using the land book, there is every hope that its foundation can be restored.

The innate Yuan Qi generated by the cave with a radius of thousands of miles is definitely far superior to that of the Mingyang Cave. '

Liu Yuanchen tasted the sweetness of taking away Mingyang Cave this time.

If we could find a few more caves, we would also have the innate energy to nourish the physical body.

Although unlikely, it is not completely hopeless.

After all, the battle between the two Lich clans that shattered the sun of the underworld shattered the earth and space.

In this case, it is very easy to form a blessed land or even a cave.

The same is true for the Red Wasteland in the Yang Realm. Before the Witch Clan retreated to the underworld, the Red Wasteland area was the focus of competition between the Lich and the Lich Clan.

After the rise of the human race, many wars broke out with the demon race in the Red Wasteland.

Later, when creatures from outside the territory invaded, the Red Wasteland became the main battlefield again.

Even the ancestral line has been destroyed, and the possibility of creating a blessed land or even a cave is greater.

Moreover, the innate formation on the Jinyu Mountain side may be a cave, and the Wanshou Peach Tree is likely to be inside.

Since one cave heaven can be born, there is hope for more cave heavens to be born.

Even if there is little hope of finding the cave, you still have to try hard.

After all, the benefits of finding a natural cave are really great.

Even a small cave like Mingyang Cave can produce a lot of innate energy after rubbing the earth veins with the Earth Book.

If we can find two or three more small caves, it will be more than enough to practice the innate gods and demons casting and refining method.

In the future, the extracted innate energy can be integrated into Dongyang blessed land to speed up the growth of Dongyang blessed land.

After all, Dongyang Paradise is his fundamental place.


In addition to looking for more caves, now we also have to prepare for breaking through the Condensation Realm.

After staying in Mingyang Cave for more than ten years, my own cultivation has improved greatly.

Now that the yin and yang spiritual fire has taken shape, it can continuously obtain energy, and the speed of cultivation will also increase.

If you continue to practice at this speed, even if you don't use any treasures to speed up your practice, you will be able to break through to the peak of the Lingtai realm within twenty years.

With a few more years of hard work, you can break through the Soul Condensation Realm before you reach the age of 150.

The remaining twenty years do not seem too short.

However, Liu Yuanchen's retreat may take more than ten years.

These more than twenty years are already considered imminent.

The spiritual objects needed for a breakthrough still need to be gathered as soon as possible.

To break through the Soul Condensation Realm, one needs to control the Life Soul and condense it into shape.

The life soul is the most important of the three souls and seven souls. Once the life soul is damaged, all souls will be implicated.

If the life soul is seriously injured, it may never be able to break through the Soul Condensation Realm again.

In order to prevent the soul from being injured, when condensing the life soul, some spiritual objects will also be found to protect the soul.

The commonly used spiritual object is the soul-gathering grass. Taking the soul-gathering grass before condensing the life soul can increase the success rate of breakthrough.

Even if the breakthrough fails, the life soul will not be too damaged.

Soul-gathering grass is a good auxiliary spiritual item, but there is an even better auxiliary spiritual item - Life Soul Stone.

Using the power of the Life Soul Stone to break through the Soul Condensation Realm not only has a higher success rate.

Moreover, if the breakthrough fails, the soul will hardly suffer any damage.

It only takes a while to adjust before you can try to break through again.

Shortly after Liu Yuanchen obtained his legal status in the underworld, General Yunhai sent a fifth-level high-grade life soul stone.

Although the life soul stone is not bad, it may not be enough.

To be on the safe side, it is better to prepare more Life Soul Stones.

Soul-gathering grass is easy to find. High-level elixir masters of the human race have more or less some soul-gathering grass in their hands.

Spending several million spirit stones can occasionally be bought at Hongling Pavilion.

However, Liu Yuanchen still wanted the Life Soul Stone.

Whether it is to increase the success rate of breakthrough or to protect the soul, the Life Soul Stone can crush the Soul Gathering Grass in all aspects.

Ever since he learned about the function of Life Soul Stone, Liu Yuanchen has been particularly concerned about Life Soul Stone.

After consulting a large number of classics, I gained some understanding of the Life Soul Stone.

This thing can also be regarded as a kind of ore, but it is relatively rare.

In the Yuanling world, there is no such thing as a life soul stone vein.

The Life Soul Stone is just a special ore cultivated in the Soul Stone Mineral Veins, just like the Spiritual Stone Chalcedony and Spirit Vein Jade Zhi in the Spiritual Stone Mineral Veins.

Of course, the life soul stone has relatively few uses and cannot be used as a mineral seedling.

However, the value of this thing cannot be underestimated. In addition to assisting in condensing life souls, it also has the function of repairing damaged souls.

Life soul stones of level six or above can even repair damage to the soul.

In addition, there are many secret techniques to enhance the soul and soul, which require the use of life soul stones.

Even the top masters of the human race attach great importance to the Life Soul Stone.

It is wishful thinking to get the Life Soul Stone in the human world.

However, the origin of the Life Soul Stone is the underworld.

The soul stone veins in the underworld are equivalent to the spirit stone veins in the underworld.

Not only can they be found everywhere, but you can often find some.

However, ordinary soul stone veins cannot contain life soul stones.

Only those larger-scale and higher-grade soul stone veins can truly contain life soul stones.

Liu Yuanchen happened to know of such a soul stone vein.

There is a large spirit stone vein near Jin'ao Lake in Yangjian.

At the same location in the underworld, there is likely to be a soul stone vein corresponding to it.

Jin'ao Lake is the sphere of influence of the Iron-Armed Ghost King, so Liu Yuanchen has never mined the veins.

I just sent a clone to investigate and found the soul stone vein.

However, life soul stones are extremely rare in soul stone veins.

If you rely on mining soul stone veins to collect life soul stones, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

This can only be used as an alternative, not as the only way to go.

There are only two truly reliable ways, one is the way of General Yunhai, and the other is the way of General Dongyuan.

General Yunhai is probably from the Wu clan and cannot be contacted easily.

General Dongyuan can go for a walk.

As the guarding general under General Dongyuan, he has been granted the title for many years, so it is time to pay a visit to the general.

Of course, you have to go forward as a clone, and the main body must not move.


After making the decision, Liu Yuanchen sent Divine Power Clone No. 2 to visit Dongyuan City.

Not long after, a luxuriously decorated Luan Yu flew out from Panlong Mountain and headed west.

This Luan Yu was a gift from the Qinghe County God when he first became the Kaifu Divine Lord.

Although this thing looks luxurious, it is decorated with earthly gold and silver jewelry and is completely fake.

This Luanyu itself is a flying magic weapon, and it is only a second-level high-grade one.

This trip to Dongyuan City was also more formal, so naturally it had to be a bit pompous.

After more than ten days of trekking, a huge city appeared on the western land.

This huge city covers an area of ​​200 miles and is 40 feet high. It is completely made of huge rocks.

There are more than ten small cities surrounding the giant city, suspended in the sky.

This huge city is Dongyuan City, and the location of the city corresponds to the stormy sand plain at the western end of Yangjian Red Wasteland.

When Liu Yuanchen sent his avatar to the underworld, he found out that there were Feicheng guards around Dongyuan City.

At the beginning, he also suspected that the hanging ghost city in the Yangjian Baosha Plain had something to do with the flying city guarding Dongyuan City.

Now it seems that the two are completely different.

Guarding Feicheng is completely a war fortress, with elite soldiers everywhere on the city walls and numerous defensive equipment.

Whether it is style or function, the escort flying city and the hanging ghost city are completely different.

It seems that the Hanging Ghost City has nothing to do with General Dongyuan.

What secrets are hidden in the sand plains are still unknown.

This time I came to Dongyuan City to find out about the Hanging Ghost City.

General Dongyuan is considered a local snake, he should know a lot of secrets, and maybe he can gain something.

Liu Yuanchen's carriage carried the banner of "General Panlong" and did not encounter many obstacles along the way.

But when they arrived in front of Dongyuan City, the city gate official greeted him with his arms raised: "I respectfully welcome General Panlong.

Flying in the air is prohibited in Dongyuan City, and the generals are asked to remove Luan Yu. There are carriages and horses in the city specially designed to receive distinguished guests. "

Liu Yuanchen came here to buy the Life Soul Stone, so naturally he didn't want to cause trouble.

Under the leadership of the city gate officer, they soon arrived at the post house under General Dongyuan's Mansion.

After waiting for a long time, someone came to visit.

The visitor, Liu Yuanchen, was no stranger. It was You Guang who had originally conferred the title of General Panlong.

After bowing and taking a seat, You Guang asked cautiously: "I wonder what important business the general has here?"

Liu Yuanchen chuckled: "I have been named General Panlong for decades.

General Dongyuan is also my immediate superior. As a subordinate, it’s time for me to pay him an audience. "

Hearing this, You Guang's expression became quite strange.

He knew Liu Yuanchen's identity and background clearly.

It can be said that General Dongyuan is also somewhat afraid of him.

During the original negotiation, the masters of Bahuang Pavilion threatened to kill General Dongyuan and drive away all the You family.

Now that I have come to see you again, no one is sure.

He didn't dare to tell the truth, so he had to continue testing.

"The general's arrival is unlucky. The general is out on patrol and I don't know when he will be back.

General, if you have any requests, just ask them.

If it's a small matter, I can handle it.

If it's a big deal, I can tell the general. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't intend to hide anything: "When I came here this time, in addition to asking the general about something, I also wanted to purchase a batch of precious spiritual objects unique to the underworld.

Recently, the demand for spiritual objects from the underworld has increased in the underworld.

Many underworld spiritual objects can be sold for sky-high prices. "

Hearing this, You Guang breathed a sigh of relief. He was really afraid that Liu Yuanchen would come and cause trouble.

"I can't decide whether to meet the general.

However, when it comes to trading precious spiritual objects, the old man can still make the decision.

For such trivial matters, the general can just send a subordinate to inform him.

Whatever spiritual things the general needs, just tell me. "

Liu Yuanchen casually took out a piece of underworld silkworm jade silk, on which dozens of precious spiritual objects from the underworld were written.

In addition to the Life Soul Stone, there are also some innate treasures unique to the underworld.

After reading the list, You Guang looked embarrassed.

"General, these spiritual objects you want to purchase are extremely rare in the underworld.

Especially the Life Soul Stone is a strategic material.

Pluto once banned all generals from selling soul stones. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen sighed secretly: 'It's really not easy to get more Life Soul Stones!

No wonder General Yunhai would use the Life Soul Stone as a gift in exchange for the qualification to do business. '

'However, General Yunhai can use this thing as a gift, so there should be loopholes in this ban. '

"Senior, don't beat around the bush, I have some understanding of this Life Soul Stone.

They are just rare spiritual objects derived from high-level spiritual veins. General Dongyuan is in charge of Chihuangyuan, so it is impossible that he does not have stock in his hands, right? "

“Since it can’t be sold, it can also be exchanged.

If General Dongyuan needs any earthly treasures, I will try my best to acquire them. "

You Guang's eyes lit up, and then he covered it up again.

"This matter is not something I can decide. We need to report it back to the general, who will make the decision."

(End of this chapter)

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