Chapter 339 The Mystery of the Hanging Ghost City

Seeing Liu Yuanchen agreeing so readily, General Dongyuan felt suspicious.

'Looking at what this guy means, is it possible that my price is too low? '

'But I've already said it, so I can't go back on it, right?

The dignified General Dongyuan, if he goes back on his word, wouldn't it be ridiculous?

If it were to deal with other people, that would be fine. The disciples of the Ghost Hand Pill King were not easy to offend.

That's all, it's not that I haven't gained anything, so I'd better put things to rest. '

Thinking of this, he laughed a few times: "My nephew is really happy, I will send someone to send the ten kilograms of life soul stones to Panlong Mountain."

“I heard You Guang say before that you still have some things to ask.

Feel free to ask, as long as I can tell you, I will never hide it from you. "

Liu Yuanchen asked directly: "Dare I ask my uncle, do you know about the Hanging Ghost City?"


A piece of black jade in General Dongyuan's hand was crushed into pieces, making a crisp sound.

At the same time, his face became a little pale, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes.


You Guang sat down on the ground, with a look of horror on his face.

Both of them were masters, but when they heard the name of Hanging Ghost City, they were frightened like this.

Judging from this posture, General Dongyuan and You Guang know a lot of inside information.

The Hanging Ghost City does have some reputation in the world of the world, but it is not talked about in a negative light.

My master dared to go in and grab things, and after grabbing the things, he could still force his way out.

General Dongyuan's cultivation level should be similar to that of his master, maybe even higher.

To be able to make him lose his temper like this, Hanging Ghost City must have a lot of inside information that Yang Jian doesn't know.

After a long time, General Dongyuan asked in a trembling voice: "My dear nephew, how did you know about the Hanging Ghost City?"

Liu Yuanchen did not hide anything: "In the Yang world, the place corresponding to the location of Dongyuan City is a large desert called Baosha Plain.

It's a very evil place, and as long as you mention the 'wind', there will be a sandstorm.

Once a sandstorm breaks out, all kinds of strange events will occur.

For example, a warship that has been missing for many years suddenly appears and hunts down the creatures that break into the desert plains. "

"My disciple once passed by the Sandstorm Plain in his early years, and happened to encounter a sandstorm and a ghost ship chasing him.

After escaping the pursuit, they encountered the Hanging Ghost City. "

Hearing this, You Guang was shocked: "Have you ever entered the Hanging Ghost City and come out alive?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Yes, I did go in.

Fortunately, with the protection of experts from the Wanbao Chamber of Commerce, we were able to escape, but several of our fellow monks suffered losses. "

At this time, General Dongyuan also looked surprised.

"You mean, there are still many monks who survived?"

Liu Yuanchen nodded: "Exactly, the master of Wanbao Chamber of Commerce who led the team at that time had once entered the Hanging Ghost City.

We all followed his orders and dozens of people survived. "

"Looking at the looks on your and the general's faces, it seems that there is also a hanging ghost city in the underworld, and it is extremely scary."

General Dongyuan sighed: "It is true, the Hanging Ghost City has appeared several times in the underworld.

Every time it appears, it will trigger a bloody storm.

The last time a hanging ghost town appeared was more than a thousand years ago.

At that time, more than thirty of the sixth-level masters under my command were damaged.

Two other generals went in to join in the fun, but neither of them came out alive. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen felt a little strange.

Although the hanging ghost town is full of dangers, it only appears in specific places and does not wander around.

In the Yang Realm, the hanging ghost city only appears in the Sandstorm Plain and never leaves.

Baosha was originally a desert 200,000 miles wide. Sandstorms often occurred and there were almost no living creatures.

The monks who go to the Hanging Ghost City usually go in search of treasures.

The Hanging Ghost City was on the other side of the world and did not cause many casualties.

According to General Dongyuan, the Hanging Ghost City seems to have caused a lot of damage on the underworld side.

Hearing the name of Hanging Ghost City, even people like General Dongyuan felt a little embarrassed.

"Uncle, from what you say, the casualties caused by the Hanging Ghost City seem to be quite large?"

General Dongyuan sighed: “As soon as the Hanging Ghost City appears, it will swallow up all living things within a hundred miles.

Even the best masters can find it difficult to escape.

We can only go to the Hanging Ghost City once to fight for a chance of survival.

Most of those weak ghosts were left in the hanging ghost city and never came out again. "

"The hanging ghost city appears erratically. Every time it appears, the underworld will lose millions of ghosts."

“The last time it appeared was more than a thousand years ago, when the Hanging Ghost City appeared five hundred miles south of Dongyuan City.

After that, he kept wandering around Dongyuan City and devoured a large number of ghosts.

Finally, it went straight to Dongyuan City.

In desperation, I had no choice but to lead my experts to stop him.

As a result, heavy losses occurred. "

"More than a thousand years have passed, and the bustling scene around Dongyuan City has not returned to its former glory."

You Guang also continued: "I also participated in resisting the Hanging Ghost City. If it hadn't been for the general's rescue, my life would have been lost."

Liu Yuanchen recalled the hanging ghost city he had seen in Baoshayuan before. He only blocked the road in front and did not wander around.

As for swallowing ghosts, that has never been seen before.

"Does the Hanging Ghost City only appear near Dongyuan City?"

You Guang shook his head: "Of course not, otherwise we would have moved away long ago. How would we build Dongyuan City here?"

“In my travel records, the Hanging Ghost City appears five times in total.

Every time it appears, the location is different.

The only one that appeared near the Red Wasteland was more than a thousand years ago. "

Liu Yuanchen thought to himself: 'It has been more than 100,000 years since the rise of the human race. Various records mention hanging ghost cities, all of which are located in the sandstorm plains.

The hanging ghost city here in the underworld is different, you can wander around.

Is it possible that the hanging ghost city in the Yin and Yang worlds is not the same thing? '

"Uncle You, this disciple encountered an unexpected situation when he entered the Hanging Ghost City.

The Yin soldiers in the ghost city drive away outsiders, saying that there are evil spirits escaping from the ghost prison.

I thought at the time that the hanging ghost city was something from the underworld. "

You Guang shook his head repeatedly: "The Hanging Ghost City should not be something from the underworld.

As a general, he can find out some things even about Pluto.

But my Youjia didn't get any information related to the Hanging Ghost City at all. Even some veteran generals didn't get any information. "

Liu Yuanchen thought in his mind: "There is a ghost prison in the Hanging Ghost City, and there are Yin soldiers patrolling the city. It is most likely related to the underworld."

If this thing wasn't created by the underworld, who could it be? '

'It is impossible for the human race. The hanging ghost city appeared much earlier than the rise of the human race.

Moreover, the level of inheritance in the Hanging Ghost City is not low and cannot be achieved by the human race. '

'In the Yuanling Realm, the only forces with superb inheritance are the Witch Clan, the Demon Clan, and the Futian Sect.

Among these three forces, the demon clan is the least likely.

After all, the methods of the four royal families of the Monster Clan are all on the surface, and are completely incompatible with the Hanging Ghost City.

Even if combined with the understanding of the prehistoric demon clan in the previous life, the demon clan should not have similar means. Moreover, the high-level demon clan has always respected bloodline inheritance and disdained any innovation.

The black hands behind the Hanging Ghost City are most unlikely to be demons. '

'Futian Sect is possible. According to the information revealed by Qiu Hai before, the sources of Futian Sect monks are very complicated.

In addition, it is an ancient force, the inheritance level is not low, and there is no blood inheritance burden of the demon clan.

It’s not unusual to have any kind of fancy tricks. '

'The most likely one is the Witch Clan.

After all, the Houtu Ancestral Witch transformed into reincarnation, and most of the remnants of the prehistoric witch clan retreated to the underworld.

There are many masters of the witch clan among the middle and high-level people in the prehistoric underworld.

Their relationship with the ghosts is very close. '

'Considering that the Yuanling Realm Witch Clan is the back-up force left by the Prehistoric Witch Clan, there should still be contact between the two sides.

It is normal for the shaman clan in Yuanling Realm to use some methods to torture the ghosts. '

'My cultivation level was too low at the beginning and I didn't dare to cause trouble in the hanging ghost city. I was always submissive.

As a result, very little is known about the hanging ghost town as a whole.

To understand the name of the Hanging Ghost City, we still need to learn more about the situation from General Dongyuan. '

"Uncle, when I first entered the Hanging Ghost City, I didn't dare to act without permission and didn't know much about the situation in the Hanging Ghost City.

You once led your masters into the Hanging Ghost City, so you must know the situation in the city. Master, can you help me clarify my doubts? "

General Dongyuan pointed at You Guang beside him: "In that battle, You Guang was always by my side.

Everything I know, he knows.

I still have matters to deal with, so you can ask him about this. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen stood up and left, and You Guang led him to the post house.

When he arrived at the post house, You Guang sighed: "The general didn't mean to drive you away. In fact, the losses in that battle were too heavy and no one wanted to mention it.

Most of those who followed the general into the Hanging Ghost City were children of the You family, including the general's three sons.

After that battle, more than 80% of the You family's children suffered casualties.

More than a thousand years have passed, and Youjia has not been able to recover.

If you hadn't asked, we wouldn't have mentioned it. "

"Since the general wants to know this, I have to tell him."

“When we entered the Hanging Ghost Town, we didn’t encounter any obstacles.

After entering the city, there was a gloomy scene in front of me. First, I encountered a few imps setting traps.

After we killed those few brats, the surrounding area suddenly turned into a lively night market. "

“Some brave tribesmen broke into the store to search, but never came back.

There were also some people who directly attacked the city lord's palace. "

“At that time, our people were in the city lord’s palace, and a battle broke out with some strange creatures.

No one who went in came out alive. "

"When the dark moon rises, the lively scene in the ghost town changes drastically.

The creatures that were originally doing business have turned into evil spirits, monsters, and other strange creatures.

All the creatures were fighting each other, and very few of them left alive. "

The situation You Guang mentioned was almost exactly the same as what he experienced when he entered the Hanging Ghost City.

Liu Yuanchen has determined that the hanging ghost city in the underworld and the hanging ghost city in the world are the same thing.

Even if it's not the same building, at least it's controlled by the same force.

It's just that my time was special. A fierce ghost escaped from the ghost prison, and the ghost town deal ended early.

"Senior, what do those strange creatures you mentioned before look like?"

Liu Yuanchen had a hunch in his heart that these strange creatures were probably the direct descendants of the controller of the Hanging Ghost City.

You Guang took out a photo bead and said, "This is what I recorded back then. You will know after you look at it."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was quite excited.

If we can see those strange creatures, we should be able to determine who controls the hanging ghost city.

He took the shadow bead and injected it with mana, and an image soon appeared on the shadow bead.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing golden armor and a dragon horn, holding a spear, and came towards General Dongyuan.

Seeing this situation, Liu Yuanchen was shocked: "This man in golden armor seems to be from the Dragon Clan, and the soldiers under his command also look like the demon soldiers under the Dragon Clan."

Could it be that the people behind the Hanging Ghost City are demons? '

At this moment, a strong soldier wearing a green robe came out of the city lord's mansion.

These soldiers are all four to five feet tall and have green feathers on their bodies. They are from the Jumang lineage of the witch clan.

The strange thing is that these witch tribes actually joined forces with the demon tribe to attack the men of General Dongyuan.

Liu Yuanchen was very puzzled. General Dongyuan was under the command of Pluto, and Pluto was from the witch clan.

It stands to reason that General Dongyuan and the Wu clan are members of the same family, so why are they fighting among themselves?

Immediately afterwards, a bunch of other creatures joined in and besieged General Dongyuan together.

These creatures are truly weird. The leader looks like a cow, but has a pair of dragon horns and a pair of wings on its back.

The tail is like a dragon's tail, with scales.

This thing seems to be a hybrid of multiple creatures, but it's really hard to determine the type.

However, Liu Yuanchen was no stranger to these weird creatures.

The appearance of some weird creatures is exactly the same as the demon clouds that often appear in the Demon Cloud Sea.

Back then, I had witnessed the Witch Clan's army resisting alien beings in the Sea of ​​Demonic Clouds.

The creatures controlled by the demonic black lotus are exactly the same as the strange creatures in this shadow bead.

In the picture, the masters under General Dongyuan fought hard and finally escaped.

And those creatures did not pursue them.

Liu Yuanchen returned the shadow bead to You Guang, full of doubts in his heart.

'It's really weird. The Witch Clan and the Monster Clan are deadly enemies, but they can join forces to fight against them.

There are also those weird creatures that may be controlled by Black Lotus.

There are blood feuds between these three families, why can they join forces? '

'Could it be that the controller of the Hanging Ghost City is the master of the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus?

Black lotus has the effect of controlling the minds of living beings, and the demon clan and witch clan should not be able to avoid it.

If this is true, it can explain the three parties joining forces. '

'However, there is something unreasonable about this.

If the Hanging Ghost City is controlled by Black Lotus, then this thing is a great threat to the entire Yuanling World.

The hanging ghost city appears in the underworld, and the Witch Clan should try their best to suppress it.

But more than a thousand years ago, the Hanging Ghost City was raging near Dongyuan City and was not surrounded and suppressed by the Wu clan.

From this point of view, it is unlikely that the controller of the Hanging Ghost City is Heilian. '

The situation in the Hanging Ghost City was so weird that Liu Yuanchen couldn't make a judgment for a while.

'It seems that if I have the opportunity in the future, I will go to the Hanging Ghost City again.

Only in this way can we hope to uncover the secrets of the hanging ghost city. '

Of course, to enter the Hanging Ghost City, you have to go in person.

That place was so evil that General Dongyuan brought a lot of masters, but most of them were destroyed.

If the main body goes in alone, his life may not be saved.

(End of this chapter)

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