Xiaoyao Dixian: Obtain the inheritance of Zhenyuan Immortal at the beginning

Chapter 343 The Life Experience of Luochuan Dragon King

Chapter 343 The Life Experience of Luochuan Dragon King

In fact, there are not many tricks to the cultivation of the Soul Condensation Realm. It is nothing more than condensing the seven souls, and usually using various means to enhance the strength of the soul.

The method of enhancing the strength of the soul is not much different from before.

In addition to using foreign objects and taking precious spiritual objects, there are also methods such as practicing contemplation.

In the world of the underworld, elixirs that enhance the strength of the soul are of great value.

The main means for monks in the Soul Condensation Realm to strengthen their souls is to practice contemplation.

Liu Yuanchen had the Record of the Refining of All Spirits taught by the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, as well as a diagram of the true shape of the ginseng and fruit tree, and a diagram of the true shape of the ancestral shaman.

Visualizing these things can not only increase the strength of the soul, but also enhance the power of the technique, and can even play some role in understanding the laws.

Killing three birds with one stone is naturally excellent.

The matter of increasing the strength of the soul can be solved perfectly by oneself.

However, it is still a bit troublesome to gather the seven souls.

To arouse the seven souls with the seven emotions, special elixirs are needed.

However, elixir alone is not enough, the magic array is also needed to cooperate.

Currently, Liu Yuanchen has collected four auxiliary elixirs, but the magic array is nowhere to be found.

Generally speaking, medium-sized forces with some background have this type of phantom formation.

Within the Daxia Academy system, there are such phantom formations in the Guoxue palaces in various countries.

As for the Guoxue Palace in Chihuang Hou Kingdom, it’s hard to say.

After all, the Chihuang Hou Kingdom is located in a desolate place called Chihuangyuan, and its spiritual energy level is too low.

Although after more than a hundred years of operation, the original three counties have become lively.

In terms of population, the three counties combined have a population of over 100 million.

But compared with those old vassal states, there is still a big gap.

Many facilities in Chihuang Academy are not very perfect.

There are very few people who can use the phantom formation to assist in condensing the seven souls, and it is likely that it has not yet been established.

Besides, even if this thing is established, I am not willing to use it.

Once you go there, it will be equivalent to telling other forces that you have broken through the Condensation Realm.

It is best to build a set of auxiliary illusion formations that condense the seven souls in your own territory.

In this way, you can hide your own cultivation.

Of course, it's impossible to do it alone.

Although Dongyang Shenfu has many formation masters under its command, there are really no high-level formation masters.

The only ones who can appear on the stage are his junior sister Tie Junlan and the blood bat sect’s undercover Ren An.

Both of them are at the Lingtai level, but their formation level is still at the third level.

The auxiliary formations used to condense the seven souls are all fifth-level formations.

In the end, he still has to trouble his second uncle about this matter.

However, before that, we have to go to the Grand Master and Grand Master to report the breakthrough, so as not to worry them.

He used the small magical power of the substitute death clone to exchange the original body with the magical clone No. 1, and the original body appeared on Panlong Mountain in the Yangjian.

Arriving at the backyard of Dongyang Shenfu, the residence of his master.

Before he could walk in, Master's voice came from inside: "It's Yuan Chen, come in."

Liu Yuanchen walked into his master's house and saw that his whole body was covered with a layer of green mist.

These mist are not a good thing, they are extremely toxic.

If you don't have the resistance to poison, you will die if you encounter it.

Liu Yuanchen was a little confused and didn't know what happened to his master.

"Master, what's wrong with you, old man?"

Seeing the worried look on his face, Zhang Lingxu chuckled: "It doesn't matter, I'm about to make a breakthrough.

The body can no longer hold any more mana, but Dongtian still keeps feeding back mana.

There is nothing that can be done about some of the magic power escaping. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen was overjoyed.

The master is also his backer, and his improvement in cultivation will also be of great benefit to him.

He bowed and saluted: "Congratulations, Master!"

Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "It's too early to congratulate you. Breaking through the Dao Fei Realm is not an easy task."

“For Earth Immortal Dao monks to break through to the great realm, it is best to do so in their own cave.

In this way, we can get greater help from Dongtian. "

"My cave is on Wendao Mountain, and I will break through there soon."

Liu Yuanchen quickly asked: "Master, is the location of your cave heaven far away from the treasure house of Bahuang Pavilion?"

Zhang Lingxu shook his head gently: "The founder of Bahuang Pavilion is the elder of Dao Daoshan.

Later, when the Bahuang Pavilion was officially established, it was also near Daoshan Mountain.

Do you want to go to Daoshan with me and cash in the reward given to you by the sect master? "

When Venerable Lihuo, the master of Bahuang Pavilion, first arrived at Panlong Mountain, he gave Liu Yuanchen a token.

With the token, he can take any three treasures from the treasure house of Bahuang Pavilion.

And in the treasure house of Bahuang Pavilion, there is a black gold stone.

The Great Immortal Zhenyuan once said that the potential of the Book of the Earth has not been fully realized.

If you want to further advance the potential of the Earth Book, you must make the Earth Book the Earth Book of the entire Yuanling Realm.

To achieve this, it is necessary to integrate a black gold stone that is a space barrier in the Yuanling Realm into the Book of Earth.

In addition, the true imprint of the ancestral lineage of the Yuanling Realm must be left on the earth book.

Real marks are extremely rare and cannot be achieved in a short time.

Now that I have the opportunity, I naturally want to get the Wujin Stone in my hands as soon as possible.

“When my disciple opened up the spiritual realm, he used the path of the ancient earthly immortal way.

The Blessed Land grows into a cave, which is faster than the existing Earthly Immortal Path.

The disciple's blessed land may grow into a cave in the divine spring realm.

If you can get the Wujin Stone, it can greatly increase the potential of Dongtian.

Therefore, the disciple wants to go to the Bahuang Divine Mansion as soon as possible to get the Wujin Stone. "

Zhang Lingxu nodded: "This is not a difficult problem. When I go to Daoshan Mountain, it is not a problem to take you with me.

When the time comes, I will go back to the cave to retreat, and I will ask Master You to accompany you. "

"It's just that there are people watching here at Panlong Mountain. I'm afraid it won't be peaceful along the way."

Liu Yuanchen naturally knew that once his body was far away from Panlong Mountain, he would definitely be besieged.

Therefore, he planned to let his clone get the Wujin Stone.

Even if he dies, he will only lose one clone at most.

Even if the Wujin Stone is lost, it is not a big deal.

Wujinshi can only be regarded as the icing on the cake for him, not a timely help.

Just relying on the inheritance taught by Zhenyuan Immortal, he can cultivate to the realm of Immortal Immortality.

Whether the Book of the Earth can become the Book of the Earth for the entire Yuanling Realm is only a matter of growth speed.

This little thing alone is not worth risking your life for.

"The disciple's true body will not leave Panlong Mountain, so this time I will send a clone there."

Zhang Lingxu stroked his long beard with his hand: "That's good. Your avatar is extraordinary. Even if it is lost, it's not a big deal."

“However, as long as you show up, you will inevitably arouse the covetousness of some people.

I haven't broken through to the Tao Fei Realm yet, so I'm afraid I can't protect you on my own.

Losing a clone is not a big deal.

But it would be a pity to lose a piece of Wujin Stone. "

“In about two months, several experts from our Bahuang Pavilion will return to Daoshan Mountain.

When the time comes, it will be safer if we act together. "

Liu Yuanchen didn't care. It wouldn't be a big problem if he got the Wujin Stone sooner or later.

"Disciple is not afraid, it is not a problem to wait ten or eight years.

It's just that Master, in your current state, it's not appropriate to waste any more time. " Zhang Lingxu waved his hand: "It doesn't matter, just spread out the excess mana.

By the way, give me the wind and thunder stick first.

With the wind and thunder stick absorbing the excess real energy, it wouldn't be a problem to hold on for a few more years. "

Liu Yuanchen now has many minor magical powers and heavenly authority. In terms of magical weapons and magic weapons, there are earth scripts and Kunyuan thick earth seals.

This wind and thunder stick has not been used for many years.

He took out the wind and thunder stick and handed it to his master.

Then, he left the master's room and came to a secret room.

Use the power of windyin beast language to explore the surrounding situation.

Although Wujin Stone is not necessary for him to cultivate to the Immortal Realm, it is better than nothing.

In order to avoid trouble on the road, it is better to clean up those guys who are secretly watching.

Once the power of the wind chant beast language was exerted, countless voices penetrated into the ears.

He controlled the location of the eavesdropping and first explored Dongyang Lake, the ancestral home of the Liu family.

After snooping for a while, nothing unusual was found.

People from the Liu family live there, and any outsider who enters will be extremely conspicuous.

In addition, most of the creatures under Dongyang Divine Mansion are near Dongyang Lake.

It's very difficult to hide there.

Afterwards, he focused his attention on Jinyu City and Yannan City, but still found nothing unusual.

Exploring Wuyun Ridge was also calm.

Later, Liu Yuanchen focused on the place where Panlong Lake merged into Qingshui River.

There is Hekou Town, the most important water transportation throat in the entire Chihuang Hou Kingdom.

Now it is extremely lively, both in terms of the scale of the building and the number of monks stationed here, far exceeding that of Qinghe County.

The more the Chihuang Hou Kingdom expands eastward, the higher the value of Hekou Town becomes.

Therefore, there are many casual cultivators living in Hekou Town.

It is said that the city is hidden in the city. If people who have their own ideas want to hide, Hekou Town is naturally the best choice.

He searched carefully in Hekou Town for most of the day, but found nothing unusual.

Both his master and his great master said that someone was watching around.

However, there were no clues about the authority of the Wind Yin Beast Language. It was obvious that these people were prepared.

But this is not surprising. Almost everyone knows that he is the True God of Heavenly Dao in Panlong Mountain.

Those who are spying in secret should be on guard.

He expanded the Tiandao Divine Realm to explore the surrounding situation.

Currently, the Tiandao Divine Realm can cover three hundred miles around Panlong Mountain, but still nothing has been found.

He once again used the small magical power of the substitute clone, and the main body and the magical clone No. 3 were exchanged.

The magical power clone No. 3 has been staying on the Wuyun Ridge in the Yangjian, and usually uses the spring breeze to transform into rain, cultivating the vegetation into spiritual plants for ears and eyes.

At this time, the main body appeared on a mountaintop in Wuyun Ridge.

The Divine Realm of Heaven spreads out again, and the situation within a radius of three hundred miles can be seen at a glance.

Sure enough, he soon discovered that someone was lurking in secret.

There is a natural underground cave in the mountains more than a hundred miles north of Jin'ao Lake.

At this time, in a spacious stone chamber in the cave, a middle-aged monk with no visible cultivation was sitting cross-legged and meditating.

Not long after, a young man got into the stone room.

He bowed to the middle-aged monk and said, "See you, uncle."

The middle-aged monk opened his eyes, revealing two vertical pupils, like snake eyes.

A cold and hoarse voice sounded: "What's going on with Liu Yuanchen?"

The young man sat down and said, "Uncle Master, Liu Yuanchen is still the same as usual.

Even the clouds and rain on Wuyun Ridge have not changed for decades.

News also came from the junior brother's side that there was also Liu Yuanchen on Panlong Mountain handling various matters.

Both of them may be Liu Yuanchen's clones, and it would be useless to catch them. "

“We’ve been watching here for decades and there’s been no progress at all.

There is no point in continuing to stay here. "

The middle-aged monk snorted coldly: "Stupid, you don't know the value of Liu Yuanchen!

At first he was just a young monk of the third-level immortal species, and his physique was very average.

In Qingdan Sect, those who are not qualified to enter the current sect are only qualified to be outer disciples.

But he was able to break through to the Lingtai realm at the age of eighty.

This kind of talent is unique in the history of the human race.

And the towering tree that appeared when he broke through to the Lingtai realm was definitely not ordinary. "

"Liu Yuanchen has a great opportunity. In addition, he killed the remnant soul of the Dragon King of Luochuan, so he may have the inheritance and treasure of the Dragon King of Luochuan.

If we can capture it, our Demon God Sect will definitely be able to take a further step.

When the time comes, do we still need to rely on the demon clan? "

After hearing this, Liu Yuanchen had an idea.

'It turns out to be the evil obstacle of the Demon God Sect. '

The strength of the Demon God Sect is considered to be one of the best among the Ten Thousand Gods Sect.

Moreover, these guys are still the die-hard lackeys of the Dragon Clan.

The young monk looked indifferent: "It is said that the Dragon King of Luochuan is extraordinary, but no matter how powerful he is, he is just a dragon.

Compared with the real dragon of the dragon clan, what is a dragon? "

The middle-aged monk snorted coldly: "What do you know, you idiot?

Although the Luochuan Dragon King is a dragon, he is stronger than most real dragons.

Just looking at hard power, not many of the Dragon Clan's Immortals dare to say they can stabilize him. "

The young monk was puzzled: "How is it possible? The Dragon Clan respects blood.

The stronger the bloodline, the stronger the strength.

At the same level, a dragon can never be compared to a true dragon. "

The middle-aged monk said coldly: "The Dragon King of Luochuan was originally a real dragon, and he was the son of the Dragon King.

Not only that, he is also the Dragon Emperor's most valued heir, and will almost certainly become the Dragon Emperor. "

“I just don’t know why, but he destroyed his foundation, left the Dragon Clan, and went to the Luochuan River Basin to become a small Luochuan Dragon King.

After that, instead of declining, his strength increased by leaps and bounds.

The Dragon Clan sent people to capture him many times, but he repelled them all.

Later, when the human race rose, the dragon clan focused all their energy on dealing with the human race, so they no longer cared about him. "

“The human race has detailed records of what happened next.

The Dragon King of Luochuan was besieged by several human immortals. When he was defeated, he used a secret technique to fake his death.

When he was resurrected, he was interrupted by Liu Yuanchen and his soul was gone."

“So, the Dragon King of Luochuan must have the inheritance of the dragon clan in his hands.

In addition, he should have another inheritance in his hand, which is even more advanced than the Dragon Clan inheritance. "

"If not, how could Liu Yuanchen soar into the sky?"

Hearing this, the young man's eyes lit up.

“In this way, if we can kill Liu Yuanchen and take away the inheritance of Luochuan Dragon King.

With the inheritance of the Demon God Sect, wouldn’t it make us the strongest in the Yuanling world? "

After listening to their conversation, Liu Yuanchen was very excited.

It turns out that the old guy from Luochuan Dragon King still has such a life experience.

There is no mention of these things in the books he left behind.

The son of the Dragon Emperor had hoped to go one step further and become the next Dragon Emperor.

But he voluntarily gave up his identity as a dragon, even destroyed his own foundation, and ran to the Luochuan River Basin to become the River Dragon King.

Even with a bloodline disadvantage, he can still defeat a true dragon of the same level.

How powerful is the inheritance he received?

(End of this chapter)

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