Chapter 38 Rewards
After arriving in Qinghe Town, Liu Yuanchen did not rush to discuss his merits, but returned to his residence.

The matter of apportioning credit is naturally handled by Mo Lianshan.

In this battle, four evil cultivators were killed.

These four people are all at the ninth level of cultivating Qi, so they must have a lot of good things in them.

Returning to his temporary residence, Liu Yuanchen took out the ape-man's storage bag.

This storage bag looks ordinary, made of a black animal hide.

His spiritual sense penetrated into the storage bag, and the internal space turned out to be ten feet in diameter, comparable to a warehouse.

Unfortunately, this kind of storage bag still only contains heavy items, and the overall weight is the same.

With Liu Yuanchen's current physical strength and carrying a storage bag weighing three to five hundred kilograms, the impact will not be particularly great.

If it is heavier, it will affect the speed.

This ape-man has a nice storage bag and is worth a lot of money.

In the storage bag, there are about three thousand pieces of spiritual stones alone.

In addition, there are also elixirs, talismans and the like.

They are all first-class goods, and Liu Yuanchen doesn't like them either.

In addition to these, there are several sealed jars, a square jade box, and two animal skin books.

The ape-man's strength was extraordinary, and Liu Yuanchen also attached great importance to these two animal skin books.

Opening an animal skin book, I saw three characters "Beast God Transformation" written on the cover.

Next, is the general outline of this inheritance.

According to the records in the general outline, this beast-god transformation is a technique specially developed for half-demon.

Speaking of which, this technique has some relationship with the Classic of Ten Thousand Beasts practiced by Liu Yuanchen.

The Beast God Transformation is based on the fragments of the Book of All Beasts and combined with some inheritance from the demon clan.

The Beast God Transformation does not cultivate Gang Qi, but only draws on the content of the Ten Thousand Beasts Scripture to understand the charm of monsters and temper the body.

Real demon clans rely on their own bloodline inheritance and practice, and there is no need to create any other techniques at all.

However, the half-demon's bloodline is impure, his bloodline inheritance is messy, and his cultivation is ineffective.

Half-demon does not fully possess the bloodline, body structure, or even charm of a demonic beast.

Only then did he create such a thing by drawing on the skills of the human race and combining them with the inheritance of the demon race.

This beast god transformation is to refine the demon blood into the body, and use various means to gradually change the body structure to make it closer to the demon clan, so as to change the shortcomings of the half-demon's extremely low potential.

As the level of cultivation improves, half-demon will get closer and closer to the real demon clan.

How far a cultivator can grow depends mainly on what essence and blood he has refined.

The more extraordinary the refined blood is, the stronger the cultivator's realm and potential will be.

But half-demon has a very low status among the demon clan, and its strength is not very good.

If you want to rely on the beast god to transform, you must have the same type of high-level monster blood.

But high-level monsters have a good status and are powerful.

How can half-demon easily obtain their essence and blood?
For example, for a half-demon with the bloodline of a low-level dragon monster, it is best to refine the essence and blood of a true dragon to practice the beast-god transformation.

As long as there is enough essence and blood, the potential can be close to that of a true dragon.

In fact, let alone a real dragon, even a dragon has a very high status in the demon clan and is not accessible to half-demon at all.

If one uses the blood of low-level monsters such as the Spirit Snake, the blood and body will only develop in the direction of the Spirit Snake.

But the spirit snake's bloodline is too low, and its potential is not very good.

After going through a lot of hard work to become a being close to a pure-blood demon clan, but instead becoming a low-level demon clan, it would be better not to practice at all.

All in all, this beast-god transformation is a technique with extremely high potential, but actually has little effect.

He looked through another animal skin book, and the content recorded in it was the same as the beast god transformation. They were all the supporting spells for the beast god transformation, as well as the secret techniques of body refining.

Then, he took out a jar over a foot high. After opening it, a strong smell of blood came out.

Inside the jar is a thick blood-red liquid, which also contains a lot of spiritual power. This should be the blood essence of monsters.

I opened a few more jars, and they were also full of blood essence.

In the art of alchemy, some pills are refined with the essence and blood of monsters.

But the essence and blood used in making alchemy need to be carefully prepared.

This kind of thing that is kept casually cannot be used at all.

After sealing the jar, Liu Yuanchen focused his attention on the jade box.

This jade box can also be regarded as a magic weapon, and its main function is to preserve the medicinal properties of spiritual objects.

Opening the jade box, I saw a bright green peach inside, the size of an adult's fist.

Peaches are rich in water spiritual power and wood spiritual power. Moreover, the emerald green peel is almost transparent, and the water inside is rippling, almost overflowing.

As a spiritual medicine master, naturally this is a peach.

This peach is called Bishui Lingpeach, a second-level low-grade spiritual plant.

It is rich in water and wood spiritual power, and for monks in the Qi-nourishing realm with water and wood attributes, eating this blue water spiritual peach will be of great benefit to their cultivation.

Moreover, this peach has some effects on improving qi and blood, and has a certain auxiliary effect on body training.

Peach wood is also quite good and is a good material for refining weapons.

Of course, Liu Yuanchen would not eat this peach. Who knows what it went through in the hands of the ape-man.

However, this peach is ripe and the peach core is completely ready for planting.

Next time I go to the Qingshi Mountain Spiritual Realm, I will plant this peach core in the spiritual realm.

He took out the mace he had taken from the ape-man and observed it carefully.

This mace is indeed extraordinary. The pole is made of first-grade high-grade spiritual wood, and the head is made of iron essence.

The so-called iron essence is the essence of black iron.

A large piece of dark iron is selected, continuously forged, and supplemented with secret techniques to bring together the essence of the dark iron.

The black iron that lost its essence became scrap iron.

After removing the scrap iron, what remains is the essence of black iron.

With the craftsmanship of the Qingdan Sect's Weapon Refining Hall, one hundred kilograms of black iron can be used to forge about one kilogram of black iron essence, and a lot of manpower is wasted during this process.

Therefore, the essence of black iron is valuable and is usually used to refine second-level magic weapons.

The person who made this mace was obviously not very skilled at it.

Using the materials used to refine the second-level magic weapon, only the first-level high-quality magic weapon was refined.

Moreover, this mace is not light, weighing hundreds of kilograms.

The skills are not enough, but the materials are scraped together, which is quite similar to the Qingdan Sect's weapon refining technique.

A mace consumes hundreds of kilograms of black iron essence.

This material alone is worth four to five hundred yuan in spirit stones.

At this price, you can buy a second-level mid-grade magic weapon.

I have to say that the weapon refiner who made this mace is really a genius.

The total items on the ape-man's body are probably worth nearly 4000 yuan of spiritual stones.

It can be seen that he has made sufficient preparations to break through the Qi Sea Realm.

The storage bags of the other three evil cultivators didn't have much good stuff.

That is, some basic evil cultivation techniques, plus elixirs, spiritual talismans, etc., and the magical instruments are also average.

The combined net worth of the three people is less than two thousand spiritual stones.

...Five days later, Mo Lianshan sent a message asking him to go to Qingdan Pavilion, saying that the results of the reward based on merit came down.

Liu Yuanchen hurried to the Qingdan Pavilion Mission Department and saw Mo Lianshan and his son and Hu Shanren in the house.

After seeing the ceremony, Hu Shanren smiled and said: "Yuan Chen is here too, so I will tell you about the reward from above.

This time, the evil cultivator is ambushing Jintongshan and planning to mine.

This time, in order to protect the mine, we fought to the death with the evil cultivators.

In the end, we saved the mine and made great achievements. "

Hearing this, Liu Yuanchen couldn't help but murmur: This is really reporting good news but not bad news. It is obvious that the information obtained is incomplete and he fell into someone else's trap.

But the superiors said that they were fighting to the death against evil cultivators to protect the mine.

Hu Shanren continued: "Liu Yuanchen captured the evil cultivator alive and made great achievements in order to obtain information.

After that, he killed an evil cultivator and also killed a resentful soul in the Hundred Soul Banner of the evil cultivator in the Qi Sea.

The sect master personally approved and promoted you to a direct disciple.

If you can cultivate to the peak of qi cultivation before the age of 25, when you break through the qi sea realm, the sect will sell you an auxiliary elixir to break through the qi sea realm. "

This direct disciple only has a status within the sect, comparable to that of an elder's direct disciple, rather than actually becoming a direct disciple of a certain elder.

This name has little value to Liu Yuanchen.

But the qualification to purchase auxiliary elixirs is quite tempting.

The auxiliary elixir for breaking through the Qi Sea Realm cannot be purchased by anyone with spiritual stones, and it also involves qualification issues.

Powerful elders can purchase it once every five years, and idle elders can purchase it once every ten years.

As for stewards, they can only be purchased once every 30 years, and personal disciples are the same as stewards.

As for the inner disciples and outer disciples, in the eyes of the sect, they are just part-time workers and have no qualifications at all.

Moreover, these elixirs are in short supply.

It doesn’t mean that you will definitely be able to buy it if you are qualified to buy it.

A group of elders were waiting above, and the steward had almost no chance to buy it.

The reward Liu Yuanchen received was that as long as he could cultivate to the peak of Qi Nourishing Realm before the age of 25, the sect would definitely sell him a pill.

This is different from other purchasing qualifications, and there is no need to compete.

Liu Yuanchen originally planned to grow the elixir himself in the spiritual realm of Qingshi Mountain, wait for 20 to [-] years, and then refine the Pulse Strengthening Pill himself.

The lifespan of Earth Immortal Dao monks is longer than that of Qi Dao practitioners. Breaking through a few years later will not have much impact.

Now that I have a better opportunity, I naturally can’t let it go.

I am only 20 years old now and have five years left.

In terms of cultivation, it has been half a year since I broke through the seventh level of Qi nourishment.

As long as you put more effort into cultivation, it will only take two or three months to break through the eighth level of Qi nourishment.

It is simply a piece of cake to reach the peak of Qi-nurturing realm before the age of 25.

Hu Shanren took out a silver token: "Yuan Chen, this is the newly issued disciple token from the Pill Hall."

Liu Yuanchen took the token and said, "Thank you two elders for your support."

Hu Shanren took out another silver token: "In this battle, Mo Linghai lured away more than a dozen evil cultivators in the Qi Nourishing Realm, killed three people, and seriously injured one person.

The great elder has approved and promoted you to a personal disciple.

Like Yuan Chen, if you can cultivate to the peak of Qi cultivation before the age of 25, the sect can give priority to selling an auxiliary elixir to break through the Qi Sea realm. "

Hearing this, Mo Linghai beamed with joy and took the token: "Thank you, Hall Master Hu."

He should be less than 17 years old now, and he is already at the seventh level of Qi cultivation.

The peak level of qi nourishing is just a step forward to the ninth level of qi nourishing. The essence is still the ninth level of qi nourishing, but it has the qualification to break through the qi sea realm.

He possesses a second-class middle-level immortal species. In eight years, he has not been able to advance to three minor realms. It is almost impossible to catch him.

The reason why the sect emphasizes cultivating to the peak of Qi cultivation at the age of 25 is because it hopes that disciples can break through the Qi Sea realm before the age of 30.

If you just break through the Qi Sea Realm, as long as you have auxiliary elixirs, you will have a high probability of success even at the age of 80 or [-].

If you break through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of 30, you will have a greater chance of breaking through the Condensing Yuan Realm in the future.

More than 30% of those monks who can break through the Condensing Yuan Realm have broken through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of [-].

The vast majority of the other 40% of Condensing Yuan Realm monks broke through to the Qi Sea Realm before the age of [-].

It was relatively late to break through to the Qi Sea Realm, and there were only very few monks who could further break through to the Condensing Yuan Realm.

A monk's cultivation speed is not only affected by his talent and skills, but also by his age.

The life of a monk can be divided into three stages.

The first third of life is the growth period. During this stage, monks practice extremely quickly.

Among them, the monks with average talents can break through the small realm without the help of spiritual objects.

The second third of longevity is the stable period. The cultivation speed of monks at this stage will gradually drop to about a quarter of the growth stage.

When breaking through a small realm, it is usually necessary to have the aid of elixirs.

Even if there are auxiliary elixirs, the success rate of breaking through to the big realm will be slightly reduced.

The last third of the lifespan is the decline period. At this stage, the monk's body is decayed, his potential is almost exhausted, and his cultivation level will slowly decrease.

Even if you practice diligently, you can only ensure that your cultivation level will not decline.

If you want to improve your cultivation level, you need the assistance of various elixirs.

If you want to break through a small realm, you have to pay a huge price.

Without heavenly materials and earthly treasures, it would be almost impossible to break through to the great realm.

The growth period for monks in the Qi-nourishing realm is before the age of 40, and the growth period for monks in the Qi-sea realm is before the age of 80.

The earlier the breakthrough, the longer the growth period left for the next level, and the greater the possibility of further advancement.

Therefore, any force that has the conditions will try their best to allow their talented disciples to break through the Qi Sea Realm before the age of 30.

Of course, the foundation must be solid.

Therefore, disciples are required to cultivate to the peak of Qi Nourishing Realm before the age of 25, and slowly accumulate it over five years.

Seeing that both of them were very happy, Hu Shanren sighed: "This time we destroyed the evil cultivator's nest in Jintongshan, our losses were not small, and we lost more than a dozen disciples."

Seeing that he was a little sad, Mo Lianshan comforted him with a few words.

This time the evil cultivators dared to ambush in Jintongshan because they were sure that Jintongshan was short of manpower.

This was a flaw. Liu Yuanchen thought for a long time and decided to remind it.

"This time the evil cultivator is ambushing Jintongshan. If we hadn't accidentally obtained the information, I'm afraid the Jintongshan mine would also be in danger.

Although Qinghe Town was anchored at the easternmost part of the sect's territory, the evil cultivators did not dare to openly attack the sect's hinterland.

But it is still very possible to send a small number of experts to sneak into the rear and cause damage.

This time the evil cultivators dared to ambush in Jintong Mountain, and next time they might go deeper into the sect's hinterland.

If the sect does not strengthen the defense of the Jintongshan Mine, the rear may be unstable. "

Hu Shanren chuckled: "Senior Nephew Yuan Chen is indeed very knowledgeable, and the senior leaders of the sect also see the value of Jin Tong Mountain.

Jintongshan is not far from Qinghe Town, and is relatively close to the border. It is also supported by a complete set of defense systems, and it is at odds with Qinghe Town.

As long as more manpower is deployed, the sect's hinterland can be protected. "

"Now the sect has transferred several Qi Sea Realm monks and fifty or sixty Qi Nourishing Realm monks.

If there are changes in the future, a recruitment order will be issued again to recruit disciples within the sect and monks from the families under the sect to guard Jintong Mountain. "

(End of this chapter)

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